I went to the track for some intervals this morning. With a biathlon coming up in two weeks I decided to get in a 5k workout. My target was to run 5x1000 at what felt like a pace I could sustain for 5k with a 400 recovery lap between each. I started with a 3 mile warmup then went 4:03, 4:06, 3:54, 3:52, 3:48 with recoveries at around 8:30 pace. The first 2 were intervals were probably more what my 5k pace would have been today but I couldn't resist pushing for a little better time on these and ran the last 3 at a little harder effort. I ran another 3 1/2 laps cooldown to make it an even 8 miles. PM I headed out for a ride on my road bike but about 4 1/2 miles in my derailleur broke and I had to call my wife to come pick me up. When I got home I hopped on my mt bike and did another 20 miles on the highway. I kept the effort pretty hard. and felt pretty good considering the hard workout in the morning.