Ran 10 mi today with 6 mi at 6-6:10/mi keeping a steady effort. Good workout. PM-6 mi through the Sandy-Draper loop. Avg pace for 4 mi at 6:15. Took random hr samples at 6min/mi, 146-151 bpm. Cooldown for 1 mi. Felt much better today so I decided to run an aerobic resistance workout today. Some call this the grey area zone where the stress of the workout outweighs the benefit. I disagree thoroughly. This zone is where so many of the best African distance runners run in especially training for the marathon. Renato Canova has his athletes run in this zone often. Mostly in the Long and middle long run. This will develop very specific speed stamina and strength. He stresses that it is not a speed workout and one should not run in this zone too often. This training is most effective after a base period incorporated with speed development and not the other way around. This makes a lot sense to me so I will probably do more of this as I get closer to my goal race. But for now once a week will probably be appropriate. But only time will tell I suppose... Checkout Pre's indoor mile on You Tube and Ryan Hall's record half marathon on Flocast.com. Thought I would throw that out to anyone who was interested. Especially Pre's indoor mile and interview! Wow! what a gutsy front running race.