Ephraim's Grave Up willow to the cut-off and over the pass. That hill was bigger than I remember. Once at the top the maze of trails tricked me and I ended up "exploring" more than needed. I paid homage to Old Ephraim's grave, but I was eyeballing the small trail heading up that hollow. I checked it out and was rewarded by 2 huge moose eyeballing me. They were about 100m away, but very wary of me. Of course, no camera today. Figures. I only saw one person (hunter) the whole time, so I ended up winning the large animals versus people count. After bailing on my exploring trip, I followed the road all the way to Ricks and took that trail back to the car. Tired, but satisfied. T- 2:40 (9:42) 3,300' vert 
*Weekly total 54 miles 6000' vertical ** On a more important note, Paul got his marathon trials qualifying time today. 2:18:48!