Update - Tuesday this week, I woke up and could barely move. Horrible butt-hamstring-back of knee pain. I nearly cried from the pain of getting out of bed and getting ready for work. Definite setback. I really haven't been doing that much movement to cause the pain. No crazy hikes or runs over and around mountains. I took some Tylenol and went to work. I also got an appointment for my Orthopedic Specialist. I was convinced my hamstring was causing the pain as it was so tight and felt like it was ripping out of my knee and butt all day long. Waves of pain shooting down the leg. Anyway... The soonest appointment I could get was for Friday. In the meantime my days went like this. Not too much pain from morning until noon, pain worsened during the day with my drive home from work being the most painful. I couldn't even hobble around work without everyone wondering if I messed my pants or something. The limping was quite awkward. I finally realized my chair at work is putting stress on both my hamstring, back, and butt. No wonder it got so bad while at work. I promptly ditched my chair and borrowed this one. It seemed to help and Thursday and Friday I saw serious improvement. The appointment was helpful in many ways. I got an X-Ray of my back try and rule out a herniated disk. The Doc didn't see any abnormal spacing or signs of any problems. He had me do all sorts of movements and was able to clearly see my issues. I was diagnosed with L5 Radiculopathy. Sounds made up but it made sense. It basically means (in my case) a pinched or damaged nerve is causing horrible pain. Its a bit tricky trying to fix this but for the time being he put me on a 7 day cycle of Prednisone (steroid). So far, (Saturday) it has worked wonders for me. I can walk and move freely with no pain whatsoever. Definite progress, but I may not be running for a while still....who knows...