No work today due to Pioneer Day Celebrations so our family decided to celebrate by camping just like the pioneers did. First we drove 30 miles up to Tony Grove campground (just like the pioneers) and pitched our waterproof $45 tent (again, just like the pioneers) and cooked our hotdogs and brats over a propane stove. How hard can it be, really? Somewhere in there, I ditched my family (thanks to a very supportive wife) and hit the trails for a nice run. I headed out from the backcountry trail head at TG and took off to Naomi Peak. I hit the peak in 50 mins, took a break and then continued down the backside to High Creek Lake. Spectacular area! I hiked/ran around the lake (a requirement for me on any run) and went back up to the saddle. The mile split back up was a hard earned 19:20. The trail climbs 1000' in 1.4 miles. I then ran down heading back to TG until I hit the turnoff to White Pine. I was still short of my mileage goal, so I headed up that trail until I hit the high point before dropping down to the lake. I really enjoyed this part of the trail as it is much more runnable and less rocky. Time to head back to camp. Just over 3 miles of smooth (but very crowded) singletrack and I was there. T- 2:46:10 (11:05) 3900' vert 
Trail up to Mt. Naomi 
Mt. Magog 
Logan Valley from Mt. Naomi 
High Creek Lake 
Trail to High Creek from Mt. Naomi (Cherry Creek on the left)