1:05 on the wonderous elliptical. Talked to John today, he might come and make a house call on Saturday (which would be cool and save us 4 hours of driving time). U of A Wildcats are playing his hometown team (Iowa State Hawkeyes) on Saturday and he has family that is in for the game. Anyway. I told him that this morning was the first time in over a month that I have been able to walk with no pain ... he told me that he knows it is hard, but "keep up with the FE for a while longer". He apparently know things it is a calf strain and that these injuries are notorious for getting reinjured if you start back too soon. So, I am still ellipticaling - and today it hurts a lot again anyway. Can you say "tired of this?". BUT, I am lucky in so many ways, small potatoes! Ryan and Sarah Hall spent a fews days in Phoenix this week (seeing John actually). Ryan is running the Philly Half this weekend -- as part of his "tune-up" for Chicago. GO RYAN!