AM: So sleepy, so sleepy, so very very very very sleepy... If you have seen The Producers (2005) the line before is sung to the song Leo sings when in his office. It has been a long week but things are getting done. The weather was nice enough to not be raining during my run in. Commute run.
Mi 2.5 Avg. 9:37 HR 132 PM: Well I was still tired but I know I won't be able to get a run in tomorrow so I did a second run. To top things off I decided to do a TRACK WORKOUT!!! On my way down to the track (Highland), I was thinking there is no way I can do this. But Jake and the Tuesday track crew inspired me to at least get on the track and go through the motions. Experience has taught me that once you get your legs moving the body will follow. It had been so long since I'd done a track workout that during the first two splits I converted the time wrong in my head and thought I was running 10 seconds slower than I actually was. I think this ended up helping me, as when I figured out my mistake on the 3rd repeat it gave me a huge adrenaline burst. The workout I had decided to do was 6x400 with 200 recovery of 100 walk 100 jog. The goal was to do each one slightly faster, I went off the blocks a bit fast. Here's the breakdown. 2 mi warmup to track Avg. 7:01 HR 146 75.3 HR 152 (rest 1:39 HR 138) 78.0 HR 163 (rest 1:54 HR 134) 77.2 HR 160 (rest 1:50 HR 143) 73.5 HR 168 (rest 1:43 HR 151) 72.4 HR 172 (rest 1:52 HR 153) 72.9 HR 173
2.5 mi cool down back home Avg. 8:44 HR 143 I am very happy with this workout. Especially the last two quarters. They are real confidence builders after how fatigued I've felt from work this week.