Hangover Half Marathon

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Middle Grove,NY,

Member Since:

Nov 01, 2007



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

Finished two marathons before my 21st birthday this year (5.28.07),
First Marathon - 10/08/06 - Mohawk Hudson River Marathon 4:26:57,
Second Marathon - 5/27/07 - Vermont City Marathon 4:32:xx

Personal Bests:

  • 400 - 1:01 (2004)
  • 800 - 2:16 (2004)
  • Mile - 5:12 (2004)
  • 2Mile - 11:27 (2004)
  • 5k - 19:44 (2005)
  • 10k 40:46 (11/22/07)
  • 15k - 1:07:40 (11/11/07)
  • 13.11 Half - 1:38:31 (12/9/07)
  • Marathon 4:26:57 (2006)

Gave up soda starting November 23, 2006. Still going strong.
Eagle Scout with Bronze and Gold Palms (2002)

Biked from Ticonderoga, New York to Old Orchard Beach, Maine in August of 2005 (Total of about 290 miles)

Short-Term Running Goals:

  • Be able to run more than 3 miles pain free again.
  • Eliminate processed foods from my diet.
  • Increased Focus on Core Strength Exercises.
  • No Eating After 8:00pm!
  • Get more sleep.
  • Most importantly, Think POSITIVE!!!

50 MILE and 100 MILE bike rides before the end of the year!


Long-Term Running Goals:

Be able to lace up my shoes and head out the door into my 70s, 80s, and 90s. Would like to do a marathon in as many states and countries as I can.

  • Break 19 minutes for a 5k
  • Break 39 minutes for a 10k
  • Break 60 minutes for a 15k
  • Break 1:40 for a half marathon
  • Break 1:33 for half marathon
  • Under 3:10:59 in full marathon (*BQ)


Run a TRAIL Marathon as well as at least one 50 or 100 MILER in my life!


"Just Race" - Jonn during Stockade-athon 15k 11.11.2007

"Get out the door and let the run happen." - Sasha

**Trying hard to live up to both of these goals!** Determined to finish more marathons, and hopefully a 50miler one day!



I live in upstate NY. I am the oldest of four kids. I've been running since the spring of 2003 when I decided to shed some extra weight and maybe go out for my high school cross country team. Currently am doing MS in Education. Hope to teach Social Studies one day. I have the most amazing girlfriend ever, and she frequently goes running/jogging/hiking with me. Going to marry her one day :)

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Race: Hangover Half Marathon (13.11 Miles) 01:38:33, Place overall: 31
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

12:00 PM - So today we were forecasted to get another 4 to 8 inches of snow on top of what we got the other day.  It was a dangerous drive down to Albany.  The route I take to school which usually takes 45 minutes took about an hour and a half, but we got there.  Snow was coming down heavy around the start of the race.  The first mile went really slow and had to be close to 9 minutes for me.  There was a 3.5 miler being run simultaneously so I lined up about midpack to let the rabbits have their fun.  Once we got out on the State Campus Loop though the roads were a little better.  About 2-3 inches of slush, but I was able to run in the tracks of the cars that were going by.  Around mile 2 I caught up to a father/daughter team I thought were running the 3.5 miler.  Turns out the dad was doing the Hangover Half.  We started chatting and from mile 2 to mile 9 we ran together, until we caught a couple of his friends and booked a 6:40 Mile 9.  I hung tough, but it was kind of funny.  One of my brothers, my sister and my mom all came down to see me run, and they thought it'd be funny to lob a snowball out in front of me.  Well this was when I was trying to hang onto the blistering pace, about 3 or 4 feet off the back of the group of 4, and my brother lobs one right in front of me and then about two seconds later... SPLaT!  I get hit in the side of the face right about at the temple with a snowball.  Haha in retrospect it's kind of funny, but it wasn't very funny at the time that's for sure!  So I tried to regroup, but the group of 4 just started to accelerate further as we went up the hill.   I was left to run the last four miles in by myself.  I caught and passed two others out on the course and shuffled home with probably a horribly slow 8:50 or 8:55 last mile. I was really struggling to just regain some of that cool, calm, collected I had maintained for so long.  Overall, however I felt really good.  I just wish Emmy had been there to see me run.  So far the races she's gone to were my two marathons where I did anything but race it seems... though she did get to see me set the huge PR in the 10k on Turkey Day! So that's a plus.  Overall, I have to say that given the crappy conditions out on the road, and the snowball, I held my own.  I just need to train a little harder I realize to be able to best my PRs even in less than favorable conditions.   I did a 1 mile cool down in about 9 or 9:30 then got some coffee, pizza, and changed my clothes.  We stopped at Walmart on the way home to pick up some necessary food items for our trip...   WE'RE GOING TO PUERTO RICO January 3rd to the 10th!!!  I can't wait!  I'll actually be able to see Emma for an entire week! (This is a miracle as I hardly get to see her while we're at school.)  She truly is an amazing girl.  I saw her on Christmas, and I'm already going crazy because I haven't seen her and it's only been 7 days!

I will make sure I don't slack too much during the vacation.  I have snorkeling gear and am bringing running shoes.  So I will be running/swimming/hiking/snorkeling all week! I can't wait!  I will have to bring back some pictures for everyone!


Total Mileage Today:  14.11  (13.11 = race)  Time for Race: 1:38:33  Average Pace: 7:31/Mile - Good for 31st place in the half-marathon overall! Not sure about place in my age division.

From Shauna on Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 18:11:11

Great job! You actually ran the same time as your PR that you set last month, and in really crappy conditions. So you have obviously improved, even since then.

Enjoy your vacation!

From MichelleL on Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 18:14:35

Dang, only 2 seconds off your PR! Without the snowball, you probably would have gotten it, but I think I might have been tempted to lob on at you myself if I was there. It's always funner to be on the dishing out side than the receiving side. Good job on a tough race. I guess it's the races in nonideal conditions that make us way tough. The next step is to make sure you run consistently in the next could of months--now that you have learned how to lace up and run 10 miles in nasty conditions, now you just need to practice doing it day in and day out. Great way to start your new year! Every other race will seem so much easier after this one! What is the next race for you? I would think that your 1800 miles goal for 2008 is too conservative. An ave of 40 mpw with two weeks off is 2000, 45 is 2250. I would think that 45 at least should be your goal. IMHO of course.

From James on Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 18:30:24

Nice job. Way to stay poised after being assaulted with a snow ball. I would have handled it in a not so poised way, to say the least. You could probably count this as a PR if you wanted since it was a real race. Good run in bad conditions, it will make you tough.

Have fun in Puerto Rico!

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 18:34:13

Very good. The effort is probably worth a low-1:30 if you could hit a 6:40 and a 9:00 in the same race. Half-marathon pace is naturally very steady. If you can do something for one mile somewhere in the middle, it is very rare that you would not be able to do it at 20 seconds per mile slower for the entire race on the same terrain.

I agree with Michelle on the mileage. 45 a week should be the absolute minimum. You should probably not go over 65 on the other end, but do make sure to gradually hit 55-60 range consistently. 120 is difficult to do when life is full of responsibilities, but 60 is very doable - all it takes is to give up about an hour and a half a day of some form of idleness, and very few people are truly that busy that they would not have it.

From josse on Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 20:16:17

I think you did really well considering the conditions, I think running on slick, snowy roads is very difficult. You are going to smash your pr's this summer:) Have a great time on the vacation, I'm jealous.

From Ian on Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 07:46:11

Well done on a good race in lousy conditions, now go and have a great holiday.

From Dale on Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 10:48:31

Better conditions would certainly have yielded a faster time, and a snowball assault doesn't help matters any. Nonetheless, you persevered thru and were only 2 seconds off a PR set less than 1 month earlier? I'd say you've got some much faster times in you just screaming to be let out! Congrats on setting a great tone for the rest of 2008!

From saamijeff on Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 20:33:27

Great run! You give me hope for the future looking at how fast you improved. Boy I remember January conditions in upstate NY....just think what a nice spring day might bring for time.

From Brent on Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 21:01:10

Benn, 50 commando points, great effort, keep it going, PRs to come this year big time.

Stay Cool, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Well, I'm back safe and sound after perhaps the most enjoyable week of my life on the Island Paradise of Vieques.  I wish I could put into words the awestruck look on all of our faces as we climbed out of the jeep and saw that from my aunt and uncle's winter home you could simultaneously see both the Atlantic and Carribbean.  A fun-filled, jam-packed week of beach hopping and being the "Gringos", but it was definitely worth it.  At first I wasn't sure what to expect, as it took us 31 hours to get to our final destination.  Tip that I learned:  NEVER FLY UNITED!!!!  We woke at 2:30 am on January 3rd and headed off to the airport and checked in at 4:00 am for our 5:40 boarding for a flight to Dulles Int'l in Washington, D.C. only to find ourselves kept on board for more than seven hours because we were kept in the dark about a "sticking valve" on the plane.  Needless to say they let us off for five minutes because they were ordered to do so by law, but then they told us to reboard because we'd be on our way.... riiiight this was at 10:00 am.  We ended up finally getting airborn shortly after 1:00 pm, just "slightly" delayed from our initial departure.  Well they attempted to 'cool' us if you can call it that with a 10 dollar meal voucher and a 20% coupon off a future flight with United. All I can give to them is a big one finger salute.  We finally landed in San Juan, Puerto Rico at 11:35 PM local time, and as the last plane from San Juan to Vieques left at 5:30pm, we were stuck.  And furthermore, they wouldn't rebook us until 5:30 the following day, plus add to that the fact that they would not pay for a hotel room for us...  So there we were in San Juan, in a hot, sticky, airport surrounded by people we didn't know, forced to make the best of our situation.  My mother, sister, her boyfriend, Emma, and myself, paced the halls of the abandoned airport, and then gave in to our sleep deprivation and formed a makeshift bunker fortification just in front of the agricultural and security check-ins, with 3 rows of cheap, worn out airport chairs and our luggage as walls.  In the morning, we all decided we just wanted to get out of the stupid airport and all the junk that United had forced on us.  So we coughed up $80 for a taxi to the ferry and ended up in Vieques around 1:15pm.  From there we tried to forget the bad part of the trip thus far, and got on to enjoying the "Island Life".  I can't believe how breathtaking and absolutely amazing it all is.  And I cannot wait to go back.  I truly see why many people enjoy traveling.  To be able to walk barefoot on a beach, or run through the incoming tide, the waves crashing over you, waves of grainy sand just completely engulfing you in the moment... truly the trip of a lifetime.  I was sad to leave, but glad to get home and hopefully back on track from the "lazy" week I had.  Much to my dismay and I suppose in retrospect it was actually funny... our flight on United was "delayed" - aka overbooked (their fault, not ours seeing as how we made our reservations for our flight SIX MONTHS AGO!!!)  Luckily we got put on a different carrier and road US Airways to Charlotte, North Carolina where we ironically met up with two kids from my town! (this coming from a town whose high school has about 70 kids per grade!) What were the chances!?! Needless to say, US Airways gave us no problems, and I was happy to have a nice flight and read more of The Terror.  My mom is going to write a complaint letter and hopefully we get a voucher for another flight, because it truly is not fair to put up with the airlines shortfalls, when it was their own negligence that caused us to have both a crazy start and finish to our trip.  Looking forward to a run tomorrow and then to the 25k on Sunday!

Got some running/walking/swimming in this week.  Total Mileage ~ 5 miles.

From Dale on Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 22:21:11

Wow, quite an adventure. I can't believe United didn't pay for a hotel room overnight.....I've been stuck several times w/ several different airlines (United included), and when it's they're fault (mechanical problems always are!), they always have put me up gratis.

Glad the rest of the trip went well....sounds like you're mentally and physical recharged, always a good thing!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:30 AM - Zipped up my long sleeve shirts and laced up my new sneakers from Christmas to head out for a run today.  Wasn't sure what to expect with having a week off and not being used to the cold again.  I am sure that I've lost a good deal of the fitness level I had going into the Hangover Half.  But I am sure I'll get back there with a couple weeks of good running.  Had a lot on my mind and with the fiasco yesterday with Dad's stress test and my mom getting pulled over on the way to get him for it for speeding, I was in an I-really-really-detest-state-troopers kind of mood.  I had to chuckle a little though when I hung a left out of our road and saw a car come up over the hill by Waterwheel Village (The Waterwheel is a small country store located right in a valley between two 1/2 or 2/3 mile long hills going up in either direction; a kid was hit and killed here a couple of years ago right across the street because cars come barreling down going 60 or 70mph; This when the state Rte. Speed Limit is 55, with a yellow 45mph warning sign for the stretch coming down through the valley). Well this car comes barrelling up and you can hear it before you actually see it.  Then about two seconds later comes this State Trooper SUV with its lights on and pulled the guy over right at my road.  I don't know what is up with the cops, but I really feel they should do something better with their time like catch the real criminals, and I know we have a lot out there.  Have to allot for extra time to go to work tonight.

There was a pretty strong wind today about 12-15 mile per hour.  I felt alright, was trying to hold back and stay steady because I know tomorrow is going to be a long run.  But I didn't know how I was going to take it.  I mean I knew I would be out of shape, despite all the walking, swimming and jogging I did at the beach.  But I was kind of disheartened at the same time when I realized I was in fact going slower despite a steady effort.  Still overall pretty easy effort.  Oh well.  I guess that's the sacrifice I made for going on vacation.  Getting psyched about grad classes.  Going out to grab some supplies today.

Total Mileage:  8.11 miles   Total Time:  1:08:20  Average Pace:  8:25


ugh. Just got out of work.  It's 11:58PM... Going to go take a six hour nap and then up to run/jog a 25k race. Joy.  Note:  Saw 3 cops on the way to work today and 1 on the way home.  They need to get a life!

From Michelle on Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 13:41:49

Welcome back, hope you had a great time!

From MichelleL on Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 13:50:55

I don't think that you should lose much in a week, just some sharpness, and if you have been eating abnormally (who doesn't wen you travel?) then it take some time to get used to a healthy diet too. I bet you'll snap back, especially if you tie up those xmas shoes every day and get in at least 8 miles :)

From Scott Zincone on Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 15:33:31

Come on Benn, cut us a little slack.

You are absolutely correct about having a lot of criminals out there...too many. But if there were no reason to believe traffic laws were going to be enforced can you imagine how dangerous the roads would be. I know responsible people would, for the most part, continue to be safe. But many others would not.

From Benn on Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 16:02:20

Okay I'll try but no promises - - I lost respect for cops when they pulled us over for going 70 down a hill in a 2 ton van to pass an 18 wheeler before it started to go uphill (this in Virginia where speed limit was 65 at the time). They neglected to pull over the guy that then passed us doing an easy 80+. It's one thing to enforce, but another to blatantly single out motorists, and/or do splotchy enforcement where they pull people over left and right just to meet their damn quotas.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 AM - Very big turnout today at the winter series, but I think it was because there were 3 races today (3 mile, 10k and 25k).  I started out in the back of the pack and was a little sore from yesterday, after doing 8+ miles on my first day back since the Hangover Half.  Blah.  Felt really strong actually and was holding it steady despite the on-off-on-off surging of those around me.  Felt really good, but just didn't have it in me today to finish the full 15.5.  I think it was because I got 5 hours of sleep last night.  Finally fell asleep after work around 12:45, and up at 6:00 am.  Plus like I mentioned before, was a little sore from yesterday.  Supposed to get a storm tonight, but hope I can get in a run before going down to my first day of graduate classes tomorrow!

12 miles in 1:35:30 = 7:57 pace per mile!  (I guess I can't really say that I am that out of shape!)  Cooled down and changed clothes and went to a movie with Emma and a couple of our friends afterwards.

Total Mileage for the day:  13.2 miles

SHOES: Asics 2120s (*New):  21.31

From josse on Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 11:30:24

So you didn't finish a race, it happens I think it is actually harder to not finish than finish. Way to listen to your body. There is allways another race.

From MichelleL on Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 09:06:06

Were you treating this run like a race? If so let's see the splits.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:45 AM - Wanted to make sure I got a run in today, so headed out on the snowy roads; got a few inches of snow last night, and the plows were out in force.  Almost got taken out on one of the backroads because the plow was taking a corner too fast.  Felt pretty good.  Some residual soreness this morning, but it went away for the most part after about a mile.  Felt good to get out there on the roads again.  And I'm really surprised because there was only one mile where I felt I was actually pushing the pace (that was downhill though and I knew it would be my fastest mile).  Overall, a really nice run.  Time to go grab a shower and get ready for class tonight.  I think I might bring my sleeping bag and stay over at a friend's; Hopefully Emma can stay to watch tv after my class tonight!


Total Time:  1:04:09   Total Mileage:  8.25  Average Pace:  7:46 per mile

Shoes: Asics 2120s (*New): 29.56

From jtshad on Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 09:15:43

Nice runs the last couple of days, keep this up and you will have great results in 2008.

From MichelleL on Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 09:54:38

Looks like you are back on track! Good job getting out there in the cold weather. January is almost 1/2 over.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

No run today;  After my class last night, I was a little overwhelmed with all the work that is due next class! Thankfully the class doesn't meet next Monday because of Martin Luther King Day, however.  So I went to Emma's and I got to see the Sky-boy.  That really made my day because I'm absolutely in love with that kid!  Children truly are amazing, and I think that I needed that little interlude to further solidify my drive and ambition to one day be a teacher.  Just dropping a quick entry during the break of my late class:  7:15 to 9:55pm tonight! Blah.  Got to get up for work 11-8 tomorrow.  Plan is to get up around 6:30, and head out the door at 7:30 and do either the 8.25 loop, or possibly tack on another 1.75 for a 10-miler.  Probably should do the 10 since I had today off.  Am feeling lazy! 

My chance of redemption coming up later this month:

Sunday, 1/27 @ 10:00 AM  - Winter Series 30k (18.6mi) I figured out some elapsed times for various paces.  I think I am going to shoot for the 8:00-8:30 range.

2:38:26 - 8:30/mile

2:33:47 - 8:15/ mile

2:29:07 - 8:00 / mile

2:24:28 - 7:45/ mile

Got to run! Class is starting again! 

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:30 AM - That one hurt.  Legs felt pretty good when I woke up, but it was in the single digits outside.  Felt pretty good for most of the run.  The last couple miles were tough though.  Definitely felt the extra effort to get up and over those hills.  Overall though felt pretty good.  Really stressed about how I'm going to be able to pay off this grad school bill.  They never sent me a bill in the mail, and now it is past due and I'm being charged late fees.  Why the hell am I even going to grad school I wonder sometimes.

Mile 1 - 7:40

Mile 2 - 7:22

Mile 3 - 7:29

Mile 4 - 7:45 (uphill)

Mile 5 - 7:23

Mile 6 - 8:04 (uphill)

Mile 7 - 7:53

Mile 8 - 7:30

Total Distance: 8.25 Miles   Total Time: 1:02:35  Average Pace: 7:35/mile

Shoes: Asics 2120s (*New): 37.81

From MichelleL on Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 09:10:18

Hopefully you are going to grad school so you can become educated and so you don't have to work at Border's for the rest of your life (not bad for a college job, but not exactly a career). Be tight financially--it's temporary!

I remember when Paul was in phd school and we had one child, I would get these coupons in the mail for a $1 kids meal at Long John Silver. I would take my baby who was one year old and we would get the kids meal and I would eat most of it and get refills of soda in his little cup. It was one way I "ate out" during that period.

You had a smoking pace today despite the weather. Stay strong, we are half way through January now!

From Jody on Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 09:24:58

Great pace today! Way to brave the single digit temps! School is worth it, hang in


From Benn on Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 09:25:21

Thanks, Michelle. I'm going to try my best to get through this. I will do what you say and try to make each penny count as well. I guess I just have to keep looking on the bright side of things.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - Yeah, it's definitely winter.  As if there weren't any other way for Mother Nature to affirm that in fact it is not late November, but rather the full-fledged assault on mankind's existence we like to call winter, another single digit temperature to start the day.  Legs felt fresh. No soreness whatsoever.  But after the first mile, despite 3 upper layers, and a full length spandex bottom as well as a pair of winter running pants, certain appendages began to freeze and I opted for a slightly shorter run than I had hoped.  I had wanted to do the 8.25 loop, but by mile 3 it had not only gotten cold, but had begun to actually hurt.  I turned around and booked it home.  Oh what I wouldn't give to be anywhere where there was a temperature at least with two digits!

Total Time:  45:24   Total Mileage:  6.22   Average Pace:  7:18 / mile

Asics 2120s: 44.03

From josse on Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 10:18:31

I feel for you man! I hope school is going well.

From MichelleL on Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 10:20:25

At least you are wearing pants instead of shorts! And you ran more than me today!

From Benn on Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 10:23:48

School is going alright. But the financial Aid office called me back during my class the other day, and left a number, which I called and had to leave a message. Now I called back again yesterday and it says : "Error you have dialed an invalid number". I checked and dialed again, and same message. I hope they are not going to make me pay too much late fees for not having my bill paid on time. I still need to find out what bank or whatever I need to go to to get the rest of the money I need to just pay off my bill! Emmy said to just take out another loan, because I shouldn't have to empty every penny I've saved in the last two years to just pay for a semester of grad school. The point is to go into debt and worry about that when I get a real job. Hopefully my mom can help me out tomorrow with this.

From josse on Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 10:45:27

I would rather pay for it know and enjoy the money you make later. Intrest is no fun! But if you are going to go in dept school or a house is a good reason. Best of luck with all that.

From Bonnie on Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 13:08:36

Benn, hang in there. Regarding the grad school bill, I don't know what sort of situation you are in exactly, but I (and most of my friends) had some sort of financial crises (relating to loans or payments) while in school. Most of the time the office (and bank) will work with you if you call them.

With respect to the future, it will get better! It does not happen overnight, but one day (and I promise this), you will wake up and feel like the financial woes of school are over (and it will be worth it).

Unfortunately, it is things like this that distract you from focusing on both the learning and experience of your education. Don't let it ... keep your eye on the prize and don't get bogged down in the minutia. And, enjoy the flexibility of this time in your life.

Happy running,


From Sasha Pachev on Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 14:03:57

Sarah and I made it through school with no debt. The trick was to go to a cheap school (BYU), to always work a job, and to live off bare essentials. BYU is a good school, and I love it, but you would not be able to get into certain places just with a BYU degree. But I do not care to be in those places anyway. And few people I worked for ever cared if I even had a degree. At least that was not what I was going to brag about during the interview. Instead I talked about my favorite programming projects I had done. Now the guy I work for really does not care if I have a degree or not because that guy is myself :-)

Bottom line of all there are many well-paid professions where 10 years down the road what you have accomplished will matter more than where you got your degree. So I would just focus on getting really good at something that you can be good at, save your money as much as you can, and not worry about school too much.

Regarding being cold in odd places - a pair of shorts over two layers of tights does the trick for me for 0 F temperatures.

From Benn on Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 23:56:55

Yeah, well I should have gone into business or computer science I guess. Can't do much with a history undergrad.

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 17:29:39

Benn - never too late to start. To tell you the truth, the stuff they teach in CS in undergrad college is not worth 4 years of your time. It is something you will learn naturally in a year or two of hands-on experience. If you think you have some natural talent for computer programming, and are interested, I can give you some tips on how to get started.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


8:30 AM - A bone chilling 9 degrees this morning when I laced up to head outside.  Made sure I took extra precautions to bundle up.  Wore two x long sleeve sport wick shirts, as well as a zipper up top layer and on the bottom had on a pair of long spandex and the pair of running pants.  The goal this morning was restraint and enjoying a long run.  Tried to forget about all that homework I have to do this weekend.  Overall I was impressed that I finished the run, hit 50 miles for only 5 days of running this week, and felt 0 tenderness/soreness and only minimal effort.  Splits were as follows:

Mile 1 –  7:52

Mile 2 -   8:08

Mile 3 -   8:38

Mile 4 -   8:25

Mile 5 -   8:22

Mile 6 -   8:19

Mile 7 -   8:30

Mile 8 -   8:29

Mile 9 -   8:18

Mile 10 – 8:24

Mile 11 -  8:36

Mile 12 -  8:26

Mile 13 -  8:13

Mile 14 – 8:16

Overall Time:  1:59:55  Total Mileage:  14.4  Average Pace:  8:19/ Mile

 *Asics 2120s: 58.43 miles

From Shauna on Sat, Jan 19, 2008 at 18:27:07

Great job! Way to keep a nice, steady pace, especially with that WEATHER!

From josse on Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 20:47:18

Looks like you had a good week of running in the freezing cold. I can simpithize.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:00 AM - Bitter cold out today; that kind of cold that when you breathe in it stings your nostrils. I went with Emmy to her work and I got in a good treadmill run. I was going to go for an increased pace run, but decided to keep it easy and relaxed. I am not sure why but my right achilles is tight and I had to ice it a couple times last night. Feels better, though still hurts a bit. Almost like a grinding as I walk around on it. Am going to have to take it easy this week. Still get the mileage in when I can, but no speed work. I think I have been pushing a little hard with speed in December rather than just easy miles.

Miles 1 - 3 : 8:20 pace held steady.

Miles 4 - 10 - 8:00 pace. Only bad part was when the gym's treadmill decided to make me cool down after 60 minutes, so I had to take a 10 second break and reset the treadmill to finish the run.

Total Time: 1:20:40 Total Distance: 10.25 Average pace: 7:52 / mile

Asics 2120s:  68.68 miles

From josse on Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 10:52:37

thats one of the reasons I hate treadmills they asume you only want to do 60 mins.

From Shauna on Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 11:01:55

Be very careful with the Achilles! I had some problems with my Achilles a few years ago. It was grinding a little, and then it totally gave out on a run, which was horribly painful. I had to take 4 days off (could have been much worse). I applied heat, and then stretched it a few times a day. I took it easy for a few days when starting up again. It hasn't bothered me since.

From Benn on Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 11:26:34

Yeah I have been fortunate to not have very many running injuries, but I iced last night, I am taking today off and tonight after my late class I will apply either ice or heat. Maybe I should soak it as well?

From Paul Ivory on Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 11:41:03

Benn, thanks for the note on my blog. My response below.

Benn, thanks for the kind words. With our running the good news is our life is better every day. I consider every running step as an investment in today's happiness and tomorrow's fitness and longivity. Run4fun, Run4life, Paul

From Shauna on Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 11:45:52

I don't know anything about soaking, so I won't try to advise you on that. I forgot to mention, though, that I would apply heat and stretch before every run, so that my Achilles would be nice and warmed up when I started the run. That helped a lot. Since then (2005), I have been very diligent about stretching my Achilles and calves after every run, and I have never had another problem. Hope the pain goes away quickly!

From josse on Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 12:15:34

Try ice followed by heat I have great success with this. also try to massage the whole claf down to the achilles.

From Benn on Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 19:07:48

Okay. I will try that tonight before bed. I really want to get a run in tomorrow though! I hate taking time off, though I don't want to injure myself so that I lose weeks or months rather than days. I will ice/heat and stretch easy tonight and then get a good night's rest.

From saamijeff on Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 20:43:51

Take it from one who has ruptured one, when you show signs of achilles tendonitis DO NOT IGNORE IT. Stretch, ice, gentle running or rest as necessary but under no circumstances should you do any agressive activity, ( racquet ball, basketball, sprints and the like) until the pain subsides. I ignored the signs and ended up with one torn in half.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:45 AM - So I wanted to try to run despite the lingering soreness.  Woke up to 9 degree temp so bundled up with spandex and pants for bottoms, and two sport long sleeve shirts with a zipper up third layer.  Temperature ironically wasn't a problem, though perhaps it was because I was preoccupied with looking for any signs of weakness in the right achilles.  I wanted to go as slow as possible.  I think I have realized that either the pain was due to me trying to get in such a long run on a treadmill after not using one for over a month? Or that I did a few too many miles after having nearly a week off for winter break.  Am going to try to do about 6-6.5 for the rest of the week and do them at slow pace to see if that helps.  I don't want to have to not run, because I think I would go crazy!

Mile 1: 8:28

Mile 2: 8:47

Mile 3: 9:06

Mile 4: 9:02

Mile 5: 9:13

Mile 6: 9:07

Last .43: 3:48 (8:48 pace)

Total Time: 57:33  Total Mileage: 6.43 miles  Pace: 8:57/mile

*Asics 2120s:  75.11

10:00 PM - Did half an hour of hot treatment with a hot pack;  Just really want this to go away.  I just want to ruN! it's so frustrating. UGH!

From MichelleL on Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 09:20:41

My injury actually feels better when I run fast, so compare the two and do what hurts less.

From Paul Ivory on Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 22:27:24

Benn, regarding the achilles pain question my response from my blog follows:

Benn, I would be careful not to overstress an achilles tendon issue. I have had achilles issues in the past and although it will sound crazy, some of the best recovery I received was to do trail running in preparation for Pikes Peak Marathon. Trail running demands all kinds of muscles and tendons to work together and somehow it helped with the achilles issue. For a more authoritative medical advice you can always to to I got 58 entries on a WebMD search on Ashilles Tendon Pain.

Be careful and listen very closely, but if it were me I know I would go out on the run but slow down a bunch, a whole bunch.

From James on Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 22:31:56

Way to get out the door! I know it is hard to do when the achilles is sore and the temps are in the single digits. Take it easy and you will be fine.

From saamijeff on Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 00:02:13

Glad it's not bothering you too much. Any questions feel free to ask. I run six days a week with a surgically repaired achilles so I have some experience with the issue. Good luck.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:45 AM - Right now I'm torn between taking Friday and Saturday off, or continuing to log a couple slow miles each day.  I had initially wanted to do the 6-6.5 miles that I did yesterday, but after only about a mile and a half I realized that my achilles is still not wanting me to.  It's not that it hurts so much that you can almost feel the grinding/straining of it.  I think it might be a smart decision to take Friday and Saturday off and go for a slow run on Sunday morning.  That would give me nearly 72 hours of staying off my feet as much as possible outside of work and school.  And if that is still not enough, then I really am out of ideas.  I am just frustrated that this happened.  My legs are aching to go for a run, but my achilles just won't have it.

Mile 1: 8:55

Mile 2: 9:11

Mile 3: 9:39

Mile 4: 8:54

Total Time: 36:41  Total Miles: 4  Average Pace: 9:10/ mile

*Asics 2120s:  79.11

Another thought I have is that perhaps I have increased the total amount of miles per run too fast?  What with the whole week off when I went on vacation, I have logged 98.22 miles this month but I only have 12 total days of running including today's measly 4 miles.  That would average out to 8.1+ miles / run.  Just a thought.  I am thinking that if I take off until Sunday, I will have to plan out a start from scratch plan, perhaps going back to running only 6 miles a day 6 days a week with no long runs.  Which stinks because I really do like my 10+ mile runs :(

After reading everyone's comments and suggestions, I think I need to continue to stretch and be careful about my leg.  I kind of want to take time off, but I just don't know.  Sunday's race is out of the question, but I think that by Sunday I would like to be back on the 6 miles a day for 6 days program.  I guess I can run tomorrow morning light again just 4 or 5 miles at 9+ mile pace... and then take Saturday off and start in on the recovery runs starting Sunday.

From Bonnie on Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 09:30:07

Benn, are you stretching your calves? I have been battling this for a few months now (along with plantar fasciitis). I have been doing two things that seem to help - at least it is not getting any worse. I wear a night splint (

and I stretch and use arnica cream and biofreeze. It is not completely going away but it has held it at bay.

Personally, though I do pronate pretty badly on the foot that I have these problems, I don't like to wear stability shoes (for me they make things worse for the rest of my biomechanics) though many will suggest you should.

There are many articles on achilles tendinitis (with stretches) on the internet.

Good luck,


From Benn on Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 09:31:55

Yeah. I've been heating and icing and stretching 4-5 times a day. I wear orthodics because I have very flat feet and am slightly bowlegged. So I just don't know. I'm just frustrated. I will try to take it easy for the day and see how it goes.

From Ian on Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 13:30:40

Hi Benn, as you commented I've got the same problem with my achilles at the moment. What has helped me in the past was to cut out the hills, stick to trails, really stretch the calves, keep the intensity down and the usual icing/heat and massage. I use a warming cream that someone recommended to me as they used it on their greyhounds, which goes to show when you've an injury it makes you desperate enough to try anything. What has never helped me personally is doing what my doctor told me, to take a break from running. It was straight away there when I restarted. I also daily (other than long run day) do toe raises/heel lowers on steps. 6 sets of 15. Oh, and I walk before I run so that I'm not starting cold and take the first few k slowly. Good luck, Ian.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 14:32:21

6 miles a day 6 days a week sounds like a great idea. Do that, or even a bit less at first until the injury is better. My rule for aches and pains is to run the longest distance possible so that it is not worse the next day, which often means easing off on pace.

From josse on Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 15:14:22

See if you can fet someone to rub out the calf as deep as you can stand (be tough) or what I do is while standing, I put my shin on the bed so that back of the calf is exposed. Then with the knuckle side of my hand I make a fist and rub down form top to bottom. But I can put myself in alot of pain.

I think you have just really listen to the body if you decide to run through an injury. Be in tune.

From josse on Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 15:15:46

Oh ya maybe do a little crosstraining this weekend instead of running. I swear by crosstraining to keep you in some sort of shape.

From saamijeff on Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 15:45:26

Careful non painful stretching is always good.

Easy crosstraining is a good idea.

Slow treadmill miles might bother you less than road miles.

Ibruprofin 600mg/4-6 times a day to reduce swelling might be in order.

Running through serious tendonitis is not recomended.

From saamijeff on Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 02:49:04

Does it hurt when you first get up and walk down the stairs or only when you run?

From Benn on Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 07:19:59

Um as far as walking around theres no pain, it's just that there's that feeling of tightness/stretching that I can feel through the skin (as noted on my thread on the webboard). I just was wary to run because of all the talk of people's achilles blowing out on them

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:45 AM - Coldest morning of the year so far. had it listed as 6 degrees but with the wind that it felt like -4 below!  I bundled up with 2 sets of spandex and a winter running pants for the bottom, and then 3 thermal technical shirts.  It worked because my face was the only exposed skin after hat and gloves and that was the only skin exposed.  So I am on the fence because I feel like one of those horses that slightly fractures a foot and has to be put down because it wants to run, but just physically can't.  My legs are raring to go, but my ankle and right achilles just don't want me to go yet.    I have become religious about stretching in the mornings and evenings, and I stopped at mile 3 today to stretch because it started to hurt a bit.  I am as per suggestion doing the calf raises, though I can only manage 5-6 on just my right leg, and about 10-12 with both feet together.  I will take Saturday off and Sunday God willing get 6 miles in at 9 minute or slower pace.  I hate babying it like this, but I don't think I have much other choice if I want to continue running.

Mile 1: 8:38

Mile 2: 8:52

Mile 3: 9:11 (uphill)

Mile 4: 9:03

Mile 5: 8:33

Total Time: 44:32  Total Mileage: 5.02  Average Pace: 8:52/ mile

*Asics 2120s: 84.13

From Paul Ivory on Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 22:50:07

Benn, good for you to go out in the cold. Hey, don't bash the slow running, as I have seen some real great heart efficiency benefits of doing just 4 weeks of the long slower aerobic running. I'm just looking at it as a great base builder. Good luck with your recovery of your nuisance issues.

