8:20 AM - Sunny, blue skies. Temperature 69 at the start, 73 at the finish. High humidity so it was muggy. Was nice in the shade though. I went to the nature trails at the school and hit them for an easy run before work all day. I really hate the midday shifts because I can't get anything done. Working noon to nine tonight will stink, especially now that they are assigning us bathroom duty since the store got a bad rating by mystery shoppers. (Well, what do you expect when there is no other place in the city that has public restrooms but us? They should really make it for paying customers only and/or get a cleaning staff. I shouldn't have to clean the bathrooms unless I get a raise!)
Running on the trails was awesome today. I felt pretty good, although halfway through I had to stop because had stomach cramps probably from the milk in the coffee this morning. Had to make a pitstop in the woods but I was fine afterwards. Am anxious to hear back from the organizer of the trail half in September. Right now there is a list of a dozen or so for the half and about half that for the marathon. I can't wait to have fun out on the trails in my first major trail race! Splits today were slow, but it was recovery day and I was running in the woods so probably lost the signal a few times.
- Mile 1: 10:41
- Mile 2: 11:00
- Mile 3: 10:41
- Mile 4: 10:23
- Mile 5: 10:02
- .41: 3:45 (9:11)
Total Time: 56:34 Total Distance: 5.41 miles Average Pace: 10:27
Some pictures from the other day after we went to the farmer's market in Lanesborough and made yummy veggies!:
Emma's "baby", aka the yellow bell pepper she has spent the last two months watering religiously and watching grow:
Emma, talking to her "baby" right before she picked it to become our dinner!
Our yummy veggies waiting to go in the oven:
Goofing around: "Big Kids Only Table!"