Crazy Snowshoe Hike - For a while I wasn't too sure I was going to make it back down the hill. My body was not happy with the stiff wind (20+ mph) and the freezing temps. I had worked my butt off getting up Dry Canyon to beyond the Syncline Junction to get up the ridge to Little Baldy. That was not easy. The trail disappeared at the junction and I ended up post-holing with snowshoes on making my own switchbacks till I hit the ridge. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. 44 min mile. Got to the ridge and wanted to go the mile to Logan Peak but thought better. Wise choice since once I turned around I struggled to go anywhere. Just put my head down and headed toward Little Baldy and Temple Baldy. Once I got over those 2 peaks I was out of the wind and was doing much better. The ridge down to the truck was cold and steep but I survived. I have to say the shower once I got home was VERY painful as my feet came back to life. I need to wear better gaiters when I snowshoe. T-3:35 4250' vert PICS - 