From Paul Ivory on Sun, Jan 27, 2008 at 22:28:26

Benn, regarding your plan for careful running. It sounds to me like you are right on, easy enough effort not to overstress the achilles. Tendons heal slowly so don't get disappointed if the achilles is a nuisance for several weeks or months, but hopefully you will sense progressive improvement. Don't forget the web page for more research on achilles pain.

God bless your healing.

From Paul Ivory on Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 09:06:22

Hey Benn, one mor thought about achilles work. 4 times a day I try to do a 30 second stretch of each achilles. I remember this was given to me as a healing aid and I also do it now as a preventive aid. Carefully step forward with one foot, brace yourself forward with you hands, and feel the gentle stretch of the behind leg achilles. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat with the other one. Do this 4 times a day. The first one is easy to remember to do as a habit when your computer boots up in the morning. Enjoy, Paul

From Benn on Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 09:10:38

Thanks Paul. I am definitely getting serious about the stretching of the achilles. Plus I'm trying to do the toe calf raises each day as well. and the reverse ones on the stairs that Ian suggested.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:45 AM - After two days off I thought that I would be feeling better and up for a run.  If my leg holds up I want to hit 36 miles for the week.  Temperature was a brisk 13 degrees this morning, but sunny and very calm out.  I started out and felt pretty good.  My achilles didn't even start to hurt until mile 4.  I think I just need to embrace the slow easy pace and continue to ice and what not.  Tomorrow I will need to try to average 8:45 or slower pace so that I don't hurt too much.

Mile 1: 8:16

Mile 2: 8:21

Mile 3: 8:37

Mile 4: 8:45

Mile 5: 8:31

Mile 6: 8:29

Total Time: 51:40  Total Mileage: 6.07   Average Pace:  8:30/mile

*Asics 2120s: 90.2 miles

From Jody on Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 09:23:41

Hope that you continue to feel better. Nice job today!

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 19:01:28

Very good - continue to keep it easy.

From Michelle on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 03:24:04

Glad that you are seeing some improvement, hope that you continue to keep that pain under control and move forward!

From saamijeff on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 03:38:33

Looks like you are heading the right direction. Getting four pain free miles is a good sign!. Keep it slow and easy and avoid uneven trails and ice. We will be hearing good race results in no time!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:45 AM - 11 degrees today. Woke up and the achilles was still sore. But as it seems this is going to be a problem I am going to have to deal with for weeks or months (oh I certainly hope not), I decided I needed to get out there to get in a run. My morning was made better since Emmy called me right before I was going outside, so that certainly made my morning. I found it hard to concentrate during the run since I was constantly monitoring my achilles. The pain would come in for a mile, then go away for a time, then come in again. It seemed it hurt more on the uphills. But maybe that's just me. Just wish I felt better. Hopefully I can continue to heal despite getting in daily runs. Did a lot of stretching afterwards.

Mile 1: 8:38

Mile 2: 8:56

Mile 3: 8:55

Mile 4: 9:07

Mile 5: 8:54

Mile 6: 8:45

Total Time: 54:13 Total Mileage: 6.1 miles Average Pace: 8:53/ mile

*Asics 2120s: 96.3


 Found this on a website... crap! I've been doing ALL THE WRONG THINGS!


Exercises to Avoid

Excessive stretching is not good for your achilles tendon. The stretch that I most often recommend is the "wall stretch". I do not recommend the "stair stretch", the "incline stretch", or the "put a towel around your feet and pull up until it hurts stretch". If any of these are working for you, that's great, you don't need any advice. In most cases, for the patients I see, these stretches put too much tension on the already tender achilles tendon. Contracting the muscle when it is in a stretched position, as initial therapy of an injured achilles tendon is not a good thing.

From Ian on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 14:04:40

Keep it nice and easy Benn and try and knock out the uphills if you can. Ease into your run to warm the achilles up, make the first mile the slowest, not the fastest. Josse left a comment on your blog last week that helped me. I got my wife to make a fist and massage down the calf muscle towards the achilles with lots of pressure. It was painful but helped loosen the muscle up. I did think she enjoyed this a little bit too much though!

From Benn on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 15:10:11

Okay I can try. It's just so frustrating because I want to be running a lot more!

From saamijeff on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 19:58:55

It takes a lot, repeat a LOT, of overextension to rupture an achilles. Nice slow jogging on even ground or better yet on a treadmill puts one at little risk. My non ruptured one does cause me trouble once in a while. I slow down, run on the mill, ice at night and massage( carefully) the tendon trying to push out any inflamation that is in the area. Ibuprofin is helpful too.

From Benn on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 20:11:26

I just want to be able to run safe. So if i continue to plod slow, even if it hurts, and stretch like I have been I should be okay?

From Benn on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 20:20:44

I mean I have been stretching the calf and achilles, massaging gently and doing the raises on the stairs (i.e. putting toes on the end of the stair and doing reverse raises and then also each foot at its own time). I guess I'm just wary because I've never really had a major running injury and I want to have a good year of running ahead of me.

From Mike Warren on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 20:36:23

Nice job getting out in the bitter cold. As others have said take it easy. Do you stretch much before you run? I started doing circuit weight and stretchinng before I run each morning, has helped alot. Also, have you ever had a deep tissue massage. I do it every 2 weeks, nothing has helped me stay running strong more than this. Just make sure the person giving it knows what there doing. Hang in there, you have alot of awesome goals this year.

From Benn on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 20:47:21

I haven't done as much stretching as I should I don't think but I am doing a lot more now. should i put a heat pack on the achilles before tomorrow's run then? I just don't want to damage my training this year!!!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

What a shame. Warmest day of the year so far - 38 degrees right now. And I can't run.  My mom 'grounded' me from running this morning, and I said, 'eh even if I wanted to run, my foot hurts so much that I'd be lucky to get the 500 feet to the end of the driveway'. :(

I guess I'm experiencing the frustration that any runner feels when their body is saying "RUN RUN" yet some stupid nagging little injury that appears out of the blue is putting a damper on that.  I am going to concentrate on situps/pushups I guess so at least I can get something in. 

AM Crunches: 300  Pushups:  100; arms: freeweights

The pain that I'm feeling now is definitely more intense than when I was running a couple days ago.  I think it didn't help that I was on my feet for 9 hours at work today.  I picked up a copy of Noakes' Lore of Running and read up on the severity of achilles issues and how to treat them.  According to Noakes, I should have concentrated on the "eccentric" stretching to strengthen my achilles and calf muscles .  He says you should allow your weight to bring your heel down past the level of the stair and then raise it back up.  I don't think I can do this right now.  It really got enflamed at work today to the point where it almost hurt to stand.  I should never have kept running on it.  Noakes said to take a minimum of a week off from the initial injury, and I had to be a moron and run like 5 x in a week.  I'm really bummed.  I guess I'm going to take a couple weeks off.  That shoots all my 2008 goals to hell. Grrr. Frustration doesn't even begin to sum up how I feel.  I'm just angry at myself that I let myself get hurt.  Running is my only outlet really.  Without it I know I'm going to be going crazy. *sigh

From josse on Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 17:06:20

You say your foot hurts know is that new? I probably allready said this but I think you probably have some tendonitis and I think the best medicane for that is Ice/heat and massage. Did you check out the scrapping tool website? If so what do you think.

From MichelleL on Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 21:26:36

It's ok Benn. You won't lose much in two weeks. You will lose more if you keep running. I know it's hard to take the time off, but you can come back strong. Focus on school and ENJOY the freedom that knowing you can't run will give you.

From Scott Zincone on Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 21:44:28

I had to take 3 weeks off in December for my achilles. I only ran a few times on it before taking the break. Luckily I was able to swim to help keep up my fitness. But once I got running again I had not lost that much.

My best advice though, would be not to over do it once you are running again. I am just figuring this out. Plus Josse let me know in no uncertain terms I was jumping back into it too fast.

That was meant to be a compliment to you Josse.

From Shauna on Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 21:50:08

So sorry about your injury. It is frustrating, but time off will be the best thing. It's only January: you have plenty of time to meet your 2008 goals!!

Enjoy your extra time over the next couple of weeks!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Yay for goose eggs.  I applied Icy Hot right before I went to bed last night and woke up and there was less soreness and swelling.  Trying to stay positive.  Going to get a shower and then I guess pushup/situp time.


AM  300 crunches, 100 pushups   free weight exercises.

PM  Icing and some light stretching; free weights and 300 crunches.

From MichelleL on Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 10:57:21

Goose eggs are great! You should be able to get a little more sleep though when you cut out the running, right?

From Benn on Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 13:18:05

I wish. If anything I sleep worse, because I'm not tired at night. Now if anything I'm going to be up doing work at 2 or 3 in the morning. And I am always up by like 6:30 or so anyways.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM -  200 crunches after coffee; more later.

*Note: Elevated foot and put some icy hot on last night.  Foot is feeling a little  better.  Was able to do 10 calf raises on the stairs yesterday with minimal pain.  Will continue to ice and stretch.  Trying hard to visualize the healing process.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - Officially safe to say I was burnt out.  Desperately needed some sleep.  Probably could have slept even longer having got home around midnight!   Going to do some crunches/pushups in a little bit.  Then tons of homework.  My achilles feels a lot better, even after standing at work for 8 hours yesterday.  Im' hoping it heals up nicely.

Rest Day #4 and Counting


PM - 300 crunches; weights light, some pushups

PM#2 - 200 crunches; pushups

From Paul Petersen on Sat, Feb 02, 2008 at 09:47:41

Benn - did you get my email? Give the Strassburg Sock a try if you haven't already.

From MichelleL on Sat, Feb 02, 2008 at 11:03:39

Hurray for goose eggs!

From paul ivory on Sat, Feb 02, 2008 at 18:22:11

Benn, keep up the healing. Be patient. Imagine how you are going to appreciate it when you can run without pain. Speed will take 2nd place to running pain free.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - Going to do some crunches and eccentric exercises.  Continuing to ice and stretch lightly.  Anticipating the rebound sometime soon.

Rest day #5 :(

Sorry to all you Patriots Fans out there (and I know there are many).  It must hurt to be fans of the team that ended the perfect season not so perfectly. 18 and 1 ouch.  I never thought I'd live to see one of our three New York football teams actually end up a Super Bowl winner. wow. Miracles do come true.

Achilles is healing nicely.  Have done a lot of icing, massaging, resting.  I can't believe it's only been 5 days.  This whole "taking a week off to rest" I think is the most painful, most drawn out week I have ever had.  Even worse than finals week ever was in college!

FYI, anyone looking for a good trail marathon should look at the one I'm doing:  Nipmuck Trail Marathon in Ashford, CT  :  ;  Although, I'm not sure what kind of goal to set.  It states to ADD ONE HOUR to your BEST ROAD MARATHON PR.  It's a very difficult 26.4 mile course I suppose, and only about 10 of 180 finishers ever gets under 4 hours, and about 60 under 5 hours.  My best road PR is 4:26, so I suppose I am shooting for 5:30 or faster, but would it be too ambitious to aim for breaknig 5 hours? 

From SAAMIJEFF on Sun, Feb 03, 2008 at 22:58:26

Good thing for my mental health I gave up on the Patriots when they deserted Boston for Foxborough many, many moons ago.

Hope the injury is healing well!

From Shauna on Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 14:18:12

I think you could easily break 5 hours. You are in much better shape than your current marathon PR says. I think you could easily run a sub-3:30 marathon on a normal course. Good luck!

From Fredrick Teichert on Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 08:25:22

80% of running is attitude, the other half is mental! You can do just what you want to do. I see all kinds of PR's for you this year. Keep it up!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - Really starting to feel blah.  My achilles I think is healing... but this is the longest week ever. Depressed.

Pushups and 200 crunches

Days of "Rest" (or TORTURE!):  6

From josse on Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 09:27:33

Hang in there Benn. Do you have any access to a bike or elliptical machine or anything that you can do a cardo workout on? I would find something it will help you get through this and not lose all your fitness.

From Benn on Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 09:43:38

Problem is our Y membership ran out, and the Y is like 30 mins away anyways. :( I could go and do some bike stuff at the college I think. Maybe I'll go ahead and bring the clothes, but only problem is that there are only 2 bikes, so high liklihood that they will be taken :(

From MichelleL on Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 12:39:42

You could do your crunches right by the machines while you wait for them to get off. Perhaps you could do it so close you annoy those using the machines and they will get off sooner :)

From MichelleL on Tue, Feb 05, 2008 at 09:12:39

Nice picture! So when is Emmy (sp?) going to join the blog? (This from me who can't even get her own husband to join - my husband runs 3-7 miles a day but thinks I like to waste a whole lot of time on the blog. I say, hey, it's my hobby :) ).

From Benn on Tue, Feb 05, 2008 at 13:17:01

HAHA Well I've been mentioning it that she should join :) I think sometimes that I waste a lot of tmie on the blog too LOL but then I remember all the fun and the progress I've made in just a couple of months and I think different! I'll tell her to sign up :)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - Crunches and pushups; Raring to get back out on the roads. Nasty weather expected next couple days so hopefully before the end of the week I can get a trial run in . Got to start smart. Don't want any more setbacks. Sent off application to Nipmuck for 6/1 yesterday. Getting psyched!

Rest Day: 7; Felt pain yesterday going up stairs which was weird. Continuing to massage and take it easy. Hoping to just get back out there even for 3 mile jogs.

So I really want to run.  But the question is:  How long do I need to wait before I come back.  Everything I've read leads me to believe that achilles issues might be a prolonged problem, so should I suck it up and start doing some runs?

From Paul Ivory on Tue, Feb 05, 2008 at 21:37:24

Benn, I think your patience will pay benefits. Give it a few days for the initial healing and work whatever preventive measures you have decided on (icing, massage, gentle stretch, etc.).

Yes it will require patience, but it doesn't mean a total stop to running. But when you do get to running do not be ashamed to do walk/runs and keep the running part very slow until you are ready for a little quicker pace. My personal opinion would be no faster than a 9:30 to 10:00 pace for the first few weeks and then make your decision on how fast you pick it up. Keep checking your webmd links and such.

God bless your healing. Paul

From Brent on Tue, Feb 05, 2008 at 22:47:30

Benn, I always ask myself, what caused the injury? Wrong shoes, non-running injury, etc. I think it is more than just waiting for it to feel better, try to find out the cause, so you can hopefully not have it reoccur. Josse on the blog seems to have the best advice for injuries. I would ask her advice. I have bought a book called "Sports Medicine Bible".

Really, Josse has very good knowledge. By the way, will let you know when the sign up starts for the St.George marathon lottery.

Stay cool, nice picture, get better soon, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

My thoughts and prayers to all those who are affected by or know those that were in the paths of those devastating storms that hit the South last night.

4:00 PM - Couldn't stand it any longer, so I dressed up and tried to go for a run.. and failed miserably.  Only able to do two miles.  I give up. I went as slow as I could, and it still hurts. Unfortunately I don't have access to a pool, so not sure what to do.  I can try to hop on a bike tomorrow at the college?  Is that better than nothing?

Mile 1: 10:14

Mile 2: 10:10

Total Distance: 2.06  Total Time: 20:57  Avg. Pace: 10:09/mile

From jtshad on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 10:36:22

The shirts are available to everyone. Click on the link to the St. George Running Center (see the 15% off ad right above your picture) to get them.

From Benn on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 16:02:25

I clicked on there, but it took me to amazon, no shirts.

From Benn on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 16:04:12


Please See Below For Details:

There is not enough product in stock to place in your cart, and this product cannot be backordered.

From jtshad on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 16:25:26

Just call Steve at the number listed or send him a note on the Blog (Steve Hooper) to get gear.

From Jody on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 20:26:32

Sorry it didn't go so well. Hang in there!!

From Brent on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 20:29:32

Hang in there and let it heal before you run. Can you do some cross training that does not bother it to keep up your cardio?

B of BS Rools out

From Scott Zincone on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 21:02:12

My achilles was acting up in December. The first few days I rode the bike and could "feel" it. So I stopped. But it never hurt and I feel I could have still rode. I am not sure if it would have injured it more or not. But it will certainly help keep up the fitness. You will breath hard, the heart will pump, and you will sweat. So it is better than nothing as long as it does not make the injury worse.

Good Luck !

From Benn on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 21:33:12

I don't know what else I can do besides the bike though. I'm hoping that if I don't push too hard, that it will help me get back into some kind of fitness. I'm just hoping it doesn't take MONTHS to heal, like I've heard the horror stories say.

From Benn on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 21:39:23

Also, wondering if the recumbant bike would be less stress. That's the one where you sit down with legs out in front of you I think. What do you say.

From Scott Zincone on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 21:55:52

I have never tried one, but I have been reading Paul Petersen's blog and he has been using one. Really anything you can do for your cardio without hurting the tendon will do you good. The hard part is finding what "that" is and is it available to you.

From Benn on Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 22:04:52

Yeah the YMCA is a good 25-30 min hike but my mom is doing her taxes tomorrow.. she likes to swim, so I am going to see if we can try to work something out so that even like 2x a week I can get to the pool for an easy 45 mins of laps. I think that will help. Then on my school days (M, T, Th) I can pop down to school a little early and do some recumbant bike riding. I just got a nice massage technique from your blog that Josse left in early December. I am just not looking forward to the next like 6 or 8 weeks?! of not running :(

From Shauna on Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 00:59:05

Sorry you're frustrated about the injury-it's hard. I think it's a great that you keep blogging, though. Staying on the blog while you're injured will keep you motivated and focused on getting back into it when you heal. Take it easy!

From saamijeff on Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 02:04:18

When I was recovering from achilles repair, I often used the rowing machine, I hated it but for some reason it was pretty easy on my rejoined tendon. Stretching it but not straining it. Maybe worth a try.

From Lybi on Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 14:28:09

Man oh man! So sorry about your injury. My hubby has had to deal with this as well. He really feels that the eccentric calf exercises helped. Don't some people use the Straussburg sock for achilles issues?

Another thing that might help is to take fish oil. It is a natural anti-inflammatory.

Good luck, Benn, and don't loose hope!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Got up early and went and did my taxes. Oh happy days.  Even though I only work part time, I paid 1500 bucks in taxes and still OWE 250 to the government.  Not a very nice start to my day.  My mom and me swung by the YMCA afterwards, and I did a swim.  First time in probably about four years I've gone swimming (besides jumping into the waves in Vieques during winter break).  This is what I did:

1000 m freestyle:  20:08

200 m breast stroke: 5:02

450 m freestyle:  8:58

= 1 Mile =  34:08

Felt really good actually;  Looking forward to becoming a better swimmer and getting in some nice swims this month while I rest.  I picked up a schedule and they have a lot of mornings with open lap swim.  This looks promising. :)

PM - 3 sets of pushups, 200 crunches.  Probably going to get up early to go swimming.  Though not sure.  There's open lane swim 530 AM to 830 AM, and then 1115-5 (but only 1 lane available during this time).  It might be a 5am wakeup call then for me.

From josse on Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 12:20:34

Good job on the swimming. I love to swim I had my fastest marathon when I was swimming regularly. It is such a good break from the pounding. Plus as an extra I get to get in the hot tub.

From Benn on Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 12:42:47

Thanks, Josse! My mom said I will be able to shave a lot of time off of my swimming the more I do it. Plus, since I haven't swam in about 4 years, I don't know how to do the 'flip turn'. So I just stop every 25 meters, turn and push off again. I was told by her that this significantly slows my swim time down. I'm hoping to get better at it though. I am crossing my fingers that it helps me maintain fitness. Because I will be sorely disappointed if I bonk out of the race on June 1st.

From josse on Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 12:51:49

I can't flip turn either, when ever I try I bonk my head on the bottom of the pool. I am lucky to have a 50 meter pool to do laps in.

Anything is going to help, my experience with crosstraining is, of course, it is not the same as running, But you can get back into running faster and easier if you do it. I really recommend finding an indoor bike you can use, one that you can do standing repeats on. You can pool run as well. You just need a waist flotation devise and do it in the deep end. I always try to just simulate real running but it usaully just turn into a bicycle motion. But it will help.

Don't do any crosstraining that aggrivates the injury.

From Michelle on Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 15:00:18


The swimming actually sounds fun, too bad I'm no good at it! Glad that things are healing up and you have found some crosstraing to do! I admire your determination! Love the "cute" new pic ! It's so fun to get to know people better on the blog through the pics that they post!

From Scott Zincone on Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 15:18:22

Excellent swimming. You swim as fast, or faster than me, after four years off as I do when I swim everyday.

From Jody on Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 19:10:49

nice job with the swimming!! Last year Paula and I thought about doing a triathalon. I head out to my pool and swam for a while. I then realized that how many laps I would have to swim and gave up. I did notice however that while we swim for fun all summer, my overall fitness is better. Right now I keep telling my husband- "take the cover off and we can ice skate" He doesn't think is so funny.

From will on Fri, Feb 08, 2008 at 08:23:10


Having had achilles tendonitis, I have a sense of what you are experiencing. When it was bad enough that I could not run, I took 1-2 hour walks. While walking does not give a good cardio workout, it does keep the body in tune to the movement which is similar to running, and for me it did not cause any pain in the achilles. I would test the achilles every other day with a run. When it would begin to hurt I would immediately stop running and finish the session by walking. I cured the tendonitis by discovering that the proper days off from running in my case was 4 days. Every 4th day I would go for a run. I would run for 10 minutes, would feel the achilles get tense, and walk the rest of the way. 4 days later I would test it again with a run, this time I could run 15 minutes before having to walk. 4 days later I was able to run 20 minutes before walking. Every 4th day saw an approximate 5 minute increase in time spent running. When I hit 55 minutes of running the tendonitis magically disappeared, and I was able to run as far as I wanted without it returning. Not sure if this will work for you, but I think the lesson here is to continually use your imagination and determination until finding the proper way to heal it. Resting it completely may very well work, so good luck in your quest to heal it!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:30 AM - Went to the YMCA this morning and decided to go for a swim.  Did 1100 meters of freestyle in 21:35 and then changed and went and checked out the weightroom.  They more than quadrupled the amount of cardio equipment that they have since the last time I was there about two years ago.  Kick butt!  Hopped onto a bike and did 5.1 miles in 20:45.  Felt really good, and barely any soreness in the achilles.  Not the same as running, but at least it's something to do.

From jody on Fri, Feb 08, 2008 at 18:18:20

Nice cross training! Staying active will definitely help when you are ready to run again.

From MichelleL on Fri, Feb 08, 2008 at 18:31:56

Awesome Benn! So glad it's better than you remember.

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 12:28:58

Benn, I agree with Jody and Michelle. Doing what you can is sure better than not doing anything. Enjoy any successes you have and keep up the healing.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Blah seems a pretty good term for summing up today.  Feel like junk and want to run but can't.  Stuck at home babysitting and can't go to the YMCA.  Man this is peachy.  Not to mention have to do a stupid paper for grad school that is absolutely pointless.  Tried reading more from Running Through the Wall.  All that does is make me more depressed.  Now it's snowing a ton too.  And to make a horrible day even better, found out that somehow all 3 sets of my keys got locked in my car. I need a redo at life.

Going to plan my hardest to get to the YMCA and do a good 40 min + bike ride or something.  Got my paper done which is good.  That leaves tomorrow open (more than usual) to get in a cardio.  me = Misses Running :'(!!

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 13:19:03

Benn, cheer up, dude. Here is a note from the March Runners World, page 46.

"Know when to rest.

Injuries happen, but by allowing ample recovery time during training, you can help avoid arriving at the start with aches and pains. Follow a hard day with one or two easy days, and a hard two weeks with an easy one (reduced mileage by 10 to 20 percent). Take a rest day at least every 10 days. And at the slightest hint of injury, reduce workload and intensity, or resort to cross-training, and seek physical therapy."

This past week for me has been a very easy week of running (because I have been working so late at work), so today when we did 10 speed interval miles it turned out to be the easiest 10 miles of intervals that I have ever done.

Please look forward to the great times when you are healthy again, but this time work in more of the rest that Runners World is talking about. The above advice is from an article about elite world class runners, so it certainly applies to the rest of us.

From Benn on Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 13:29:48

Yeah, I will try Paul. Injuries just really suck to put it bluntly. The rest of me just wants to run, and my achilles is like the stubborn deciding vote in a Senate debate that won't cave to popular opinion. And it's not like it's a knee injury or quad injury that you can run through, because a sore achilles ruins everything. I've been stretching, icing, heating, everything and it's just as sore as it was on the first day now. And if I go to physical therapy all they'll do is take a lot of my money and give me the same advice. It's just that when running is your vice and you're forced to go without it, you feel empty inside and it reflects in your attitude. You feel lazy, sluggish and just don't have the normal chipperness. At least this is my experience. And all this when I am supposed to be looking forward to my spring races. :-. I think its a bigger depressant than alcohol.

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 13:34:36

No doubt it is a big downer, but imagine the height of the happiness when you are running free and easy with the wind in your hair in a few months and you reflect back on this dark period of your running life.

All it can do is get better from here. Enjoy, Paul

From MichelleL on Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 15:51:45

Dang Benn. I agree, I don't like to go to specialists when you pretty much know the answer to your problem, and I certainly wouldn't do it on your budget :) Just take the rest one day at a time. You'll survive. The spring will come, the injury will heal, and you will reach your goals.

From Jody on Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 16:18:17

HANG IN THERE!!! It will get better!!!

From James on Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 20:21:51

Sorry about the crappy day.

From Benn on Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 22:16:53

Thanks for all the positives everyone. I'm really hoping that soon I will get out of the dark sulky blahness and able to run free again. Just trying to stay positive and think about that June 1st marathon. I CAN DO THIS! This year I just want to be able to smash my Marathon PR, and I think that if I train right all year, then definitely the October 12th marathon might be the breakthrough. I'll go all for broke and beat my 4:26 time then I think. For now, just trying to get back healthy and able to run, so I can complete that trail marathon !

From Curtis on Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 22:43:44

Hey Benn thankyou for the encouragement. That's very nice that someone from N.Y. is reading my little blog. Sorry about your crappy day and the snow. We have had about 2 feet on ground here for about 2 month's. I am ready for spring. My grnaddaughter is pretty much out of options. So it looks like she will be going on the heart transplant list.

Keep up the good running.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 AM - Went to the YMCA, despite 40mph winds and near white out conditions.  We've got about 8 inches of snow since midnight.  Was not expecting to see the entire parking lot full, as I go to a very small out in the country type of YMCA.  Turns out there was a pickleball tournament going on (Had never really seen this sport before, so took the time to watch for a few minutes - quite amusing, though it seemed the average age of the participants was well above 60).  Luckily there was space enough for me to find a stationary bike, though the recumbants were taken, as two of the three stationaries were broken I guess.  Overall, felt really good, and made sure resistance was a 10 of 14 being the max.  Definitely worked up a sweat and kept the speed over 20mph the entire ride!!

Total Time: 36:15   Total Mileage (biked):  13.28

Wanted to stay on longer, but stupid rules say you can only stay on for 30 minutes at a time, and I had already eaten up someone else's chunk of time, which was pointed out to me upon which I promptly and genuinely apologized.  Oops!

Had to shovel out our mailbox from its ice encased cocoon because we received a nice little note informing us they have suspended mail service until we do.  Then stacked wood.  Did a little jog up and down our driveway .1 miles each way (about 550 feet long each way).  Achilles is a little sore from the biking.  So I cam inside after and iced.  Come on recovery!

From josse on Sun, Feb 10, 2008 at 12:11:56

They have that same rule at the place I go, which I think is soooooo stupid. You pay to use the place you should be able to use them how you please. I always stay on for longer, but I also go at a time when there is hardly anyone there so I don't feel to bad.

From Benn on Sun, Feb 10, 2008 at 12:33:54

Yeah, well hopefully later this week when I go there will be less people there on the weekdays so I won't feel guilty staying on longer either :). Would be nice to get a solid hour ride in. Keeping my fingers crossed though that running is right aroudn the corner. I have 0 miles for this year and have so much catching up to do!

From Ruthie on Sun, Feb 10, 2008 at 14:41:57

Thanks for the confidence in me. :D I'm amazed at how positive you've been through your injury, even though there are down times. You're attitude is rather inspirational! And contagious to boot! Way to be and thanks again....

From Brent on Sun, Feb 10, 2008 at 17:38:06

Benn, thanks for your comments, way to keep up the cardio.

Stay Cool, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Dangerously cold out today.  Will not be fun walking to class.  Did 250 crunches and pushups and curls.  Bored out of my mind.  Wish had a time machine to make the next couple weeks disappear and hopefully be healthy to run again!

UPDATE: So my achilles is a little sore from the riding yesterday as well as the shoveling and short run up and down the driveway.  I did the stair lifts again and I think that my muscles are strengthening because I am able to do the lifts without much pain.  I can put all my weight on my right foot as well.  It's just that there is soreness there, and I don't think I could run on it without the pain coming back.  I really don't know what I should do.  I mean I don't think I tore it but it's just like the weeks go by so slow.  It might be a smart decision to not try running again until March 1st and truly concentrate on just trying to get healed up nicely.  But it seems everyone else who has had an achilles issue says that despite taking time off, the problem just resurfaces when you try to run again.  Also, if someone could clarifty the whole 'compression' aspect of the healing process.  I mean I usually wrap my ankle in an ace bandage if it starts to hurt and after icing.  Also, I don't walk around barefoot any more.  I wear a pair of trainers with my orthodics in (I'm flat footed so I have orthodics to help combat my pronation as well as my messed up bowlegs). 

So was sitting in class and came to the conclusion I was not meant to be a runner. That's why I got hurt.  I haven't done anything strenuous in training that I haven't been through before.  And I do everything right.  I stretch, get my rest, don't do too much speedwork, and most importantly DONT TAKE STEROIDS.  And yet I get hurt.  That doesn't just blow. It sucks.  And nothing against you tri people, but biking/swimming SUCK compared to just being able to run.  This absolutely SUCKS.  And my achilles hurts like heck today.  And I didn't even exercise! I am considering just cutting off my foot and getting a prosthetic.  At least then I could run.

From Tom on Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 12:01:13

Benn - best of luck getting over the injuries. I know how incredibly frustrating and depressing this can be. Hang in there and know that "this too shall pass" and you'll be back on the roads and knocking down your goals in no time.

From Shauna on Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 21:26:13

I definitely dont think your injury means you are not meant to be a runner. You have already run times that most people would never dream of doing, and in a pretty short time period! Even the elites battle injuries, sometimes long-term. You are going to heal and come back strong!

I also just saw that you gave up soda over a year ago! have you really not had a soda since then? Amazing! Soda is truly an addiction with me....

From Benn on Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 21:30:40

Yeah. I used to drink 4-5 Liters of Diet Soda a day. And I have not touched the stuff since 11/23/06. It was perhaps the hardest thing I ever did. Just went cold turkey one day.

From Benn on Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 21:31:54

Maybe I overexaggerated. But I don't know how I can even stay positive when I'm hurt. All the literature about achilles is bad news :( And I already paid my entry fee for my June 1st marathon. I don't even know if I can get in shape now by then! :( Just really disheartened because running is truly about my only vice.

From Scott Zincone on Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 22:13:49


I am not sure I can explain this properly because I can not even explain it to myself. But last year I found out I had a stress fracture in my femur. My doctor said take 6 months off from running. I was so discouraged. All I could think about was how hard it would be to start from nothing once I was healed. But I found my relief in cross training. I cannot put into words the drive I felt to stay fit and healthy so when I did run again I would be ready. Every swim and bike workout I did was for my running. But the result was a fitter me.

It was hard at first. But eventually I got into swimming and biking shape. I began to do more than just base work. I added speed and distance workouts towards the end. Cross training will get easier and more fun as you keep working hard. Just as you would in your running. Right now it is going to take a purposeful decision to just do it. Whatever way you choose to stay fit, give it all the effort you would have put into your run training. You will appreciate this more than you know when its running time again.

By the way I started running again at 4 months. It was all I could stand of that darn cross training...don't tell my doctor :)

From Paul Ivory on Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 22:15:00

Benn, if you do go ahead and cut off your foot be sure to check out the webmd site for good information about prosthetics. With today's technology you could be making a great choice by cutting off your foot. Maybe get some extra spring in the new foot as well. Heck, it may be so good that you decide to cut off the other foot as well. Good luck. Paul

From Benn on Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 22:37:37

LOL Paul. Funny. Just normal discouragement and borderline depression over here. Almost 3 weeks without a run that you truly WANT to do takes its toll. I don't think I"m doing the bike again. I have a feeling that's what caused the soreness. So it's going to be back to pushup, crunches, and swimming, though theres no way I can manage swimming more than a couple times a week which sucks. Tomorrow am starting a diet. Going to reduce to about 1800 calories or less since I'm not doing any activity.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Couldn't fall asleep, and then when I did had bad dreams.  Drained. Woke up at 5am with throbbing pain in the achilles which I had wrapped in an Ace bandage.  So I took it off. It's a little better now 3 hours later.  Still tight, but less tender than last night. 

AM - pushups, 400 crunches, free weight exercises.  Jogged to mailbox and back because car did another funny thing once again. Just went and dropped 90 bucks for a new battery.. this one's guaranteed for 3 years.  Didn't do too bad on the last one.  Ended up getting 7 years out of it :)

PM - light stretching.  Going to have to ice it and stretch again when I get home from class late tonight in that storm.  Good news is car is fixed and my parents' sauna came today, though a lot of the pieces were damaged :(. We still put it together though because this was the company's second attempt and my dad really wants to use it later.

From Paul Ivory on Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 21:35:27

Benn, have you looked at Kory's blog? He has an Achilles issue that has started bothering him. He had a doctor appointment today. You may want to keep an eye on his blog for a while.

From Benn on Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 22:34:10

Yeah I read Kory's blog daily usually. I have taken 2 x week off stints thus far but to no avail. I just don't want to take from now until March 1st off just to find out that my achilles didn't heal at all. But I figure if I wait 3 weeks and I am still a lame duck, then there are serious issues and I probably should see a specialist and/or get surgery.

From Benn on Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 22:21:17

Paul - I read Kory's blog, but it seems somehow he can run on his bum achilles :-. Mine just hurts. And I don't even do anything. I just don't want to "rest" for no good reason.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Guess I'll do more pushups and crunches.  Achilles is still sore.  Beginning to think maybe I did more than just pull it.  Maybe it's torn :(

PM - 300 crunches, free weights, 4 x 1 minute "plank", pushups.

From josse on Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 18:07:36

I would go get some medical advice, maybe a PT or something:)

From saamijeff on Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 19:36:27

Sorry to read about your latest trials and tribulations. A partial tear is possible but highly unlikely. Like the other posts I recomend cross training. I know it doesn't help but it was eight months after I tore mine before I could do anything strenuous. In fact that is when I started exercising and that lead to running again. Have it checked out by a doctor or sports PT. It will be worth it if only for peace of mind. You will recover and will run better than before after recovery. Believe in yourself and it will happen. We will all be wishing you the best.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Going to try to see if CVS or somewhere as an ankle brace or one of the ones with cold gel in it to help ice on the way to Albany today.

