Long Run - Last chance to cram in some fitness before next weekends sufferfest at Moab. Busy day, so things started early. I headed to first dam via sumac and up the shoreline trail over to Green Canyon. Once there, I was surprised to see the trail in such good shape. Snowshoes had packed it down nicely and it was pretty grippy. I only went up to the start of the second single-track section then had to turn around. On the way down, I stuck to the perfectly groomed road. I almost felt bad making footprints in the perfect snow. The way home was perfectly boring. I tried to pick up the pace to near 7 min pace but couldn't quite get there. I was struggling. It took until the final mile to finally hit a 6:48. T- 2:20 (7:47) 1:15 up 1:05 back 1350' Vert 
**Weekly Summary 61 miles 3800' Vert 489 mins (8' 9")