So this Race was seriously right off the couch morning of. I haven't ran for over a week and I get a phone call from my mom around 9:00 saying come run this race with me in an hour. I will PAY!! Wasn't planning on running at all til monday. But I said why not. Showed up to the race. Very small around 60 to 70 people. A couple of high school runners from Weber High was pretty much the competition. Since I haven't ran in a week I decided just to hit tempo pace for the race. If I won great if I didn't so be it. Started out for the first half mile in 4th place and just stayed steady around 5:30ish pace Hit the first mile at 5:31 and by now I had about a 50 meter lead. mile 2- 5:33 overall lead extended to about 200 meters mile 3- 5:24 ran a 16:47 and Won by over a minute thirty. Pace felt good didn't over exert myself. Fun to get out and run!!!
Good small race, always like to support anything that deals with a Cancer fundraiser since my Uncle passed away with cancer a little while back.