9.2 miles this morning up around GS and home around Middleton. I slept in and was out the door by 7:30 (how's that for a Saturday). It was a beautiful morning and rather warm for the time of year. After the run I came home and spent the rest of the day with Mik'L before she left on her trip to Arizona, and Florida. 16.6 miles this afternoon after I dropped Mik'L off at the shuttle that takes her to the airport. Now me and the doggies are home alone and sad. The run however was pretty good. I started at the Dixie Center and ran up the trail to the top and then back to the DC. That put me at 9.1ish. Then I got a drink and took some sports beans and ran down around Bloomington and back to finish off the day. I hit the entire run at 7:07 pace and never really pushed it. Knock on wood but my hamstring is starting to feel a little better. I can really tell a big difference from last week. So I'll stick to my plan of running easy miles with NO tempo, or speed work of any kind until this thing feels 100%. It really makes me happy that it's at least moving in the right direction for the first time in months. After the run I stopped by In-and-Out Burger for two cheese burgers and some fries as my recovery supplements. I needed to refuel my protein and fatty Omega 3's.