7 miles this morning. In shorts and no shirt! Got a really good sweat going too. But the air is turned up pretty high here inside the house and treadmill running seems to draw it out of me. Another episode of Walkind Dead. I've only got two more and then I'm out... need to find something to watch while on the machine.
P.M. 10.1 miles on the same out and back trip as last night. Got out the door and decided to keep it uptempo the entire run. Hit the first mile in 7:00, then the 2nd mile in 6:30. After that I stopped looking but ended with a 6:04 avg for the run or 61 min's 23 seconds. The chili in my tummy from lunch wasn't ready for the run so I had to stop at a porta potty. It's super cold seat made this stop one for the memory bank.
Lots of stress in life right now. I'm glad that running is being nice to me for the time being.