Day 4 in a row of trying to work into building back my base miles from my 6 week injury layoff. The old leg felt pretty good the first mile was not much of an issue until the last .25 mile like yesterday. It seems to recover enough in 24 hrs. in order to run each day, so that much I am thankfull for. Hopefully it will begin to come around and at some point get strong again. I am planing on running tomorrow which was my goal for the week to make 5 days ina row. I will more than likley stick with this routine another week or two and then increase my milage a little. Today I also did 35 min of upper body strength training and another 200 crunches. At this point my average min. per mile is not an issue until I feel I have a good base under my belt. Have a great weekend and we will talk tomorrow. |