5 miles in 39:03, 7:48/mi, HR 165. Sunny and warm (74F). Legs tired and a bit sore in spots, but warrmed up well with LM/LL. Followed up with 1+ mi walk with the dogs, McMillan core routine #2 (first time), and stretching. My Garmin 405 turned 1 a few days ago, so its fitting that it was completely dead when I grabbed it to head out today. No lights/power/nothing, despite being on it's charger. Fortunately, my 305 didn't need charged too much to function as a backup, since my normal backup watch was also completely dead (leading me to think an EMP had been set off over my house for a few minutes....fortunately, swapping batteries on the watch worked wonders). The bad news is the 405 is out of warranty, but the good news is that I bought it at REI for just this reason....their 100% guarantee. Actually, the salesperson talked me into the whole purchase citing this as an example of why I should buy stuff at REI, so I've no guilt in exchanging it for a new one after 1+ years use. Especially since it sat on my desk for nearly 5 months while I was out with an injury. Garmin makes neat stuff, but their quality isn't the best...