What a day. Stayed up until 1 on the DM with Connor, Tyler, Bill, and a few others. I usually go to bed at 10. Woke up at 6-ish to go on my run at red fleet with Kedric(Bamboozler) and Aaron. I forgot my hat and glasses. We warmed up for a mile, ran 9, and then cooled down to the lake, then cooled down by jumping into the lake. We all forgot water and were SO dehydrated. When I got back I don't think Gatorade has ever tasted so supreme. I drank a full thing of Gatorade AND ate a package of gummy worms, and my weight was at 151, which means before that it was at 149. I haven't been this light since freshman year, and I was like 6 inches shorter. #Approachingkenyanweightstatus