PM - tried 2 different stores and SOL for the wraps with built in ice packs.  Did the next best thing and bought an ankle wrap for like 10 bucks to add some support maybe? And got a new gel ice pack, as the only one I have is solid ice and hurts to put it around my leg and doesn't conform.  Come on Recovery! :)

From wheakory on Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 11:19:21

Benn the ACE Tek Zone Wrap I got has the Gel support for the Achilles and it seems to support it well. I don't know if there's better ones. My wife picked this one up for me. Also the ice gel cold wraps work great. You put it on for 20 minutes and can freeze it again and keep using it.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Did 1 mile of fast walking to and from car to class.  Total Time: 12:00.  Too afraid to try running on it because I still feel pain sometimes if I'm on my feet too much.  Wishing it would just get better.

So, if my achilles is still somewhat tender what do I do?   If I am taking off until March 1st, I will probably have lost all my fitness, but I don't really care about that.  I just want to be able to run again.  I've still been icing almost every day.  But who's to say the pain is not going to just come back once I start running again?


From Paul Ivory on Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 22:33:26

Benn, just a reminder, when I had my Achilles tendon issue it was tender for most of a year, but it never did stop me from running so it was probably not stressed quite as much as you have done yours. My thought is that the healing process takes priority over running, but I still think it will not be long before you get to run slow easy miles and that will be enough. Like you said all that is important is to get healthy and let the running be what it will. God bless your Achilles.

From Jim on Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 10:29:53


Have you tried any sort of heel lift to take some of the stress off of the achilles? I think I mentioned it to you in an e-mail. It did help for me. Liek Paul says, it took me over a eyar to get to completely pain free, but I never quit running entirely. Just no speed work, hills or stretching of the achilles. Don't lose hope. It will get better.

From josse on Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 11:01:59

Tendonitis can last quite a while and in the Achilles there is very little blood flow, and this is what aids in healing. That is why I suggested using the ice/heat combo, it gets more blood flow to the area. This should be done EVERY DAY A COUPLE TIMES A DAY. Most people don't see improvement from this because they don't do it right. Sometimes these things just happen. I spent the most of the summer being injured last year and look how I have come back. The only thing you can do is run if you think you can or do lots of crosstrianing, which I know doesn't work with your schedule. Hang in there. I would find a physical therapist that does Astym.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - 100 pushups and 300 crunches, 3 x "plank"

11:30 AM - I went for a walk, and had a little pain in the achilles, but it was bearable.  Total Walked was 1.25 miles in a time of 21:30.  I'll take it as something at least.  I might be trying to do some walking as it seems will be a while for recovery.  Going to attempt to make a heel lift out of the insole of my shoe, as I already wear orthotics and it would be hard to put additional inserts in. (About 100 calories burned)

Did a .6 mile walk at lunch after trying to put in a heel lift.  Less pain when walking, but still no way I can run.  Blah.

From wheakory on Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 14:11:08

A little pain is better than a lot. Continue to apply cold and hot on your achilles. Does your achilles appear to be swollen.

From Benn on Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 14:43:19

Swelling hasn't really been a problem at all for the last two weeks. Only occasionally e.g. when on my feet for 9 hours at work or something. It's just tender every now and then and just not back to normal.

From Paul Ivory on Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 20:18:26

Benn, in response to your note on my blog, it sounds like you have the right idea. It's all about healing and from the notes on your blog you are getting a lot of great recommendations.

When you do get running again I would personally think that 8 minute mile is a bit fast. I would suggest very slow at first, like 9:30 to 10:00 as a start and then faster over time as you can do it. Just my thoughts.

From Dale on Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 10:33:23

Are you stretching your achilles? If so, that may be making things worse in the short-term. I've read that you should *not* stretch while you're still having pain as this could aggravate the injury, only returning to stretching when the pain disappears.

Your situation is difficult, since complete rest is obviously out of the question because of your job. In place of stretching, perhaps try to massage it instead to help stimulate bloodflow and healing.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - 100 pushups, a couple "planks" x 1 minute and 200 crunches, 100 situps.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - Pushups and Situps, 200 crunches, Achilles is a lot better just from icing a couple times yesterday.  Tried to elevate it a bit more.  I think there might be something to this heel lift after all!  Trying to stay positive.

Good luck with the run Kory! Stay safe.  And to all our other FRB members out here struggling with injuries and nagging downers, think positive, think spring, and you're in my prayers.  As John "the Penguin" Bingham would say: Waddle on, friends.

From Curtis on Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 20:21:13

Good job on keeping positive Benn. Hang in there baby!!!!!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - pushups and crunches.  My achilles is feeling good right now.  Not tender to the touch any more and no swelling.  I hope this continues tonight at work.  Really looking forward to what I used to take for granted - an easy, leisurely run outside! 

I think I can? <<<< I KNOW I CAN!!!

On a sad note, I took a look at my Garmin today and noticed it's covered in dust.  Can't believe it's been like three weeks since I last used it.  OH how it will feel to strap that baby on and head out on the roads! Come on healing!

From Jody on Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 09:12:20

One more week left in February, you've almost made it. Hang in there and it will get better!

From sarah on Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 09:17:58

I hope you get better soon....cheer are young..your body will recover if you listen to it. :)

From will on Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 10:20:01

Way to go Benn, it looks like your on the road to recovery. Your timing is good, soon it will be warming up, and you will be ready to run in the beauty of nature....

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - Pushups and crunches;  Getting ready to go take a LAST test for grad school (kind of like a GRE) @ 1.  Achilles isn't inflamed and doesn't hurt so I think it's getting better.  Really wanting to go for a run to start off March the right way.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

At work last night, I was only on my feet for four hours but I have been making sure to take the elevator instead of stairs, and trying my best to keep pressure and strain off the achilles. About 95% of the sorness is gone, but I find that if I'm on my feet for an extended period of time without icing, the achilles and the area around it gets red and wam to the touch.  This is a little unnerving as I thought there was supposed to be restricted bloodflow to this tendon?  Maybe it's a good sign though that it is healing or something. 

AM - pushups and 300 crunches.

From Curtis on Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 12:40:49

Benn, your kicking butt on the crunches. That's awesome!!!!

From MichelleL on Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 21:47:36

keep your chin up Benn.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - Horrile night of sleep last night.  Couldn't sleep. Kept having nightmares and restless legs. Ugh! 

Did 300 crunches; 100 pushups;  4 x 12 reps of bicep curls (only 12 lb weights) - yes I know I am a weakling, but am working to change that.  200 situps on an exercise/yoga ball.  Come on abs of steel! hehe

*New Goal* By the end of the summer be able to do a pull-up - will be my FIRST EVER Pull up :)!!

Goal is maybe to try to do 2 miles on March 1st or 2nd with EMMY on a bike trail at about 9:30 pace or 10:00 to see how I feel.  Question:  Am I supposed to get a heel lift to leave in while I run ?  I assume the heel lift is supposed to be used for an extended time period while your achilles heels?  Right now I have a homemade one that consists of a cut up shoe insert that is under my orthotics.  Anyone have suggestions?

From will on Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 19:16:36

Benn - yes, you can do that pull-up! Also, if you have access to some parallel bars, start working on dips - pull-ups, dips, push-ups, crunches - that pretty much works most of the upper body muscles.

From Paul Ivory on Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 22:14:16

Benn, I can't give advice where you already have an orthotic, but for years I have put in an extra insole support in my running shoes and it has helped lift the heel a little and provided Achilles heel relief. Good luck.

From Benn on Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 22:34:29

that's what I have right now... I took a regular shoe insert, cut two halves and put it under my orthotic. I don't know what to do though. I really want to test it out, but I'm afraid to in case it gets sore again.

From Benn on Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 22:52:59

Paul - I checked out the "heel lifts" at the drug store, and they were all too squishy and i felt they would be a step down from the self made impromptu lift. Just my thoughts. Right now my doubling of an insole gives me an extra 1/2 or 3/8 inch lift I suspect. You think that's enough? It has felt better just in the last couple days from doing this. Is it too ambitious to try and get a run in on Sunday?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - Fourth Tuesday in a row that is has snowed.  Going to be a tricky drive to and from school tonight especially since they said the real stuff starts after 6pm and my class goes until 9:55 :(.  Blah!  Also, today is Day #28 since my last run :( .. and about 37 since the injury.

  • Pushups: 2 x 40, 1 x 25 
  • 250 sit-ups on exercise ball
  • 600 crunches
  • 8 x 12 curls 12lbs.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

After 14 inches of snow, it's a mess out there. Ugh! Didn't even get to my class for my grad test last night.  That's my little Chevy Prizm below buried in the wintry stuff.

And, to top things off, last night I managed to freezerburn my achilles.  I haven't had problems before with an ice pack, but I put it directly on the skin, and it numbed the skin so I didn't even feel the burning until it was a little too late.  Now it looks like I have freezer/sun burn on my foot! Good thing it doesn't hurt.  Just looks bad. Below is a picture of my achilles after a month:  It looks worse than it is I think because of the burning.  I have virtually no pain whatsoever.

Also this morning:   300 crunches, 150 situps, pushups.

From Dale on Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 18:29:53

Hey Benn,

It's tough to tell from that picture, but it almost looks like those shoes tilt outwards? Do they do that when you put them on a flat surface? If so, maybe the root of your problem is the shoes. Mine used to tilt inwards until I saw a podiatrist and got orthotics. Just a thought.

From Paul Ivory on Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 21:47:19

Benn, what can I say. Remember that the glass must be half full, so find the good in all that snow and the healing that you are doing. Some day you will be able to give someone some great advice about all this.

From Mike Warren on Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 21:53:55

Benn, hang in there pal! I appreciate your kind comments on my blog. Dale has a good point, I also turn my shoes out and Steve Hooper got me fixed up. Maybe he could suggest a shoe for you.

From Jody on Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 21:57:42

Hang in there! They have suggested new shoes for me and I am giving them a whirl tomorrow - Maybe new shoes can cure world hunger?

From Brent on Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 22:33:37

Benn, I agee with Mike, give Steve Hooper a call, ST.George running center. The right shoes are the ticket. Also, get some socks,waxing and a suntan. (kidding). Hope you get feeling better soon.

Stay Kool, not frozen, B of BS Rools out

From Benn on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 00:04:05

Yeah, All my shoes tilt really far outward after only 200 or so miles... I have really flast feet with 0 arch, but I have a pair of orthodics I wear. I'm trying so hard to stay positive, but now it has seemed my leg didn't like being on my feet all day at work . ugh!

From Benn on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 00:05:48

So yeah I have orthotics... but even with them in they still tilt really far out. Hence the doctor telling me I should not be a runner. :(

From Dale on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 09:55:04

Find another doctor! :)

Seriously, are your orthotics prescription? If not, you may want to visit a podiatrist.

In any event, your shoes are telling you a story. My very first injury was to my left achilles, brought on because I was in shoes that were fairly supportive, but still needed the extra that a custom orthotic would provide. Getting the right shoe/orthotic pair fixed me right up and may very well help you too.

From Dale on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:04:11

Boy, the more I think about this the more sense it does not make.

I'm not foot specialist, but if you've got flat feet, normally you're an over-pronator. But your shoes tilt outwards, which I believe indicates a lack of pronation. Could it be your shoes/orthotics are inducing too much correction?

Really, talk with someone knowledgeable on running shoes. Steve Hooper sounds like the guy on the blog to help get you fixed up!

From Benn on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:17:41

Yeah my orthotics were about $300 or so. I'd never been to an orthopedic or podiatrist before, but I really should go find a different one. I also have a ton of nail trauma damage which might be from the wrong sized shoes as well. I have to take the insert out of the shoes in order to run in them, as putting an orthotic on top of the shoe insert puts too much pressure on the top of my foot. My feet are all sorts of messed up.

From Dale on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:26:58

Mine too....I've got splay feet and winking kneecaps so don't feel like you're the only one. I had toenail damage until I finally got over myself and went up another 1/2 size in shoes (1 full size about my normal shoes). I think most folks that use orthoes take the standard inserts out...they don't do much for long anyway.

I wound up taking my orthoes to a shoe store and trying on about 20 pair to find ones that fit my orthoes and felt like I had space. In my case, I found that the Brooks Adrenaline and Asics GT 2120 were the two I like so far. I've also run in the Brooks Beasts and Addictions earlier in my running career. I probably needed them back then when I had poor muscle strength but they're too much now. I worked on my hip strength and focused on keeping my toes pointed forward (as much as I can) for months to overcome years (35+ at the time) of bad gait habits and I'm certain I'm a better runner for it.

If the top of your foot is too tight, keep the laces loose too...I used to overtighten mine, and I'd get these bumps on the top of my foot where they'd rub and swell. It's a fine line between too loose and too tight, but you can find it.

Don't give up hope. At least there's some things you know you can try, right?

From Benn on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:35:13

Yeah I do the same, and bring orthotics with me to the shoe store. I have used the Asics 2110s for about two years now, and love them. I am going to order another pair today. I think all the shoes I have (except for the new 2120s I have that only have 100 miles) are completely shot. I wear size 11.5 in normal shoes and have been buying size 11 in the Asics for the last year or so. Should I try moving up to the 11.5 size for the 2110s and see if that helps? Unfortunately they are only available online so I have no idea if they will be "too big" or something.

From Dale on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:41:14

Well, again, I think before you buy more shoes you should get some more professional shoe advice. If all your shoes tilt outwards, something is *not* right. If you decide to do it yourself anyway...

You shouldn't be getting toenail damage, so I'd guess that's because they're not long enough. If you don't have at least a finger's width between your toes and the end of the shoe, then definitely go up 1/2 size.

If you already buy shoes online, consider

They offer free 2-day shipping and include a return label (free) if the shoes don't work out. You can't run in them outside, but you can try them around the house/apartment and perhaps even on a treadmill to see if they fit and then decide risk free. Plus, the prices are decent.

From Benn on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:48:56

Yeah all my shoes that I have here (consulted 8 old pairs of shoes), all tilt the same if not more than the ones in the picture. I thought this was just because I wore them out. Sorry for all the questions and what not, but I've never really had access to people that know what they're talking about or a specialist or anything. We don't have any running stores in my area either. All we have are Dick's Sporting Goods stores, and none of the employees there seemed to have any suggestions. Should I see if my insurance will cover going to an orthopedic?

From Dale on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:55:47

I would see a podiatrist (foot specialist), not an orthopedist, if your insurance covers it. Try to find one that specializes in sports medicine, a runner preferably, of course. They should be able to analyze your gait, recommend shoes and prescribe orthoes (if needed) to handle your gait particulars.

As an alternative, consult a running store specialist. It really sounds like Steve Hooper is the blog guy to work with. I'd imagine you could work with him over the phone or online to get your issues sorted out.

Take my advice with a grain of salt.....all my advice is based on my experience, which is not necessarily all applicable to your situation, but I do see a lot of similarities. I probably know enough to be dangerous...

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - Pushups, 150 situps, 200 crunches, 4 x 15 reps of 12 lbs

Really don't know about the achilles.  Everyone seems to say that it takes a lot to actually "rupture" one, and I haven't done any running in 4 weeks and any serious running in more than 5.  Maybe it's just going to take more time.  I've done everything right I thought: rest, icing, stretching, compression, elevation.. but still seems to be bothered every day at work.  Iced it in the car on the way home last night driving with cruise control on, and then again this m orning.  The swelling from yesterday at work is gone, but it will probably come back with tomorrow 8 hours of being on my feet again. Ugh! [note: discoloration from the photo yesterday from the burning is gone pretty much as well] Frustration to the max. But today's high is projected to be 11, tonight's low -15 plus a windchill that might bring it to the near -30 range.  Same for tomorrow, then it might warm to near 40 and rain on Monday.  Sick of winter and the 20+ inches of snow we've had in the last day and a half! And yet I don't want spring to come yet because I still won't be able to run.  Come on stupid recovery. Hurry up already! haha

 Re: Eccentric Loading for the Achilles :  I've read conflicting reports that it is beneficial and also detrimental to try the Eccentric Loading technique.  I'll try anything. I just want to get healthy!  I read last night that the Finnish guy that developed/discovered this technique was actually trying to blow his achilles out because that's the only way they would do surgery on it if it was completely ruptured.  But it seemed to help heal him.  What should I do?  Everyone said that rest would do the trick and that a heel lift would help, but am I just impatient?  I've lost all my conditioning which is fine. I can build back, but I feel like I can't even jog a 10 minute mile without fear that pain will come back.

From Dale on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:02:14

For what it's worth, when I injured my achilles, I started the calf raises once I could tell the healing had started (things started feeling better and the swelling went down but not totally away). Since it was early back in my running career, I figured many of my problems were related to poor conditioning and strength.

In my humble, non-medical opinion, RICE will get you past the "acute" phase, but once you're on the mend, you do whatever you can to correct the problem that caused in injury in the first place. It sounds like you're on the mend to me (again, NON-medical opinion!), so I'd give it a shot.

From Benn on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:04:01

Okay thanks Dale. And am I correct that with the eccentric exercise, you let your weight bring your heel down, then place the good foot on the stairs and raise it up with the good foot? I don't think I try to raise my body weight up with my injured foot (at least initially?)

From Dale on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:10:02

Honestly, I just started doing calf raises where I rolled up on my toes and doing ones where I had my foot on a step, lowered my heel down into a stretch, then raised up on my toes. I did it as I felt, so when I started it was only a couple at a time, but I tried to do it several times a day. A completely unscientific and unstudied method.

I found this on the web and it seems to have a more grounded progression that you might want to look at.

Go by feel though and don't push things should be your guidelines, I think.

From Jody on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 19:55:44

Hang in there - I am starting to feel your pain, almost literally. Just remember and what I keep telling myself, I do not want to make it worse so take it easy!!

From Benn on Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 20:49:31

Thanks Jody and Dale - I think it might actually be torn. I'm going to try to get in to a specialist if my insurance covers it

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


Horribly cold this morning.  Can't wait to move somewhere warmer.  Really hating the Northeast right now.  And what is predicted for tonight and tomorrow? More snow! Joy (Sarcasm implied & intended!)!! Another 4-8" here on top of the 20" we already got this week, and at Emmy's there's going to be another 8-12". Ugh! Frustrating!

Good news:  Made an Appointment for Wednesday @ 3 for Physical Sports Therapist to take a look at my achilles. I'm trying to stay positive but it seems like all my goals for this year are shot.  I'll be lucky to even hit 1500 miles!

AM: 100 situps, 150 crunches, 100 pushups, 4 x 12 @ 12lbs arms

From josse on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 09:55:55

Great I'm glad to hear you are getting some profesional help. I will expect a full report. Although I already know you will give one:)

From Benn on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 09:57:33

Haha, yeah yeah. Sorry I probably take the Drama award for entries. Even when I'm not running I still enter reports haha. Thanks Josse. I hope to get this thing resolved and on the path of recovery. Going to also inquire about the eccentric loading.

From josse on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 10:00:08

I think it is important to keep up the blogging I did when I was injured, it helps you throughit all. I was only giving you a hard time.

From Jim on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 11:16:07

I was thinking the other day about your achilles and how it was doing. Must not be getting any better. Professional help is probably the best thing if it's not improving. Don't worry about your running goals and don't get discouraged by the setback. Set new ones such as getting better and back to running. That's probably the most important one right now.

From Bonnie on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 11:27:05

I am very glad you are seeing someone about this Benn. There was an interesting article about achilles tendinitis in Running Times last month. If you want to send me a message (you should have my email) with a fax number I will fax it to you -- or I can try to scan it and send you a pdf if you would like??


From Benn on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 11:33:48

I dont have a fax machine but my email is I'd very much appreciate it. I have December's Running times, and the April one that just came out, but Emmy bought me a subscription in December and it still hasn't arrived yet, so I started b uying them at work. I must have missed an issue somewhere.

From Benn on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 11:34:38

Thanks Jim and Josse as well ; I am going to stay positive and try to get healthy so that hopefully I can still manage to get in shape for the fall marathon... I hope I'm still able to.

From johnr on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 19:25:37

Hi Benn,

Coming from someone who has had my running career practically ruined by achilles problems, I feel your pain. Can I suggest a couple of things that helped me?

1. Don't "overstretch" the achilles. If you are too injured to run, don't do full body weight stretches for it and no eccentric loading. Eccentric heel drops, for me, hurt worse than an easy run.

2. Get fitted for orthotics if applicable. Do you overpronate? Orthotics might help.

3. Beef up your trainers. Go to a motion control shoe if necessary. I hated those at first but run in them all the time because I need the support.

4. Go easy on speedwork/sprinting & don't wear spikes or track flats.

5. Consider a night splint to keep it dorsiflexed while sleeping.

6. Don't put more than 500 miles on a pair of trainers.

Others may have advice that will work better. This is what helped me though. Good luck and stay positive. You can always get back in shape once you're healthy.

From Benn on Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 19:37:35

Yeah I have already had orthotics for overpronation for about 3 years so I don't know what else to do. I have an appointment with a specialist on Wednesday @ 3:00 though I don't know if they'll tell me anything new. I'm just kind of depressed about the whole situation. I've never gone this long without running. :(

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM - Did 150 situps, 200 crunches, 50 pushups and 3 x 15 @ 12 lbs.

Anticipating the Dr.'s appointment on Wednesday afternoon.  I have tried my best to stay off my feet, and I make sure to wear the heel lift when I'm up and about.  I really like to think that it is getting better, but I will have to leave that up to the specialist to determine.  Still looking forward to some kind of running this spring, and hopefully a slow, steady buildup for the marathon.  Crossing my fingers!!

I got to hold my soon-to-be niece, Jane this weekend.  It is such an awesome feeling to hold a baby.  You truly take that miracle for granted until an opportunity like that just fills you with wonder and amazement.  She is so beautiful and absolutely adorable, and it was so nice to see the family come together at Emma's house to share in this awesome experience.  It's hard to believe she's only a month old.  I can't wait to spoil her when she grows up :-D!  It will definitely be cool to be, Uncle Benn!

From Kim on Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 10:16:05

Hey Benn, Thanks for your comments on my father in law! Sorry you are still having troubles with your injuries!

So with you saying you will soon be Uncle Benn, does that mean you have a wedding date set?

From Tom on Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 10:19:30

Benn I want to echo Kim's words and say thanks for your condolensces on the passing of my father.

I hope the doctor's appt goes well for you and you finally kick the darn achilles issues and can get back to the marathon training.

From josse on Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 10:46:15

Ya what do you mean my "soon to be"?

From Benn on Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 11:48:58

Haha. Well I know that Emma's 'the one' and I know she feels the same way. I just have to decide when to ask the question. Not sure if I should wait until I have enough money to get an apartment and what not. Plus she's finishing up school this year and I still have my master's degree to get and what not. But, if I want to make my goal of 75 years ;) I should probably ask her sometime soon. Im not officially Jane's uncle until we get married but I feel like I am :). I'm really excited and yet scared. I mean granted at my age her mom already had a kid, but not sure if I should wait a couple more years or not. Emmy is absolutley amazing though. She always keeps me smiling!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Above: A picture of "the bean" [Jane  - 1 mos. old] and me! She's so adorable and I can tell she has runner's legs and feet already! I'm going to have to teach her the art of the long distance runner! :) Perhaps a future Olympian!

AM - Did 200 situps, 250 crunches, 80 pushups and 3 x 15 @ 12 lbs; Gorgeous day out. Mid 30s; Hasn't been this warm since the injury like 6 weeks ago. Really trying to stay positive but finding it increasingly hard to do. Don't want to try anything until I see the specialist though. Praying that I can run again. I would take 10 minute miles even, just don't want to hear the dreaded words "Your running career is over". gag.

PM - 150 situps, 200 crunches, 50 pushups, 3 x 15 @ 12 lbs.  Exhausted, though on a positive, I haven't had any pain on my achilles in a while; kind of anxious to see what the story is with it.  I really just want to start running again.  I don't wish a forced hiatus from our sport on any one of you. Phew it's exhausting in itself. 

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM - 200 crunches, 100 situps, 3 x 15 @12 lbs;

Getting nervous about the specialist tomorrow.  My achilles is feeling better - the heel lift definitely helps! But I don't want to hear that it is torn or whatever.  I just really want to be able to start doing a couple miles here!  I tried to take a picture to show how I am overpronating, which you all say is probably the cause for my problems, but I already have had orthotics that I have used for 3 years, so they are supposed to correct them. Praying that tomorrow brings good news.

2:00 PM - Went for a walk at moderate pace.  Ended up doing 20:00 pain free minutes and 1.07 miles.  I feel that progress is in order and am anxiously awaiting tomorrow afternoon's appointment.

From Jody on Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 09:23:12

Hope things go well at the doctors.

From Mike Warren on Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 14:30:03

You must be getting AB's of steel, with all those crunches! Hope you get some good news tomorrow, we are all pulling for you.

From josse on Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 18:20:06

Where's the report????

From MichelleL on Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 19:23:52

Information is always a good thing. At least you will get a better idea of where you are.

From Paul Ivory on Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 22:14:34

Benn, we are anxiously waiting for feedback on today's visit. Hoping all is well.

From Benn on Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 23:40:14

Hey all. Sorry I had to zip to work from 5pm to 11:30 after the appointment. In the process of putting up my thoughts and experiences now.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

TODAY = DOCTOR DAY!! Appointment Time: 3:00pm - So I nervously parked the car about quarter to in the parking lot and made my way inside.  Filled out some paperwork, and sat there looking through the adventure and skiing magazines until they called my name.  The guy that called my name was pretty cool and laid back and brought me to a room and went "So you think you have achilles tendinitis?" And I gave my whole shpeel about January 21st running on the treadmill, soreness afterwards, red, puffy, iced 20 on, 20 off for a couple hours, then four to five times a day after that.  Practice R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, elevation) for a few weeks, then after reading a couple of articles and books about the matter, decided on implementing a heel lift, and experimented with slight stretching and eccentric exercises, then thought better of the latter once it seemed to be doing more harm than good.  Meanwhile I forgot to pause and when I finally did the guy looks at me dumbfounded and goes "Right, the doctor will be in to see you in a minute". Oops!  So then the doc comes in, a nice guy tall, late 30s or so; Turns out he is a runner as well, a pronator like me, and has successfully completed 15 marathons.  So I lapsed into my story again, explaining how I came up with a heel lift and everything, step by step how I've been monitoring my progress, and trying to take it easy.  He agrees with everything I've been doing.  He checked out the achilles and since I was pretty pain free, he explained that if I had come to the office earlier he probably would not have done much differently.  Achilles tendinitis is different for each runner, he said and, that I show a lot of dedication and self control being able to stay away from running.  At this point I couldn't hold back and explained that actually I'm a member of a really cool running blog, and thankfully there are a lot of friends here who have offered insight, suggestions, and some of the best motivation and encouragement that I've ever received.  To make a long story short, it felt good to hear from him when talking to the nurse, "You know, it is nice to have a patient that treats himself the correct way; this is a sharp young man.  Wish we had more people like him." I also told him how I managed 20 pain free minutes of walking yesterday, and he told me to start back slowly, progressing to 3 miles of painfree walking and then slowly incorporating say a half mile of light (10-12 minute pace) jogging when I felt ready, using walking as a warm up and cool down.  While at work on my break, I was perusing Noake's Lore of Running, and looking at his suggestion for beginner marathoners.  He had a table of using minutes, rather than miles to record progress, much like Gordon Bloch in his book How to Train for and Run Your Best Marathon; Now I'm not even considering a marathon at all and am promptly sending a cancellation for my entry for the 6/1 race (I feel it's the right thing to do; rather than risk reinjury) - But I think I can tailor their plans my needs. Noakes' suggests 5 days of 25-30 minutes of walking/running for the first 3 weeks of the beginner plan, I will modify this slightly, go by feel, and hopefully by the end of march progress to light runs. Perhaps uplifting, was reading about the early 1900s runners that used walking for recovery and actual training, advocating this activity for its easing of the pressure and impact on the joints.  So, in short slow and steady is the suggestion and my decision. I am going to go check out some new shoes tomorrow, as per the doctor's suggestion, he recommended Brooks' Addictions (aptly named, don't you think?) and gave me a running store about an hour away that is great for helping you try out new running stuff.  I might go there tomorrow after I finish my work.

Another thing I took away from Noakes' that resonates in all the blogs here at FRB is that a run (or walk) is what you make of it.  There is a positive to every day, and something to learn from every run. Every step is helping us to become more aware of our bodies and our place in the world.  I think that it will be important to continue to draw on the support of others that have gone through such problems and continue to blog.  Finding something positive, or something learned about each and every day will aid the healing progress.  The doc said I'm well on my way to healing and getting back out on the roads.

Thanks for all of your concerns, suggestions, and unwavering support. You guys and gals make each and every day a great one. As Jody would say, "Happy Running!", and thanks a million.  You truly are amazing people, and have changed my outlook on not only training, but my life and my impact on others'.


From Mike Warren on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 00:54:07

Well, it sounds like you had it figured out. That is a plus to get a Doc that runs. I get sick of hearing people say, just stop running it's not good for you. Benn, you have a great attitude toward your situation. I am very happy to hear you will be back on the roads again. Don't worry about impressing anyone on the blog, go at your own pace. It sounds like if you build slow, you will have many years of happy running. Also, good idea to scratch the races. Thanks for the update on your condition and by all means, blog all your walks. Sometimes when you slow life down, you see alot of things you were missing before. With that said, enjoy the walking and best of luck!

From jody on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 00:56:36

Glad the doctor went well. Great that he is a runner - It really makes a difference. Keep up the great attitude and it will be great to see you progress back over the next few months!

From MichelleL on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 01:09:44

You have been the one who has been a great inspiration. Slow, conservative easing back would be the recipe. If I were you I would not walk tomorrow, and then walk the next day if you are still feeling good.

From paula on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 08:50:57

I am glad to here you are hopefully on the mend even though it is slow. You inspire us all to work through our problems with a positive attitude. Probably a good idea to hold back on the marathon and build yourself up so you are top notch for the next one.

From will on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 08:55:17

Benn - Glad to hear everything is on the mend, and also that what I did for my own achilles tendonitis has a doctor's approval - taking progressively longer walks, and incorporating running as the foot gets stronger over time. As I mentioned before, I tested my foot with runs once every 4 days, and within 2-3 months it was healed. Good luck!

From Benn on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 14:31:28

Thanks so much everyone. It's so awesome to get this support during a time like this. You are all my inspiration. We really do have the cream of the crop here on the FRB. Every member of this blog brings so much to the atmosphere and I know that I truly have become a better runner because of each and every one of you.

Run for health, Run for you.


From Tom on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 15:24:01

Benn - your doctor is right, you are a "sharp young man" and I like your attitude. I think if you stick with the plan you'll have lots of great running days ahead of you.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

2:00 PM - Made the drive down to Albany to find the Fit Feet Running speciality store that the doctor mentioned, and found it with ease.  Really loved the guy that was working there; he actually knew stuff, as opposed to every other store I've gone to.  And the shoe fit! Tried on the Brooks Addiction 7 and found it to be roomy and comfortable. He had me hop on a treadmill to test it out. It's nice. They have a treadmill and a camera set up  behind it to video your running gait if needed. After only about 2 minutes I knew this shoe was a winner. A little pricey, but I think well worth the investment.  I still love my Asics 2110s and 2120s, but they just don't have the necessary support that I need right now.

This afternoon I walked a gentle 30 minutes.  It feels like spring outside, just about 40 degrees and sunny with crystal clear blue skies.  Gorgeous.

Total Time: 30:00   Total Mileage: 1.65    Average Pace: 18:10/ mile

Thanks for all of your support everyone! Think Spring!

7:00 PM - 50 pushups, 100 situps, 200 crunches, 3 x 15 @ 12 lbs arms

From wheakory on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 16:16:46

I used to run in the Brooks Adrenaline, and they were good shoes. I do like the Brooks line of shoes I just haven't bought any lately.

I'm glad your able to walk pain-free you'll be back to running soon.

From Dale on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 19:02:50

Glad to see you're on the road to recovery. I wore a pair of Adrenalines a while back....good supportive shoes.

Glad you found a doctor who's a runner...that's a great asset to have in the future! Sounds like you already made a positive impression on him, so getting appointments should be easy :)

From Benn on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 19:07:46

Thanks Dale! Yeah he's a great guy, and I know that if I ever need to go back, that's who I'm going to. :) I am about to lace up the Brooks shoes to start walking around the house in them :) I like them already!

From Brent on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 19:44:29

Benn, thanks for your support, hopefully, you back on the road again.

Stay Kool,RunStrong, B of BS Rools out

P.S. know nothing about the shoes you bought.

From Jody on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 22:25:25

Sounds like you are on the road back!! Congratulations!!

From amanda on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 22:42:43

Congratulation on coming back to running. Take it easy and slow!

From Benn on Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 22:51:33

Thank you, Amanda. I will, and I have to say it feels good to be able to log miles again, even if they're walking miles for now.

From JeffRunner89 on Fri, Mar 07, 2008 at 04:46:01

Thanks for the encouragement Benn! I definitely will keep up the running and I see some preety damn good times on ur list. The best of luck in accomplishing ur goals buddy!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - Went for a walk in my new Brooks' Addictions. Felt calm and pain free the entire time.  Made sure to ease into it and 10 mins of light stretching before hand, followed by 15 minutes of stretching after the walk.  We have lucked out the last two days for weather - I hear we have a nasty storm ready to pound us once again this weekend.  Read some of latest issue of Running Times, and really enjoyed the article about 5 best races of all time, though I think there are a hundred more that could have made the list. Also the article on Kara Goucher was motivating.  Looking forward to the weekend, and then easing into perhaps 4 or 5 walks next week.

Total Time: 37:00   Total Mileage: 2.07 miles    Average Pace: 17:52 / mile

Mile 1: 18:13

Mile 2: 17:39

11:00 PM - After work, did 225 easy crunches just for fun. :) Felt good this week to actually have some (+) mileage on the board! Tomorrow will most likely be a rest day, and then an easy day on Sunday.  We're making progress towards spring!

From brent on Fri, Mar 07, 2008 at 14:03:41

Benn, good to see some positive vibes.

I am kind of scary, Moab look out

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Bonnie on Fri, Mar 07, 2008 at 14:09:41

Hey Benn, good job, I am glad you are liking your new shoes! Keep dry and warm this weekend ... Spring is almost here!


From Jody on Fri, Mar 07, 2008 at 22:12:20

Two days in a row is awesome!! Glad it went well!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

2:00 PM  - 200 crunches and 50 pushups, followed by a nice 2.1 mile stroll on the treadmill.  Felt nice and easy.  Feeling pretty good today. 

