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Boston Marathon

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Woods Cross,UT,USA

Member Since:

May 01, 2006



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

Current Running Life:
5k: 17:50 (2010 NSL)
10k: 38:20 (2007 Des News)
1/2 Marathon: 1:23:30 (2009 Provo Half)
Marathon: 2:53:46 (2007 St George)

Short-Term Running Goals:


Long-Term Running Goals:



Daddy to 3 great kids - 16 year old son and 11 year old twin daughters

I do not know what tomorrow will bring but I do know it will start with a run.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Grid A2 Lifetime Miles: 125.40
GoRun2 Lifetime Miles: 53.70
Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Lifetime Miles: 442.70
Adrenaline 2014 Red (1) Lifetime Miles: 429.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

A very light snow was falling but it wasn't too cold. Included 10X20 second pickups during the first 3 miles. I am experimenting with where to put these. Do I run them early in the run when I am fresh but suffer later or wait until the last couple miles and risk being too tired? Felt good most of the run except miles 7 and 8. Upper body was a little tight and form felt a little sloppy. Straightened it out for the last mile and finished well.

Avg HR = 160

Total Time = 1:06:21 (7:22/mile)

From Paul Petersen on Mon, Jan 01, 2007 at 12:09:11

I like to do my striders at the middle or towards the end of the run. That way I'm warmed up, and if I'm already a little tired, then it forces me to focus even more on form, which for me is the main point of striders.

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 13:07:40

Andy - the strides should not wear you out to make you suffer. I'd say as long as you are warmed up, it is fine to do them anywhere. I assume your purpose is to go fast without being anaerobic. In this case, you might even consider spreading them out through the entire run to maximize the recovery in between.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Legs felt dead. Not sure what the problem was but I had no energy. I'll just chalk it up to one of those days.

Total Time 1:18:14 (7:49/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run. Finally got around to getting new shoes and they felt great. I wore the last pair for a few too many runs and I could feel it in my lower legs.

Avg HR = 144

Total Time = 48:57 (8:10/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Couldn't decide where to run this morning. I wasn't sure how much hill running I wanted to do. Decided to just head out the door and go wherever my legs took me. It was a balmy 40 degrees and it felt very good. Ended up running up Indian Springs drive which is a pretty good climb. Got to Bountiful Blvd and headed towards to Bountiful temple. Met up with another runner and ran with him for about a mile. It is so much easier to push the pace when you are running with somebody. I was able to get into a groove on the way down and pushed the pace the last 5 miles. I was surprised how comfortable the downhill running was today.

Avg HR = 159

Total Time = 1:32:13 (7:41/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Fortunately it was an easy 5 on the schedule today because the roads are still pretty slippery from yesterday's storm. Just took it real easy today trying to avoid oncoming cars.

Avg HR = 137

Total Time = 42:00 (8:24/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It seemed colder this morning than it has the past few days. I have been sort of dreading this run all week. It is the longest that I have gone since the St. George marathon and my first long run in preparation for Boston. I actually felt really good during this run. Felt like I was running at a comfortable pace and it was about 20 sec./mile faster than what I used to do my long runs. With 2 miles to go, I decided to drop the pace to marathon pace (7:00/mile). Felt really good and was not as tired after the run as I usually am after long runs.

Avg HR = 144

Total Time = 2:21:01 (7:42/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles. Ran 4 miles at tempo pace. Wanted to keep the pace below 6:40/mile. Miles 1 and 3 felt good but fell asleep during miles 2 and 4 (6:32, 6:46, 6:33, 6:36). A little disappointed with the inconsistent splits but feel good about the effort. Cooled down with 2 easy miles.

Avg HR = 154

Total Time = 1:07:26 (7:30/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran the Davis Blvd. loop. Pretty good climb for the first 4 miles. My form did not feel very fluid today. I really felt as though I was forcing things and my upper body was very tense.

Avg HR = 156

Total Time = 1:32:36 (7:43/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very easy and relaxed recovery run. I have been trying to figure out why my knees have been sore this week. Finally dawned on me that it is from all the falling that I did while snowboarding over the weekend.

