11.48 miles in 90 minutes, 7:50/mi. 25 minute warmup, Fartleks: 20 x 1 min on, 1 min off. 25 minute cooldown.
Last hard session before NWP on Friday. Fartleks felt good...1 minute duration just long enough to start getting tired but not too long so that it outlasts the recovery period. 10 were uphill, 4 on the flats, and 6 downhill. Interestingly, the uphill/flat ones were limited by the amount of O2 I could suck into my lungs, whereas the downhill ones seemed limited by the muscle strength of my legs. Probably averaged around 3K speed on most of them (5:38/mi).
The new 405 I picked up on Sunday to replace the first one decided to work fine during the workout, but then wouldn't transfer the results and locked up when viewing the history on the watch. Sigh...I've had this happen before on my 305 (rarely) but I'm still not happy about it. Last chance for the 405 series for me. So I'm guessing on the Easy versus VO2Max miles. Asics GT 2120 - 562.23 miles. 4 miles in 32:10, 8:02/mi, HR 143. Cloudy and cool (60F) all day today. Hope this lasts....perfect racing weather. Asics GT 2120 - 566.23 miles. |