Cabo San Lucas - I went on vacation with my wife, my parents (to their time-share) and my sister and her husband. We enjoyed ourselves greatly and especially enjoyed the nice temps (70's and 80's). I will post some pictures when I finally make it home (I am writing this while at the in-laws in SLC). The were good enough to watch our kids for a week, but we were sure happy to see them again. As for training this week, I didn't do so hot. It was more important to be with family and have fun then run. Plus it made my family nervous to be out running for hours in a foreign country. I did what I could.
Today, I attempted to run on the beach where I was staying, but that lasted about 25 mins before my feet turned to mush. It was hard work. The flat part of the beach was deep soft sand and the hard sand near the water was too sloped to be able to run well. Plus, when the waves came, I was running in 6 inches of water and mud. Scratch that plan. 2.5 miles at an effort closer to 5. I went swimming in the ocean later body surfing on Divorce beach. Fun stuff. I got beat up pretty good. I am counting as 5 miles of Cross Training.
