AM: It wasn't too hard of a decision today between running in a blizzard and running on the treadmill. I took it easy this morning. I have a sore right calf and left hamstring. I am assuming from sat's run. I finished up the Bourne Supremecy. I will do 3.5 more tonight. I sure enjoyed reading all about everyones races on Saturday. Nothing like living vicariously through the blog. T- 46:30 or so for 6.5 miles (I can't remember how many seconds, but it doesn't really matter) PM: 3.5 more on the treadmill. Did a mile warm-up then did some time at 6:40 pace then one mile at 6:00 pace. It felt fast but manageable. That was because I knew I only had to do one mile fast. Cheater. T- 24:00 (6:51)