am- .5 mile warm-up, 6 miles/ 50 min PVXC Time Trial warm/cool and then 4xhill loops and striders. What a day! So today was the time trial and it was awesome! So we wanted to pack it and push together which worked well! Preston lead the first mile and Andrew was leading-ish the first half of the second. Paul surged out a little but came back and then me and Nick surged ahead cause Andrew seemed to be struggling. And that is when Nick and I took off. We were goin and then Nick pulled ahead. I was pushing hard to go after him and then I did the unthinkable! I barfed and it was nasty. And then 200 meters later I barfed again but worse and thats when Skylar passed me and I held to my spot from there. Good race though and great effort as a team. We had 10 guys in the span of 23 seconds so that was kewl.
pm- 3.82 miles/ 30 min E. My bro Devo and I drove to the Green Springs park and ran Mustang Pass and it was really nice weather!! I love how it has been cloudy a lot. It keeps the heat off a lil' bit;)
Team night was tonight and I got a sick glow in the dark bag!
RHR- 48