Tempo Tuesday. Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran 5 miles at LT. First 2 miles were a little erratic (6:30, 6:20) then settled into a pace (6:26, 6:28, 6:28). The last 2 miles were a lot of work. I really had to focus to maintain the pace. I felt pretty lousy as I headed out the door so I kind of expected to struggle. It was much better than I thought so even though it was a lot of work, I am happy with the run. Cooled down with an easy mile. I lucked out and found a pair of Brooks Adrenaline at Sports Authority on sale for $59. Probably should have bought a few pair. I was on the Provo 1/2 website and it said it was closed but allowed me to register. What are the chances that I am actually registered? I would hate to drive out there and find out that I'm not actually signed up.