Pretty decent workout tonight. I did a 2.5 mile warm-up over to Hurricane High School then did 4x800 with 400 jog/recovery, once again the goal was to not run anything slower than 2:40 and to try to be around 2:35-2:37. 1-2:34 (1:16, 1:17) This was as fast as my fastest repeat last time
2- 2:35 (1:15, 1:20) 3-2:33 (1:15, 1:17) This one felt good, I had ran through the sprinkler on the football field before doing this one
4- 2:34 (1:14, 1:19) Felt good to end on this one. Pretty good workout, I think tomorrow will just be some easy miles, then on Friday probably 7 or 8 miles with 3 or 4 miles at marathon race pace. 2.5 mile cool-down home. Speedstar-21