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Middle Grove,NY,

Member Since:

Nov 01, 2007



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

Finished two marathons before my 21st birthday this year (5.28.07),
First Marathon - 10/08/06 - Mohawk Hudson River Marathon 4:26:57,
Second Marathon - 5/27/07 - Vermont City Marathon 4:32:xx

Personal Bests:

  • 400 - 1:01 (2004)
  • 800 - 2:16 (2004)
  • Mile - 5:12 (2004)
  • 2Mile - 11:27 (2004)
  • 5k - 19:44 (2005)
  • 10k 40:46 (11/22/07)
  • 15k - 1:07:40 (11/11/07)
  • 13.11 Half - 1:38:31 (12/9/07)
  • Marathon 4:26:57 (2006)

Gave up soda starting November 23, 2006. Still going strong.
Eagle Scout with Bronze and Gold Palms (2002)

Biked from Ticonderoga, New York to Old Orchard Beach, Maine in August of 2005 (Total of about 290 miles)

Short-Term Running Goals:

  • Be able to run more than 3 miles pain free again.
  • Eliminate processed foods from my diet.
  • Increased Focus on Core Strength Exercises.
  • No Eating After 8:00pm!
  • Get more sleep.
  • Most importantly, Think POSITIVE!!!

50 MILE and 100 MILE bike rides before the end of the year!


Long-Term Running Goals:

Be able to lace up my shoes and head out the door into my 70s, 80s, and 90s. Would like to do a marathon in as many states and countries as I can.

  • Break 19 minutes for a 5k
  • Break 39 minutes for a 10k
  • Break 60 minutes for a 15k
  • Break 1:40 for a half marathon
  • Break 1:33 for half marathon
  • Under 3:10:59 in full marathon (*BQ)


Run a TRAIL Marathon as well as at least one 50 or 100 MILER in my life!


"Just Race" - Jonn during Stockade-athon 15k 11.11.2007

"Get out the door and let the run happen." - Sasha

**Trying hard to live up to both of these goals!** Determined to finish more marathons, and hopefully a 50miler one day!



I live in upstate NY. I am the oldest of four kids. I've been running since the spring of 2003 when I decided to shed some extra weight and maybe go out for my high school cross country team. Currently am doing MS in Education. Hope to teach Social Studies one day. I have the most amazing girlfriend ever, and she frequently goes running/jogging/hiking with me. Going to marry her one day :)

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AM -  200 crunches after coffee; more later.

*Note: Elevated foot and put some icy hot on last night.  Foot is feeling a little  better.  Was able to do 10 calf raises on the stairs yesterday with minimal pain.  Will continue to ice and stretch.  Trying hard to visualize the healing process.

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AM - Officially safe to say I was burnt out.  Desperately needed some sleep.  Probably could have slept even longer having got home around midnight!   Going to do some crunches/pushups in a little bit.  Then tons of homework.  My achilles feels a lot better, even after standing at work for 8 hours yesterday.  Im' hoping it heals up nicely.

Rest Day #4 and Counting


PM - 300 crunches; weights light, some pushups

PM#2 - 200 crunches; pushups

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AM - Going to do some crunches and eccentric exercises.  Continuing to ice and stretch lightly.  Anticipating the rebound sometime soon.

Rest day #5 :(

Sorry to all you Patriots Fans out there (and I know there are many).  It must hurt to be fans of the team that ended the perfect season not so perfectly. 18 and 1 ouch.  I never thought I'd live to see one of our three New York football teams actually end up a Super Bowl winner. wow. Miracles do come true.

Achilles is healing nicely.  Have done a lot of icing, massaging, resting.  I can't believe it's only been 5 days.  This whole "taking a week off to rest" I think is the most painful, most drawn out week I have ever had.  Even worse than finals week ever was in college!

FYI, anyone looking for a good trail marathon should look at the one I'm doing:  Nipmuck Trail Marathon in Ashford, CT  :  ;  Although, I'm not sure what kind of goal to set.  It states to ADD ONE HOUR to your BEST ROAD MARATHON PR.  It's a very difficult 26.4 mile course I suppose, and only about 10 of 180 finishers ever gets under 4 hours, and about 60 under 5 hours.  My best road PR is 4:26, so I suppose I am shooting for 5:30 or faster, but would it be too ambitious to aim for breaknig 5 hours? 

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AM - Really starting to feel blah.  My achilles I think is healing... but this is the longest week ever. Depressed.

Pushups and 200 crunches

Days of "Rest" (or TORTURE!):  6

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AM - Crunches and pushups; Raring to get back out on the roads. Nasty weather expected next couple days so hopefully before the end of the week I can get a trial run in . Got to start smart. Don't want any more setbacks. Sent off application to Nipmuck for 6/1 yesterday. Getting psyched!

