AM-Not enough time to do a long run today so I decided to run Sashas little experiment. I ran a 5 mile tempo progressively increasing the pace from 5:45 to eventually 5:15/mi. I then ran the last mile in 4:57. Well it was a good workout but I am not so sure that it will really predict an accurate race pace for Ogden. THR- 146 bpm for 5:50/mi, 150 bpm for 5:40/mi, 160 bpm for 5:15/mi and then 170-172 bpm for 5/min mi. Told ya I could do it Sasha... 7 mi total with warmup and cooldown. Treadmill flat.
PM-Went out with my wife tonight instead of my usual training run. I was very glad I did so. Training twice a day is not only tough for me but difficult for the family, especially after being at work for 9 hrs. They have been so patient and Ian always begs to go with me. One day I suppose he will and then outrun me to get home for dinner! I love them so much and sometimes I have to remember where my priorities are really at.