Warmed up thoroughly. Then did two sets of 6 laps, 60sec reco, 4laps, 60sec reco, and 4laps with about 5 minutes between sets. I did this at about 5:07 to 5:12 miles pace. Splits were 3:05, 2:02, 2:04 and then 3:05, 2:02, 2:03. It felt really natural. I was breathing really hard but it wasn't slowing me down. My legs started to get tired in the second half of the second set, but it was good. I feel like I'm preparing for outdoor more than indoor but it should hopefully give me a few good indoor 3200s. After I did a good 4 mile run for after intervals, averaging 7:06.
Note: My eating schedule changed today for A day. I ate lunch earlier and then ate a granola bar after school. My stomach felt good other than I was hungry by the end.