5:00 PM - Long day, kind of feels like Friday just merged with Saturday into a super day. But luckily I got through work and was able to muster up the strength to get out there for a nice enjoyable outing. (This on quite possibly the best day of the year so far! 54 degrees and sunny with only a slight wind. Headed to the track and foudn that I was the only one there except for one other walker.
Mile 1: warm up walk : 14:17. Felt nice and ready to go :)
Mile 2: eased into a jog. 9:11 [ Yes, I know. That's fast! Though it did not feel fast at all. I monitored myself and was running at the same effort and cadence that I did on the treadmill. Felt really good though.
Mile 3: continued to jog. 8:50! [Fastest mile since I hurt myself in January. Don't worry I know that I should not try to PR now that I'm feeling better. I will continue to keep myself in check and run smart and conservative. Tomorrow will be a slow easy recovery day.]
Mile 3 - 3.5: 4:23; aka 8:51 / mile pace! This means I maintained an 8:50 pace for 1.5 miles after a 9:11 easy mile before that with no pain. That also equates to progress!
Mile 3.5 - 4.57 - Cool down mile: 14:15 for the first mile, 1:10 for the last .07.
Total Time: 52:07 Total Distance: 4.57 Average Pace: 11:24
- With 5 days including jogging of 6 days total, I had 3 x 2.5 miles of jogging continuously, and 2 x 2 miles of jogging continuously; I feel this shows that my persistence has paid off. It is important for me to continue to gradually increase miles so that I will not risk further injury.
- Total Miles Jogged this past week: 11.5 miles in time of : 1:59:19; Equates to average pace of 10:22, though this is skewed since my "break through" Saturday run. Overall feel really great about my current level of fitness and looking forward to another good week. To everyone else out there who also continues to wage the war of Comeback 2008 - I think it was Teddy Roosevelt who said something like, "when you get to the end of a rope, tie a knot and hang on"; We can and will do this! Keep on truckin' FRBloggers and thanks for all of your support!
- Benn - Anxiously awaiting the runs still developing over the horizon. |