
November 2018

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Jan 15, 2018



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Attended Japanese high school and finished in March 2020. Was very lucky to be able to be a member of a very good team of runners at my high school, even though I was injured most of the time and was not able to be much of a contributor. Am currently doing an Engineering internship at a large manufacturer of Automotive transmissions, etc. It is really exciting. In spring of 2021, if COVID-19 has subsided, I am planning to serve an LDS mission, after which I plan to go to college and study Engineering.

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Ran 5 x 1000 @ 3:30 10 seconds rest in between

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Easy 5K.  Coach says that next week I can finally start gradually increasing my distance.

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Ran an easy 5 miles with Midori and Rina.  Not really sure what the pace was since coach doesn't let us wear watches on our easy runs.

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Had a flu shot today and the doctor said not to do any strenuous exercise, so I didn't do any running today.

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Ran a warm up.

Then did 2 x 3000 all out with 30 seconds (seemed more like 20 seconds) recovery between.

It was a miserable day.  It was raining, windy and cold.  No one wanted to do the workout, but coach said that by doing it would make us mentally strong.

3000m #1 3000m #2
11:08 11:06

I wanted to break 11 minutes but couldn't.

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Ran a very easy 12 kilometers.

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The workout today was 30 x 200m.  (Those who fell off the pace, were to do 5 400m steep hill sprints).  I fell off the pace after the 24th 200m, so I ran the 5 hill sprints with Ai chan.  It was a hard workout and in the rain again.

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Ran a very slow 8 miles with Midori and Rina.  We were all so sore from yesterday's workout, so we went really slow, and even walked now and then.

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Ran about 8 miles at a fairly good pace.  

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About 12 long miles in the morning the Ai chan and Yumi.

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We did a trail run as a team.  It is the first time I have ever done a trail run.  We started at the base of Mt. Ohyama which is at an elevation of a little over sea level, and we ran to the top of Mt. Ohyama which is at an elevation of about 1300m. The temperature at the bottom was about 15C and the temperature at the top was 2.5C.  It was cold and windy on top.  It is about 3 miles up and very steep.  and the course we took down was about 4 miles.  Going up was nice, but because of my poor balance, coming down was a little scary.  Running up and down mountains is a lot more difficult than I realized, but I liked it.

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VERY VERY sore today from yesterdays trail run.  I think it might be good to do something like that once a week.  I think it would be good for strengthening my legs.  Today did an easy 10 miles with Megumi.

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No running today.  Having a Mexican Taco Party for some friends today.  Looking forward to that.  

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About 7 miles at a good pace.

The Ekiden season is coming to an end for our teams.  Because I was still recovering from a broken ankle at the beginning of the season I was not on any of the racing teams.  Since it is the end of the season, and we will be moving toward track season, Coach had interviews with everyone today to find out what races we want to run.  I told Coach that I wanted to run the 800m and 1500m and maybe 3000m.  Coach thinks I would be better at the 5000m or 10000m.  I need to make a decision because the training groups will differ depending on what races I run.

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Ran an easy 5K and then did 3 miles of hill bounding.

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Went to the dentist this afternoon, so I didn't go to practice and run.  No running today but did have a cavity. :(

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Ran 5 x 500m with 500m jogging in between.  We were divided into three groups.  I was in the slow group.  Our goal was to run each 500m in 1:40.  My times were all over the place, with the fastest one (the last one) in 1:36 and the slowest one (first one) in 1:43.  I wasn't satisfied with my times.  I have been slack and haven't had much motivation recently.   Somehow I need to get the excitement back.

After we ran 6 x 400m hill sprints.  Coach always has us run hill sprints after a hard workout.

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About 10 easy miles with Megumi and Yuki.  The longest I have run in a long time.  It was nice and easy and we had a lot of fun.

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6 x 1500m @ 5:45 with 500m recovery run.

Cool down with megumi after.

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About 8 miles very easy.

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5 miles at a fairly hard pace.  I kept up with the front group for the first 3/4 of the run but then started to fall back.  Then another 5 miles at an easy pace.

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It was raining today and I didnt feel like running so I didn't go to practice.  It was supposed to be an easy day today anyway.  Recently, I have had a lot of days that I am just not into running.  No motivation.

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Ran 5 x 1000m (supposed to be at 3:40 to 3:50) with 10 second rest in between.  I wasn't able to stay on pace today.   I felt heavy.  Maybe it was because I ate a lot last night.

Coach says that maybe I have been losing my sharpness by doing long runs recently.  I think that is what coach was trying to say.  Sometimes the language barrier causes communication problems and I don't always completely understand.  (My Japanese is getting better though.)

After we ran 6 x 400m hill sprints.

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