Well, if its not one thing it is another. I somehow bruised the ball of my foot on Saturday. I woke up Sunday to some pain and a nice limp. Ice and rest. Today, I hit the pool for a pool running workout. 45 mins of 2 on 1 off. I rode my bike over to the ball-field and ran some laps in the grass. 2 miles. It was super tender. I will go for a bike ride this afternoon instead of running and get this healed quick. PM: Went on a 23.5 mile bike ride with my neighbor. He pushed me pretty hard. It was a pretty good workout. We started out easy and chatty and picked it up where by the end we were hitting it hard during our pulls. Mendon to Wellsville and back to Logan. T-1:10 (20mph) 151 ave hr (converts to 7 cross-training miles @ 10 min mile pace)