I had a busy morning and wasn't able to get out until after noon with temps approaching 90. I went for 32 miles on the mountain bike about half on pavement and half on dirt. I took an extra water bottle and pushed the pace pretty good. The heat doesn't get you as bad on a bike because you're creating your own wind. I had one three mile climb though where there was just enough wind at my back to make no breeze at all. I had so much sweat dripping from my helmet and forehead that in seemed like it was raining on my quads as I pedaled. felt good to go back down into the breeze.
PM Ran 6 miles late. Finished at 11:30. Ran fairly easy pace first 3 miles then did 4 x 35-45 second pickups then 1/4 mile at 5:40 pace on the way back. Overall pace was 8:05. Very dark night with no moon.