Epic Bike Ride - The annual pilgrimage to Logan Peak was long overdue. The family was gone for the day so what better time than now? I decided to do it from my front porch to get the full effect. The route was Hollow Road - Blacksmith Fork Canyon - Left Hand Fork to junction - Left at Junction past Richards Hollow (top side) - Up and over a friggin mountian - Logan Peak road to Peak - Ran to Providence Peak and back - Down the road to Providence Canyon - Home. Got it? Highlights: Well, actually it was pretty boring until I hit the backside of the mountain. Sure there were some distractions. Cows, motorcycles and 4-wheelers, boy hitting golf balls at his dad's truck at a camp site, bugs attacking me, heat, dirt, etc. Once I approached the logan peak area, I noticed a major change. They closed the old road to the summit and built a new one. This one followed the side of the ridge instead of going up the valley. It also had way more switchbacks so the grade was lower. But the distance from the old fork to the top is probably close to double. Plus now you bypass the rodeo grounds. Weird. Sure changes things. The good news is that now I was able to manage the grade and ride the bike the whole way to the peak. After a short break there, I decided to run over and tag Providence Peak too. It was only a mile away following the ridgeline. Those hills at altitude (9500') are tough though. Peaks tagged, time to go home. I opted for the more direct route down Providence Canyon. That turned out to be a mistake as the road/trail is washed out and is pure rocks. It was pure nuts trying to descend on rocks with no dirt down that crazy grade. I did ok until I faceplanted and slid 10 more feet for good measure. After that, I decided to "hike a bike" down until the quarry. The ruts in the road are so large, it will take years and lots of money to rebuild it. Quite unfortunate. Once I survived the "trail" I joined up with the old reliable singletrack down the canyon and headed home. It sure felt good to be up in the high country and even visit my old favorite peak. Splits: House to Left Hand Fork 60 min (13.1 miles) LHF to ridge above Richards Hollow 2:27 (17 miles) Ridge to Logan Peak 37 min (4 miles) Logan to Providence Peak and back "running" 23 min (2 miles)
Peak to where Providence Canyon road hits South Syncline Trail 24 min (5 miles) Down Providence Canyon to home 53 min (9.5 miles) Total Time: 5:45 (50 miles) 5,900' Vert climbing Profile 
Logan Peak from Providence Peak 
Old Road/Trail in Foreground. New Road/Trail in Background 