4.5 miles on the treadmill, still avoiding bad air quality. Started with half a mile at 12 degrees incline at 9 minute pace, ran most the rest of the run at mid-low 7 minute pace. I did another half mile of 12 degrees incline at the end with about a quarter mile of it at 7:30 pace and the rest at 9 minute pace. The 7:30 pace at 12 degrees incline was quite tough for me.
My core workout has been some yoga and then leg lifts, calf raises, figure eights, push ups, hip flexers, burpees, and pull ups. Now I'm adding lunges and squats. I do deadlift, dips, and squat jumps every now and then. For lifting throughout the week I do bent over rows, prone bench rows, deadlifts, 3 main shoulder lifts, shoulder press, curls, dumbbell bench.
Once we get a cable machine I'll add some more exercises. Sometimes I do tricep extensions but I'm leaning away from those because I feel like they add too much size to my arms and I need to lean down a bit. Once the cable machine is here I don't think I'll miss much standard gym equipment. In cedar city the retro fitness gym I would go to had a weighted jump machine and a continuous rope pull machine. Both really cool gym equipment machines I've never seen since.