Rest Day: 7; Felt pain yesterday going up stairs which was weird. Continuing to massage and take it easy. Hoping to just get back out there even for 3 mile jogs.

So I really want to run.  But the question is:  How long do I need to wait before I come back.  Everything I've read leads me to believe that achilles issues might be a prolonged problem, so should I suck it up and start doing some runs?

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My thoughts and prayers to all those who are affected by or know those that were in the paths of those devastating storms that hit the South last night.

4:00 PM - Couldn't stand it any longer, so I dressed up and tried to go for a run.. and failed miserably.  Only able to do two miles.  I give up. I went as slow as I could, and it still hurts. Unfortunately I don't have access to a pool, so not sure what to do.  I can try to hop on a bike tomorrow at the college?  Is that better than nothing?

Mile 1: 10:14

Mile 2: 10:10

Total Distance: 2.06  Total Time: 20:57  Avg. Pace: 10:09/mile

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Got up early and went and did my taxes. Oh happy days.  Even though I only work part time, I paid 1500 bucks in taxes and still OWE 250 to the government.  Not a very nice start to my day.  My mom and me swung by the YMCA afterwards, and I did a swim.  First time in probably about four years I've gone swimming (besides jumping into the waves in Vieques during winter break).  This is what I did:

1000 m freestyle:  20:08

200 m breast stroke: 5:02

450 m freestyle:  8:58

= 1 Mile =  34:08

Felt really good actually;  Looking forward to becoming a better swimmer and getting in some nice swims this month while I rest.  I picked up a schedule and they have a lot of mornings with open lap swim.  This looks promising. :)

PM - 3 sets of pushups, 200 crunches.  Probably going to get up early to go swimming.  Though not sure.  There's open lane swim 530 AM to 830 AM, and then 1115-5 (but only 1 lane available during this time).  It might be a 5am wakeup call then for me.

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11:30 AM - Went to the YMCA this morning and decided to go for a swim.  Did 1100 meters of freestyle in 21:35 and then changed and went and checked out the weightroom.  They more than quadrupled the amount of cardio equipment that they have since the last time I was there about two years ago.  Kick butt!  Hopped onto a bike and did 5.1 miles in 20:45.  Felt really good, and barely any soreness in the achilles.  Not the same as running, but at least it's something to do.

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Blah seems a pretty good term for summing up today.  Feel like junk and want to run but can't.  Stuck at home babysitting and can't go to the YMCA.  Man this is peachy.  Not to mention have to do a stupid paper for grad school that is absolutely pointless.  Tried reading more from Running Through the Wall.  All that does is make me more depressed.  Now it's snowing a ton too.  And to make a horrible day even better, found out that somehow all 3 sets of my keys got locked in my car. I need a redo at life.

Going to plan my hardest to get to the YMCA and do a good 40 min + bike ride or something.  Got my paper done which is good.  That leaves tomorrow open (more than usual) to get in a cardio.  me = Misses Running :'(!!

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10:00 AM - Went to the YMCA, despite 40mph winds and near white out conditions.  We've got about 8 inches of snow since midnight.  Was not expecting to see the entire parking lot full, as I go to a very small out in the country type of YMCA.  Turns out there was a pickleball tournament going on (Had never really seen this sport before, so took the time to watch for a few minutes - quite amusing, though it seemed the average age of the participants was well above 60).  Luckily there was space enough for me to find a stationary bike, though the recumbants were taken, as two of the three stationaries were broken I guess.  Overall, felt really good, and made sure resistance was a 10 of 14 being the max.  Definitely worked up a sweat and kept the speed over 20mph the entire ride!!

Total Time: 36:15   Total Mileage (biked):  13.28

Wanted to stay on longer, but stupid rules say you can only stay on for 30 minutes at a time, and I had already eaten up someone else's chunk of time, which was pointed out to me upon which I promptly and genuinely apologized.  Oops!

Had to shovel out our mailbox from its ice encased cocoon because we received a nice little note informing us they have suspended mail service until we do.  Then stacked wood.  Did a little jog up and down our driveway .1 miles each way (about 550 feet long each way).  Achilles is a little sore from the biking.  So I cam inside after and iced.  Come on recovery!

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Dangerously cold out today.  Will not be fun walking to class.  Did 250 crunches and pushups and curls.  Bored out of my mind.  Wish had a time machine to make the next couple weeks disappear and hopefully be healthy to run again!

