Today did 10x1K, alternating 2 down and 2 up. There was a significant wind blowing up the canyon. Got 3:00 (1:47 at 600), 3:04 (1:46 at 600), then up 3:06 (1:49 at 600), 3:09 (1:52 at 600), then down 2:59 (1:46 at 600) and 3:00 (1:45 at 600). Going up got 3:03 (1:46 (!) at 600), and 3:09 (1:53 at 600). On the last two down-hill intervals got 2:57 (1:45 at 600) and 2:58 (1:44 at 600, the wind was pretty rough for the last 400).
The uphill intervals were helped by a significant tailwind, but I'm happy that I was able to run on pace for the most part on the downhill ones. Averaged just under 3:00 for the downhil intervals, and a little over 3:06 for the uphill ones.
Added 3 more at night for a total of 14.