10 miles, started at 5:21 am. I wanted to warm up for a mile, then run 1 mile fast, .5 mile recovery 5 times. At about mile 4 i could feel some stomach problems coming on. at mile 6.8ish I had to stop and slowly and carefully walk to McDonalds to take advantage of their early hours and use their bathroom. After that I did 3.1ish miles slow just to get my 10 miles in. Overall this run was ok. I was doing great until the stomach problems came. Mile 1 8.06 Mile 2 7.13 (1 mile fast)
Mile 2.5 4.01 (half mile recovery)
Mile 3.5 6.38 (1 mile fast)
Mile 4 4.16 (half mile recovery)
Mile 5 6.39 (1 mile fast)
Mile 5.5 4.06 (half mile recovery)
Mile 6.5 6.51 (1 mile fast)
Mile 6.84 (stopped watch here and walked to the bathroom) 2.57 Mile 7.84 8.23 (just trying to get it home)
Mile 8.84 7.54 Mile 9.94 7.50 Mile 10 1.26 Total 1.16.22 Avg 7.38 Max HR 181 Avg HR 153