UPDATE: So my achilles is a little sore from the riding yesterday as well as the shoveling and short run up and down the driveway.  I did the stair lifts again and I think that my muscles are strengthening because I am able to do the lifts without much pain.  I can put all my weight on my right foot as well.  It's just that there is soreness there, and I don't think I could run on it without the pain coming back.  I really don't know what I should do.  I mean I don't think I tore it but it's just like the weeks go by so slow.  It might be a smart decision to not try running again until March 1st and truly concentrate on just trying to get healed up nicely.  But it seems everyone else who has had an achilles issue says that despite taking time off, the problem just resurfaces when you try to run again.  Also, if someone could clarifty the whole 'compression' aspect of the healing process.  I mean I usually wrap my ankle in an ace bandage if it starts to hurt and after icing.  Also, I don't walk around barefoot any more.  I wear a pair of trainers with my orthodics in (I'm flat footed so I have orthodics to help combat my pronation as well as my messed up bowlegs). 

So was sitting in class and came to the conclusion I was not meant to be a runner. That's why I got hurt.  I haven't done anything strenuous in training that I haven't been through before.  And I do everything right.  I stretch, get my rest, don't do too much speedwork, and most importantly DONT TAKE STEROIDS.  And yet I get hurt.  That doesn't just blow. It sucks.  And nothing against you tri people, but biking/swimming SUCK compared to just being able to run.  This absolutely SUCKS.  And my achilles hurts like heck today.  And I didn't even exercise! I am considering just cutting off my foot and getting a prosthetic.  At least then I could run.

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Couldn't fall asleep, and then when I did had bad dreams.  Drained. Woke up at 5am with throbbing pain in the achilles which I had wrapped in an Ace bandage.  So I took it off. It's a little better now 3 hours later.  Still tight, but less tender than last night. 

AM - pushups, 400 crunches, free weight exercises.  Jogged to mailbox and back because car did another funny thing once again. Just went and dropped 90 bucks for a new battery.. this one's guaranteed for 3 years.  Didn't do too bad on the last one.  Ended up getting 7 years out of it :)

PM - light stretching.  Going to have to ice it and stretch again when I get home from class late tonight in that storm.  Good news is car is fixed and my parents' sauna came today, though a lot of the pieces were damaged :(. We still put it together though because this was the company's second attempt and my dad really wants to use it later.

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Guess I'll do more pushups and crunches.  Achilles is still sore.  Beginning to think maybe I did more than just pull it.  Maybe it's torn :(

PM - 300 crunches, free weights, 4 x 1 minute "plank", pushups.

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Going to try to see if CVS or somewhere as an ankle brace or one of the ones with cold gel in it to help ice on the way to Albany today.

PM - tried 2 different stores and SOL for the wraps with built in ice packs.  Did the next best thing and bought an ankle wrap for like 10 bucks to add some support maybe? And got a new gel ice pack, as the only one I have is solid ice and hurts to put it around my leg and doesn't conform.  Come on Recovery! :)

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Did 1 mile of fast walking to and from car to class.  Total Time: 12:00.  Too afraid to try running on it because I still feel pain sometimes if I'm on my feet too much.  Wishing it would just get better.

So, if my achilles is still somewhat tender what do I do?   If I am taking off until March 1st, I will probably have lost all my fitness, but I don't really care about that.  I just want to be able to run again.  I've still been icing almost every day.  But who's to say the pain is not going to just come back once I start running again?


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AM - 100 pushups and 300 crunches, 3 x "plank"

11:30 AM - I went for a walk, and had a little pain in the achilles, but it was bearable.  Total Walked was 1.25 miles in a time of 21:30.  I'll take it as something at least.  I might be trying to do some walking as it seems will be a while for recovery.  Going to attempt to make a heel lift out of the insole of my shoe, as I already wear orthotics and it would be hard to put additional inserts in. (About 100 calories burned)

Did a .6 mile walk at lunch after trying to put in a heel lift.  Less pain when walking, but still no way I can run.  Blah.

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AM - 100 pushups, a couple "planks" x 1 minute and 200 crunches, 100 situps.

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AM - Pushups and Situps, 200 crunches, Achilles is a lot better just from icing a couple times yesterday.  Tried to elevate it a bit more.  I think there might be something to this heel lift after all!  Trying to stay positive.

Good luck with the run Kory! Stay safe.  And to all our other FRB members out here struggling with injuries and nagging downers, think positive, think spring, and you're in my prayers.  As John "the Penguin" Bingham would say: Waddle on, friends.

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AM - pushups and crunches.  My achilles is feeling good right now.  Not tender to the touch any more and no swelling.  I hope this continues tonight at work.  Really looking forward to what I used to take for granted - an easy, leisurely run outside! 

I think I can? <<<< I KNOW I CAN!!!

On a sad note, I took a look at my Garmin today and noticed it's covered in dust.  Can't believe it's been like three weeks since I last used it.  OH how it will feel to strap that baby on and head out on the roads! Come on healing!

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AM - Pushups and crunches;  Getting ready to go take a LAST test for grad school (kind of like a GRE) @ 1.  Achilles isn't inflamed and doesn't hurt so I think it's getting better.  Really wanting to go for a run to start off March the right way.