Total Mileage: 2.1 miles   Total Time:  37:30  Average Pace:  17:51 / mile

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Mar 08, 2008 at 20:42:02

Benn, I think you are really smart with your cautious recovery. It sounds like you have reason to celebrate as you make progress. Good job.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:00 AM - "Taking steps in the right direction" ... . I went for an easy walk on the treadmill because it's cold and snowy outside.  Did light stretching before and after.  Felt really good. Took out the last half of the heel lift this morning and was just "testing the waters" to see how the achilles felt.  It felt great.  Did not push it and was monitoring for pain, and didn't feel any. Granted this isn't running, and the test will come later next week when I start to do a slow couple minutes of jogging.  We'll see how it goes.  But, this is good.  Good progress and long awaited.  Now the key is not to push too hard to deminish the risk of reinjury!

Total Time:  55:00  Total Mileage:  3.02    Average Pace:  18:12 / mile

From James on Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 13:08:28

Good to see that achilles is coming along. They can take a long time to get better, mine has been injured for five months and is finally mostly better. It is time to say goodbye to the snow, wouldn't you say?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - One step at a time. Slow and steady.  I can do this.

With temps projected for 40+ degrees 5 days in a row with no storms, this week will be a good week for walking :).  Did a very easy walk today and it was crazy how fast it went.  While I am definitely biased towards running, I can live with walking. It's progress, and still 'steps' in the right direction (literally).  Slow and steady, monitoring how I felt.  No pain at all, though I might put the heel lift in today when walking around campus, as I have to take 4 flights of stairs up and down to class. Might be a smart decision. Great races everyone at Moab! I'm looking forward to everyone's spring race reports!!

Total Time:  53:00   Total Mileage:  3.03  Average Pace:  17:29

1:30 PM - short 10 minute walk.  .56 miles @18:00 min/mi

From Paul Ivory on Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 22:51:01

Benn, great progress, slow but steady. Keep it up. I messed up today and strained my lower back, hopefully nothing serious, but very frustrating. Keep up the steady progress, Paul.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:30 AM - Did a nice 1 mile walk @ 17:42 pace, and then decided to gently "test the waters".  It worked nicely.  Did a .25 "shuffle jog" @ 15:00 /mile pace.  This is huge progress for me, and the first time I have tried to do a run in about a month.  Then cooled down with .5 miles

Total Time:  30:16    Total Mileage:  1.75 miles    Average Pace:  17:17 / mile

Think I might take tomorrow off.  I have done 6 days in a row. I think duly earned! Come on recovery!

4:00 PM - Quick 10:00 walk before heading down to class. .61 miles @ 16:23 / mile

From MichelleL on Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 09:43:36

Enjoy your day off :)

From wheakory on Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 10:15:23

Alright Benn! That's great a shuffle is a run and with no pain your on your way back. When you feel like you have no more pain I would run 1 mile for 5-6 days and see how that feels. I know you want do this but don't get in a big hurry to increase mileage, your running fitness will come back. Way to go buddy!

From Jody on Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 17:59:19

It is so great to see you progressing back!! Enjoy the recovery day!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:00 AM  - So I know it's my day "off" but I got my new issue of Runner's World, and I felt really guilty about gaining so much weight in the last two months, so I refused to just take a day off.  Decided to go nice and easy.  Did a mile of walking, and then my 15:00 pace "shuffle" (this time did it for .34 miles in 5:00), then a .65 mile cool down. Felt good and pain free. Probably tomorrow = the day off and then sometime this weekend going to try for a 7 or 8 minute "shuffle" or maybe 2 x 4 min at same pace.

Total Time:  35:00  Total Mileage:  2.00 miles  Average Pace:  17:30

Happy and Safe Running to everyone!  Think Spring!!

From Jody on Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 00:04:54

Great job Benn!! Glad you are feeling good and coming right back. I hear ya on the weight gain. I have about 10 lbs from 2 1/2 wks of no running and way to much eating out because of all the my traveling.

From Mike Warren on Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 00:12:32

Benn, Your drive and attitude are amazing! Very smart to just take it easy. If you are willing to come back slow, you will reap the rewards. Keep it going!

From Benn on Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 07:02:46

Jody - Yeah even though my miles were big old goose eggs for a good 7-8 weeks, I think my stomach decided it wanted the same amount of calories. Unfortunately, without the same output, a little not-so-friendly weight gain :(. I'll worry about that though once I get back to running. I'm sure it will even back out again.

Mike - thanks for the encouragement man. I'm just hoping we all get through the rest of winter here so that we can all enjoy spring.

Really looking forward to all your super runs this year. I have a feeling that 2008 is going to be a phenomenal year. :)

From Brent on Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 08:24:43

Benn, thanks for your support, runners just gotta run! It is so hard to not run and be injured. As I mentioned before, it would be cool to have you come do the St.George marathon this year or when you can make it. Your right on with the weight gain, eat like your running when your not.

Stay Kool, birds of a feather, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:30 AM - Walked a mile in 17:40, then decided to pick it up a bit and do my "shuffle-jog" routine: today I was able to do .5 miles in 7:08 (14:16 pace) with no pain. Cooled down with a .57 mile walk.

Total Time: 35:00  Total Mileage:  2.07 miles  Average Pace:  16:54 / mile

Steady as she goes... making progress one step at a time!

From josse on Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 10:14:13

Glad to hear you are making progress. That it slow and easy. I would see if you can get in some crosstraining to get back into it. I know that is hard with you schedule though. Just keep plugging away and you will be back before you know it.

From wheakory on Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 11:07:53

Nice work Benn. Are you having any soreness in the achilles? Keep up the great recovery. It's only going to make you stronger when you return.

From Benn on Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 11:47:20

No, no soreness at all. I put the heel lift in while at work when I'm on my feet all day, but besides that no heel lift in. No soreness or swelling in a good week, since before I went to the doctor's. I just didn't want to start back too fast is all

From Jody on Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 20:52:11

You are doing great! Glad there is no pain, that is a great sign.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM  -  Went for a walk before having to get ready for work.  Did my normal slow mile "warm up". First mile in 17:39; then decided to do my "shuffle" a little longer today.  Ended up doing .75 miles in 10:36. (14:08 pace!) Longest "jog/run" in a long time.  No pain at all. Afterwards, eased into a nice walk again to finish out the morning outing.

Total Time: 35:03  Total Distance:  2.15 miles  Average Pace:  16:18 /mi

Slow and steady progress.  One foot in front of the other.  Step by step on the path of recovery! 

From Jim on Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 08:56:16


Glad to hear that the achilles is getting better. Tough to not run though. Bet that's really bugging you, it would me. Just keep up the slow recovery.

From Benn on Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 09:06:04

Yeah it's definitely been about the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I wouldn't wish this long of a forced hiatus on any fellow runner.

From Curtis on Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 20:30:26

Good job on getting out this week Benn. Hang in there great things are just ahead for you.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:00 AM - Went walking with Emmy.  Found a nice little nature trail, and though it was wet and a lot of ice on the trail, we really enjoyed ourselves.  Then went walking around Stockbridge, Massachusetts where everyone was so friendly - that cozy small New England village feeling. During the nature trail run, I did a slow "shuffle" 1.01 miles in 14:29, though the second half was arguably faster between 12:20 and 12:30 per mile pace.  No pain at all yesterday or this morning.  Feeling great!

Total Time:  53:00 Total Distance: 3.00 miles  Average Pace:  17:40/mile

From Ian on Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 09:35:56

You're improving well Benn, it is good progress, keep it going. Walking for me is the next best thing to running.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:00 AM - Went walking on another nature trail with Emmy. This one was covered in snow on parts though, but it was fun :).  We did a little bit of jogging (me @ about 13:00 min/ mile pace) for about .5 miles. Was a blast because it was mid 40s and sunny! Now it's in the low 30's though and snowing. Ick! Spring's almost here though... I can feel it!!

Run Safe, Run Fast, Run With a Smile! :)

Total Time:  36:20  Total Mileage: 2 miles  Average Pace:  18:10


From saamijeff on Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 17:19:00

Sounds like you are on your way back! Glad to hear you have no residual pain. Good luck.

From Benn on Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 17:28:43

Thanks *fingers crossed! I haven't tried any real "running" though. We'll see what happens. This was day #11 though of walking so I think things are definitely on the upswing.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:00 AM - Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of our FRB members! I was still in Massachusetts before class this afternoon, and Emmy and I decided to celebrate St. Patrick's Day the right way - none of that silly drunken nonsense for us - so we went to DUBLIN! (Dublin Street that is! ;p).  We started with walking, and then we progressed to a nice jog as we got onto the side road. It felt really nice to be able to go for a stroll. Big progress again today. No pain either!  Was able to do 1 mile @ 9:30-9:40 pace! Then cooled down with a 1.7 mile walk.  Overall, really happy today and really excited about what's in store for this coming spring!

Total Time: ~54:00  Total Distance: 4 miles  Average Pace:  13:30

From josse on Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 20:00:46

Glad to hear your able to run alittle bit.

From will on Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 20:16:57

Great news!

From Brent on Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 20:34:36

Benn, great attitude, no green beer hey? Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out.

From Paul Ivory on Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 20:45:46

Benn, welcome back. Your progress is great. Baby steps works great!!

From Benn on Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 13:13:54

Thanks, Josse and Will. I'm coming back!

Brent - nope. No beer for me, green or not. I already intake far too many calories as it is ;).

Paul - Thanks for the encouragement Baby steps indeed 1 foot in front of the other.

Marching on! Hut two, three four, Hut two... three. four. :)

From Mike Warren on Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 13:17:21

Glad to hear the update. Sounds like things are looking up, Yeehaw!!!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

2:00 PM - Did a 1 mile walking "warm up", .75 mile run in 10:00, then 1.25 mile walk "warm down".  Feeling pretty good, and really looking forward to being able to get out there for some easy runs.

Total Time: ~ 45:00  Total Distance:  3 miles   Average Pace: 15:00 / mile

From Brent on Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 19:11:27

Benn, good attitude. OK, no green beer, it was a joke. When I ran Boston, people were offering green beer.

Stay Kool, comeback runner, B of BS Rools out

From Michelle on Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 20:36:25

Glad to hear things are starting to look up. Progress is progress however small it may be!!!

From MichelleL on Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 12:06:07

You are doing great. You are showing alot of patience and it will pay off.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Took yesterday off after 13 days in a row!! Today = 1.0 miles nice and easy at 16:00  and then 2 hours of ping pong (not the wussy kind either, but intense table tennis action; this I counted for a mile of x- training) :)

Stay safe, Think SPRING, and waddle on friends! The best is yet to come!!

From Paul Ivory on Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:21:11

Benn, your attitude is great!! You are going to have a great year, keep it up. Paul

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - So today was a greatday already! Did a 1 mile warm up walk in 15:38, then was able to do 1.5 miles of jogging @ 12:00 min / mile pace!! (Huge improvement and pain free and longest run since about the second week in February!), then cooled down with .5 mile walk @ about the same speed as the warm up.  Felt really great today! :)

Total Time: 41:38  Total Distance:  3 miles  Average Pace:  13:52 / mile

Rest up fellow FRBloggers.... SPRING IS HERE !!!

From josse on Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 09:09:31

that is great Benn!!!

From Mike Warren on Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 10:24:54

AWESOME news Benn! Make sure you keep taking it easy for awhile. I know how easy it is to get excited and go for it. Be smart, you are really doing good! Glad to hear it!

From will on Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 10:28:45

Benn, great news, just in time for spring! Keep it going, you are just in time for the warmer weather...

From Paul Ivory on Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 20:47:46

Benn, you have the whole blog pulling for you. Enjoy!!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:00 AM - Gorgeous weather today, though somewhat windy. Sunny with temps right around 40; Emmy and I went to her high school track to reminisce and get in a nice walk / jog!  It went simply splendid, and it was so cool to be able to get out for another walk in this soon-to-be-spring weather.  Ended up doing a 1 mile warm up walk in about 14:26, then did a 1 mile "jog" at about 9:42 pace (pain free! yes!) then walked a mile, and did another .5 miles of jogging @ 9:56 pace.  Man that felt really great! :) So happy that things are on the upswing.  Will make sure to take it nice and slow though so that improvements will continue!

Total Time: 52:30  Total Distance:  4 miles  Average Pace:  13:07 / mile pace


Happy Easter Fellow FRBloggers! ( A safe travel to any of our members and their families travelling to see loved ones this weekend.  Congratulations  to everyone for a consistent winter training season. Hope everyone is as excited as I am about SPRING! Best of luck to everyone and those of you who are also in the middle of a 'healing' phase like me, you're in my prayers!  Great things are still to come in 2008!)


Have fun.  Run strong.  Run safe.  And keep on truckin'!

From Jody on Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 17:14:53

Another great day!! You are coming back nice and strong! Happy Easter!

From saamijeff on Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 18:03:13

Great to see you back jogging again. Soon it will be running. Look forward to some great reports through the summer! Thanks for all the feedback, that always helps motivation.

From James on Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 21:24:40

Glad to hear you are pain free, and have a happy Easter!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 PM - Had a wonderful Easter with Emma and her family in Massachusetts, and after a nice lunch, I zipped home and got to see my sister before she headed back to school as well.  Have been feeling pretty good these past few days, and I am anxiously anticipating the Spring and hopefully being able to slowly get back into my running 'thang'.  Keeping it slow and steady though for now.  Did a mile walk for warm up, light stretching, then 1 mile @ 12:00 jogging, then .5 miles walking to cool off.  All in all a nice excursion.

Total Time: 35:23  Total Distance:  2.5 miles   Average Pace:  14:09 / mile

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 AM - Since it's only been about 12 hours since I did my walk last night, I did not want to push it too hard.  Did a mile warm up, then 1 mile slow jogging @ 12:00, then a 5 minute walking cool down. Read some from Jack Batten's The Complete Jogger (c. 1977) and I have found at least through the first 30 pages that Batten supports what I am feeling about my training right now.  He suggests:

  • 1. Train, don't Strain (oh how true is that!)
  • 2. Practice LSD (long, slow distance)
  • 3. Let progress come at your own pace. (I think of the three, this has been the most difficult, but most rewarding concept for me to embrace during my 2 month layoff; We all heal at different rates, as do we progress in our training, but if you try to push the pace too early, you are only going to achieve minimal satisfaction and prolonged setbacks e.g. one step forward, 2 steps back)

Total Time: 32:25  Total Distance: 2.33 miles  Average Pace: 13:54 / mile

Best of luck to everyone recouping after a stressful winter.  We've made it.  The end is in sight! And from there it's smooth roads and Spring delights! Cruise on friends!

3:00 PM - Went on the treadmill and did 2.08 miles in 28:00, with 10:00 minutes of jogging @ about 11:48 pace.  Felt really good and relaxed.  Really feeling great today.  Light stretching afterwards.

Total Time: 28:00  Total Distance:  2.08 miles  Average Pace: 13:27 / mile

From will on Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 17:02:20

Don't you love reading running books published 30-40 years ago? I recently read the first edition of Galloway's Book on Running, it was published in the early 80's I think, yet most of his ideas have not been debunked...

From Brent on Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 18:40:30

Benn, I have those old books, first edition. I really like your attitude and hope it rubs off on me as the challenge is in front of me.

Stay Kool,

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:00 AM - Great day for a walk.  Feeling pretty good today, no soreness or tightness.  Did some light stretching and off I went.  Ended up doing over 40 minutes straight without breaks, sign that my fitness is slowly coming back. (all painfree mind you).  And big breakthrough:  After 1 mile warm up, did 1.75 miles of jogging non-stop (Most since January!)  I think the slow, cautious progression of training has been an important part of my progress.  I think things are definitely on the upswing!  1 mile of warm up walk, 1.75 miles of jogging @ 11:31 pace!!, .5 miles cool down.

Total Time:  41:18  Total Distance:  3.25 miles   Average Pace:  12:42 / mile

1:00 PM - Study break before lunch.  Went for a nice 20:00 walk.  Did easy 1.4 miles.

Total Time: 20:00  Total Distance:  1.4 miles  Average Pace:  14:17 / mile

From Jody on Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 08:33:30

Great job! I am so happy for you!

From paula on Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 09:02:06

Wow I am very excited for you and your healing. You have done great working back up in your training. keep up the great work.

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 09:52:58

Good progress, congratulations!

From wheakory on Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 17:25:04

Great work Benn! Your progress is coming along and you should be running here soon.

Very smart move by taking it easy and not getting anxious to run.

From Lybi on Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 17:33:56

Great job, Benn! I'm so happy to see your continued recovery. Your patience is going to pay off BIG TIME!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM -  Easy day today.  No soreness from the last week, so that's good!  Anxiously anticipating Spring and Summer this year!  Did 1 mile warm up walk, 1 mile jog in 11:23, and then .5 mile walking cool down.  Feeling good.  Light stretching afterwards.

Total Time:  33:55  Total Distance:  2.5 miles   Average Pace:  13:34 / mile

Reading Running A to Z: An Encyclopedia for the Thoughtful Runner  (circa 1983) Some of the stuff in here is great!  I will have to post some of the 'fashion tips' on here later. :)

Hope everyone is recouperating nicely; Have a safe and happy run all!

12:00 PM - Quick 15:00 on treadmill.  Included a .75 mile in 8:29 (11:18 pace).  Total distance was 1.2 miles for this short little jaunt.  Now time to study and then off to work until 11:30 tonight. Ick.

From wheakory on Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:17:18

Where do you work that's so late? Nice job on the rehab your going to be back at full strength soon.

To answer your question in my blog, my achilles seems 100% healed. I'm really amazed and can only contribute it too faith in healing. I'm really a strong believer in that area, where some of your healing comes from.

Great job on the TM at lunch.

From Benn on Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:26:34

Thanks, Kory! - I work for Borders Books and Music as a way to basically make enough money to pay for gas and food to get to classes. I only work 3 or so days a week right now though. I don't make a ton of money, but every bit helps, especially with gas prices here breaching the 3.50-3.60 range.

I'm hoping my achilles issue is on the mend which I think it is. I am really wanting to get back out there. I'm slowly building back up. I did about 9 miles of slow jogging this week, and I hope to increase it to about 12 (2 per day for 6 days) miles for next week. Slow and steady.

Glad to hear you're feeling better and hopefully I can start blogging some miles in the coming weeks!

From Bonnie on Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:35:59

Hi Benn, nice comeback!! I am in awe of your restraint and smart recovery! Hope school is going well this semester. I would love to work at Borders (although I would worry about not bringing a paycheck home!).


From Benn on Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:41:49

Yeah ahaha. And to make matters worse on Thursday, 3/20 I read on yahoo that the company had to take out a 45 million dollar loan and that it's going under kind of fast. I think that there's just not as much $ around people are willing to spend on books (i.e. New hardcovers now run 25-30 bucks!). It's a really fun job, but unfortunately I've been there 2 years come May and have received all of .03 cents for a raise!

From wheakory on Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 13:00:21

Ya, gas prices hear in Idaho are getting up there too. 3.30 or better when I filled up my 8 cylinder Sliverado.

Benn, keep the stretching going and slowly increase your pace, (that's what I did), and the time will come where your achilles will have the strength built back up to continue a weekly training routine.

Good luck on the studying.

From saamijeff on Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 14:43:04

All the above is good advice. Slow and steady til you are fully healed. The human body is an amazing thing, I tore my achilles in half, had it sown back together and since there is no regrowth to tendons the scar tissue and string is what holds mine together. The good part is I can run faster now than I could when I injured it, while sprinting the 90 feet between homeplate and first. That was almost eight years ago and I hardly think about it while running. Bottom line is your paience will be rewarded with a fully recovered leg.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

12:30 PM - Today is an easy day.  Did 2.25 miles in 30:18 including 1 mile of jogging @ 11:28 pace.  Felt nice and relaxed.  Want to go more, but have to continue to do slow, steady increases. I might in the near future aim for doing on - off of 1 mile jogging one day, 2 miles of jogging the next day...  Not sure how fast to increase though.  Feels good to see continued improvements. 

300 crunches, 150 situps, 100 pushups and 3 x 15 @ 12 lb weight for arms.  Stretching

Total Time:  30:18  Total Distance: 2.25 miles  Avg. Pace: 13:28 / mile

From Paul Ivory on Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 20:42:42

Benn, your steady cautious approach to increasing your efforts sure seem to be paying off. It sure is nice to experience daily increases in strength and flexibility and you are seeing both. Keep it up.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Today is a day off.  After 8 straight days, taking a breather :).  Plus with a nice walk/jog tomorrow I'll be right on pace for improvement from last week's 18+.  Hoping to get to 21 or 22 after tomorrow.  Then start transitioning to the 2 miles of jogging a day for 5 days.. for 10 miles of jogging next week and see how that feels.  On a downside.. I could see part of my lawn yesterday and the track as well was almost completely melted, yet woke up this morning to 6" of fresh snow.  GRRRR! I thought we were done with this junk!

Keep on truckin' FRBloggers! We're almost there!! We can do it!

From Dale on Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 09:04:28

Very disciplined comeback Benn. I'm not sure I could be nearly as effective if I were in your shoes....I would've overdone it and blown it by now! Way to stick with the plan that'll have you healthy and running again better than before!

I feel you're pain on the snow. We've gotten snow all week after a few weeks of early Spring. I can't believe I'm saying this but I can't wait until the rain returns :)

From Jody on Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 15:44:07

You are doing such a great job! We got dumped on with the snow Thursday, but with spring snow it did not stick long! I echo Dale with the discipline - You are my example!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:00 PM  -  The best is yet to come! Felt really good after a day off; Now if only I could feel as motivated about my homework as I do about my training's steady progression!  Started off with easy walking and then eased into a jog.  I ended up doing the longest steady run since January!  Did 2 completely "pain free" miles in 22:06 (11:03 / mile pace!). Then cooled down with a brisk walk.  Stretching.  I'm getting excited about fitness coming back.  Goal is to do 2 miles at a time several times this week and then start easing into a 2 - 2.5 or 3 on off sequence in the following week. :)  Running is definitely one of the most amazing feelings in the world! So glad I can feel this again!  Hope all my fellow FRBloggers are healing up nicely!

Total Time: 41:00 Total Distance: 3.26  Average Pace: 12:34/Mile

From paula on Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 20:50:48

Great job today. I'm glad to see you are recovering well and sticking with it. Running is great I agree!

From SAAMIJEFF on Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 21:06:56

Your patience and dedication are absolutely amazing! Way to go.

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 21:18:55

Benn, great positive attitude and so good to see the progress without pain. Patience is a virtue with real rewards and you are seeing how true it is.

From Brent on Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 09:32:54

Benn, your positive attitude over the last couple months has helped me keep positive during this injury cycle. Some days it would be easy to lose sight of how soul enriching running is. Always nice to read your blog.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

4:00 PM - Progress is in order - hopped on the treadmill to get in another day of training.  Really getting optimistic that once Mother Nature decides to stop giving us snow so that it can melt a bit that I can get out on the roads. Gorgeous sunny day here and temps in the mid 30s :) Really awesome!  Did walking warmp up, eased into a nice jog. Two miles in 21:51! 10:55 PACE!! Woot! Walking cool down, and stretching. 

Total Time: 41:00 Total Distance: 3.30 Average Pace: 12:25

On the mend! Keep on truckin' FRB >> We'll get there I'm sure of it! One way or another, whether run, bike, swim, hop or waltz we'll get there! Great job everyone, and Happy Spring!

From James on Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 16:43:12

Progress is progress, right?! Spring will come someday, and if it doesn't summer will and we'll all be looking forward to fall. And you will be good as new as well. Keep "truckin" as you say and it will be a good week.

From Benn on Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 20:10:32

Thanks, James. And yup. I'll take it. 2 consecutive days of 2 miles of jogging. I'm going to shoot for 2 miles of jogging all week and then see how I feel and then maybe look at 30 mins of jogging at one time at some point next week. What a great way to start off April!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:00 AM - Freezing rain today. Blah. But tomorrow is supposed to be thunderstorms and temperatures in the 50s, so I am holding out hope that perhaps I might see the lawn again sometime. Felt really good today. No soreness at all.  Did my normal warm up walk, then eased into a jog. Couldn't have asked for anything better. Ran 2.5 miles in 27:00 @ 10:48 / mile pace. This truly shows that all this work is paying off.  I am steadily progressing, and I have no doubt that I'll be able to call myself a runner once again! :).  Did my warm down walk and then stretched.

Total Time: 48:52 Total Distance: 4.00 miles Average Pace: 12:13 / mile

From MichelleL on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 12:33:12

Wow, 2.5 and no pain! Hurray for Benn! Don't go do 4.5 miles tomorrow!

From Benn on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 13:07:30

Don't worry, Michelle. Tomorrow I am going to do 1.75 or 2. I've been reading a lot from Running A to Z, by Joe Henderson (circa 1983) and it hit the nail on the head for why I probably injured myself and how to train smart this time around. :) I'm getting psyched. Don't worry I will keep within reason though, but I agree, 2.5 and no pain is such an upper! Woot! Hope youre getting more sleep!!?!

From will on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 13:53:12

Benn - great job on determining when to push and when to pull back - your foot seems like it is back to normal. Now you just have to ease back into running at a safe pace.

Have a great week of spring training!

From MichelleL on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 14:09:27

Not quite. Got good sleep Sat-Sun (10 hours) but 4.75 last night. Right now I am running on borrowed time (I can see the light at the end, I am using my sleep time I will get in late April).

From Jill on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 20:16:36

eeek... was it the treadmill that hurt your foot? Anyway, glad you are feeling better. Yes, I hope to shatter 4:30.. we will see... Official training with the running group starts April 10th-ish. So, for now, I am building myself up to be able to get in a decent pace group.

From Benn on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 20:36:44

Yeah I was coming off a 10 day break from a half marathon where I PRed with a 1:38:31... then I went and did a 50 mile week, no speed work, but I dont know my achilles hurt after the 10 mile treadmill run :( its been 9 slow weeks coming back so far, but I think running is in the near future!

From josse on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 20:54:58

I think we all have intentions of training smart after an injury but the more miles we run the less brain cell we have to reason with ourselves. Maybe you will do better than the majority of runners out there.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 AM - Happy April everyone! :) Hilight of today was 2.5 miles after warmup in 26:39 @ 10:39 Pace! Total for the day was 4.75 miles in an even hour.  Felt really good. Light stretching to follow.

Total Time: 1:00:00 Total Distance: 4.75 miles Average Pace; 12:37 / mile

From wheakory on Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 12:07:21

Great job Benn. Your trying to reach where you were before. I hope everything stays healthy so you can burn of the NY streets again.

From Jody on Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 18:29:53

Great Job!!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:00 PM - Felt good today. Interesting food for thought. Was still reading Joe Henderson's Running A to Z and found a passage in there that talked about when running the Pikes Peak Marathon it is important to turn around as soon as  you get to the top because if you don't it will take much longer to find your way down the switchbacks; I think this can be extrapolated to the everyday runner, and more importantly those of us that became injured in the last several months.  I think there is a commonality among distance runners to continually improve and always strive to set a PR, or win a race.  Yet I think what I've learned the hard way in the last couple of months is that we can't continually improve. You can log as many miles as you want, but miles are correlated to wear and tear, and there is only so much the human body can take before it says "Hey! Wait a minute! I need a break here!".  I think I lingered too long at the top of the mountain after my November races, and started focusing on more intense training for the 1/2 in January, then jumped right back in to start training for the next race.  What I failed to do, was listen to my body and take some time for recovery.

Did warm up walk, then 2 easy miles of jogging in 21:25 (10:42 pace), cool down.

Total Time: 40:06 Total Distance: 3.25 miles Average Pace: 12:20 / mile

PROGRESS! I have done 11 miles of jogging in the last 5 days! Between 2-2.5 each day! Things are coming along nicely.  I can't wait until I can run 3 or 4 though!

From will on Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 11:22:56

A good idea, I am also learning to take it easy when I am feeling sore and tired. If I can remind myself to see my running in the long term, it then does not appear wrong to take an easy week, or even an easy month. Trying to achieve too much in one year's time is what got me in trouble, now I hope to be smarter about it.

From saamijeff on Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 12:14:01

Well said. We all need to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us. Following a proven plan and adjusting training as our bodies require is not just a good idea it's essential. Benn I say again great job on your dedicated steady recovery.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:00 AM - Went for a nice walk today. No running though, because did 5 days in a row with a jog. Ended up doing 25:00.

Total Time: 25:00  Total Distance: 1.67 Average Pace: 14:58

Had a stressful day today. Had to study for a big EPY 502 Ed Psych test. But it paid off! I got a perfect score and an actual thumbs up from the professor on the way out of the room.


I'm not sure who here has battled or is battling or knows someone who is battling cancer, but each year I do the Relay for Life, and this year I'd like to try to get pledges.  I set a goal of $200, though I know it will be hard to meet this goal by June.  For every $10.00 I collect I plan to run a mile.  If anyone has the ability to support me, or is interested in making a donation for a luminaria in remembrance/honor of anyone, my site is:

Many thanks FRBloggers.  Keep on trucking!

- - Benn - -

From Brent on Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 19:48:42

Benn, congrads on the test.

B of BS Rools out

From Kim on Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 19:56:10

Thumbs up from the professor! You can't beat that! Good job on the test! I'm glad that stuff is long gone in Tom and my life!

From will on Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 21:44:42

Good job on the test, that is awesome!

From Paul Ivory on Fri, Apr 04, 2008 at 22:20:08

Benn, awesome job on a tough test. And good for you on your contribution toward cancer cures. I'll go $10 for you tomorrow (I'm heading for bed now and a early run tomorrow).

From Benn on Fri, Apr 04, 2008 at 22:38:20

Thanks, Paul. Best of luck on the run tomorrow :) I am trying to see if I can get to see boston this year, but I have a presentation on Monday 4/21 :( so I don't think it's going to happen. I will be with you in spirit though!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

No run or walk today. Emergency came up at work.  Originally I was supposed to work 8am to 4pm, but one of the guys at work had chest pains and went to the ER so they asked me to stay an extra hour to 5pm, then to come back 9pm to 11:30pm.  They had wanted me to stay if possible all the way through but I had promised one of my brotheres to go to his fundraiser called Galwayopoly where I got to see him and my dad dominate Team Orange! Ugh! So got home around midnight, then my other brother woke me up at 4:30 and told me I had to take him to school for his band trip. Then I came home to sleep and finally fell asleep around 6, alarm when off at 6:42. Now work 8am to 4pm (that I know of).  I really want to do a walk or run tonight, but I might have to wait until after I pass out for a couple hours after work. So tired my eyelids hurt! haha.  Hope everyone else has better luck! As far as I know, Steve's okay though so that's the important part.  You can always catch up on sleep, but you only get one heart!

From will on Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 17:17:44

That is a rough patch, Benn, but like you said, it's good you have your health. Get some sleep, then back at it!

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 17:39:11

Benn, I wish I hadn't read your blog. Now I'm soooo tired, sooooo tired, . . . sooooooooooo tired, . . . . . . . . .. . sooooooo tired, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . soooooooooooooo t i r e d

z z z z z z z z z z z

From Benn on Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 17:46:19

Thanks, Will! I was able to get out there today (Sat) for a nice run in the sun :) Going to get a shower then post the info in a minute.

Paul, hahaha you crack me up. Quick go get some coffee to buzz buzzz BUZZZZ through your run!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

5:00 PM - Long day, kind of feels like Friday just merged with Saturday into a super day.  But luckily I got through work and was able to muster up the strength to get out there for a nice enjoyable outing. (This on quite possibly the best day of the year so far! 54 degrees and sunny with only a slight wind.  Headed to the track and foudn that I was the only one there except for one other walker.

Mile 1: warm up walk : 14:17. Felt nice and ready to go :)

Mile 2:  eased into a jog.  9:11 [ Yes, I know. That's fast! Though it did not feel fast at all.  I monitored myself and was running at the same effort and cadence that I did on the treadmill.  Felt really good though.

Mile 3: continued to jog. 8:50! [Fastest mile since I hurt myself in January. Don't worry I know that I should not try to PR now that I'm feeling better.  I will continue to keep myself in check and run smart and conservative.  Tomorrow will be a slow easy recovery day.]

Mile 3 - 3.5: 4:23; aka 8:51 / mile pace! This means I maintained an 8:50 pace for 1.5 miles after a 9:11 easy mile before that with no pain. That also equates to progress!

Mile 3.5 - 4.57 - Cool down mile: 14:15 for the first mile, 1:10 for the last .07.

Total Time:  52:07 Total Distance: 4.57 Average Pace: 11:24



  • With 5 days including jogging of 6 days total, I had 3 x 2.5 miles of jogging continuously, and 2 x 2 miles of jogging continuously; I feel this shows that my persistence has paid off. It is important for me to continue to gradually increase miles so that I will not risk further injury.
  • Total Miles Jogged this past week: 11.5 miles in time of : 1:59:19; Equates to average pace of 10:22, though this is skewed since my "break through" Saturday run.  Overall feel really great about my current level of fitness and looking forward to another good week. To everyone else out there who also continues to wage the war of Comeback 2008 - I think it was Teddy Roosevelt who said something like, "when you get to the end of a rope, tie a knot and hang on";  We can and will do this!  Keep on truckin' FRBloggers and thanks for all of your support!

- Benn - Anxiously awaiting the runs still developing over the horizon.

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 19:35:42

Benn, you are a text book on how to recover from a tendon injury. You have stayed very serious about your progress without giving in to the temptation to "go for it" when it feels good. Healing is still in progress so keep it up and look forward to an absolutely great year of running.

Run4Fun, Run4Life, Paul

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 19:45:42

Benn, I just got finished donating to your cancer cure web site. I went $25. Good luck with all you are doing.

From Benn on Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 20:58:14

Thanks so much, Paul! It means so much to me and everyone else out there. I think as runners, we truly can make a difference in our own ways. FRB has truly made me become more aware of my training, potential, as well as the spirituality and simplistic naturalness of our sport. I am so thankful that I found this site with such wonderful people to offer insight and guidance and comraderie that I can't get anywhere else.

From Ian on Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 11:05:25

Thanks as always for the encouraging comments Benn. You are making good steady progress and playing it just fine. The comment about the rope and the knot reminds me of my caving days. Before abseiling into a cave we would always tie a knot into the end of the rope just incase we'd misjudged the rope length for the pitch. Keep a knot in the end of your recovery rope, keep it smooth and steady and no flying off the end.

From josse on Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 11:34:51

Great job Benn! I know how hard this is to come back slowly. But it will all be worth it when you are running strong. It will come and sooner than you think.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

12:00 PM - Did a nice walk today before I have to get ready for work and schoolwork stuff. Still finishing up Joe Henderson's An Encyclopedia for the Thoughtful Runner.  So much of what he writes is so true and smart.  In it he suggests that the average runner can only train for at most 6 months of true "racing" a year, and that your corresponding training should follow the seasons so that you recover in the winter, race in the spring, recover and build slow and steady in the summer, and then race in the fall.  I am bypassing spring and using it as a time to just build up and recover. Then summer will be slow and steady again, hopefully back up to 50 or 60 mile weeks in preparations for the October Marathon and my November races.

