am- 4 miles/ 30 min E. Good morning and it was warm this morning? We got weird weather down here.
pm- 3.8 miles/ 30 min E. Nice chill run out and around the neighborhoods of my stake. Pretty beast. It was sooooooooooooooooooooo freakin cold today!! I didn't bring a jacket to wear so it was even worse. I came home and ate a nice bowl of chicken vegetable soup and that warmed me up.
DEFINITION OF THE DAY: Superstition- excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings. Today's word is superstition because I have, for the second time, lost my hacky-sack a day after I purchased it. This time it was because Andrew kicked it onto the top of the school. Such a bummer but oh well, when gives ya lemons, make some lemonade. Or take it to Chick-fil-a and have them make it into some delicious lemonade!