Drove to where the club was going to meet (400 N Davis Blvd) and ran 4 miles before they got there. For some unknown reason I thought it would be fun to run down to Orchard Dr then back up (major hill). The pace was slow but it was a good warm up. Started the club run with Trevor and he was in the mood to push the pace. We were running around 6:45 pace for the first 2.5 miles. I noticed that physically I felt great and didn't feel like I was pushing at all but mentally I had to fight the desire to slow down. Whatever funk that I am in is definitely mental. He turned around and I went another 1.2 miles before my turn around. I slowed down after he left but was still around 7:15 pace for the rest of the run. I actually felt really good during the run and the last mile was at 6:30 pace. Hopefully this is the start of my comeback.