Henderson writes, "The lesson here for all runners may be that we need an occasional training holiday. We might be wise not to wait for nature to demand it with an injury or an illness, but to take it voluntarily" (pp 137) He later goes on to use a quote from Ecclesiastes, "To everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven... a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up." (pp 140)

And, from page 155, "[Y]ou don't need to try anything more spectacular than the modest running you already do.  You already have such a big lead that almost no one will ever catch you.  You don't need to envy other heroes, because you are one." (This quote comes in context from an excerpt where Henderson talks about how less than 1% of people than ran in high school are still running by the time they graduate from college.) I think it helps put into perspective that while even though we will claim it's an individual race to the finish, how it's just us and the clock, we still pride ourselves in being able to call ourselves runners and toting our wall of PRs and finishes with us.  We all carry our own invisible trophy case whose stories are shown in bib numbers, finisher medals, and diary entries. And yet at the same time we want to be recognizecd for our commitment and determination with the sport and our training, all those miles to come to some kind of noticing by outsiders.  Well, just know that fellow runners and non runners alike do notice everyone's commitment and determination out there, and it has made our sport all the bettr for it I think at least.

With that said, did an easy 1 mile warm up walk in 15:00, then 2 miles jogging in 21:28 (10:44 pace), then 1 mile cool down walk.

Total Time: 50:41 Total Distance: 4 miles Average Pace: 12:40

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:00 AM - After a long week of work, had to get up early, despite wanting to sleep in.  Feeling a little worn out after only five hours of sleep last night, but so much work to do that I couldn't afford to sleep in.  Went on the treadmill so that I could read today's case study for class and thus kill two birds with one stone.  I find it easier to focus and mull things over while I am walking - shuffling oddly enough. It gives me time to think about how I want to go about addressing the topics.

Began with usual walk for the warm up, then eased into 2 miles of jogging in 21:23 @ 10:41 pace. Then cooled down walking for a mile at about 15:00 pace. Once again, pain free :). Things are looking up! Stay positive fellow bloggers. We will get through this together! With a little faith, hard work, and determination we can overcome any obstacle.

Total Time: 51:12 Total Distance: 4 miles Average Pace: 12:48 / mile

1:00 PM - Went for another walk after a long morning of getting homework done for my night class.  Just a short 15 minute walk. Gorgeous out today in the upper 40s or low 50s!  On a side note, first 5+ day total in almost 2 months!

Total Time: 15:00 Total Distance: 1.02 miles Average Pace: 14:42/mile

Am reading Sacks Psychology of Running (1981) still.  Just finished actually.  A couple interesting quotes I woud like to share:

I. With regards to running addiction: "The bottom line in the development of addiction to running is adherence. You can't develop addiction to the activity unless you participate on a regular basis... Running has become a compulsion, a habit, an addiction. When days are missed, withdrawal symptoms become immediately apparent and generally powerful.  Running has become much more than a means to the end of getting in shape; it has become the end itself. The need to run becomes omnipresent." (120-121)  I think this was the hardest part (and arguably still is) about a forced break from running.  We truly take for granted just the ability to lace up and head out the door for a run when we are sidelined, and I give Emmy and everyone else that had to deal with me during my lay off extra points for putting up with my moodyness. It's amazing how the human body adapts after conditioning.

II. Also in regards to that as a follow up, and something I think I have suffered from comes from Ch. 21 " A High Prevalence of Affective Disorder in Runners": runners reported an improvement in mood and a reduction of tension after running; many of them had past histories of depression which had improved since they started running... As well as relieving depression, running (or the lack thereof) can itself cause depression. Some symptoms include depression, insomnia, fatiguability, irritability, and tachycardia (238-245)

It's amazing to think that books written on running, even 25 or 30 years ago are still so relevant today. I found it funny when Sacks mentioned that one sign of running addiction is the chronic reading of anything and everything about the sport. But I think as long as I keep myself in check, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

From Jody on Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 12:38:25

That is fantastic!! 4 miles with 2 running!! Keep it up!

From saamijeff on Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 15:13:20

Nice post. Really sums it up I think.

From will on Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 22:27:57

Great post, thanks for sharing the quotes. I don't care to dwell on negative words like "addiction" when it is applied to a positive activity such as running. Certain drugs, yes, but running? I prefer words such as "dedication", "determined", "willful", maybe even "stubbornness". But I get the overall point, once a habit is formed, it is hard to break. I think the key is to form a habit with caution, and to know that I am forming a habit, and to be reasonably certain that the habit will cause happiness and well-being to myself.

From Benn on Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 22:36:41

I totally agree with you. I think running has just simply become a part of my identity. When people ask me in class like what do you do .. who are you.. I don't say well I'm a bookseller, or I'm a grad student and what not.. First and foremeost I am a long distance runner :) And I love it.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - Today was a really great day! I was pretty tired and kind of stressed with all of the end of the year projects and papers due. But I wanted to get my walk-shuffle in early. So after talking to my cutie and saying good morning, hopped on the treadmill. Mixed reactions today - walk and shuffle went fine, actually FANTASTIC, as I logged the longest jog yet since February 3 miles non-stop in 32:10 @ 10:43 pace! Started with 15:00 walk of one mile and finished with cooldown walk of a mile in 15:00 as well.  During the time though I was reading a really important book that I hope more Americans will read:  Affluenza, by John DeGraaf : book version of a PBS documentary that aired a while ago that talks about how Americans today are overworked, overstressed, underslept, and so tied into wasteful consumerism that we are effectively shooting the world to hell in a handbasket.  It made me sick to read some of the staggering statistics out there i.e. that 93% of teenage girls list shopping as their favorite activity, Parents today spend 7 times more time shopping then they do playing with their kids, America makes up only 4 percent of the world's population but is responsible for 25 percent of global warming.. There currently are more people filing for bankruptcy each year than graduate from college, and further more, more people are in an endless stream of debt now then during the Great Depression!  Reading the statistics I guess I count myself fortunate that 1. I'm a runner and understand and appreciate the sacredness and natural wonderment of the world around me, and 2. that I have not been drawn into the credit card fiasco that fuels consumerism today. They said the average American has over 7 credit cards and more than 8,000 dollars of debt.  It's times like these that I feel like either moving to Canada or voting the Communist ticket. I'm sick and tired of the rich getting the tax breaks, the middle class being underinsured with health care, and everyone buying into capitalist propoganda. Everyone says the hippies are radicals and that the eco-friendly people are just weirdos; Well if I have it my way, a nice house out in the country, with my own land, no smog or pollution, no hustle and bustle and stress of work and urbanity, that sounds pretty sweet to me.  What is money worth if the stress and time that it takes to get it takes you away from your family and shortens years off your life? We only live once, so we should try to make the best of it! Okay I'll hop off my soap box now :)

Total Time: 62:10 Total Distance: 5 miles Average Pace: 12:26/ mile

From will on Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 22:31:18

Thanks for sharing both running and book stories, I'm learning a lot.

Keep running/walking strong!

From Brent on Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 08:21:57

Benn, thanks for the support, it seems running is coming back fine. I agree with your comments.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Jody on Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 08:54:55

My own soap box: The American people who do not take responsibility where they are in their lives. Most were not forced into debt. They want all their poor choices erased with out any of the consequences. This in turn only hurts all those honestly trying to responsible.


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - Started with 1 mile warm up walk in 15:00, then eased into 3 miles of jogging in the same time as yesterday : 32:10 (10:43 / mile!). Half mile walking cool down and light stretching.  Felt really great. No pain!

Total Time: 54:45 Total Distance: 4.5 miles Average Pace: 12:10/ mile

Going to take it easy and take tomorrow off, as I have had some good gains the last few days and don't want to push it too much. Plus I have a late night at work and a lot of school work to catch up on! I wish everyone the best and hope that all my fellow recovering FRBloggers get to come back soon! We will make it through the injuries and come out stronger, more determined, and more the wiser for it! We can do this! Stay strong and think positive. Optimism truly is a little known virtue that has kept me going all these weeks! You're in my prayers everyone.

From Sunny on Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 12:38:58

Some days I don't know how I do it either!!! But my boys are lots of fun! I decided to start running since my husband does. I did not think I would like it but I am getting addicted just wish my knee would cooperate! Thanks for the comment! I see that you want to teach social studies! My husband does that here in Utah-great subject!

From Curtis on Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 21:56:57

Hey Benn,

Hows things going? looks like your getting back into it. Good Job and keep at it. Thanks for the encouraging words.

From Brent on Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 09:26:00

Benn, I am super motivated from your comment, spinning, yes,

B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - Started with a nice mile warm up walk, then eased into my jogging. Was reading about Amby Burfoot's 1968 Boston Marathon win, and I can't imagine running 26.2 miles without any water stops! Let alone racing that far!! Absolutely amazing. Did 2.5 miles of nice jogging in 26:49 (10:43 pace) and then .5 miles cooldown walk. Felt really good today and just needed to get in a few more miles to ease into the school work today. Best of luck today FRBloggers and keep on truckin'.

Total Time: 49:19 Total Mileage: 4 miles Average Pace: 12:17/ mile

7:00 PM - Did a quick walk with .5 miles jog at the same pace as this morning. Total of 1.75 miles in a time of 24:00.

Total Time: 24:00 Total Distance: 1.75 Average Pace: 13:42

From Paula on Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 13:32:08

Good job getting out there and getting your miles. You will be running marathons before you know it. I will definitely be waiting for the UPS truck to come with my 15 degrees. Thanks

From Jody on Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 18:40:52

I can't believe how great you are doing! You are also very good at practicing self restraint.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

5:00 PM - After working all day, was nice to get changed and head to the track, since I knew that no one else would be there as it was about 42 degrees, overcast and raining like it had been all day.  Started with a mile walking warm up, then 2 miles jogging, 1 mile cool down with a little bit of jogging.

  • Mile 1 - 13:55
  • Mile 2 - 9:08 (feeling really good)
  • Mile 3 - 8:53 (felt as easy pace as running on treadmill; had to hold back)
  • Mile 4 - 11:25 (with about half mile of jogging in there)
  • last .05 - :36

Total Time: 44:00 Total Distance: 4.05 miles Average Pace: 10:52/ mile

From Brent on Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 10:17:25

Benn, I really like your reading about past great runners. If more runners did the same, there would be more appreciation of the ground laid that has made running what it is today.

*Note, my first marathon, 1982, St. George, about 400 finishers, as compared to 4800 last year.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 12:40:44

Benn, you are being so sensible with your recovery and it is obvious that you have learned to appreciate every step you can take as you are resuming your running. Imagine what you have learned to appreciate that most of us take for granted. Keep up the great recovery.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

SUMMARY FOR THE WEEK: Ended up doing 28.32 miles total this week, nice improvement and no pain.  In total I did 14.5 miles of jogging in total of 2:37:22 (or 10:51 a mile pace)

FOR NEXT WEEK:  Would like to keep mileage at about the same but transition some more jogging % of the miles; i.e. have maybe 16 or 17 miles of jogging instead of 14.5.

Things are getting better. Think Spring everyone! We'll get through this!

From saamijeff on Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 04:00:37

Hey thanks for the comment. Always tough to listen to ones body. You are a great example to all on this forum that dedication and patience is the only way to go. Off subject but born in Boston, school in New York and living in Alaska... who to root for in tomorrows baseball game?

From Benn on Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 08:27:14

Well I think Yankees won the first game, from what I heard. Haven't been able to watch tv in so long bc of work and school. I grew up watching the Yankees, but Emma's family loves the Red Sox, so I have basically learned to take a neutral Swiss stance with regards to these two teams anyways. Go with your heart I'd say. I saw the Yankees have a pretty good pitcher though :);)Between you and me, I think there's too much drama in baseball now, and Mr. Clemens is giving us NY fans a bad name, so maybe the general consensus would be to go for your roots.. the Sox. Does Alaska have any farm club bb or anything? I would like to see Alaska able to participate and have some hockey, basketball, baseball maybe even a football team :)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:00 AM - After going to church with Dad today, I went home, changed and headed to the track. Started with a walking warmup as usual, then ended up going 3.25 miles without stopping!! Then cool down walking and slow jog picking up all the litter and bottles around the track! Come on people! Don't litter! It's bad! Did my part though.

  • Mile 1 - 13:53
  • Mile 2 - 8:59 (jogging: Really good; surprised it was this fast!)
  • Mile 3 - 8:45 (Did I read that right? :) )
  • Mile 4 - 8:44 (Woot! Feeling awesome)
  • Mile 4-4.25 - 2:15 (9:00 pace)
  • Mile 5 - 12:23
  • Last .1 - :53

Total Time: 55:55 Total Distance: 5.34 Average Pace: 10:28/ mile

From will on Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 21:15:16

Benn, great training session! Your pace is picking up, and your foot is not complaining - keep it rolling!

From josse on Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 22:04:01

Good to see some miles in the 8's. Hey I think you should sign up for the St. George marathon:) check it out at It would be fun and you would meet a ton of bloggers.

From Benn on Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 06:19:30

Okay! It sounds like a lot of fun. I looked at the website a week or two ago. It's a lottery, right? I'll have to start saving though! By the time that comes around plane tickets will be like $800! haha

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 08:26:02

This is great. You are now running quite a bit!

If you can find your way to Las Vegas or Salt Lake City, we could have somebody give you a ride from there and back. This should cut down the costs.

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 08:26:48

Yes, and we also should be able to find a blogger in St. George you could stay with. So the airplane ticket would be your only cost.

From Jody on Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 09:08:03

I agree with Sasha and Josse, you should plan on St. George. Watch the flights closely. SL is Delta's hub and so you can find flights in fairly cheap if you keep an eye on the website. Southwest has a ton of flights in to Vegas, watch for their specials, the have them quite often. Sometimes United Airways is a good deal into Vegas as well.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

1:00 PM - Squeezed in a quick workout between work and school. Really tired and stressed with all the stuff lately, but class tomorrow night is "optional" which frees up time to get this presentation for next week together. Crunch time this week so I can have the weekend off to watch the Trials and Boston!  Began with normal walking warmup, then eased into 3 miles in 31:17 (10:25 pace), then cooled down walking.

Total Time: 49:36 Total Distance: 4.25 miles Average Pace: 11:40/ mile

Thanks for all the great posts everyone! I am really wanting to enter the St. George Lottery now!!! It would be really exciting I think! Plus I heard it's a fast course, though since I don't train at such elevation, and gain from the negative elevation overall would probably be negated; though I would really like to be able to see Utah! That'd be fun! :)


From MichelleL on Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 20:31:22

I am so excited!!!! That is so cool! What time did you put down on your application?

From Benn on Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 20:34:48

I didn't know how they look at the applications, but I put down my 4:26:56 PR from 2006, and then I said goal time 3:59:00, though if I train right, I think I could even further obliterate my marathon PR. I think it's all a matter of staying positive, and fit, and sticking to a plan! I know for a fact that the reason I 'bonked' on my first two marathons is that I only did a couple 14 or 15 mile runs, and never really got the suggested 3 or 4 20+ milers in. I will need to change that for this race though :). And I think that if I do... a MEGA PR could be in order...

From Brent on Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 21:32:24

Benn, great, hope to see you at the St.George blogger party. Kool, you now have a great goal. Run one St.George, you will come back for more.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Paul Ivory on Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 23:09:21

Benn, good luck with the St. George lottery. I got lucky 5 years in a row before I missed 2 years. I sure hope you make it. I have been guaranteed a spot because of the special 3rd time is the charm rule this year, for those of us who have registered the past 2 years and did nto get in, this 3rd year is the charm and we are guaranteed a slot. I hope to see you in St. George.

From Jody on Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 23:27:12

I am so glad you registered! I signed up today as well. I am sure you will beat you projected time of 3:59. Hopefully we will both get in. I wish I could register under my parents address but no luck.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

2:45 PM - So today started off with work from 8am to 12pm, then to the dentist @ 1:30 where I found out that one of my molars that had been filled last time, hadn't been sealed completely.. so that's why I was having pain; so he had to give me three separate shots of novacaine and then drilled out the old porcelain filling, plus the "soft" parts that had developed (this hurt so much!) then he refilled it.  I went to the track afterwards, as it was 52 and sunny. I still can't feel the left side of my face and I might be drooling on the keyboard as I write this :)

  • .5 mile warm up: 7:15 (14:34 / mile)
  • Running! (there I finally said it!) Did three miles of running. Splits were : 8:16, 8:09, 8:12. Yes, I know way too fast, but no pain, and I promise that tomorrow will just be an easy recovery day. This is sweet sweet progress though :)
  • Cooled down with a mile of walking and light jogging alternating every lap: 12:23

Total Time: 44:20 Total Distance: 4.5 miles Average Pace: 9:50/ mile!

From Paul Ivory on Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 20:16:44

Running!! Benn, what are you doing? Good for you, great to hear it actually happened.

From Jody on Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 23:09:24

You are just becoming a speed demon! I am so glad you are feeling great! Take it easy tomorrow so that you stay healthy!

From will on Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 07:50:32

Nice track run, Benn! I will be looking forward to watching how you structure your upcoming marathon training.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:45 AM - It's supposed to be a gorgeous day today with a high of near 70; Too bad I have to spend it inside doing homework and then later working until midnight! Decided to start the day off right with my normal walk-shuffle routine.  Ended up going for 1:00 even today! And better yet, no pain or soreness (besides in my mouth from the visit to the dentist yesterday!) Started with a warmup mile walk in 15:00, then eased into 3.5 miles of light jogging as I read a local running magazing The Pacesetter, total time of 37:20 (10:40/ mile), then cooled down with .5 miles of walking and stretching. Felt really great!

Total Time: 1:00:00 Total Distance: 5.00 miles Average Pace: 12:00/ mi

From Lybi on Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 11:52:12

Great job, Benn! It takes self control to keep it at injury pace, but you're doing great! I'm no stranger to 12:00 pace.

From wheakory on Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 12:03:56

Great workout Benn each day your performance is improving. Taking it slow coming back will really build the strength back in your legs. I would also suggest doing leg strength training too. Maybe a light weight leg workout.

70 Degrees! that's nice. I really miss 70 Degree weather.

From brent on Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 14:57:02

Yoda on the Run (Benn), you have wisdon beyond your years. If yoda was not funny looking, I would dub you as yoda on the run. Nice work on your training. Nice of you to keep me in balance.

Stay Kool, fRB running force be with you, B of BS Rools out

From Paul Ivory on Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 21:37:17

Benn, you are a hoot!! I will think of you as I run Boston. How about I dedicate mile 13 past Welsley College and all the girls to you? It's yours.

From Benn on Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 23:32:09

Okay you can dedicate the mile to me - though I don't think the girls are my type; great for the runners, but 1. I'm taken :-D and 2. I would need earplugs because of two many soprano voices!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - Felt great today. Tired, but got some endorphins after hopping on the treadmill. Warmed up with 1.5 miles of walking, then eased into 3.5 miles of jogging in 37:20 (10:40 / mile pace), then cooled down with .5 miles of walking.

Total Time: 1:07:30 Total Distance: 5.5 miles Average Pace: 12:16/ mile

What I'm Reading Today: Picked up a copy of Marathoning by Bill Rodgers (c. 1980) and read the first 80 pages of it while on the treadmill today. It truly is amazing just how knowledgeable and gifted Rodges is. And to think that after his collegiate days for Wesleyan he was going ot give up the sport completely! (and arguably did for a couple years). He truly is a remarkable man, and having known and competed with the best of the generation (Shorter, Galloway, Burfoot).. he has so much insight into the sport of long distance running. I wish I had come across this book earlier, but I'm just getting to his narrative of winning Boston for the first time, and I'm absolutely hooked. Just a couple words I thought we can all take to heart:

"You often read about the Kenyan runners and the statements they make about why the American and European runners tighten up: that they worry too much about the other competitors; that they worry to much about individual times in a race, or about their splits....They refuse to let the pure naturalness of running take over." (pg. 47) How true is it that often we approach a race with a specified goal in mind, and then we set out 'on pace' to achieve that goal, only to flounder or get discouraged when we get a slower time. I have learned a lot in the last year myself, and found that the reason I improved in my races was both upping my mileage, as well as listening to the advice of a 15 year old brother who, while he doesn't truly understand the sport, perhaps understands a critical piece of racing. "Just race." he told me. Sometimes we can't always shoot for a PR. Or if we do, as Sasha has alluded to, we can't set out on pace for that PR, especially if conditions are unfavorable. We need to modify our approach. As Rodgers learned in his first experience with the marathon at Boston in 1973, it truly is a humbling experience.

"[A] runner must always retain his individuality as a runner. Never get caught up too much with the pack or with a coach. You have to think for yourself.... Let it filter through, be selective, and discard the rest. You must know yourself and what is right for you." (pg. 27)

"For most people who run marathons, it is and it should be that way.. It's not a race, except a race within yourself. Can you finish it? Sometimes that becomes a difficult question for a marathoner. An Irish marathoner I know described such situations best. He likened them to "a crucifixion." (pg. 57) Okay, so yeah Rodgers is clearly exaggerating, but at the same time he captures the essence of the marathon. The marathon is one of the most grueling races that the runner can endure. To approach it as a serious race, and truly lay everything out on the line can be the most painful experience one has to deal with. You can hit the wall and either stop, or endure the pain and push on for that self-gratification of crossing the finish line. Marathons in my opinion take on a spirituality - when you are out there, plodding along for hours, you get in a groove, and you focus on issues in your life. You take in the scenery, but at the same time you are constantly self-monitoring, and internalizing what this journey means for you.  I think that if you don't have a goal of what you want to get out of the marathon when you go in, you aren't going to come out with a sense of accomplishment. You will just come out feeling let down. I have great respect for all the marathoners out there, and the countless thousands of miles they have put into training. 

As we look forward to this weekend and the Olympic Trials and all of our fellow FRBloggers that are competing in Boston, as well as Ogden later this Spring and anyone else training for a race in the future, we should remember why we are doing it.  Whether it's for better health, for the runner's high, for a PR, for comraderie, or for the adrenaline rush and thrill of competition - remember that we are all runners together and that we all have the drive and determination to toe that starting line like a world class athlete.  We might not all have the athletic prowess as Rodgers, Shorter, Hall, or Sell but we all have a heart as big as theirs'. We have what it takes inside of us to reach the finish line. We understand that it will be a test of will, of endurance, but we have faith in our months and years of preparation, and we journey forth down that path intent on proving to ourselves we too deserve the thrill of victory. Best of luck to everyone in their training and racing.  Run strong. Run fast. Run for you. God bless.    

  - Benn -


From will on Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 13:21:25

Benn, very inspiring entry today - you have a gift for writing about running/athletics.

The Roger's book sounds good, I will see if I can get a copy on ebay or, or my local library. Thanks for including the interesting quotes, and for your own comments on them. I especially like "They refuse to let the pure naturalness of running take over." Whenever I get caught up in trying to reach a pace and my energy level can't match it, running then becomes a burden. I think it is better to let the natural energy of the moment dictate the pace, then running will be a joy.

From paula on Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 09:30:48

Wow you have just reinspired me to do a little better and not stress so much about it. We are finally warming up out here just so it can get cold on Sunday and possibly snow again. Its a crazy spring we are having. I'm glad to hear you felt good doing your workout.

From Bonnie on Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 09:52:29


Thank you Benn,


From Brent on Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 16:10:42

Benn, you are a crazy man, we should run together in camo, camo running shoes, body and face camo

paint. Now, we cannot be seen by other runners. We could do all sorts or funny things like yell out the wrong splits, give crazy comments; you run like a women, your shoes are untied, pick it up til you upchuck, you are last in the race. We could thinkg of many,and runners would go bonkers as they would think the runner gods have gone nuts as they could not see us. We could reward commando points for hair color, baggiest running shorts, loudest breathing, best sweater, etc.

Benn, you have a wide streak. I don't think we should run together at St.George. We may never be heard from again.

Stay Kool, move to the country, eat some peaches and chuck your running watch, B of BS Rools out

From Jody on Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 09:07:52

Hope everything is going well!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:00 PM - In Pittsfield, Mass. with Emma. We went to the Ashwilticook Trail that goes From Pittsfield north to Lanesboro and Cheshire. We started over by the Berkshire Mall and walked for a bit because I wasn't sure how I felt. Temps were in the mid to upper 60s and a slight breeze.  Things were really looking gorgeous tonight as it was just approaching the dusk hours and the sun was setting over the lake.

  • Mile 1: 15:46
  • Mile 2: 14:42
  • Mile 3: 9:48
  • Mile 4: 9:52
  • Mile 5: 9:44

No pain, and felt calm and collected, though I got "chicked" big time by Emma! (and to think she claims she isn't a runner!) Feeling good, and anxious to come up with a plan for the 'thon in October.

Total Time: 59:52 Total Distance: 5 miles Average Pace: 11:58/ mile

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

1:00 PM - Went for a hike off of Rte. 7 to Ice Glen. There was a Fire Tower at the top and Emma and I decided to go on the trail, as last time we tried to go, there was too much ice and I was slipping.  This time it was gorgeous and it was an awesome feeling of accomplishment to get to the top and look out over the Berkshire Mts. I want to go back in the fall, and truly understand the beauty that James Taylor sings about in his songs. (Awesome thing too, is I found out James Taylor is a member at Emma's gym, so I hope that one day I run into him there!)

Highest Elevation: 1531'

Total Time: 41:00 Total Mileage: 1.77 miles Average Pace: 23:11/ mile

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

WATCHED THE BOSTON MARATHON TODAY! Absolutely amazing! I don't know how Cheriyout does it, but he truly is one of the most amazing distance runners I have ever watched. He knows strategy so well, and knows how to use the course to his advantage :)

On another note, found out my neighbor PR'ed in the marathon and also beat his time by about 6 minutes from last year!!

71 53 Shaun P. Evans 30 M Middle Grove 2:31:46

**(This is good, considering where we live, the lack of an organized running club and the fact that this guy logs all his miles by himself, all while working full time as a physical therapist) I wish I could get even a 3:31!!! Man Shaun is amazing too!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

3:45 PM - Temp was in the high 70s, sunny. Was in Pittsfield still, and after class on Monday, I wanted to go for another hike-walk-jog with Emma.  We chose the Pittsfield State Forest this time, and it was amazing!.  We experienced backwoods offroading. There was an access trail that was covered with rocks and last years leaves as no one had cleared the trail for some time. We started off on a "loop" but we noticed we were just going further back into the woods with no loop in site.. It was extremely hard work climing up there and we averaged less than three mph on the way up! This is how the day's excursion ended up going splits wise (I'm surprised neither of us slipped off the edge of the trail or hurt ourselves more than our battle scarred legs and a couple rolled ankles!) To put things into perspective.. it took us about 33:00 to go up ~1.5 miles, and only 16:00 to come down! We are trail blazers to the max! Raaaaaawwwwr!

Max Elevation: 2125'

  • Mile 1: 22:06 (Hi ho Hi ho it's off to work we go!)
  • Mile 2: 18:23 (Hmm.. where's the loop? Time to free-run!)
  • Mile 3: 10:49 (It's a bird, it's a plane, it's SUPER BENN!)
  • Mile 4: 10:29 (Whoah! Pavement feels so cloudlike after that! cooldown)
  • Mile 5: 20:17 (walking on another trail in the park hand in hand ;) )

Total Time: 1:22:04 Total Mileage: 5 miles Average Pace: 16:24/ mile

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

2:00 PM - After five days in Pittsfield, I had to give a goodbye hug and kiss to Emma and reluctantly come back to New York, as I had work from 4 to midnight tonight. Got home at 2 and I have to leave by about quarter after 3 to get to work on time, so I decided rather than unpack, I would hop on the treadmill.  Did a 5 minute warm up walk, eased into 3 miles of steady, painfree jogging, and then ended with a short cool down walk and stretching. Then headed off to work. My achilles feels fine and pain free after all the bumps and bruises from this weeks hiking! I really want to plan out a marathon training plan but I just don't know if it's simply "too early"; I know that Sasha often suggests to people to get up to 6 miles a day for 6 days a week before starting to even think about long runs.  Should I start to try to shoot for 4 miles of jogging at a time for 5 times a week at first? and then go from there? I think I had about 17 miles of jogging last week.

Total Time: 38:00 Total Mileage: 3.5 miles Average Pace: 10:51

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR AWESOME FRBloggers WHO WENT OUT AND COMPETED THIS WEEK. I'M TRULY SORRY IF I HAVEN'T HAD A CHANCE TO COMMENT ON YOUR RACE REPORT YET, BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S FALLEN ON DEAF EARS (OR EYES?). I look forward to reading more of your blogs in the coming weeks, after school crazyness dies down.  And I am also anxiously awaiting news to be able to run in St. George Marathon 2008!! Yay! Keep on truckin' friends!!

From Jody on Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 09:22:40

Welcome Back! Glad you had a good vacation. Glad you are okay!

From MichelleL on Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 09:52:29

Hey Benn,

Can you remind me how long it has been since you started up your jogging again, and how long since you felt pain?

From Benn on Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 11:19:55

Hey Michelle - from what I can ascertain from my log the first day back was March 11th with a .25 mile "shuffle" @ 15:00 pace (actually the current pace that I do my warmups and cooldowns at now). I luckily haven't had any pains so far since I started incorporating the jogging after my Dr.'s appointment about 5 wks ago, but I've been very slowly building back up. I'd say for the last time I felt pain would be about the same time. I had a little tenderness the week that I went to the Dr.'s when I was on my feet for the 8+ hours at work, but I kept the heel lift in which really helped. Also I've found that something that I was arguably lacking in the couple months leading up to my injury was religious stretching. I used to be very good with 5-10 minutes before each run and 15 or so after each run. My mistake was that by eliminating track workouts and just doing 6-8 mile runs and a long run of 12-14 miles, I thought that I didn't necessarily need as much stretching and that I would "warmup " on the fly. Now I am back to how I was before I injured myself. I stretch about 5 mins after the warmup and then 10-15 after the conclusion of every run/walk/shuffle/hike. Yeah it might seem dumb to some people, but I have a new respect for stretching.

So, I guess it's been 6wks since all major pain was gone now. Sorry for the winded answer.


From paula on Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 11:30:45

Welcome back me and Jody were wondering where you disappeared to. That will be nice if you can do the St George marathon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 AM - Started with a 5 minute warmup walk on the treadmill, and then eased into jogging while reading June's issue of Running Times. Felt really good, a little soreness in the quads from that escapade in the woods a few days ago, but other than that felt really good. Ended up doing  the most miles I've done since being injured! 5 MILES OF JOGGING today!! (53:28, good for 10:41/ mile pace) and then cooled down with .6 miles of walking. 15 minutes of stretching and 200 situps and crunches followed. Felt really good! And now I'm ready to tackle all this killer homework I have!

Total Time: 70:00 Total Mileage: 6.1 miles Average Pace: 11:28/ mile

From paula on Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 11:44:19

yeah you are getting back to it. Im so glad you are feeling better and getting in some more miles. good luck on that homework YUCK!!

From josse on Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 13:46:54

Hey if you look at the racing team page you can see the trophys me and Steve got from the race. The new pic in my resume is from the Utah valley marathon as well.

From Benn on Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 14:04:55

Sweet deal! I am digging the trophy! Did they fill it up with any yummy food or drink for you?! And the new picture looks like you're just cruising along enjoying every minute of it :) I'm still excited that you dominated that race even when you were just using it for a long run! haha

From josse on Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 16:20:39

Ya this race was great, they had pizza (which I gave to my kids), subways, fruit and lots to drink. Hyrum did a great job at putting it on.

From will on Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 21:42:02

5 miles! welcome back, Benn, I'm glad your foot is feeling better, nothing beats running in spring and feeling healthy....

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

4:30 PM - Have been really tired the last few days, and after working all day yesterday, was too tired to get out for a run or anything, so I waited until my "short" day today, as I only worked until 3:00. So I came home and went for a bike ride with one of my brothers and my mom to the high school track, 5.17 miles biking there in 19:34 (Splits were: 4:42, 2:58, 2:55, 4:07, 4:03, :49), then stretched and eased into 3 miles of continuous, painfree jogging: 30:00 exact (9:05, 10:21, and 10:34). Then stretched with Mom and Harry and cooled off with a bike ride home after about .6 miles of walking on the track. Riding home, the splits were between 4:00 and 5:19 a mile. Took it easy. So happy to get the first decent bike ride in . And weather was gorgeous! About 70 with sun and slight 5-10mph wind.

Total Time: 1:17:19 Total Distance: 13.11 miles Average Pace (running): 10:00 / mile (biking) 4:00

*Note Current 2008 Max Sustained Speed for Bike: 35 MPH (has to be held for 5 seconds)

From MichelleL on Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 19:29:25

Sounds like beautiful weather today! The ladies and I were still in tights. Its hard to get into shorts when you run in the morning.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 AM - It was partly cloudy and temperature was about 54 degrees; Perfect weather with a slight 5-10 mph breeze. We finally got a little rain last night after nearly two weeks without it. I decided to try out a new pair of short shorts I bought the other day at Dicks' so I went to the track. Got there and stretched and saw one other guy had just got there as well. He was doing his thing, cruising at 7:30 pace, so I eased into a nice jog in the farthest lane not taken up with hurdles (lane 4). Run went as follows:

  • Mile 1: 9:56
  • Mile 2: 9:50
  • Mile 3: 9:41
  • Mile 4: 9:22
  • Mile 5: 10:27 (cool down)
  • last .2: 2:00

Overall felt amazing! Second 5+ miles of jogging I've been able to do since the injury. I really hope things are on the upswing and that I'm doing stuff right so I build up nice and slow. I can't wait for the fall marathon! Stretched afterwards. Oh and on a funny note, this lady came to shave our dogs today so now I am the proud owner of a hairless St. Bernard as well as a goofy looking hairless Great Pyrenees (she kind of looks like a lost sheep or a dalmation without spots now! ahah)

Total Time: 51:16 Total Distance: 5.2 mi Average Pace: 9:51/ mile

From will on Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 14:58:14

Good work!

From Brent on Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 19:34:13

Benn, nice run, nice to feel amazing.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Shauna on Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 22:28:30

Benn, glad to hear that you're on the mend!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Food for thought: So last night at work I was leafing through a book I ordered from the 70s written by Ken Sparks and Gary Bjorklund. In it I happened upon a breakdown of training routines by some of the best runners of the 1960s and 70s. It was really interesting so see that of the elite American runners, most said weight training made up 0-5% of their training regime. This would make sense as we all know it pays in distance running to carry less weight. But something I really honed in on was their listing of the differences in training between LSD (long slow distance) and tempo (sustained running). I didn't buy the book yet so I only remember a couple figures off the top of my head, but the few staggering ones that jumped out at me were:

  • Frank Shorter - 50 % LSD, 34% tempo
  • Bill Rogers (Rodgers) - 2% LSD, 90% tempo

Maybe I only remembered these two since I'm reading Rodger's book Marathoning (c. 1980?) and I'm on a huge must read everything about distance running from the masters of the 70s and 80s kick, but I think it definintely hits on the point that some people have predominantly slow twitch muscles, and others fast-twitch, or a mixture of fast and slow. Rodgers has always claimed that he has a lot of slow-twitch, so it would make sense to do more tempo running, and Shorter as we all know was a master on the track as well, but lacked the natural gift for longer events (though he arguably trained rigorously to earn that gold medal!). I think something to take from Rodgers' wisdom in Marathoning is that we as runners know our bodies best and must adapt our training both to suit our strong points, but at the same time, to challenge our weaknesses. There is no way to improve, without testing our limits, and pushing through the fatigue, though not every workout, as that would be problematic. Reading advice from some of these great runners, most of who are still active in races today, kind of serves as a rejuicing for the ego. I know that so manhy of us are still battling our injuries, and I know I am far from 100%, but I think that reading about Rodgers winning the 3 most prestegious marathons in under 12 months and setting the AR for the marathon in 2:09:55, but yet being set back by injuries kind of supports my goals for this recovery. I'm trying to recover smartly and hopefully take a lot out of this down period so that I can develop a training plan that works fior me and can help me stay injury free in the future. For now I will bide my time, and be the running guru here, reading all the literature I can get my hands on, and of course blogging like there's no tomorrow.

