5 in the afternoon! I have no scientific proof to back it up but in short since all(2 or 3) of my problems that have made me take time off have been my right calf, I took a bit of time to think of why it was there; I've never had a calf problem before. You could chalk it up to a year and a half off, but I think it's because I've been doing shorter loops for basically all my runs, all counter-clockwise, which means a few 90 degree turns left every 500m for my normal running loop. I didn't have any problems when I was doing Sandy Rd every day, that's actually when my training was going best mileage-wise, however bugs have been really bad up there, they'd basically circle around me the entire run, and hit me in the face constantly which i guess you could say bugged me(the blogger known as kedric is laughin somewhere in Texas right now), so I decided to cave in and get bug spray after I did the 500m loop clockwise for once. Might not be the cause but I think it's a solid theory.
Also SO conflicted with the NBA finals, in 2016 I made some bet with Alli P that Golden State would win(and of course 3-1 means nothing to Lebron), and ever since then I've been a huge fan of them, and dynasties in sports in general. However before Utah I lived in San Antonio for 7 years, so I was a huge Spurs fan, including when Kawhi was on it and they beat Lebron in 2014. So either way I'll be happy in part but also sad regardless of who wins. Still pulling for the dubs a lil more, and Lowry a fool for missing that game-winner lol