2 mile very easy warmup. 4 x 800. 2:37, 2:35, 2:36, 2:37 with 600
recoveries @ 8:00 pace. 1 mile float then 4 x 400. 75, 74, 75, 75 with
400 recoveries @ 8:00 pace. 1/2 mile float then 1 mile in 5:55. Easy
cooldown. Wasn't as springy as I wanted to be, probably from the double
yesterday but it was still a good workout. 6:38 Sometimes it's hard not to be a little frustrated. On one hand I am so thankful to finally be healthy and training and I'm having fun, but on the other it's these workouts that show me how much I lost over the injury time period this winter and spring. I need to keep reminding myself to just keep at it and the rest will take care of itself..