Warmed up and got feeling decent, it was a little slow start. I talked with Kevin Hansen and then Trace Fifield as I warmed up and changed into my kinvaras. Did a couple strides on the line, but not too many. They moved the start line back and we finished there, so the course was long this year.
The gun went off and I was in the front, ha I forgot getting off the line in road races aren't too critical. I sat in the middle of the pack for the first mile. We went through just under 5:40, but it's uphill. Things started to break up after that. Carson and Fess were in front with Trace right on them and then I was a stride or so off of them. They gapped me a little more by two miles, which that mile wasn't as fast as I thought it would be. I started to push after that and try to regain contact because they were all breaking up. I passed Fess on 800 and then went around the corner pretty strong. I realized I was gaining on Trace and could get him if I dug a little harder, so I did. Finally beat the old man fair and square! So I was 2nd overall about 10 seconds behind Carson, who ran really well. My time would have been about a 16:52 on the old course, which is 3 seconds faster than I ran last year. Not bad considering I haven't been putting in tons of miles or training super hard.
Went out and finished with Rhett in 25:50, he is awesome. Also finished with Justin in 35 something. His form looks like me at that age.. It was a fun morning.
Doing some pre race strides, representing Canada. My home for the next two years.
The start Finishing
Finishing with Rhett Finishing with Justin