Avg HR = 139

Total Time = 39:34 (7:55/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt a little tired today. I think that the lack of sleep the last couple of nights is catching up with me. There was a light snow falling for the first half of the run. This eventually turned into a blizzard. The snow was blowing into my face and it was hard to see. It was very slippery and I almost fell several times. I was hoping to run the last 3 miles faster but decided to back off the pace a little as I was more concerned with maintaining my footing than my pace.

Avg HR: 154
Total Time: 1:17:00 (7:42/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run.  It was very cold and my face and feet froze.  My left knee and right calf are acting up.  I'm pretty sure that it is due to cold weather.  Once I got warmed up, my form felt pretty good and I was running very comfortably.

Avg HR = 142
Total Time = 47:28 (7:55/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Wasn't overly excited for today's run. It was cold (6 degrees with -5 wind chill), I somehow put on 4 pounds over the past 2 days and my chest felt heavy. Decided that today was going to be a very slow run. The cold didn't get to me as bad as I thought it would. I stuffed a couple of hand warmers in my gloves and that seemed to really help battle the cold. At mile 8, I made a pit stop at a grocery store and bought some warm Gatorade since my water bottle had froze. Started to feel a little better and was able to bump up the pace. At mile 14, I could see a runner ahead and decided to try to chase them down. It took a little longer than I thought but finally caught her after 1.5 miles. Having somebody to chase helped break the monotony of the run. My legs started to feel heavy towards the end of the run but I feel good about today's effort.

Avg HR = 144
Total Time = 2:38:17 (7:50/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The cold temperatures continue.  It was -1 degrees when I headed out the door this morning.  On top of this, I have a cold that is threatening to move to my chest.  It probably wasn't the best idea to be outside running today.  Felt completely wiped out after 2 miles so I thought I would cut the run short at 5 miles.  At the 5 mile turn off, I decided that I felt good enough to get 1 more mile in.  Got to the 6 mile turn off and figured that I may as well make it 7.  I could see the 8 mile turn around so I ended up doing the full run.  The last 3 miles were pretty slow.  Mile 6 was run mostly on ice and my chest started to feel heavy during miles 7 and 8.  Hopefully, this won't make my cold any worse.

Total Time: 1:02:20 (7:48/mile)

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 10:57:05

I think when it gets really cold, if you are properly dressed, being outside actually cures illness.

From ultrajim on Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 10:13:15

I agree to some extent. If I go out when not feeling well, I generally feel better afterwards. Must be something your body does (endorphins?).

I know I would have tanked the run, but then I'm a weenie about running in the cold and not feeling well.

Ultrarunner's saying. "That what doesn't kill you only makes you hungry". Another one, "that what doens't kill you only cripples you".

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Too sick to run today.  I hate missing runs but know that it is for the best.  This is a cut back week anyway so 1 extra day of rest won't hurt too much.

From Cody on Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 09:33:11

I feel for ya. I feel like I have been sick half of this winter. Get better!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Taking one more day off.  Slept most of the day yesterday (something that I can't remember ever doing before).  I thought about running today but with the cold temperatures and poor air quality, I want to take one more day off to make sure that I get this bug out of my system.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Thought that I was ready to run again but I was wrong.  I had very little energy during the run this morning.  Had a nasty side stitch for the first 2 miles.  Legs started to get really sore the last few miles and my chest was heavy for the entire run.  Hoping things will be better tomorrow.
Avg HR = 154 (Too high.  This is my 7:30/mile HR)
Total Time = 1:05:44 (8:13/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt a little better today but still not 100%.  Temperatures hit double digits (10 degrees) so that certainly helped.  Energy was pretty low at the beginning but I started to feel stronger toward the end of the run.  While running by the cemetery, I decided to stop by and clear off my dad's head stone.  Haven't been by for a while so maybe that helped with the energy at the end of the run.

