7 miles Recovery in 1:00:31 (8:38/mi, avg HR 138). Pretty stiff from the Chiro adjustments on Friday. He's obviously hit on a problem area, because the tingly leg sensation I'd been getting on long runs in the past is now in full force and obviously emanating from my lower back. Once I got on the road today, though, things loosened up nicely and the run felt super-easy. Wound up running a bit faster than my recovery pace allows but just couldn't help myself, and since my HR was well below the 70% threshold, why not? Perhaps the feeling that I'd gotten a few days this week that my fitness had suddenly jumped was right on. Merry Xmas to me. Got my personalized training schedule from Greg McMillan today, along with some light reading material. Before I blog about any sort of specifics, I've asked if there's anything he'd like me not to write about, and there's nothing worse than making your coach mad I suspect, so I'll withhold details until I get the okay, but I'm well and truly excited. It starts tomorrow with an Easy Run, which is much less exciting, but still has me pumped. I was somewhat bummed to see that there is no "Run This Workout Twice And It's Guaranteed To Halve Your Marathon Time" workout included, but I'll get over it :) Brooks Trance - 258 miles. |