Nice 7 mile run today with a kid named Josh Dvorak. You know, my knee was hurting a little bit during the run, and is still nagging me. It's really similar to last year after the marathon, and it's just a little bit frustrating. That kinda makes me think maybe it has never been 100% better from when I hurt it, but also, does it need to be better? Like it really doesn't hurt that much, I just don't want to aggravate things and make them worse. Also, today I signed up for an ultra marathon in March down in stg. It should be really fun, and Sam is going to do it too, so that will make it even better! I'm feeling more positive and determined about running than I was a couple of days ago, I just want to work hard and not have any more 0 days up through this race. It's a good goal, lets see what we can do!