8.6 mile run around GS and on the trails. It's always nice to run out in the desert after a good rain. The trails are nice and packed so your not peeling out in the sand all the time. It was really cool this morning, and very wet in the air. I'm not a big fan of east cost type weather. I had enough of that in England thanks. The run was pretty good. It took a long time to get going and I could tell that April had worked me over good because the muscles were still pretty sore. I'm also really glad to finally be off antibiotics. I got some at the dentist last week to kill the infection and the course took forever (6 days). The whole time I've just felt like I was taking med's if you know what I mean. 8 mile run this afternoon. I did the industrial park loop only I started withe the industrial park first and did the long climb up to the water tank. Ugh! I forgot what a Mutha that one was. Going up the other way on the trails is steeper but it doesn't drag on like this way. Anywho the run went ok once I reached the top.