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At work last night, I was only on my feet for four hours but I have been making sure to take the elevator instead of stairs, and trying my best to keep pressure and strain off the achilles. About 95% of the sorness is gone, but I find that if I'm on my feet for an extended period of time without icing, the achilles and the area around it gets red and wam to the touch.  This is a little unnerving as I thought there was supposed to be restricted bloodflow to this tendon?  Maybe it's a good sign though that it is healing or something. 

AM - pushups and 300 crunches.

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AM - Horrile night of sleep last night.  Couldn't sleep. Kept having nightmares and restless legs. Ugh! 

Did 300 crunches; 100 pushups;  4 x 12 reps of bicep curls (only 12 lb weights) - yes I know I am a weakling, but am working to change that.  200 situps on an exercise/yoga ball.  Come on abs of steel! hehe

*New Goal* By the end of the summer be able to do a pull-up - will be my FIRST EVER Pull up :)!!

Goal is maybe to try to do 2 miles on March 1st or 2nd with EMMY on a bike trail at about 9:30 pace or 10:00 to see how I feel.  Question:  Am I supposed to get a heel lift to leave in while I run ?  I assume the heel lift is supposed to be used for an extended time period while your achilles heels?  Right now I have a homemade one that consists of a cut up shoe insert that is under my orthotics.  Anyone have suggestions?

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AM - Fourth Tuesday in a row that is has snowed.  Going to be a tricky drive to and from school tonight especially since they said the real stuff starts after 6pm and my class goes until 9:55 :(.  Blah!  Also, today is Day #28 since my last run :( .. and about 37 since the injury.

  • Pushups: 2 x 40, 1 x 25 
  • 250 sit-ups on exercise ball
  • 600 crunches
  • 8 x 12 curls 12lbs.

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After 14 inches of snow, it's a mess out there. Ugh! Didn't even get to my class for my grad test last night.  That's my little Chevy Prizm below buried in the wintry stuff.

And, to top things off, last night I managed to freezerburn my achilles.  I haven't had problems before with an ice pack, but I put it directly on the skin, and it numbed the skin so I didn't even feel the burning until it was a little too late.  Now it looks like I have freezer/sun burn on my foot! Good thing it doesn't hurt.  Just looks bad. Below is a picture of my achilles after a month:  It looks worse than it is I think because of the burning.  I have virtually no pain whatsoever.

Also this morning:   300 crunches, 150 situps, pushups.

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AM - Pushups, 150 situps, 200 crunches, 4 x 15 reps of 12 lbs

Really don't know about the achilles.  Everyone seems to say that it takes a lot to actually "rupture" one, and I haven't done any running in 4 weeks and any serious running in more than 5.  Maybe it's just going to take more time.  I've done everything right I thought: rest, icing, stretching, compression, elevation.. but still seems to be bothered every day at work.  Iced it in the car on the way home last night driving with cruise control on, and then again this m orning.  The swelling from yesterday at work is gone, but it will probably come back with tomorrow 8 hours of being on my feet again. Ugh! [note: discoloration from the photo yesterday from the burning is gone pretty much as well] Frustration to the max. But today's high is projected to be 11, tonight's low -15 plus a windchill that might bring it to the near -30 range.  Same for tomorrow, then it might warm to near 40 and rain on Monday.  Sick of winter and the 20+ inches of snow we've had in the last day and a half! And yet I don't want spring to come yet because I still won't be able to run.  Come on stupid recovery. Hurry up already! haha

 Re: Eccentric Loading for the Achilles :  I've read conflicting reports that it is beneficial and also detrimental to try the Eccentric Loading technique.  I'll try anything. I just want to get healthy!  I read last night that the Finnish guy that developed/discovered this technique was actually trying to blow his achilles out because that's the only way they would do surgery on it if it was completely ruptured.  But it seemed to help heal him.  What should I do?  Everyone said that rest would do the trick and that a heel lift would help, but am I just impatient?  I've lost all my conditioning which is fine. I can build back, but I feel like I can't even jog a 10 minute mile without fear that pain will come back.

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Horribly cold this morning.  Can't wait to move somewhere warmer.  Really hating the Northeast right now.  And what is predicted for tonight and tomorrow? More snow! Joy (Sarcasm implied & intended!)!! Another 4-8" here on top of the 20" we already got this week, and at Emmy's there's going to be another 8-12". Ugh! Frustrating!

Good news:  Made an Appointment for Wednesday @ 3 for Physical Sports Therapist to take a look at my achilles. I'm trying to stay positive but it seems like all my goals for this year are shot.  I'll be lucky to even hit 1500 miles!

AM: 100 situps, 150 crunches, 100 pushups, 4 x 12 @ 12lbs arms

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