I did an hour of weights at the Y with my Mom while Vanessa is in kidzone. And now I have spent the last few hours looking at my treadmill. I don't want to run on it. I want to run outside. I am so tired of the stupid treadmill. My running options are: run on a treadmill, or, be sleep deprived and run outside when Vanessa is in school, when I should be sleeping, because I work at night. I am being a big baby today. I think it is just because I am so so tired. Oh how I long for the day when I can have a normal sleeping schedule. It is definitely one of those days where I want to be defiant and "quit" running. I ran so much high mileage and missed so much sleep training for this last marathon, it was a huge effort, and it didn't work out. I honestly don't know if I can handle that kind of exhaustion again. Burning the candle at both ends is literally killing me. A body can only take so much. But now that I have wrote all of this and am feeling sorry for myself I probably will do some easy miles on the treadmill this evening. I really hate working at night, and I am stuck with it for at least another 5 years. ugh!
evening: 6. on the mill. hated every minute, but was quite happy that I did it. no regrets