Best of luck FRBloggers. Happy Monday! Run safe. And most importantly, run for you :)!

9:00 AM - Rainy day today. Went on the 'mill. Did a walking warm up, eased into a nice 2 mile jog in 21:25 good for 10:42 pace, and then cooled down with a walk. Felt pretty good, though legs are a little tight and sore from biking. I think tomorrow is a day off. Happy running bloggers!

Total Time: 40:20 Total Distance: 3.25 mi Average Pace: 12:24/ mile

From Paul Ivory on Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 22:29:54

Benn, great to see you investing yourself in some great reading. When I was working in California and had a daily travel time of 1 hr 15 min (typically) one way to work, two of us read Jeff Galloway's Book on Running. A great book. From your reading take what is going to work for you, test it and either confirm it is good for you or maybe not good for you, but with knowledge it is your decision. I have done a lot of the Galloway method of combining running and walking. When I did my 3 hr 15 min 56 sec St. George Marathon I used the Galloway run/walk method. Many excellent runners would never try the Galloway method, but it worked for me. Enjoy, Paul

From Brent on Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 23:09:47

Paul, Benn: Story about Jeff, ran the Honolulu marathon 22,000 runners back from the start. This was at the peak of Galloway run and walk. For several miles, I would pass runners, they would stop and walk, pass me back. It was obvious they were Galloway followers. Be boring with my slow pace, I started asking them where is Jeff? It took about ten miles before one of them got it. Long story short, it does work for some runners, my Sylvie uses a modified approach of run walk very successfully.

Different strokes for different runners.

Stay Kool, Keep Reading, B of BS Rools out (have Jeff Galloway autograph

From Lybi on Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 23:19:21

What a great entry. Rings true to me. Keep it up, Benn. You're in comebackland now!

From Curtis on Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 07:28:32

Thanks Benn for the kind words. Looks like your on the road back. Keep up the good work. Have a great week.

From Benn on Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 08:28:18

Paul, Brent - What type of run/walk ratio would be adequate to start with. From what I remember from looking at Galloway's book a few months ago, it was something like 3 or 4 minutes of jogging to a minute of walking? Do you follow this the whole way? I think I'm going to have to use some kind of approach like this as I make a come back, as I just don't know how long my achilles will be an issue. I started to feel it going up a flight of stairs at school yesterday :( so today is a complete rest day and soaking it in a warm bath.

Lybi - thanks for the encouragement! I'm trying my darndest... there's so many cool races coming up this summer that I want to do! :(

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Wow. It's hard to believe April has come and gone. Tomorrow is May. And I'm still nursing this injury. Blah. I got a slight twinge of pain going up stairs on Monday on the way to class, so I took yesterday off and today as well, though I'm going to be on my feet all night at work. Put the heel lift back in and I'm hoping that I can get in a short 2 mile jog on Thursday, maybe Friday. It is so frustrating, since my heart and mind are 110% committed, but my "Achilles heel" (pardon the pun ;) ) is just holding me back. Praying for a swift recovery. I really want to do well at St. George.

As I try to stay positive, a quote Marcus Aurelius made rings true:

"Reject your sense of injury, and the injury itself disappears." Now maybe I shouldn't reject it, but rather accept and embrace it. I think that I've done a lot to put myself headed in the right direction - that of recovery. I just need to accept that it is going to be a slow go for a while. Maybe by June I can be back to running 4 days a week with 5 or 6 miles? Who knows!

Happy Wednesday everyone. It's almost May, and halfway to the weekend! :) God bless all of our FRBloggers and their families. And everyone else nursing an injury, you're in my prayers. Oh, and if anyone needs protection from neighborhood dogs or hooligans, just call up the Howling Commandos 1-800-BICYCLE. Brent and I deliver. Hoo ha!

From will on Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 19:45:42

Tough luck on feeling that twinge, hopefully it is just letting you know it wants a few days rest, and nothing more.

From MichelleL on Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 20:36:50

What the freak? If anyone deserves an uninterrupted recovery it is the king of the conservative recovery -- BENN!

I'll put your achilles in my prayers ;)

From Paul Ivory on Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 21:41:18

Benn, hang tough. You are doing all the right stuff. Keep us informed. Prayers are for you. Paul

From Brent on Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 22:09:53

Benn, when is our first mission as the howling commandos? Hey, get better, it will be a blast at St.George.

Hey, have you tried Josse's scrapping?

Stay Kool, hoo Ra right back at ya, B of BS Rools out

From Benn on Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 23:36:17

Hm, so my achilles was red and painful today, and especially tender as the night went on at work. I just don't get what I'm doing wrong. I'm so tired of not being able to run. I'm really trying to stay positive, but I must be doing stuff wrong. *sigh. This is definitely a blow to the morale.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Um..... OW. That pretty much sums it up. Downright angry with myself right now. I've tried so hard and long for recovery, but it seems its back to square one.

PM - seran wrapped ice to my foot, seemed to help a bit. pushups/situps. It's just not fair. I just want to be able to call myself a runner again, rather than a guy who runs sometimes. This is too frustrating sometimes. I don't wish this junk on anyone.

 Friday : it hurt after three hours at work, so during my break I sat down and seran wrapped ice again to my foot for about 40-45 minutes. It was enough to get me through the rest of the shift at least, though I work 8-4 again tomorrow, so I don't know how that will go.

From MichelleL on Thu, May 01, 2008 at 14:20:55

Does it feel as bad as it did a couple of months ago?

My insurance covers my medical trips so I have been able to get some acute therapy. Perhaps you might be able to go back to the doctor? You have read alot about achilles tendonitis, right? What are the therapies besides RICE?

I said a prayer for you in my run today. So sorry the pain's back.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, May 01, 2008 at 14:32:02

Do you have a bike and does riding it hurt? If you can, try to get as much biking in as possible. You can maintain a good portion of your fitness cross-training, and it keeps you from depression as well.

From josse on Thu, May 01, 2008 at 15:28:22

Benn, you need to learn Gua sha, is all I have to say. This has really helped me keep the nagging little injuries at bay.

From josse on Thu, May 01, 2008 at 15:32:25

You might just be over reacting, you tend to do that when you are coming back from an injury. I definitely don't think you are coming back to fast. It is quite normal to feel an old injury and it doen't mean it is coming back. Just keep monitering it and ice after activity. Hopen for the best.

From Dale on Thu, May 01, 2008 at 20:27:59

"Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up!"

Go back and look over the past few days to find the signs you missed. Your goal should be to figure out what signs there might have been and what caused this latest relapse so you can continue on the road to recovery. I know you can do've been extremely thorough and careful for a long time now. Have will prevail!

From Benn on Thu, May 01, 2008 at 22:01:52

Yeah I have a bike, Sasha, so I guess I will take tomorrow and Saturday off since I will be on my feet all day at work, but then I will try to start biking.

The achilles is red and sore again, almost as bad as it was in February. Being on my feet at work didn't help matters. This really stinks.

From Aaron on Fri, May 02, 2008 at 00:38:40

Hang in there. Achilles just takes time, and easily inflamed.

Laptop thieves left town as soon as I started backing up my work more regularly!

From Paula on Fri, May 02, 2008 at 09:16:55

Sorry to see you are struggling again. I hope you get feeling better. Hang in there and take it slow.

From Jody on Fri, May 02, 2008 at 17:18:53

I am so sorry! Nothing more frustrating! Remember recovery has ups and downs and you WILL be back!

From Jody on Fri, May 02, 2008 at 23:29:28

Benn, Josse scrapped me (Gua Sha) and I felt much better. It is painful but with consistant use I am pretty convinced, so I ordered my own. She posted something about it on the discussion board with a link to a website. Good Luck!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Worked today. Our General Manager thought it was an opportune time to rearrange everything, and as I was one of two guys working at the time, that's what he had me help with all day. Books = heavy = strained some muscles I think including my achilles. It's red and sore to the touch. Pretty upset. That about sums it up. Going to go work on finals stuff as my semester ends Tuesday. So much for ending on a positive note haha.

Congrats all FRBloggers on the race reports! Keep them coming!

From MichelleL on Sat, May 03, 2008 at 17:55:49

Benn - two words for you: desk job.

Ok three more: Hang in there :)

From MichelleL on Sat, May 03, 2008 at 17:56:51

Oh my gosh I just saw your name change! That is so funny! Thanks for the laugh (even if its at your expense).

From Bonnie on Sat, May 03, 2008 at 18:43:13

Oh Benn -- I am so glad you have your sense of humor about you! I feel for you. If you get a chance to look through the book stacks look for a book titled 'pain free' by Pete Egoscue -- I don't know that it will help you right now (because it sounds like you have a rather acute injury), but it might shed some light on why you are getting hurt.


From Brent on Sat, May 03, 2008 at 18:47:59

Benn, no advice about your injury, could be scar tissue since this has been going on for some time? Don't know, if you lived close Josse could likely tell what the problem is. Sylvie has started scrapping, Josse's advice, on her achilles and seems to be helping her scar tissue.

Stay Kool, hang in there, B of BS Rools out

From Benn on Sat, May 03, 2008 at 21:45:40

Okay I will look for that book Bonnie. Its just frustrating. I want to run, and nothing is letting me. Pretty disheartening. I would rather flunk out of grad school then to not be able to run. And the sad thing is I know that I can't even flunk if I tried :(

From Paul Ivory on Sat, May 03, 2008 at 23:47:37

Benn, they could make a movie of you and what you have gone through over the past several months. "The Achilles Chronicles" starring Benn.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

1:00 PM - So after basically a week of inactivity and stuff, I had cabin fever so I asked Jonny if he'd be up for a bike ride. We decided to go for it. The rain finally stopped and it was partly sunny with temperature about 55 degrees I'd say. We went for a nice ride, and cruised on the flat parts, but we're just not used to biking, as I haven't done a 20 miler in probably about 8 or 9 months now. So it ended up being more of a ride for fitness bike trip. Not too much pain actually in my achilles. So I think I might be a biker for a while. It's not the same as running, but I read that it burns more calories time wise so maybe I can lose some weight doing this! Felt pretty strong on the flats. I think that in a few weeks I could even think about a 50 miler :)

Total Time: 1:24:15 Total Mileage: 20.25 miles Average Speed: 14.4 mph

*Max Speed: 30.2 mph (didn't try to push it though. just happened on a downhill)

Note: Steepest grade hill - 13%

From Paul Ivory on Sun, May 04, 2008 at 15:25:11

Benn, you shocked me when I saw the 20.25 miles. Riding the bike sounds like it is really good for you without messing up the achilles. I rode my bike yesterday for a couple of miles out here on the country roads and you are right, it works different muscles and is really a great alternative to running. My running/biking friends have always said that biking will help your running, but running does not necessarily help you biking, so keep up the biking. Good luck.

From Scott Zincone on Sun, May 04, 2008 at 15:34:40

I had to bike a lot last year when I was injured. My form never improved. I was as aerodynamic as the side of a barn. But it did keep my weight in check.

From Benn on Sun, May 04, 2008 at 15:36:22

Thanks, Paul. Yeah I've always liked biking, since I started it in 2005 to get ready for a 280 mile trip from Ticonderoga, NY to Old Orchard Beach, Maine which I did with my mom, two brothers and a couple other Boy Scouts. It's something I've found I can do at a high level, and actually something I can beat my brother at if I put my mind to it. Haha. I would never do a race or anything, but I love just going for 20, 30, or even 50 milers. I didn't do much biking last year, but who knows, with gas going up so fast, I might soon be biking to and from work! haha.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:45 AM - Woke up and temperature was about 50 degrees and sunny. Decided that to reward myself for finishing my paper yesterday and getting my last project of the semester done, I would go for a bike ride. Went by myself since Jonn and Harry were in school. Followed a lot of the same route yesterday. Legs felt pretty good. No soreness, just some fatigue from all the hills yesterday. Was thinking about how many decent sized hills are on that route, and found out that I scaled exactly 15 hills today. Phew! And yesterday was 22! Thats a lot of hills! Finished strong, though my legs feel a little like jello!

Total Time: 57:34 Total Mileage: 15 mi Average Speed: 15.5 mph

*Max Sustained Speed: 34.0 mph

From MichelleL on Mon, May 05, 2008 at 14:25:14

Good job getting out there and getting your cross training in. You are lucky you have a good bike!. I am guessing I won't go out and buy one until I get a serious injury that requires cross training.

From Benn on Mon, May 05, 2008 at 14:44:26

I've had my Bianchi Boardwalk since 2005 when I did the trip to Maine. I bought it for about $550 bucks or so. You can get a decent road bike for less, but I got a hybrid since a lot of roads around here are still unpaved.

From Brent on Mon, May 05, 2008 at 19:58:13

Benn, commandos in training, hu Rah, we will rough ride our way to St.George. Keep it up, good for the mind and body. The gaining weight, started my see food diet today, see it, don't eat it.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Benn on Mon, May 05, 2008 at 20:02:50

Yeah I will start that diet tomorrow, Brent. Also something I'm considering is something I read in a book I'm reading. If it has more than 4 ingredients in it, my body probably doesn't want it. So 4-ingredient rule diet is what i'm going to call it and start tomorrow.

From Paul Ivory on Mon, May 05, 2008 at 22:36:05

Benn, even as young as you are you would enjoy the book, Younger Next Year, by Chris Crowley & Henry S. Lodge, M.D. Talking about diets of course their guidance is: Diets don't work. They focus on life changing exercise and proper eating but not dieting. Trans fats: out. Trans fats referred to as "partially hydrogenated oils" on labels. Saturated fats: out. Red meat, basically out. Fish: in.

The healthy "UNsaturated fat" is the basic fuel for your metabolism and a key building block for your body.

This book wants us to exercise 6 days a week with 4 days aerobic and 2 days strength training.

If you want some great reading, give it a try.

From Benn on Tue, May 06, 2008 at 07:58:46

Okay I don't work until Saturday because I'm taking a few days off to go see Emma and watch her dance performance, but I will definitely look for that book! I already eat pretty healthy since I haven't had any red meat since I was about 2 or 3. Also, I closely monitor trans/saturated fats, gave up soda back in 2006. I like almonds and walnuts (both of which I think have the UNsaturated fats in them).

So maybe I misspoke. It's not a diet, but rather a lifestyle change. I agree. Thanks for the great advice, Paul. And I hope I get into St George :-D. The Howling Commandos will destroy! Or at least make a funny impression on the race!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - So, it was about 50 degrees and sunny again this morning. A slight wind but by golly was it gorgeous out. I decided to hop on the bike and go on a nice big loop for a bike tour. I started off how I did the last few days, but stayed on Jockey Street and went over to Charlton, and then came back home through the other part of town. Felt really great today. Though I did get my workout. Some of the roads were really bumpy and uncomfortable and I managed to have to have sprint outs with not 1, not 2, but FIVE dogs! Don't worry I owned them hardcore. They didn't stand a chance. I showed them how the Howling Commandos roll!

Total Time: 1:34:40 Total Distance: 24.89 mi Average Speed: 15.8 miles

*Max Sustained Speed: 36.6 MPH (New PR for 2008)

Now I am off to Massachusetts after my last final for a few days to see Emma's African Dance Recital for her college course. Can't wait! Be home after work on Saturday!

From paula on Tue, May 06, 2008 at 11:49:10

Great outrunning out the dogs. I dont know how you do the whole biking thing. It's definitely not a preferred sport with me but you are getting some great miles in and fabulous speeds. Have fun at the dance recital.

From will on Tue, May 06, 2008 at 18:56:18

Have a great trip!

From josse on Tue, May 06, 2008 at 19:36:48

Benn you are funny. Have fun at the recital. And great job for getting in the biking.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 AM - A rainy, drizzly dreay morning today in North Dartmouth, MA so what better to do that go outside!?! Went with Emma to the track. We walked and did a mile and then stretched, then eased into a jog. I did 2 miles in 21:40 (10:50/ mile). Then 1 mile of walking cool down and stretching. Overall Felt pretty good.

Total Time: 51:40 Total Distance: 4 miles Average Pace: 12:55/ mile

Emma's performance was amazing. Had a blast watching it. Hopefully there will be a link on her college's website so I can share some of the performance with FRB! Met a lot of interesting people that showed up to watch the performance as well.

On a sad note: After checking the SGM site religiously (or maybe obsessively) 15x a day for the last week, I was served up a great big Goose Egg. They don't want me to grace them with my presence so it looks like I'll just do the local marathon again. Oh well. Such is life I guess. As for tomorrow, I work 8am to 3pm. I think I will go for a long bike ride after work and try to destressify and refocus.

From josse on Sat, May 10, 2008 at 11:34:08

Sorry to hear that you didn't get in:(

Try again next year.

From MichelleL on Sat, May 10, 2008 at 11:59:57

You have got to be kidding me! Dang, that is just not right! I was so looking forward to meeting you face to face. Ok, so I talked about your case with Dr. Brady, and he said there are three things that will help achilles tendonitis: 1) rest, 2) fixing mechanics (getting the right shoes and/or orthotics), 3) deep tissue massage work (tight muscles can strain the tendons). He left off his high tech stuff he has been doing on me---ultrasound and electro-acupuncture. He said rest alone won't correct the problem because you are not correcting the source of the problem. Perhaps you can consider seeking some help of a sports therapist for treatment on this injury?

BTW- can you clarify - you jogged today with no pain? That would be good.

From Bonnie on Sat, May 10, 2008 at 13:22:37


I really have a lot of luck with ART (active release techniques) -- it is painful, but generally does not take more than a couple sessions to feel results. It is a technique that became famous when it was used at the Ironman championships.

Good luck, I hope today's run signals a new injury-free turning point!

Sorry about SGM --


From Benn on Sat, May 10, 2008 at 16:47:30

Well it's only pain free I assume because I had 2 days rest before, and only bike the rest of the week. But then like today at work, by the end of my shift after being on my feet for 8 hours it was red and swollen and painful. So I have no idea what's up with it. It's just really depressing. I am going to try to go for a bike ride though right now.

From Brent on Sat, May 10, 2008 at 17:08:30

Benn, try again next year for the George. It has been a long road for your getting back running. Hope it goes well.

B of BS Rools out

From Paul Ivory on Sat, May 10, 2008 at 19:21:22

Benn, the St. George team rejected me my first 2 years and finally let me in my 3rd attempt and kept me getting in for 5 years in a row. Then 2 more years of rejection and finally I'm back in again this year.

Asking you to be patient seems empty, but in my anger and frustration with each rejection somehow I lived through it. Not much patience on my part, just frustration and switching my focus.

Please try again next year, but of course I'll probably be rejected next year, duh.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

6:00 PM - After a rousing game of Ping Pong, I decided to go ahead and get the ride in, even though it was slightly overcast and I was tired from work. I'm glad I did. It was an amazing ride. All the worries of finals done with, and the disappointment with SGM behind me, I felt "light as a feather" (even though I was probably as heavy as a dumbbell). I decided to go down Jockey Street and into Charlton, a very hilly ride both to and from. It was fast going there probably as I had a lot of energy and it was primarily downhill. Coming back took a little bit longer than I expected and I just barely beat the sunset. Going down there was about 40:20. Finished coming back in 50:14 (uphill). Overall I felt good though. It's weird that I can bike like it's my job, but then as soon as I try to run a few miles, or am at work on my feet all day the redness starts to come back. :( I dont' like this Achilles stuff. On a plus though, set a new 2008 MAX SUSTAINED SPEED RECORD! 38.2 MPH!!

Total Time: 1:30:24 Total Mileage: 25.21 miles Average Speed: 16.7 mph

All in all a nice way to end the week. Sorry for my ranting and raving fellow FRB members. I will hold my tongue! ;) Hope everyone's weekend is going swell, and Happy Early Mother's Day to all you Moms out there! As a son I know I'd be absolutely lost without my mom!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

11:20 AM - After waking up at 6:00 (reluctantly, as I was really tired from only about 6 hrs of sleep after that hard 25+ miler last night), I made my mom breakfast in bed with my brothers complete with coffee, orange juice, home fries, an omelet, scrambled eggs and homemade fruit salad. Oh and toast! Then did all the dishes and helped outside with yardwork. Decided to go for a bike ride before work tonight 2pm-10pm. Ended up going a full half-marathon on the bike in extremely windy weather. But it was sunny and temperature around 63 degrees! Yay! Felt great on the bike, though it's not the same as running.

Total Time: 50:58 Total Mileage: 13.11 miles Average Speed: 15.4 mph

From Brent on Sun, May 11, 2008 at 17:33:13

Benn, right on, tired of not running, when you have the guts and desire, makes it double tough. Keep on the hard bike riding, no point in getting fat and lazy.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

By the way, keeping signing up for St.George, after two non-picks, your in the third time

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

12:00 PM  - 55 degrees, cloudy, wind 15-20mph. Man. This might very well take the cake. Just finished the hardest bike ride that I can remember, almost as difficult as biking through the White Mountains in New Hampshire on the way to Maine. The wind was basically in my face the entire way except for a grateful few miles in the middle of the ride. Felt really great today! Felt so great though, despite the fact this was also my longest ride in about 2 years!

200 crunches, 100 situps, pushups, 3 x 12 @ 12 lb arm

New 2008 PR's for biking: 1/2 (13.11 mi): 45:50; FULL (26.22 mi): 1:36:53

Total Time: 2:00:01 Total Distance: 30.68 miles Average Speed: 15.3 mph

Weight: 174 (-4 pounds from this time last week!)

From Brent on Mon, May 12, 2008 at 20:31:07

Benn, nice workout, your legs will be ready and strong for running. Commando points, 100 for the wind effort and sore butt.

Stay Kool, Ride Like and Animal, don't eat like a horse, B of BS Rools out

From Benn on Mon, May 12, 2008 at 21:05:15

Thanks, Brent. I'm trying, but it's really hard for me to try to not eat. I feel like I'm always hungry, but I need to get that self restraint to not eat because I want to lose about 10 pounds!!

From MichelleL on Mon, May 12, 2008 at 22:14:25

I don't always live by it, but I have a rule that if I feel like I want to eat something but it's not time for a snack yet, I have to eat prunes. They aren't bad but you're also not likely to gorge on them.

You are definitely going to be able to keep in shape with workouts like this.

From Scott Zincone on Mon, May 12, 2008 at 23:26:37

The biking is going to help you so much once you are able to run again.

Keep up the hard work !

From MichelleL on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:01:33

Hey Benn - you know we all love you and support your training, but I think you need to convert your biking miles into running miles for what you put in the crosstraining miles column, then put total miles biked in your write up. There is a discussion on the forum about this which is spurned by you dominating the mileage board because you are biking instead of running. Please don't take their comments the wrong way. Fairness is all people are looking for I think. Make sure you get out there today and bike your heart out!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - Up early for a recovery ride. Sunny outside with a temp around 54 at the start. Projected to get up to 75 degrees today! Yikes! Windy yet again today. Ugh! Went down Parkis and Crane Road to Jockey Street into Charlton and back. Felt really great and no soreness really after the first mile. My quads were sore from the last few days of riding, but I really felt good overall. Funny thing I saw for the day today: At about mile 11 in Charlton I was cruising down this back road and I watch a woodpecker fly onto a mailbox. We have a staring contest for a few seconds and right as I get close he decides there must be bugs in the green metal mailbox and starts hammering away at it. I think it gave him a headache because he flew off shortly thereafter.

Total Time: 1:29:58 Total Mileage: 23.76 Average Speed: 15.8 mph


1:00 PM - My mom is in charge of the school store at my dad's school so she decided she wanted to bike to and from there today rather than drive the car to save a bit of gas. She asked if I wanted to go with her and of course I couldn't say no. I love doing stuff with my mom and she's just an absolutely amazing and inspiring woman. The funniest thing she said though on the bike ride was on the first hill when she goes, "Oh crap! I should have taken more 3,4 DAP" (The 3,4 DAP is a special medication she's on for her myestenia gravis that's not FDA approved  but by giving talks about her condition to a medical college in New Hampshire, down at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, and then at UC Davis Medical Center in California, she is on a trial where she gets the meds for free. So it's really great!). It was hot out. Maybe 70 degrees and sunny. But we had fun. And as a bonus we made money at the school store today! $2.60! Huge pay day! No seriously it was because she said we normally only make about .50 cents. And the little ones were so cute!

Total Time: 50:00 Total Mileage: 10 miles Average Speed: 12.0 mph

*Wow two monstrous days in a row! 33.76 miles of biking today! Now headed to my brother's track meet. The first one of the season that I actually get to see! Too bad he's on the injured list :(. Oh well. Should be fun!

From josse on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:28:09

An honest mistake, DON'T take it to heart. I is not a big deal. I am just glad you are out doing stuff:)

From Dustin on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:33:35

Same thing as what Josse said, not a big deal. I don't get too concerned over the mileage board. I don't do much biking, but I do play basketball a few times a week. I usually find myself sweating a lot more and feel much more tired than when I do an easy run, but I usually count 10 minutes of basketball= to 1 mile running.

From wheakory on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 12:36:42

Nice bike rides. How are your legs (achilles) feeling. Your doing some awesome days of cross training.

From Benn on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 12:39:30

Thanks Josse and Dustin. I'm glad I'm at least able to do something as well.

Kory - well my achilles is on and off. When I'm at work on my feet all day by the end of the shift it will be red and hurt on the sides. I ran 2 miles last week and it was fine, but I haven't had a drop of pain doing the biking, so I figured that the biking is the best way to do cardio stuff. I really just want to get healthy so that hopefully I can set a marathon PR in October!

From wheakory on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 16:04:54

The biking will keep you fit for when you can run again so keep that as a positive thought. I wish I could help you or tell you something to try. I know you've been stretching and putting ice on it. Does it make a crackling noise when you flex it?

Have you tried using a product called Myo Med to rub on it. This really seemed to help mine. God bless you and I'll keep you in my prayers.

My knee been bothering me a little bit today, but I'm staying positive.

From Sierra on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 20:27:08

Are you active or what?! All that bike riding sounds like a-lot of fun, good job! Thanks for the comment! It made my day! I couldn't believe I was hitting that mileage!! Thank you! :)

From Brent on Wed, May 14, 2008 at 09:00:59

Benn, at least we are cross training, not cross dressing. Thanks for your comments over the last month, they have been very helpful in keeping me motivated. What is uplifting about the whole cross training vs. running miles counting thing, the support from bloggers.

Stay Kool, howling commando buddy, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - Legs are a little tired from biking this week, but not hurting sore, just a little achey. Went on the treadmill and started with 1 mile walk in 15:00, then eased into a 2 mile jog in 21:53 (10:56/ mile), then finished with 1 mile walk for cooldown in 15 minutes. Post-run stretching followed. Before run did arm exercises with the 12lb free weights 3 or 4 sets of each exercise. 200 crunches and 150 situps.

Total Time: 51:53 Total Mileage: 4 miles Average Pace: 12:58/ mile

From one of my local running clubs' May 2008 Issue of The Pace Setter: pg 23: Article titled "Reasoned Accomodation": "We really stink at accomodation when it comes to ourselves. We are usually much better at extending it to other fls. Accomodation is not neglecting ourselves. It is protecting ourselves... What is more important, topping off some weekly mileage or being healthy enough to enjoy your next run whenever the sidewalks are clear or whenever that horrendous chest congestion and fever subside?... What I have began to espouse is accepting reality and working with it rather than fighting it or, if you will, accomodation." - Hank Steadman

I think Hank's article especially hits home for me as I've been battling this achilles issue for nearly four months now. I think I erred in the fact that I expected a couple days off or reduced mileage and I'd be good to go once again. Rather than taking a couple of weeks off to see if that helped at first, I tried to run through it, which I suspect only made my injury worse. We have a lot to learn as runners, and while we are definitely good at giving advice to other runners, we very rarely take the necessary time to reflect on our own training and our own bodies. If there's anything I've learned during my layoff that I can take away and use later in life, it is this idea of accomodation. We need to listen to our bodies rather than dictate what we desire from them. Progress comes at its own pace for each one of us. We shouldn't hasten the process. At least we can know that if we listen to our bodies we stand a better chance at not only recovery, but future progress.  Keep on truckin' friends.

From Kim on Wed, May 14, 2008 at 10:45:21

Great thoughts Benn! We all need to remember that! Continued luck and prayers are sent your way as you keep truckin' on that road to recovery!

From saamijeff on Wed, May 14, 2008 at 20:16:46

You are a great example of that process!

We all struggle with the recovery/run problem after injury and most of us come back too fast too soon. What I am doing now is probably a good example of that. To answer your question it took 6 months to get past the main problem with my repaired achilles which is swelling since there is poor circulation in that area. After the six months I spent the next six with low impact stuff and then have had little trouble for the last number of years. You probably only had a minor setback from your blog reports of the last few days. Consider the value of seeing a P.T.(especially one who is a distance runner) and see about routines and excercises that might help prevent reinjury. Biking is a great alternative.

From MichelleL on Wed, May 14, 2008 at 20:25:05

Thanks for the quote and thoughts Benn. So the other day you described your achilles injury as a tear. I thought it was just tendonitis. At what point did you know that it was a tear? Sorry, I missed that I guess.

From Paul Ivory on Wed, May 14, 2008 at 22:18:29

Benn, prayers from me too. Lets get you healed. Your introspective thoughts are going to be good for you for the rest of your life. We need to enjoy every day, but I imagine you are going to REALLY appreciate every good running day in your future. Take care, Paul

From Benn on Thu, May 15, 2008 at 00:36:52

Well tendinitis is essentially microtears in and around the achilles tendon. I really think there are still microtears because by the end of a shift at work my achilles is red again and like tonight for the last couple hours every 15 mins or so I would get a little jolt that would travel up my leg. Not like painful, just uncomfortable.

If there's one thing I've learned it is not to take my body for granted. I'll be grateful if I can ever even run 10 miles painfree again. :( This is going to make for an uncomfortably long summer. I like biking and all, it's just not the same as running.

From Ian on Thu, May 15, 2008 at 06:19:13

Nice piece from the article Benn. You will eventually be running those 10 milers painfree no worries, you've got so many years of sport ahead of you. One of my regrets is that I didn't start running until I was 39 years of age, while you've completed a couple of marathons before your 21st. It's crappy now but just a hiccup in the long term. Keep working on your aerobic fitness, the biking is excellent and a good cross sport in the summer heat. Keep positive and keep blogging!

From Harry Pitts on Fri, May 16, 2008 at 18:02:47

Great Job Benn.

You are my idol when it comes to recovery. You know how to really move your bod.

Keep it up!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - I iced my foot for about 30 mins last night and then zonked out for a couple hours. Up early because I work 11-8 today so I guess we'll have to see how the foot holds up at work. 100 situps, 200 crunches, 4 x 15 @ 12 lb arm exercises. Probably do a second round of them tonight.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

6:00 PM - Had a long day at work. My achilles is a little red after this long work week. I'm going to go ice it in a little bit.  Only did a little over two miles today. Just needed to have something positive to take away from today. Ended up doing 2.05 miles in 27 minutes, 13:10 pace. Trying to stay positive, though Wednesday will be 4 months and counting :(.

From Bonnie on Fri, May 16, 2008 at 21:42:29

oh Benn, I am so sorry.

Did you check out that book?? You don't have anything to lose at this point ...

Here is a podcast:

and the website:

(this is expensive - but I think you could probably find information that might help by looking at the Journals that he has ...).


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Just wanted to send out a good luck to everyone running Ogden today. You're in my prayers. Run Fast. Run Within Yourself. And most importantly, Run to Have Fun! Look forward to reading all of those race reports tonight. You are all so talented and amazing athletes. FRB truly is the cream of the crop, hands down. So glad to be able to talk to and get advice from you all! See you all after work.


Some words of wisdom I've taken from Norrie Williamson's Everyone's Guide to Distance Running:

pg. 19 "If you want something to happen with all your heart, you will find ways to make it happen: If you do not really want it with all your heart, you will find an excuse to explain why it didn't happen."

pg. 25 "There can be few other sports where so many different people with varying objectives come together to meet their challenges. Running offers that."

pg. 33 "Theirs is not the pain of intense speed of marathons or shorter races, but rather the slow, concentrated pain of distance. It is something that takes as much in guts, courage, skill and ability as their speedier counterparts." No matter what speed we all run at, Williamson suggests that it takes as much guts to run a long, slow race as it does to prepare for a short sprinting event.

"The race is not always to the fleet of foot, but to he who goes the distance." I think that this is something important to take away from Williamson's work as well. If we sacrifice everything, lay all our cards on the table, and push ourselves to truly go the distance, we can still be successful and take away a positive outlook on the experience.

Long distance running, like life, is a journey, not a race. We can choose to take its course at our own speed and forge ahead or at the same time slow up and sit back and enjoy the scenery as we jog down the path. We all have something to gain from participating in the sport of running, and the comraderie amongst our participants are like no other.

From Brent on Sun, May 18, 2008 at 09:41:55

Benn, the page 19 is my favorite quote. good to see you out running and enjoying nature. Although races are great, the great times are often those nature type runs.

Stay Kool,Howling Commando, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:00 AM - Sunny and temperature around 48 degrees with a slight 2 or 3 mph wind. Can't possibly get much better than that! I was thinking of going for a bike ride, then decided maybe I could test the waters since I don't have work later today. I threw on a pair of running shorts (the short, short kind so I can show off my unbalanced muscular legs; for some reason my right leg seems significantly more defined than my left leg, weird!) and headed to dad's work. Behind the school there's two short nature trails. I parked and stretched and did a slow jog, and ended up easing into 5 x .6 mile loops of the nature trail. Hit the 5k mark at 27:36 (8:54/ mile pace), and then jogged to the short nature trail and did 3 x .3 loops there. Finished with a cool down mile on the track and then walked to the car and stretched. Overall I felt pretty good. It felt good to be able to run a bit again. It's been hard going the last four months that's for sure. I think what I might end up doing as I'm continuing to recover is do short bike rides the days that I work to maintain cardio and then the days that I don't work, go for a little longer of a run/walk/shuffle type deal since I'm more likely to be off my feet those days. It's just that work takes a toll on your feet, especially when you're stuck in the cafe like I've been as you're not allowed to leave from behind the counter for the entire shift! Talk about mundane! Oh well, at least this started the week off right. Probably not another run until Friday or Saturday. I'm thinking about placing an order for a Howling Commandos singlet. Would be pretty good PR I think at races. Imagine me running in short shorts with HC singlet on with a guy on a bike wearing a gorilla costume. I think it might be my new favorite shirt!

