5 mile shakeout in the morning. Since my final is tomorrow no class today, so I slept in to let the body recover, basically went from run to class to hospital to friend's house with no real break to recover except for an hour or so after the run where I made lunch. Legs felt fine but it was very hot out at 10AM and it took a bit more willpower than usual to get it done. At least I'll get a bit more recovery between runs today with no classes.
9 on Sandy Rd in the rain. More like Muddy Rd. Wore my tortoise-shell glasses(not prescription i'm 20/10 like a 9 year throwback) and my older trainers and had an absolute blast, it was very cool out with the rain and I was slipping and sliding all around, never fell though luckily. Felt like I could have gone on forever today. Was sad to end it at 9. Strided out the last half mile to stretch out the legs