10 in the morning, threw in some one minute pickups after 3 miles. Started at 5:01 pace and worked down to 4:36 pace for the last one. Average HR was 124, not bad for having a couple of 5 minute miles in there.
5 after my shift, avg HR 118, not going to put these every day but just an indicator that I'm in really good running shape, not fast-running shape yet though. 112 miles from Monday-Sunday. Legs have started to stop feeling wrecked - I don't even need ibuprofen anymore - so I think this whole high mileage + classes + hospital work is going to be doable. It's going to get harder - that long run still has a few miles to increase to, I'm going from 18 hours on my feet to 30 at the hospital once I get on payroll, and normal weights and workouts - but if I can handle this I bet I can handle that too.
In other news, over the weekend I was called and compared to a lot of things, the better ones being Thor pre-getting fat, Hermione from Harry Potter(twice, one comparing my hair and one comparing my face to hers), and "my future ex-baby daddy". They all came from different people, and only one(the hair one) was said by a patient and not one of the nurses. Love working at this hospital.