Total Time: 47:00 Total Distance: 5.25 miles Average Pace: 8:57/ mile

From Mike Warren on Sun, May 18, 2008 at 10:27:32

Benn, great to see you running again! Sounded like an awesome day for a run. You will be back to full strength in no time.

From Paul Ivory on Sun, May 18, 2008 at 23:00:43

Benn, what a great report! Success! Keep it up and be careful. Paul

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:00 AM - Started with a walking warm up, light stretching, and then eased into a slight jog. Did two miles in 21:20 (10:40 pace), and then cooled down with a .5 mile walking warm down. Overall felt good considering I did over 5 miles yesterday! I'm really hoping that in the next couple weeks I make some headway so I can start to train again. Positive thinking. Climbing the mountain towards recovery. If I do it smart, I should be able to make a full recovery. Such an awesome job everyone at Ogden this weekend. That is definitely exciting for the blog! Way to go!

Total Time: 43:50 Total Distance: 3.5 miles Average Pace: 12:31/ mile

From bundy on Mon, May 19, 2008 at 18:21:47

thank you sir, it's how I feel at times!

From steve prefontaine on Thu, May 22, 2008 at 23:59:04

ever try running flat out if it hurts run faster,if only i could have bench pressed my car at deadmans curve.hoping for recarnation anytime soon.that 12:36 just around the coprner,maybe you can do it for me i'll show you how every step of the way,atleast till i get my body back.that farnsworth really is something.rube.

From erik abildgaard on Fri, May 23, 2008 at 00:10:19

hey guys ever hear of poul abildgaard,he was a danish runner and my father.he was great,qualified for olympics in 1951 ran a 47.7 400 european record 60m in 6.8 jesse owens was 6.7.he beat harrison dillard in process.unfortunately he broke his foot training in woods and never went to helsinki,he told me he was ready to run 45 sec in 52 helsinki.the record was 46.5.not till 1960 did it go down to 44.9.he also was a boxer and was 26-0 all knockouts,he beat a brit who beat sugar ray robinson and said my dad hit harder than robinson.i also am a runner have been since 5yrs of age and have my own share of records.i wish my dad could get the recognition he deserves.he passed away newyears day 2001.and predicted his own death ten years in advance.he was a very generous and amazing man.well i just want everyone to know there are better runners than the olympic champions out there you just never know.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

6:00 AM - So I woke up at 5:18 this morning and couldn't sleep, despite being incredibly tired last night. So I got some coffee and decided to go for a bike ride. Felt good. It was sunny and a little windy, but only about 40 degrees. My hands were pretty cold for most of the ride. It was interesting. I think there were more cars out on the roads at 6AM than when I usually go in the middle of the day! I hate traffic. I always feel like they drive too close to me, and the noise and fumes aren't very nice either. Wednesday will probably be a day off. Really hoping the Achilles holds up at work today because tomorrow is 4 months. And hopefully all of this biking is going to help me in the long run! I really want to set some PRs this fall to get something out of 2008, you know?

Total Time: 1:05:00 Total Distance: 17.05 miles Average Speed: 15.7 mph

Going to take an idea from Paul Ivory and try to record my heart rate when I can. Woke up this morning and rate for a full minute was 48 beats.

From MichelleL on Tue, May 20, 2008 at 14:09:10

Good job getting out yet again. I hope your achilles holds up too. Four months is 3.75 months too long (a week off isn't so bad, but after that its a form of torture). As soon as you are able to run you will knock out some PR's.

From Scott Zincone on Tue, May 20, 2008 at 23:03:38

I once slept with my heart rate monitor on so I could see how low it got during the night. I can't remember the results now, but I know my wife thought I was nuts !

From Benn on Tue, May 20, 2008 at 23:26:59

Yeah tell me about it Michelle. And every day I work, by the end of the shift it's red and sore to the touch again, so it's like I take one step forward and one or two steps back and it just doesn't seem to be healing. I should have just gone right away and told them back in January to just put my foot in a cast. That would have been about 2.5 months quicker than right now. At this rate I won't be racing at all this year.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

12:00 PM - Went to Emma's track at her old high school in Pittsfield and did a walking mile, .5 mile jog, and .75 mile walk cool down. Sunny but a little windy. Felt pretty good I guess. Some soreness in the achilles. Blah.

Total Time: 33:00 Total Distance: 2.75 Average Pace: 12:00/ mile

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

1:00 PM - Temp about 59 or 60 and partly sunny with a wind about 10mph. Went to Taconic High School track again in Pittsfield, MA. More people there today than on most other times. Started with a 1 mile walk in 14:34, then eased into a jog, though I suspect my short shorts scared everyone off. The lady that got there at the same time as me, saw me jogging in my short shorts and did 1 lap and left, and the two young ladies that showed up when I was on the back stretch of the track, did less than half a lap before they too quickly exited. Soon it was just me and a lady I'll call Fran. Fran sported spandex and a water hydration-fuel belt. We made eye contact once, well I did. It was hard for her to see since I was wearing my sunglasses to keep a low profile. I ended up doing 3 miles in 26:10 (8:43/mile pace!), then did a 1.15 mile cool down.

Total Time: 57:42 Total Mileage: 5.15 mi Average Pace: 11:12/ mi


From Paul Ivory on Sun, May 25, 2008 at 21:06:20

Benn, enjoy every mile you get to run. Be careful and make the healing set in good. It looks like Kory is hurting with the knee issue. I hope it isn't too serious. Later, Paul

From MichelleL on Sun, May 25, 2008 at 23:21:02

So some soreness Friday means you get back out and run Saturday, hmmm, interesting strategy. How is your achilles feeling today? I hope no worse for the wear. Stay conservative!

From Jody on Mon, May 26, 2008 at 17:03:28

Fantastic run! Remember to take care of yourself!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

2:00 PM - Went bike riding with my sister Su for the first time all year. We had fun. Temperature about 70 degrees and windy but sunny and not a cloud in the sky. Didn't try to cycle hard at all. We took a nice leisurely pace, went up to the school and did a mile on the track, walked a lap, jogged one, walked, jogged one, then came home. Total did 11.27 miles of biking and mile on the track in 1:10:00. Felt good. It's been a very hectic week so far. Went to Emma's graduation and it was so awesome to see her walk! Drama started when I got yelled at for saving seats by people. God forbid I save seats for her family that drove 4.5 hours to see her walk at graduation. Well they stopped for breakfast I guess. So I was out in the hot sun saving seats for a cool 80 minutes. I was okay with that, but it was just that one guy saving seats for five people I guess can look sketchy. But this a$$hole complained as if I didn't have a right to save seats, and actually went and got the cops. Her family was there, it was just that they had to walk from the parking lot to the ampitheater, and he went and got the cops and the cop comes down and tells me I need to move. I go excuse me? I have been saving seats for my girlfriends family. They are at the restroom. He goes: Nice try. And kicks me out. So I told him to go somewhere not so nice and do something that I don't think is anatomically possible, and this only further supports my hatred for cops. (All those but Scott Z. that is.). Well the rest of the week was nice. I got to spend time with Emma and her family. Got to see little Sky boy who is very big now, and it was overall very nice.

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday and it was bittersweet. Emma made me two paintings and breakfast and we got to go for a walk and all which was real swell, but then I had to work 4pm to midnight. My family came in to see me though. So that was nice. Had to run a lot of errands today though, and I work Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Oh yeah, I got a whopping .20 cent raise finally after 2 years. So I now make $8.08 an hour. Oh the joys of having a 4 year college degree. Talk about stupid. Can't wait to quit this job.

My achilles still hurts, and it doesn't seem to help me if I take time off. So it doesn't look like I'm going to be running any time soon. I'm going to try to focus on other stuff to get my mind off of it and maybe do a little biking this summer, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.

Finally my uncle had a massive heart attack and has been in the hospital for 19 days now. :( My parents went to see him yesterday on my birthday out in Boston, but he had a mini stroke while they were enroute and then another one today. So they are going back out there this weekend. I am really hoping he is alright. He is such a really cool guy and he definitely doesn't deserve it. I wish I could be the one having the heart attack instead of him.

From Shauna on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 16:23:16

Wow, sounds like an eventful few days! Sorry to hear about your uncle-I hope he feels better soon.

Good for you for staying so positive during your injury. I hope the improvements continue!

From josse on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 18:16:02

Happy bithday Benn!! I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. Have you tried any type of treatment for the achilles yet?

From Benn on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 21:08:35

Well I'm just sick of it. I really think I need to get a scrip or something and get an xray or evaluation or something? I mean it's been 17 weeks. Everyone else so far on the blog that had achilles issues that seemed about the same severity are back logging 50+ mile weeks. I could go for even 30 mile weeks. It just totally sucks not being able to go for any pain free distance runs. Sure I guess a couple miles is better than nothing, but I need the 10 and 12 milers. That's the only time I feel comfortable and actually able to relax - and more importantly, like I'm actually getting some exercise. It's just so frustrating. Sometimes you feel like you'll never heal you know? And when you're used to blogging every day when you're forced to go this long without "real runs", you feel lazy, depressed, and basically lose faith that you're going to be able to run again.

From Scott Zincone on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 21:11:28

Congrats on the raise. Sorry about your Uncle. Happy Birthday. Thanks for the kinds words about me, and you are lucky you did not go to jail.

From josse on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 23:14:31

Benn everyone of us understand your frustration. Please, please, please go see some one and get some therapy (phsysical not mental, only if you need it;)) because I am going to pace you to your Boston Quilifier and you are going to do it. I do know alot of the people that have had these issues have gotten some sort of treatment to get over there injuries.

From wheakory on Fri, May 30, 2008 at 01:10:45

Keep your faith up Benn. That what I try to do. Have confidence in your faith and you'll be able to run again.

Sounds the like the family visit went well. That's a bum deal about the sitting for the graduation.

I would totally take your mind off running and your achilles right now and focus on other areas. Not thinking about the stress of it could heal it. Don't even attempt to run for a while and see what happens. Focus on your job and your family and bike rides.

From Benn on Fri, May 30, 2008 at 06:30:16

Thanks all for the kind wishes.

Josse - Do you really think I can even have a chance at the open BQ time? I mean I want to give it a shot, but I just don't know. I guess when you get used to only being able to do a couple miles here and there, just finishing another marathon seems like a feat in itself.

Kory - Thanks. I will keep the faith alive. I will try not to run, it's just so hard to do, you know? And I do this little 5k summer series that starts in like 3 weeks. I hope I can still run in it!

Oh, Josse - so the pain isn't nearly as intense as it was in January, so that's a good sign right? But it's just that the pain doesn't seem to go away. I think part of it might have to do with more stress getting put on my achilles since I've gained like 14 pounds since January? I'm going on a diet starting today, as I don't even get much exercise in anyways. Today will be Day 1 of the serious training. Also, should I consider consulting a PT for electric shock/stim stuff? I never really used it, but I know some people swear by it.

From josse on Fri, May 30, 2008 at 09:54:10

Yes I do think you would benifit form some sort of treatment. I have done electric stem and think it works. I swear by the scraping.

We might have to wait until next year for the BQ but I do think you will be back.

From Benn on Fri, May 30, 2008 at 15:31:08

Okay I will try to look into electric stim stuff and see if I can get an appointment or something. For now I can still bike though right?

Does it seem like it's out of the question for me to do a fall marathon then too? I just hate having to put off all these races. I haven't raced since January 1st! And haven't been able to run more than 5 or 5.5 miles since the injury on Jan. 21st :(

From wheakory on Fri, May 30, 2008 at 16:59:35

Benn - I would try a Half Marathon first before you decide to do a full Marathon. If your achilles is feeling good by the fall I would do a Half Marathon first. Because you would really want to know if your achilles is totally better.

Since you really haven't put the miles in yet to even consider a full marathon but you decided to do one anyway I would be concerned about your running form and endurance the last 6 miles of the race.

If your completely exhausted your form could be horrible and awkward and you might hurt your Achilles again, because of the poor running form.

You know your abilities, and for me I don't run a marathon unless I'm ready. You don't know what can happen out there if your not ready.

That my thoughts and only a opinion.

I really hope you can start running again. Your very good person and very upbeat keep that attitude and you'll get healed.

From josse on Fri, May 30, 2008 at 17:27:09

I was injured all last summer so I know how frustrating this is. My advise is to get yourself better and running again before you consider a race of any distance. Keep up the crosstraining, that really helped me be able to jump right back into running.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

3:30 PM - I worked until 3 today, and then headed home and outside in the sunny high 70s for a bike ride. Not sure how it was going to feel, but I ended up having a pretty good time. Absolutely zonked though because it was really hilly and windy! Went on the backroads down Hermance and up into Providence, a town adjacent to Galway. Then came home Barkersville Road. All in all a great time.

Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions. I guess I won't think about any races then for the fall just yet. Instead I will concentrate on biking and trying to stay positive. I just hope this achilles issue is resolved by then! Thanks all for the kind words about my uncle as all. You guys and gals are the cream of the crop. Thanks for being such great friends!! FRBlogger for life :)!

Total Time: 1:11:21 Total Distance: 18.15 mi Average Speed: 15.3 mph

Steepest Grade % in bike ride: 16%

Maximum Sustained Speed: 34.3 mph

From Brent on Fri, May 30, 2008 at 20:23:26

Benn, howling commando today, awesome ride.

Stay Kool, Hard Rider, B of BS Rools out

From Brent on Sat, May 31, 2008 at 17:26:12

Benn, losing fat pounds, power food is my answer. There a few foods where your body burns more calories digesting the food than calories that are in the food. My two favorite are Watermelon and Cantelope. I have done this plan several times, no eating after dinner except power foods, no snacking between meals unless power food, or a small portion of dried fruit with raw almonds mix.

Stay Kool, rock and ride hard, it will pay off, B of BS Rools out

From Paul Ivory on Sat, May 31, 2008 at 20:55:20

Benn, I have been off the blog for most of the week. So sorry to hear about the challenges your family has had to face. Prayers with you and your family.

You have a great attitude about the achilles challenge. Hang in there. Keep up the training you can do. It will heal. Paul

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

So I worked all day today, then when I got home it was a sad day because I decided to get rid of some of my bibliophile obsession (books). First to go were my six years of Running Times and Runner's World. They were just taking up space. You really only read them once, you know?. Then I went and got rid of 200 books, though I still have 2 and a half bookCASES of them! haha. Don't worry. I wouldn't trash them. I donated them to an organization that turns them into insulation! :)

On a plus note, Jonn had his last race of the season and the coach put him in the mile. I found this funny and ironic as it's the only race he liked to run besides the 4x880, and yet the coach only let him run it once this season where he ran a 5:20 something. Weather was muggy and hot and about 75 degrees, but my mom called right after the race to give me the good news. Jonn stuck with the leader for the first lap, let the guy go, then worked with another guy and blistered the third lap to catch the leader who was fading. Then Jonn burned the guy he'd been running with during the last 150. His time? 5:03! I could hardly believe it! This coming from a sophomore who surely doesn't do consistent training and whose coach only did field events as a kid in track. I told Jonn that with consistency there's no reason why he shouldnt be able to get to mid to low 4:50s by this time next year!! And with a mile time like 5:03, I think his 5k average pace should be somewhere right about 5:20, not the 6 minute I think it is with his 5k PR of 18:40 or something. Needless to say we got a bit of work to do this summer.

Oh, and scary, weird story. Emma was mowing her lawn the other day and hit something with the push mower that she thought was a rock. Comes out the next morning (yesterday), and sees metal sticking up from the spot, she goes over to it and pulls out a handgun which at first she thought was a toy. To make a long story short, the gun is very much real and is actually a late 1920s or early 1930s semi-automatic handgun from Austria. Talk about scary! Imagine the headline: "Local Girl shot by handgun: Lawn Mower the Culprit!". I'm just glad she's okay!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - Temp about 62 and sunny (at least when I decided to go biking that is); Quickly decided to change to overcast and windy 12-15mph as soon as I started. This was definitely what I feel is the hardest ride of the season. Though I only logged 13.7 miles a significant portion of it was uphill. Max elevation of 2172'. Phew! Basically sums that one up. Though I think it's good to get another ride in. I really should aim for about 3 more of these hour rides, and maybe one other of about 1.5 hours this week. Hopefully this is helping! I have already noticed my weight is going back down. This morning I weighed 174 before my ride. That's six pounds I've lost in the last three weeks. Woot! I just hope this is going to keep me in shape aerobically too, which I think it will to a degree, though it certainly felt like I ran a lot farther than 4.57 miles!

Total Time: 57:30 Total Distance: 13.7 mi Average Speed: 14.3 mph

From Maria on Sun, Jun 01, 2008 at 16:08:39

6 pounds in 3 weeks!! I wish I could boast a loss like that. Alas, I'm stuck at 60kg (metric scale here in UK). If you keep biking 1-1.5 hours most days of the week, you will be in good aerobic shape. Keep up the good work, it will pay off!

From Brent on Sun, Jun 01, 2008 at 16:30:16

Benn, keep up that consistent howling commando bike riding. It will pay off when you can return to running. Hey, my mountain is an old 1994 cannondale. The bike really rocks for an old bike.

Stay Kool, Howling at the Top of Hills, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Interview @ 1:00 for a Graduate Assistantship Program for school. Butterflies in my estomacho! eek! Hopefully a walk later this evening to enjoy the weather though!


4:00 PM - Went walking with Emma today in Pittsfield. It was so much fun! Sunny and a little breezy. Temperature was about 75 or so. We went walking on a back road and walked up Dean Hill Road in Richmond, Massachusetts and then came across this marker from 1898 that marked the MA/NY border which was cool. Emma gave me a little kiss and it was funny because then we concluded we were kissing each other in two places at the same time :-*. All in all a nice walk. We went 4.5 miles in 70 minutes. Wish we could live there!

From MichelleL on Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 11:16:09

A job where you get to sit?!? I hope it pans out! Best of luck!

From Benn on Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 15:15:41

Thanks Michelle. Yeah you actually get to sit at this one! It's only 10-12 hrs a week during the school year but you get to sit AND it pays for 2 of your grad classes. I went and met everyone. They seem nice. Only bummer is there are 3 applicants. One interviewed last week, and I interviewed today. The third one hasn't returned their phone calls. We'll see what happens. I haven't used the Microsoft Access program that they use, but it seems easy enough to pick up. I just hope they give me a chance at it.

From MichelleL on Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 16:06:41

Access is easy to pick up. If I were you and wanted the job, I would the Access tutorial, then email those you interviewed with, thanking them for the interview and letting them know that you did the tutorial and it looked like it will be easy to pick up. Perhaps that could push you over?

From josse on Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 16:19:09

I agree with Michelle, doesn't hurt a bit to make contact. The one who pursues is usually the one who get what they want.

From Benn on Tue, Jun 03, 2008 at 09:16:30

Well I didn't know which I should do, so I sent out a thank you card this morning to them, though they won't get it for a few days. Should I go ahead and email them too? I don't want to seem begging or anything you know? In my thank you note I put in a line "My brother's offered to tutor me in Access in exchange for me helping him on his Global Studies Regents Exam". Don't know if I should go ahead and email her, since she'll get the email today and the thank you note not until Friday at the earliest.

From MichelleL on Tue, Jun 03, 2008 at 11:26:31

I am not sure on etiquette but I asked my husband who is a professor and he said to go ahead and email since some professors only check their snail mail once a week. I wouldn't use the word "tutor" when mentioning your brother's help. Perhaps just say you are getting acquainted with the software in some more generic sense. The "trading tutoring with my brother" sounds more hokey, no offense intended :) Best of luck!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:40 AM - Overcast and temperatures in the low 60s. Weather forecast was for rain, but I wanted to take a chance. All in all an okay day. Actually didn't start misting on me until I hit 30 miles. Just made it hard to see the last few miles. This was the best ride I've had all season. Went on the normal roads for my long rides, the really hilly Jockey Street and then hung a left and went through Charlton and into Ballston Spa. Actually went a few miles longer than I usually do, and went all the way to Route 50. Couldn't believe how great I did. Only downfall was that the last 3.63 miles really kicked my butt and I only averaged 12mph for those miles, but there are a ton of uphills and it was raining. Other than that I was flying! (Weight: 173 - holding steady)

  • 10 mile split: 34:35 (17.4mph)
  • 20 mile split: 34:29 (17.4mph)
  • 30 mile split: 35:33 (16.9mph)
  • 33.64 : 18:09 (12.0 mph)
  • Max Sustained Speed: 33.7 mph

Total Time: 2:02:47 Total Mileage: 33.64 mi Average Speed: 16.4mph (fastest average speed for a long ride so far this year! Alright!)

From MichelleL on Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 12:28:46

Great job Benn! Did you get a big streak of dirty water on your back?

From Benn on Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 12:32:13

Actually no I didn't. I never took my luggage rack off the back of my bike that I had on it when I did the trek to Maine a couple years ago. An added benefit they fail to mention on the tag is that it prevents mudstreak on one's backside :)

From Shauna on Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 15:44:12

Great job! If you start swimming, you'll come back from your injury ready for a triathlon!

How did the interview go? Any word back yet?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 AM - Cloudy and Temps around 65-68 degrees. Sun came out towards end of the ride. So I was undecided if I was going to go biking today but was kind of leaning towards a short ride since it is overcast and threats of showers, but the next four days are projected to be humid, hot and miserable (85-93 degrees according to latest meteorology reports!). Well my mom and Su (sister) asked me if I wanted to go so of course I said yes, since one of my rules is never turn down a run or ride if another person offers! It was funny because we were all wearing yellow shirts, different styles but all yellow. People honked their horns a few times (I like to think it's because they were congratulating us for taking the initiative and riding for our own mayo de journe.) Ended up having a great time. We rode down Jockey St. to Charlton by way of Parkis and Old Mill Roads. Ended up taking a break at the little country store in Charlton and I bought a gatorade and pineapple coconut muffin! Delicious! At the end of the ride, my mom was having trouble on a few of the hills because her muscle disorder was starting to flare, so she asked if I could ride on ahead and get the car for her. So I pushed it hard the last couple miles, jumped into the car and swapped with her and then rode her bike home with my sister. Had a great time. Probably tomorrow will be a rest day.

Total Time: 1:50:58 Total Mileage: 24.3 miles Average Speed: 13.1 mph

 PM: Core work - crunches and situps, pushups on the exercise ball, plank exercise. arm bicep curls and tricep raises. Really trying hard to get in shape!

From MichelleL on Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 13:59:39

Sounds like another nice ride. How great to be able to share it with your mom and sister. Your rule did you a favor today.

From Benn on Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 14:02:28

:-D ghee! Thanks Michelle! It was fun! And I got a muffin out of the deal! And yeah it's so great to spend time with my Mom and Sister! I'm just hoping that all this riding is going to pay off. Do you think it'd be out of the question to run the 5k trail race at the end of the month? It's on the last Monday of June. I wouldn't race it, but probably try to shoot for 8:30-9:00 miles? It's just I've done all the series the last two years running, so I don't want to skip.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 15:00:46

You should be OK jogging it. You seem to have done that in your training over the last month with no consequences.

I had a thought about what you could do for your recovery. Get out 6 days a week and run 2 miles at 12:00 pace. You will probably feel some tenderness, but the focus is not keeping it stable. After a week see if your achilles is still stable. Try 3 miles at 12:00 pace on the same schedule if yes. Then gradually up it to 5 miles. Then speed up to 11:00 pace, then 10:00. Go that far and see what happens.

From Benn on Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 15:53:13

Okay, Sasha. I will give that a try. Question for you: Can I still bike the usual amount? Or should I scale back on that.. Also, I assume you'd suggest i do a light warmup.. maybe I could bike to the track ~4.5 miles away, stretch, and do my jog and then continue my bike ride? I just can't wait to get back on track for building my mileage up again.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 16:13:03

Benn - that is a great idea. My thinking is since you can run at all, we just fine tune the distance and the pace so your body will train the achilles to not tear while running. And, of course, we bike as much as possible to keep the cardio as high as we can.

Another thought - how is your diet? Is it clean and controlled, or do you have slip-ups?

From Benn on Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 16:37:16

I've been reading the new blog Sarah started and I have to admit that I have slipups. I eat really well sometimes, but then if something not too good is put in front of me I'll eat it. I don't eat fried food or red meat though. Never have. But I really need to cut back on manufactured foods you know? I will try keeping a food journal and try to make myself not indulge too much. I think that once I cut out that stuff I'll be feeling better as well, you know?

From MichelleL on Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 18:33:43

Benn-I still think you need some medical treatment on that achilles or it may be torn for quite a while. Have you considered going to a sports or physical therapist? It's covered by my insurance. I am not sure, but if you are always dabbling with the running it may slow down or prevent healing.

From Benn on Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 21:06:41

Okay. I'm going to try to take the rest of the month off of running then until the 5k at the end of the month. Maybe jogging that will be an indicator about the healing? I mean I think it's getting stronger. And the achilles doesn't hurt as much when I'm working now.

From Brent on Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 22:43:36

Benn, thanks for the congrads. Also, nice biking adventure, with the great muffin. I wonder if you have scar tissue that is giving you trouble?

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From saamijeff on Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 23:03:09

I doubt scar tissue is an issue. That is all that holds mine together and I have had no issues with it since I started running again 16 months ago. That is now eight years since I tore it in half.

From Paul Ivory on Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 22:27:55

Hey, Lance Armstrong, nice to have the whole Armstrong family biking together. Tell mom hi. Paul

From Sasha Pachev on Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 22:59:31


I think dabbling as it testing the waters will prevent healing. However, consistently running at low intensity and doing just enough volume to where you come back at least the same the next day will help the body adapt and correct the cause of the problem. The cause itself is probably too complex to be understood by anybody. However the body has magic healing powers and it seems in this case they may work.

So we do not run to build fitness, we bike to build fitness. We run as a form of PT. If we can make to the start of the next day not worse off than the day before it should work. After all, this is how any form of training works. We run and it causes micro-injuries all over the body. Then we eat and sleep, and by the time we run again the micro injuries have not only healed but our body has increased in strength and it now would take more stress to develop the same amount of micro-injury. However , if we go too long and/or too fast, and/or eat poorly, and/or sleep poorly then the micro-injuries do not heal and eventually become macro-injuries.

If we do nothing, our body might heal from the (micro or macro) injury but it does not improve its resistance against running stress. So when we run again after a break, we get injured and are back to square one.

The above theory might explain why I have never had any serious injuries while running so much and for so long even though I do have my fair share of muscle tightness, inflexibility, and structural imbalance, and I take my shoes to 3K+ miles. Running has essentially become my PT, and my body over the years has naturally become very resilient.

So the idea is that we stress the achilles and the whole system around it, then use the body's self-healing ability to rebuild it. Eventually, we hope, whatever it is that was weak will become stronger, or something else that can compensate can become stronger, and the whole beauty of it is that we do not have to know what was lacking.

From saamijeff on Sat, Jun 07, 2008 at 04:14:33

Sasha- I guess that is what I meant to say. I tore my achilles in half. Had surgery that just put the two bundles of spagetti near each other again and waited for scar tissue to form and hold the whole works together. I'll pass on posting the photos. Point is once I started to heal I started a treadmill walking program. Hard and slow it was but soon I was walking at a 15% grade and needed more. I started jogging and had a wide range of small to moderate injury. Quit more than once due to pain. Now, while not competitive, at age 51 I can run 15-20 miles without pain and even better can ignore the tendon and run a mile near 6:00(on a very good day). So slow build up, in my opinion, will allow good things to happen without serious injury. My PT told me it is not common for achilles tear older folks like myself to ever get back into the50-70 mile a week program, in my case it is only work that prevents that. So bottom line work with your body to get where you want to be.

From saamijeff on Sat, Jun 07, 2008 at 04:23:30

Benn- sorry to hijack your comments, I just feel really strongly that pushing yourself, well short of injury of course, is a good thing. In your case I would have a professional look at it. Too much time has gone by with little relief. You might havea partial rupture that needs attention. Or maybeyour mechanics of walking lead to tendonitis. Anyway a few bucks spend in an experts opinion might be a goodplaceto start.

From josse on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 10:13:12

See Benn I am not the only one who is telling you to get professional help! I have been telling him for months to find a good PT or sports doc. Now in the case of scar tissue. While it doesn't give some people problems, like the the case of saamijeff, it can give others bad problems. So this could be an issue for Benn. But getting someone to work on the area is really the only way to tell. Sometimes I feel like I am beating a dead horse.

From MichelleL on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 10:53:44

He's not a dead horse, just an injured horse!!!!

From josse on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 12:31:19

I wasn't saying he is the dead horse, the subject is.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:30 AM - Man if I could sum up today so far in one word it would be UGH! So the night was good. I got home from work, caught an episode of Man vs. Wild and got dinner and then passed out. Slept from 10:30pm to about 8:00 AM this morning! But I was like Oh I need to get my ride in early, so I laced up and headed out because I knew it was going to be a scorcher. There was a bunch of fog for about the first half hour, but then that burned off and it was game on with the sun. Ended up biking into Charlton and then Ballston via Jockey St. like normal, though right about at the turnaround at mile 15 I was like , "Wait, why are there so many people out?" I saw about 10 bikers in a pack going the other way. .. They gave me some looks with me in a tshirt and corduroy shorts haha. Well so I came to the conclusion that today was Saturday the 7th which meant I had a workshop in Albany at 9AM to 1PM I was supposed to be at. I came to this realization at approximately 9:51AM. Needless to say I didn't go as I wouldn't get there until about 12, but the rest of the bike ride became a kind of tempo ride because I think I was a little angry. Problem solved though. I reregistered today for one in October. This was just a hectic week with the interview, another workshop, and 5 days of work. Oh well. What's another 50 bucks I guess :-. Temperature when I finished at about 10:30 was 80 degrees; sunny. High today expected to be 92. Eek! Perhaps 95 or 96 by Monday they said.

Total Time: 1:48:38 Total Mileage: 29.67 mi Average Speed: 16.4 mph

From Brent on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 12:38:19

Benn, fellow howling commando, Queen Josse and Michelle the lion hearted are right on. A good PT can help with many problems. The reason I mentioned scar tissue, because Sylive had an issue with hers that was partly scar tissue.

Lastly, your too darn young to suffer with this injury riddle that can be solved. I will start taking away your commando points and you will lose howling commando status.

Stay Kool, get help, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

3:00 PM - Dang. It was darn hot. My car said it was 101 degrees, and it felt like it. Felt like a sauna. I went to Spa Park with Emma and tried to do a run, kept it slow and all. Ended up feeling okay though my achilles is a little tender and sore now. So not sure about that one. Overall I guess it's a good run since it was a run. Just darn frustrating. I will make it a point to find out how to get in contact with a PT, Brent. Hopefully my insurance covers it, but I'm guessing not. My sister was referred by a physician to our dermatologist to get a mole removed because it might be cancerous. They did it and it wasn't covered so we owed $180. Same with my physical. Preventative medicine is frowned upon by the medical profession, at least in NY. I guess I'll have to ask up front if it would be covered, because I sure can't afford a medical bill.

Total Time: 34:14 Total Distance: 3 miles Average Pace: 11:23/ mile

From Brent on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 21:48:32

Benn, hope your insurance pays for the PT. Can't keep a good commando down. Keep up the training, it will pay off.

I know about the insurance thing, just paid $500 bucks today as my part of the MRI bill.

Stay Kool, get better, B of BS Rools out

From Paul Ivory on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 22:42:43

Benn, keep the faith. Paul

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Note: Iced my achilles for an hour last night. Found industrial strength seran wrap, and when combined with ziploc bag of icecubes, amazing things happened. Woke up at 5:00 am this morning soaked in sweat. It's disgusting in NY. Today might be the hottest of them all so far, with temperatures expected in Albany to be 97. I might cry. Luckily I work at 8am to 4pm today so I am not going to have to go outside until the hottest part of the day. Joy. I don't know if I'll get to the track to do 2 miles or not. There might be showers. If not, I'll see if Jonn will ride his bike with me to the track for an easy 2. Good news though - - no pain in the achilles when I wokeup this morning..

From Maria on Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 08:27:21

Yay for no achilles pain, Benn!

For the heat, I know how awful that is in the summer, having lived in NJ for years. Can you run on the treadmill somewhere indoors, or at the gym?? I bought myself a treadmill last year we lived in a house, and ran in my basement on days like this. It was still hot, but not 95F, at least. If you run outside, be careful and run either late at night, or really early in the morning.

From MichelleL on Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:29:06

Another awesome picture! I heard an advisory on NPR against strenuous activity in NY. I would vote on no running for you today since your achilles feels good. How about no pain for two days?

From will on Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 16:46:54

Benn - suck it up and hit the trails, hot weather is the best for training!

From Benn on Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 16:53:00

Yeah no activity for me. I got out of work and it was 103 degrees.. plus there is a tornado WARNING.. not just a watch.. so i have to stay inside.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - Yesterday's storms rolled through and it was crazy how fast the temperature changed. I actually went outside with my brothers to play a game of TIPS, but we were watching the storm clouds build. I sat on the front porch and within a matter of minutes the rain poured and the temperature dropped by a good 20 degrees. Today I woke up and temperatures were in the low 60s and it was sunny. A perfect morning for a bike ride. I warmed up with a 3 mile ride to Crane Road, parked my bike and stretched and did two miles of jogging using Galloway's 4minute:30seconds for running:walking ratio. Overall felt good and no pain during the run. Miles were 11:05 and 11:27. Then stretched and got on my bike and did a 17 mile ride to finish up for the day. Felt strong throughout and it is remarkably less humid than it has been the last few days.

Total Time: 1:38:27 Total Mileage: 22 miles Average Speed: 13.2*

*= overall for both the jog and ride. Average Speed for the bikeride alone is - 16.0 mph

From Sasha Pachev on Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 13:12:54

Great news. There is a pace and a distance at which you can run with no lingering pain. Now the key is to be consistent, but not get too excited about the progress.

From Benn on Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 13:22:06

Okay, Sasha. It's going to be hard I know, but I will try to do this. So I will shoot to incorporate 2 slow miles during each bike ride then and shoot for 10-12 miles of jogging a week for now.

From wheakory on Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 13:58:20

Nice work Benn, just finding a pace and running again is a start. Maybe you will wake up one of these mornings and be healed.

From MichelleL on Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 14:24:32

Even more conservative would be jog every other day for a week, then two days on, one day off for a week, then two miles a day third week. I just hope you don't see another set back.

From Benn on Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 14:47:13

Okay, Michelle. I will try that then. I've been doing that thus far this week, so tomorrow will be just a bike ride, and then Friday will incorporate a jog in there. Thanks for the advice.

