Holy moly I was tired today. Original plan was 3x2 miles but marching band was on the track. Then went to the park and changed it to 4xgrass mile instead. Warmed up three and felt pretty trashed. I went out on the first repeat and managed to get .20 in the first minute, but my legs told me to stop. No point in wasting a workout on dead legs. Went 6 miles after. Ran sockless and that was a huge mistake. The last mile my left heel hurt so bad, my limp game was awful. Took off my shoes and ran the last mile on the turf. I might do a short run later and try the workout again tomorrow.
Also I got quantified(finally) which is sick. On the other website it says I have 238 monthly views.
PM - went and lifted, did 3 easy on the treadmill after, ran the last quarter mile at 5:20 pace which felt pretty good. Also did 100 pushups and 100 sit ups.