AM: 7 miles, on a foggy, humid, but surprisingly warm, San Fran morning. It was a pretty ok run, the waterfront part was nice - although I am not a fan of sidewalks - the city run (~16 mins total) was downright deadly -- dodging cars and people. I guess I need to get out earlier tomorrow, I am sure it was better at 6AM ;-) Last minute prep for my talk tonight. PM: easy 3-4 on the treadmill in the hotel. I am calling it 3 miles, but my plan is 30 mins, which is closer to 3.5 couldn't do my second run ... work calls. Normally, I do everything I can not to miss runs ... but sometimes, things just get in the way -- today, work is just one of those things. Off to give my talk! Can't give you the exact title -- but it has to do with colon cancer, cancer biology, diagnostic biomarkers, predictive modeling ;-) (doesn't it sound exciting?)
Happy Thursday bloggers!