Kory - Man would that be great! I'll keep praying for recovery. I WILL run again! :)

From Brent on Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 19:39:18

Benn, good job, howling commandos rool.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:15 AM - Sunny and mid-60s; Equates to - one heck of a monster ride. The longest bike ride of this season actually, and arguably the longest at a consistent speed. Even in 2005 I think the 40-50 milers we did while training for the bike hike were five hours or so. I ended up doing 41.10 miles today down Jockey St. and into Charlton, Ballston and then Scotia-Glenville. Stopped at 30 miles because my 2 water bottles were empty and I bought a Gatorade to finish. Could have probably used two of them actually. I drank a lot! Total liquid for the ride: 76 oz. Achilles felt fine and not even a twinge the whole ride.

Total Time: 2:35:35 Total Mileage: 41.10 mi Average Speed: 15.8 mph

Make it a great Thursday everyone!

From Shauna on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 15:46:41

Nice ride! This biking is probably keeping you in a lot better shape than you think.

From missee on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 16:18:28

I did a 45 mile bike ride last weekend and didn't have that nice of weather. You're so lucky.

From Brent on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 21:25:43

Benn, 100 howling commando points for the ride. My lack of mechanic ability of any sort likely contributes to the two flat tires. I am going to get them fixed on friday and try a long.

Stay Kool, Rock and Ride, B of BS Rools out

From Jody on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 21:29:01

WOW! Great bike ride. Glad the achilles felt good.

From will on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 22:24:29

Way to push the mileage, awesome workout!

From MichelleL on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 22:27:14

Great job Benn! You are an inspiration to us all! I agree, your fitness will be fine when you are able to run, it will just be a transition strengthening the running specific muscles.

From Benn on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 22:31:37

Brent - Thanks! I don't know if I've gotten commando points before! :) Exciting!!!

Jody and Shauna - Thanks for the encouragement. So far so good with the achilles. I think it is a love: love relationship with the achilles and the bike.

Will - Thanks, Will. I think I am going to shoot for mostly 20s and 30s next week and then maybe a long ride of 45 or so the following week. I think working a long ride every other week will do nicely :)

Michelle - Aww, me an inspiration? SHucks! I think I'm blushing, lol. Good thing you can't see! I agree that it will just take a matter of time and like Sasha stated earlier this week, it's about retraining my achilles about the impact and making sure to take it slow to prevent further tears. For now I will just keep on truckin' :) Or perhaps stomping (on the pedals that is!)

Take no prisoners! Howling Commando #2 Over and OUT!

From Paul Ivory on Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 07:40:47

Benn, great to see you have good news and no achilles issue. I have learned a new respect for the workout that riding a bike can give you. Tell Lance high next time you go riding with him. Paul

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

RELAY FOR LIFE NIGHT - I worked 8am to 3pm today and afterwards went home and got a bag together. Relay was tonight. It was great weather - only a little humid and low 80s. It really made for an awesome time. This was the best Relay I've gone to in the last five years. It was really superbly run. I loved being able to walk around and read the luminaries and think about all of my friends and family that I've lost to cancer, but also all those that fought and won their battles. Emma came up here from Massachusetts and we walked around and had a few heartfelt moments which was really nice. Then after the final luminaria ceremony at 10:30 we decided after the track cleared to go ahead and jog a bit. We walked 3 miles before the ceremony and afterward eased into light jogging, mainly in the outermost lane (#6). Some people seemed offended, but I assure you I was courteous and made it a priority not to impede any walker's way. And if they only knew how much I identify with their cause.. Ended up jogging 2.5 miels with Emma. Felt really great and only a little soreness by the end! These miles are for you Paul & Larry C. Thanks for supporting me and you were on my mind for much of the night. Fight the good fight and always believe. We will find a cure one day, I'm sure of it.

Total Time: 29:04 Total Mileage: 2.5 miles Average Pace: 11:37 / mile

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

5:15 PM - Sunny and temp was about 82 degrees. Emmy was still here so I was able to have someone to do my shuffle with. We went down to my dad's school to the nature trail. We stretched and then started with 1 loop on the big trail, followed by 2 on the small, then another 2 big loops. Overall I felt good, except for when I scissor kicked a fallen branch and it left a gash on my bad achilles of course. No pain really from this though, nor the run the other day. Yesterday was a big day with Jonny getting his Eagle Award and everything. It felt really good to be a part of the ceremony, and I could tell my parents were proud. Jonn even surprised my mom and gave her a special award which made her cry. So cute. Overall today it was a good day. I did 2.6 miles of jogging, and .9 miles of walking warmup/cool down. For the run..

Total Time: 30:00 Total Mileage: 2.6 miles Average Pace: 11:32/ mile

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 14:24:42

Good progress.

From Paul Ivory on Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 19:25:42

Benn, absolutely good news,except for the incident with the stick. Be careful. Celebrate every day and every pain-free step. Paul

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:40 AM - So yesterday's ride got cancelled do to severe thunderstorms. Luckily since we're in the foothills they missed us just barely again. We got loads of rain and lightning, but fortunately no hail. About 15 miles south of us they showed pictures of 2" diameter hail, the worst in nearly thirty years!! So many cars and houses were trashed! Said a prayer of thanks that it didn't hit us!

Woke up early this morning because I helped out at another Eagle Scout Ceremony for another kid in Jonny's scout troop who had his court of honor last night. I was asked to give the Eagle Charge and it was a very nice ceremony at the Catholic Church in the village. Biked to the track and stretched and eased into 2 miles of jogging. It felt really slow and relaxed like at relay, but I don't know if it was because of the biking cadence or something, but I went faster than I wanted to. (8:56 and 8:55 were the splits). Then I biked back home. A nice little workout, and I think this will work nicely to get both x-training and running in. I wanted to ride more, but didn't because I have a long day at work today 11am to 8pm. This week is going to be a long one work wise as I'm scheduled a full 40 hours, so I think I might have to make do with the shorter workouts like this.

Total Time: 53:00 Total Mileage: 11.3 miles Average Speed: 12.6mph

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:30 AM - Windy, overcast. Temp at start about 58. Became partly sunny midway through, though wind stayed. Expected to get more storms this afternoon. Good news is that no pain despite the early a.m. run yesterday and then on my feet all day 11am to 8pm!! Crossing fingers that this continues. For today, biked on the backroads to Crane Rd. 3.25 miles in 12:07, then did 2 miles of jogging in 22:28 (11:11 and 11:17 splits), .5 mile cool down, stretching, then eased into 14.67 miles of biking in 55:01. All in all a great day!

Total Time: 1:29:46 Total Mileage: 20.42 Average Speed: ~13.61mph

From josse on Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 12:22:27

Three days in a row and feeling good! That is great.

From Paul Ivory on Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 13:30:21

Benn, good news about the lack of pain. Stay sensible and keep up the good reports. Paul

From Benn on Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 14:14:55

Josse - thanks! Yeah 3 runs this week and feeling great :) I think tomorrow since I only work 11-4 short day - I'm going to go for a bike ride afterwards, no run but do a nice 25 or 30 miles.

Paul - thanks for the encouragement. I will continue to think positive, and ride/run sensibly. I hope that this time I can recover for the better!

From Jody on Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 23:39:29

Congrats on a Pain free day! Just remember to take good care of yourself. I have added extra, extra stretching and I address any little twinge with either massage or scrapping and am doing okay.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

3:45 PM - the weather this week and for the upcoming weekend isn't exactly Summerish. It's rained on and off the entire day and tonight was no different. Temp was ~68 or so, cloudy and windy. Not good biking weather. I decided to do a short workout, and biked to the track 4.54 miles in 17:32, then eased into jogging. It started to thunder and rain on me so it was all I could do to get the 2.13 miles in in 20:49 (9:46/mile - faster than I wanted to go :(). Biked home the 4.54 miles in 18:15. Tonight is the first of two nights of Dave Matthews Band concert in Saratoga so the traffic was crazy. Luckily I'm not going near there tonight!

Total Time: 56:38 Total Distance: 11.2 miles Average Speed: 11.9 mph

From josse on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 17:36:10

I love Dae, we always go when he is in town.

From josse on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 17:36:37

opps that was suppose to say Dave

From Benn on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 19:36:55

Yeah they're a great band, but I dont' really like all the 20 something airheads that seem to think they own the world since they have Dave tickets. (I know, scary right? I think I'm slowly turning Republican!!! Eek!)

From will on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 20:06:39

Benn - is that Saratoga Springs way up north? I remember driving through that town, it was pretty nice!

Keep on biking and running, and thanks for your comment today!

From Benn on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 21:36:49

Yup, Will. Sure is Saratoga Springs. I work right on Broadway, the main drag. It's a nice town, I'm glad I don't live there though. I live about 15 miles west of there in the country :-D

From Michelle on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 21:53:11

Sounds like you are hanging in there! Glad to see your still at it!

BTW would being a Republican be sooo bad? (He he)

From saamijeff on Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 03:45:23

Glad to see you running. I always enjoyed my trips to Saratoga Springs. I passed through two years ago and was surprised to find the town much the same as when I lived in the area.

I'm only whinning about my fitness because at my age small improvement takes a long, long timel. I wish Iwere more patient.

Good wishes on your recovery.

From Benn on Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 06:40:04

Michelle - naw being a Republican is cool so long as you don't live in upstate NY! Very hardcore Democrat up here. People with GW Voo doo dolls haha. I just think I might fit in better up in Canada :-D. Especially since I just ordered a NEW ROAD BIKE THIS MORNING that has a RED MAPLE LEAF on it :) haha

From Benn on Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 06:41:52

And sj - You're what.. 35? ;) I hope that by the time I'm that old I'm still able to run/bike and not just beat people to the buffet line. You're doing awesome. Keep up the runs, and you'll get there.

Saratoga is very nostalgic at times I think, especially the older part of town. Very homely too.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

6:00 AM - Very exciting morning so far. Am on my way to work, and just placed an order online for my new road bike! It will be my first one and man did I snag a deal. Through the brand's website this 2008 Dawes Lightning 1500 retails for $1195 plus tax and shipping. My price? $495.99 INCLUDING 0 TAX and FREE SHIPPING! Such a good deal that my younger brother Jonn wanted one for his bday so my mom ordered him one earlier in the week. Lucky duck! He'll get it before me! I'm stoked! And it comes with free aero bars so I can't wait to take it on its first test ride!

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 18:55:59

Benn, sweet!! I'm jealous. My new bike last year is a $150 Walmart special. You are going to rock on this one, enjoy. Paul

From Paul Ivory on Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 19:17:06

Benn, I was looking at the Pikes Peak Marathon blog message board today and noted a blog regarding achilles tendon injury recovery methods. You may want to look at it.

Just, FYI, I am putting the first two blog entries below:

Posted by KS TN IN:

So this is what I am doing to rehab my achilles:

Pool running MWF 1 to 2 hours ladders (1 minute hard, 1 easy; 2 minutes hard, 1 easy, etc.)

STTh treadmill 10 to 15 miles at 10 to 15% grade

TWTh cold laser treatments. Studies show less inflammation and improved blood flow.

Ice after every work out.

Lots of ibuprofen.

Tendon still swells after treadmill runs, but pain is becoming less and swelling resolves by the next treadmill run.

Question: Greatest pain is with maximal plantar flexion (think standing as high as you can on tiptoes). Also hurts most running downhill or flat at high speed or going downstairs. Again all situations with plantar flexion. Anyone else have these symptoms?

Response posted by Jim Collins.


I was having almost EXACT same symptoms, including swelling after each workout, lots of pain. Ran PPM last year, 4 more marathons by end of Sept., then just HAD TO do something. I had never worn orthotics / supported insoles, and had tried lots of remedies for the Achilles (both feet). Started using Lynco L400 full foot orthotics / insoles. L400 are neutral forefoot; L405 include supported forefoot as well as typical rear. About $50+ Has made a HUGE difference for me. I'm sure "your mileage may vary," but that has been my experience.



From Jody on Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 23:05:56

Congrats on the new bike!! Looks pretty sweet!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

4:00 PM - In Pittsfield this weekend. Been very rainy and temperatures in the 70s and humid. Blah. It was nice though because after one of the storms Emma and I went for a walk. Took about an hour. It was fun, and on one road we literally saw HUNDREDS OF SNAILS! I've only seen a handful in my life and usually in the garden or on a hike in a damp area. It was hard to walk without stepping on them, and I apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Snail if I stepped on a couple of their babies, but dang there were so many!! Crazyness!

Total Time: 60:00 Total Mileage: 3.5 miles Average Pace: 17:08

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:00 AM - So I am back in New York and today I didn't work until 4 in the afternoon, and I had a CD that matured at the bank. Jonn's bike came last night and I helped him put it together. It's pretty flippin' sweet. I can't wait for mine to come! We decided to take his bike on its maiden voyage, and we biked up to the bank where I sorted out the CD issue and since interest rates blow right now, only renewed it for 3 months. Then we biked down to the track and I did 1.02 miles in 8:57. Jonn informed me my running form is atrocious and that I need to work on it. I said I would, I guess I just need to practice on correct form when I do my cool downs every day he said. I'll give that a try. Also funny that we managed to break the speed limit in town :). Were going through the village and the school speed limit is 25mph, well I accidentally accelerated to 31 mph!! haha! Oops! Cruised on another 10 miles to home. So a little over 15.5 miles today on the bike. I'll do more tomorrow before my workshop. If the weather holds up that is! It's been horrible weather here in New York :( this whole week.

Total Time: 1:16:32 Total Distance: 16.53 Average Speed: 13.0 mph

*Max Sustained Speed: 38.0 mph

From MichelleL on Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 12:26:59

How's the achilles feeling? Still getting sore at work? Did you hear back on the RA position?

From Benn on Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 13:14:36

Hey Michelle - the achilles felt great actually, and I haven't had any pain at work in about a week or two I would say. Even then it was just a little reddening. It has definitely gotten stronger from biking I think. I can even jog around playing basketball and stuff without it hurting. So thinks are on the upswing!

As for the Graduate Assistantship, never heard back from them. Pretty awesome on the part that the Provost Office only had 3 candidates and only 2 of them interviewed but I guess they figured I'd get the picture kind of like Milton in Office Space. Oh well.

From Brent on Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 21:17:15

Holy Howling Commando, 38 mph, and not speeding tickets, awesome leg power. Also, your mile run was at a good pace.

have fun with you new bike.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From will on Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 23:19:39

I am looking forward to the autumn when you will be running a race - I want to read about your final kick in the last 600m, and how good it felt!

From Benn on Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 00:15:59

Thanks, Brent! Yeah I got lucky! I think our village cop was chewing the fat in the mini mart with the hot cashier most likely.

Will - I really hope in the fall that I can race, too! My legs are raring to go. I want to blister someone. Pedal to the medal and run the last 800m of a 10k or 15k at Warp Speed! Hopefully I can do it!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:40 PM - So today was day number 3 of 9 in a row at work. 2 girls quit, one left for Pennsylvania and another to camp for seven weeks, so who else do they call but Super Benn. I swear I own that bookstore. They would be lost without me. Worked 8:30 to 2:00 to cover for a guy, then drove to Albany and had a workshop 4:00-6:30 on Child Abuse Prevention. Get out of the workshop and Jonn leaves a message saying he was goofing off in the basement of the garage with my other brother Harry and their friends and they threw a tennis ball into the glass of our sauna and busted it, so I am thinking about that the whole way home and how my parents are going to kill him. Then I get home and he tells me to go look at it, and its my bike.. no cracked door to the sauna, but my nearly fully assembled bike!!! I did some tinkering and took it down to our road and did 8 x .3 mile hills :) It is definitely a flippin' sweet bike!!! Today is day #1 of a new bike! :) Yay! Hopefully I can get in a quick ride on it before I have to work @ 10am tomorrow!

From Paul Ivory on Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 22:12:17

Benn, nice report. Nice bike. No mention of sore achilles. Great report.

From Scott Zincone on Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 22:42:24

I have a great t-shirt with the Superman emblem on it. You could wear it under your clothes to work..Super Benn !!

From Benn on Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 08:49:56

Achilles has been holding up nicely, Paul. Good news I think!

Scott - Yes! I think I will have to get myself a Super Benn t-shirt :-D

No bike ride this a.m. Woke up late. I am so dog dead tired from working, and I know it's only going to get worse before the end of the week. If I feel up to it tonight I will go to the track/nature trail and do 2 miles. Man you want to grow up so bad when you're little, then you realize being a grownup stinks! I need H.G. Wells and a time machine!

From Benn on Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 08:59:44

Note : I hate summer storms. I thought Spring was supposed to be stormy... instead 5 of last 7 days have been rainy and rain projected until next THURSDAY!!! What gives? Frustrated :( I still want to run the 5k on Monday evening though

From paula on Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 09:16:26

no fun to have yucky rain. I feel for you. Hopefully you will get your trail tonight. I am going camping it will be hot and dry and lots of bugs. But the family will be together and the kids have so much fun.

From josse on Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 18:36:28

lools like the schedule isn't leaving much time for you time. Hang in there super Benn.

From Brent on Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 19:57:28

Howling commando, your ready to rock, night rider? Good luck at the 5K.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7:50 PM - Long and tiresome day at work. Hot and humid. About 85 degrees, and hazy. I think I was sweating before I even got on the bike. Was frustrated because with 4 girls just missing from the store I get shafted now. I spent all day helping to set up the store's stand at SPAC, and now I don't even get to work it. I looked at the schedule and I am by myself in the cafe all day each day from 8am to 5pm both Saturday and Sunday. Kind of funny seeing as a guy (whose name oddly enough happens to be "Guy") who was hired 2-3 weeks ago somehow gets to work both days after a manager promised me in April that I would definitely be on the list. Oh how I am not appreciated huh? Oh and I got another warning about not getting 60% of my transactions using the rewards card. Well I won't get into detail but I've decided I don't care, and if they threaten to fire me I'll quit and I think for once I'll be happy!

Onto the bike ride. Got home and knew I didn't have much time if I wanted to get a ride in. So I quickly changed and headed off. Felt nice on the new bike, except I noticed from about the first mile a weird squeaking noise as I pedaled. I finally figured out with about 5 minutes left in the ride that it wasn't the wheel, but actually a manufacturer sticker that they didn't remove after mounting the chain on the sprockets. Ended up going on the usual route on Jockey Street, and turned around. Swallowed way too many bugs tonight! But it felt good to get a ride in. I will make myself get in another one tomorrow after work. The new bike is so sweet! :)

Total Time: 55:30 Total Distance: 16.05 miles Average Speed: 17.3 mph!

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 17:17:20

Benn, good luck on the job front, sounds kind of goofy. The management sounds like a bunch of stiffs. Someday you will be able to look back at all this and laugh, but not now.

Nice ride on the bike, keep it up. Sounds like the achilles was behaving itself. As I ran today with Tom I was commenting on how good it is not to have any specific muscle or tendon or pinched nerve issue, all is well. You will say that again someday. Keep the fitness faith.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Sigh. Disheartened with the stupid fricking weather. It has rained every day for more than a week, and it was oppressively humid today, but of course no showers until about 4:00 pm, an hour before I got out of work. Torrential rains. Temp is about 83 or 84 and humidity near 100%. Same weather for tomorrow and from 8pm tonight until 2pm tomorrow the hour by hour forecast on says that it will be raining. I hate global warming and I hate not being able to get a bike ride in. Grumpy today sums it up. Stupid work. Stupid weather. Time to go pig out on food now. Ciao.

From Brent on Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 23:23:16

Benn, I had a day like yours last winter, Lybi kicked my butt about whinning. Have some cheese with your whine, I challenge you to find a way to get an hour workout, rain or shine. Grete Waitz once ran in a laudry basket to get a workout.

Stay Kool, .....the tough get going, B of BS Rools out

From Benn on Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 08:08:20

Okay thanks Brent. Sorry. Work is taking its toll on me and this stupid weather. It has showers scheduled through this evening and the radar shows a new band showing every hour or two. I'm going to try to still get a quick hour bike ride or something in. I will take some cheese with the whine. Maybe a laundry basket is a good idea!

From Paul Ivory on Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 09:10:29

Benn, please sent some of that rain to Texas. We are in a drought. I can't remember what it feels like to run in the rain. Send it our way, please.

From Benn on Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 10:14:54

I saw on the news! I will gladly send you rain. I am absolutely sick sick of this rain, though I know it will make my trail 5k attempt tomorrow really fun. I think my goal is 30 mins or so.. Praying that the achilles holds up!

From James on Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 10:29:10

Rain isn't too bad once you get out in it, but humidity can kick your butt. Hope today is better for you.

From Jody on Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 11:26:12

Hang in there - the weather will eventually change! That is all I could think about as our winter would never end, but it did. Good Luck with your 5K run - hope you feel good!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8:00 AM - Had to go pick up my sister from the airport last night. She was in California for two weeks watching my cousin's kids for her. Got about five hours of sleep. Up at 6:00 AM and waited until there was a small break in the rain and went for a bike ride. Roads were all wet and I got a streak up my back and for some reason that stupid squeaking noise still will not go away. When I got home I sprayed the crap out of it with WD-40. Hopefully this will help. We'll see. So I got my ride in. I wanted to do more but it was the most disgusting summer morning yet. I was sweating like a pig. Maybe it will help detoxify my body though? Kind of like a movable sauna? Weight this morning was 173. Still want to get to 166 though.

Total Time: 47:16 Total Distance: 12.68 miles Avg. Speed: 16.1 mph

From Brent on Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 17:42:22

Benn, back on track, you will remember that ride for some time. Mental toughness.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

5:45 PM - So I got out of work and zipped home because there was no way the race in Wilton was going to happen. No matter. I knew that I could still make something of today. I got home, changed and hopped on my bike. Only downside was that I noticed that the stems to my tires are a little bent :(. I will probably have to get that fixed at a bike shop. Still works as of right now though. Temp was about 80. Biked to the school, 4.9 miles in 17:50, stretched then eased into a cross country run on the nature trail at the elementary school. 6 x .6 loops repeating. No stopping and I felt really great. No real visible pain. Did 3.6 miles in 35:13, good for 9:46 a mile pace. A little fast, but I felt relaxed. It's hard to transition to a slow jog after pounding out some sick times on the bike! For a cool down did the 4.9 miles home in 18:25. All in all a great day!

Total Time: 1:11:29 Total Mileage: 13.4 miles Avg Pace: 9:46(r); 15.8 (b)

*Note: Best part about today besides being able to run 3.6 miles pain free?! Weight: 170. Lowest it's been in a year!! Down 11 pounds from February. This is good! Next goal: 166. To be lean, tough, and a biking machine!! I can and will do this! Giving 110% each and every day. Staying positive, and looking forward to the future.

From Brent on Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 20:41:31

Howling commando, great work, nice to not have pain, you will do it.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Dale on Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 10:13:53

Great progress Benn. I'm sure dropping the weight will help prevent future injuries too. The cross-training is undoubtedly helping keep you healthy and training. Keep up the good work.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:45 AM -  So part of the family reunion has begun. My aunt, uncle and two cousins from Denmark/Indonesia are up here for the week, with a lot more family expected to show up on Friday or Saturday. My youngest brother is at camp for the week, and I dropped my sister off yesterday at the airport (She was home 2 days from CA and now is headed to Las Vegas for a week! Lucky girl!). Took Jonny into work today and then zipped home for a  bike ride. My mom is hiking with our relatives up in Lake George, but I work at 3:00 so I needed to be home this morning. Worked in my favor. Longest ride of July, and longest ride on my new roadie ever!

Temperature was 68-70 degrees. Sunny for once! I couldn't resist the need to get a decent ride in. Put on my new bike spandex things and headed out. I think this is important to mention because my new bike tights I think made me look like a serious biker. Actually got three waves from riders going the other way, just the courtesy wave, but I gave it back, snickering to myself and muttering under my breath, "If only you guys knew I am a runner in disguise you might not wave with all those fingers! Muahahah". Ended up going 34.0 miles even today. The last 14 were hard only because my mom snagged almost all our waterbottles. So I only had 1 x 18 oz. waterbottle which I drained by mile 20. Got home and drank about 32 oz of Gatorade-water mix. Weight for the day was 169. Feeling strong. Feeling lean. Feeling fast. And feeling like the rest of today will be a great day!

Total Time: 1:49:55 Total Distance: 34.0 miles Average Speed: 18.6 MPH!!!*


From Shauna on Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 15:57:12

Great job!

My running group of four got yelled at by a biker on a long run the other weekend. It's always nice to know people who run and bike, because then we are reminded that not all bikers are crazy!

I'm jealous of your weather too.

From Adam RW on Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 18:26:27


What are you "core strength" exercises? Back when I had some knee related issues the PT suggested a few that I've done on and off. Have you noticed any benefit with the ones you're doing?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:45 AM - Part II of my split up weekend that I didn't get last week. Have today off from work, then work 8am to 5pm on both the 4th and the 5th. Pretty stinky! Weather this a.m. was overcast and high 60s with threats of rain. Actually it didn't start raining until I was about at mile 3 of my ride today. Funny. Though biking in the rain is a blast. Almost as good as puddle stomp running in the rain! Mission of the day: to have fun and get a good ride in without killing myself. Ended up doing 20 miles and felt awesome. Not too much soreness from yesterday's ride. Tomorrow tons of family arrives. We are food shopping today for the second time in one week! I suspect we will have to go buy more food after this weekend too! Man our family eats a lot!

Total Time: 1:04:19 Total Distance: 20.0 miles Average Speed: 18.7 mph

From Paul Ivory on Thu, Jul 03, 2008 at 15:51:10

Benn, so good to see that you are enjoying the biking and not suffering achilles pain. Keep it up. Enjoy the holiday even if you have to work, figure out some way to smile.

From Brent on Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 18:16:28

Benn, thanks for the props, have a great workout week this next week, say 100 miles plus on the bike and 20 plus running, howling commando goals for both of us.

By the way, I have given Tom and Kim Howling Commando status after a couple of their crazy runs.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Paul Ivory on Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 23:07:08

More achilles tendon recovery notes. Benn here is another comment I took off the Pikes Peak Message Board on your favorite subject:

posted: 6/22/2008 7:02:02 AM

I asked five differnt orthopedic surgeons how to get rid of my achilles tendonitis and got the following five different responses:

1. Put it in a cast for six weeks.

2. Wear a boot for 3 weeks.

3. Inject with steroids. (The other 4 said NEVER inject with steroids because it increases the risk of rupture.)

4. Active recovery: stretch, run/work out as long as it does not hurt.

5. Time, time, time. Active release massage, glucosamine, and more time.

With five different answers, either everything works or nothing works. I suspect nothing works.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 AM - Didn't really get in all the miles I wanted to last week, but I'm going to try harder this week, even though I'm scheduled for a full 40 hour week since they still haven't replaced people at work. Emma came up on Sat. night after work. It's a crazy weekend, as 28 people are expected to be here for dinner on Sunday night. I don't think I've ever seen so many people at my house! And to think this is only including about half of my mom's nine brothers and sisters! Sheesh! Went for a bike ride with Emma. Rode up to the school, did one .6 mile loop of the nature trail and then biked home. Saw two other bikers,though have to say we looked much sleeker than they did. YeOw! Great day today. Now time for barbeque!

 Total Time: 58:24 Total Distance: 12 miles Average Speed: 12.1mph

From Steve O on Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 12:52:31

Average 25.7 miles per hour. The Gunlock loop is mostly up hill.

From Benn on Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 12:59:00

25.7?? Either you must have kicking bikes or you must be part of a peloton, because it's virtually impossible for anyone but an elite cyclist to average 25.7 mph for 40 miles uphill. There must have been a huge group huh?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10:00 AM - The fun continued today with about 25+ people thereabouts finishing up what was left of the "fried turkey" yesterday; My uncle made a gumbo with the turkey, kielbasa, and shrimp with jalapenos, habaneros, and other spices. I think I heard Emeril yelling BAM! as my uncle was adding all the ingredients. Muggy and temp about 90 today. Before lunch Emma and I wanted to get out of the house, and as her laptop fried after 4 years of a long, healthy life, we decided to take a trip to Best Buy. In only 7 minutes we were able to locate a laptop, look at the specs and pay and get out to the car, only had to dodge the Best Buy people like 3 times as they were trying to sell us gimick $299 warranty deals. Lame! Before hand we went to Spa Park and did the 5k loop, and had a blast! So much fun, even if we were sweating before we started jogging! Ended up completing the course in a blazing 28:47. Good progress from a week or two ago when we tried to tackle the course. Didn't get a bike ride in, but plan to after work on Tuesday. Hopefully a good 25 or 30 miles. Recovery is a blessing. So happy that I am coming back. All you FRB joggers better watch out! Howling Commando Numero Dos esta aqui! Hoo ha!

Total Time: 28:47 Total Distance: 3.1 miles Average Pace:  9:17

From Brent on Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 08:28:43

Benn, happy for you, pain free miles and a fun weekend with family.

By the way, you are right on the biking, it does help with running. A few years ago I had stress fracture and could not run for two months before the St. George marathon, biked like crazy, with no long runs before St.George, ran a 3:12. You know the feeling, frustrating with not being able to run. It seems one step foward and two back at times. I will have some cheese with my whine.

Stay Kool, Hoooowling, B of BS Rools out

From josse on Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 21:01:40

It is great to hear that you are running and building mileage. Hope things keep on the up and up:) Sounds like you are having fun.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

5:45 PM - Long day at work. Very humid today. Got out of work and zipped home, and went for a bike ride to get the stress out. Temp was in the mid 80s, partly sunny but man was it humid. Almost to the point where it made me want to melt. I brought along about 45 oz. of liquid, 24 ounces of water and a 21 ounce bottle of gatorade. Ended up having a phenomenal ride. Did 30.4 miles in a time of 1:38:32. Felt really great!! Came home and ate two of the biggest sandwiches I have ever seen. Now it's time for a nap! Today turned out to be a super day. I read somewhere that the weather is no excuse for reasons you didn't get your run or bike ride in. Today was not a favorable day for biking, but I made the most of it, and I feel a lot better that I got the ride in. :)

Total Time: 1:38:32 Total Distance: 30.4 miles Average Speed: 18.54 mph

From Paul Ivory on Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 22:50:35

Benn, thanks for the note on my blog. You have you mind, body and spirit pointed in the right direction. Keep it there.


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:30 AM - Overcast with threats of rain and temps in the mid 70s. Humidity continued from last night. Surprisingly I wasn't too tired or sore from last night's ride, though I slept from about 10pm to 7am so I got my sleep in for once. Did a nice recovery ride and felt good the whole time. Went down Jockey St. and then east on Rte. 67 through Milton into Ballston. Felt good. Is it bad that I last saw Emmy like two days ago and I already miss her like crazy?! :( Blah.

Total Time: 1:31:50 Total Distance: 27 mi Average Speed: 17.6 mph

From James on Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 12:43:41

70s sounds good, even with humidity! It is supposed to be over 100 degrees here today.

From Benn on Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 12:46:00

Yeah, but it's not the temperature that kills me. It's the humidity. When humidity is in the 80s and 90s, it's disgusting. I would give you our weather for your dry heat 100 degrees any day :)

From MichelleL on Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 15:07:53

Great job getting out again. And your 9 hours of sleep sounds heavenly. I'm going to go take a nap now. . .

From Paul Ivory on Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 22:57:33

Benn, I had a 2 hour nap before my run tonight. Doesn't a good sleep do wonderful things for the workout? Hey, Pikes Peak is Sunday August 17th (to answer your question on my blog).

Sleep on, dude.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

5:45 PM - Got out of work and zipped home. Overcast and temps around 70-73. Perfect coditions for a bike ride. Jonn decided to go with me and I dropped him off after 26. I did most of the pacemaking, but that was expected as he hasn't been biking as much as me. We had a fun time and it was nice to finally ride with someone else just to break up the monotony of it all. Ended up doing 32.42 miles total. Felt really great. Tired now. Time for a nap and then up for work.

Total Time: 1:50:22 Total Distance: 32.42 miles Average Speed: 17.6 mph

From josse on Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 23:35:13

Not a whole lot of running is everything going alright?

From Benn on Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 06:26:59

Yeah I guess everything's okay, but rather than further injure the achilles I've been doing a lot of riding. It's not anywhere near completely healed yet and the biking doesn't seem to aggravate it, plus I think I get a much better workout doing two hours of riding than hobbling like a gimp for 2 or 3 lowsy miles

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

5:45 PM -  Had an incredibly long day at work. Really pissed off at the management. Needed to destress. Nice to know that a dude they hired three weeks ago has precedence for a promotion before me, who has been there how many YEARS? Sigh. Hot and humid. ~85 degrees and wicked humid. Yuck. Ended up doing 17 miles in 58:00 though. Now time for dinner and watchign the Tour. TGIF (for me at least).

Total Time: 58:00 Total Distance: 17 miles Average Speed: 17.6 mph

Total Miles of Biking for the week: 118.95!! Goal for next week: MORE THAN THAT and a long ride of 40-45 miles.

From Paul Ivory on Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 00:12:26

Benn, if you want to see another blog on the subject of achilles tendon issues, there is a guy who is going to run Pikes Peak this year who has come up with an achilles tendon issue. The blog subject is: Achilles tendonitis-suggestions by Posted by: abuscaglia

The link is shown below for the blog. Scroll down to find this entry.

Happy trails, Paul

From Rebecca Preivlage on Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 08:59:10

Hey Benn. Im sorry about your tenden issue. Good luck with it.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9:30 AM - My mom's birthday is today! I went out for a ride in the early morning before everyone woke up, and after my shower I am baking her two cakes and then I think I am going to take the whole family out for lunch/dinner.  I am excited. It's not every day your mom turns "29" :-D. My mom is truly the most amazing woman in the world. Figured that it was rainy today. First ride in the rain with my bike. It was actually kind of fun! I love the rain. Temp in the mid 60s. Wet. Felt completely relaxed during the whole ride!

Total Time: 1:14:00 Total Mileage: 21.0 miles Average Speed: 17 mph


Old blog. Check out my "new" blog I've had since 2008.


From Shauna on Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 00:54:43

Sounds like a fun day. Is your "viva la vida" quote a Coldplay reference? They are one of my favorite bands. Hopefully I'll make it to their concert when they come through Phoenix on tour this fall...

From wheakory on Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 23:54:36

Happy birthday to your mom. Great ride Benn. I hope you still will blog on this site? How is the running coming.

From Benn on Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 06:11:53

Hey Kory - yeah yeah I still blog my new name is "The Howling Commando" ;) in case you didn't gather that. I've done a ton of riding this summer though. Slowly getting back into the swing of things. Did a couple long jogs recently without achilles pain. Only pain last time was a little bit of cramping. I think due to dehydration.

From wheakory on Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 10:38:53

That's awesome. Just take it slow back. I would also recommend getting massages frequently. I know there not cheap but they work. Your future is looking good.

From Mike Warren on Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 08:51:14

Benn, thanks for your awesome comments on my blog! I appreciate it. I will give everything there is too give at STGM. I will have you in the back of my mind when it gets tough. We both have battled the injury bug. Thanks for all your inspiration. Almost time to get it on!

From Kelli on Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 16:50:48 from

Why am I being linked to this blog when I click your name?? Hmmm.....I was so confused. i was reading the profile and I kept thinking, "This guys is Benn's twin. He wants to be everything Benn already is!" DA!!! Anyway, glad to see that you finally married that awesome girlfriend of yours.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
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