Avg HR: 149
Total Time: 1:11:50 (7:59/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt a little sluggish for the first couple of miles but started to feel pretty good once I warmed up..  Felt like I was holding back on the pace but it was pretty close to my usual long run pace.  I didn't take anything to rehydrate or refuel and I could really feel it at about mile 12.  I was going to stop at the convenience store but figured that I was close enough to being done that I would just tough it out.  Glad to have this week behind me.  I fell well short of my mileage goal.  It was a cut back week anyway so it was a good week to be sick.  Next week is a pretty big week training wise.

Avg Hr = 148
Total Time = 1:58:00 (7:52/mile)

I've been trying to figure out my racing plans for the rest of the year.  The only thing scheduled now is Boston then the rest of the year is wide open.  I'm either going to take a break from marathons for the rest of the year or run the Utah Grand Slam.  The Slam is spread out enough this year that it won't be too tough/  I think that I can still give a pretty good effort in each marathon culminating in my first sub-3 attempt at St George.  In reality, I don't think that I will ever be much better than a 2:57-2:59 marathoner.  I can't handle the mileage (physically or time wise) required to achieve much more than that.  It is tough being too slow to be competitive but not slow enough to be able to run events just for the fun of it.  Even if I focus on shorter races, I feel as though I will be in the same boat the only difference being that there is some additional satisfaction of just completing a marathon.

From Cody on Sat, Jan 20, 2007 at 18:09:09


I know you can go sub 3! I am shooting for the same goal. If Ogden is too close to Boston, it may not work, but you should go for it there with me. You got pretty close last year, and I know you have it in you.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with an easy 3 miles then ran 5 miles at tempo pace.  Wanted to keep the pace below 6:40/mile.  Since I was sick last week, I was not sure how well I would run this morning.  Felt pretty good and pace was comfortable for the first 3 miles.  Started to force things during the 4th mile but loosened up again during the last mile.  Splits were:

Heart rate was around 168 for the first 3 miles then jumped up to 173 for the next two.  Peaked at 178 at the end of the run.  Finished with 2 easy cool down miles.

Avg HR: 156
Total Time: 1:12:21 (7:14/mile)

From Chad on Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 12:16:44

Good work, Andy. It certainly looks like you're feeling better.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran up Eagleridge Drive and back home.  Legs were very tired going up the big hill but my heart rate stayed around 165 which is lower than it usually is for this run.  Got kind of lazy during a few of the flat miles.  Pushed the pace the last 2 miles to get the overall average pace below 8:00/mile.

Avg HR: 149
Total Time: 1:35:30 (7:58/mile)
51:00 going up/45:30 coming down

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very easy recovery run.  After 2 hard days of running, I was starving yesterday and ate more food than I should have.  I was a couple of pounds heavy this morning but I think it is artificial weight and should come off easily.

Avg HR: 137
Total Time: 40:50 (8:10/mile)


Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Temperatures are starting to warm up a bit but it still feels cold. The biggest difference seems to be that it doesn't take as long to warm up once I get home. Today's run felt good. I struggled a little on the uphills but was able to make up the difference on the downhills. Not sure why I struggled so much on the uphill. I run a lot of hills so I shouldn't struggle as much as I do.

Avg HR: 156
Total Time: 1:15:56 (7:36/mile)

There was a runner hit by a car yesterday just a few blocks from where I was running. I heard the emergency vehicles during my run but didn't know what was going on until I saw it on the news last night. She was running on a road that is not very busy and she was in a bike lane. This is a good reminder of how careful we all need to be while out on the roads. They haven't been able to identify her so this is also a good reminder that we need to have some form of id with us while we run. I have a RoadID on my shoe which has my name and emergency contact numbers. It is also a good idea to make sure that somebody knows when and where you are running.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Didn't have very much energy this morning.  The legs just weren't firing on all cylinders.  The fog rolled in the last mile and I couldn't see more than 10 feet in front of me.  

Avg HR: 158
Total Time: 54:35 (7:35) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Today was just about time on my feet.  I wasn't worried about holding any particular pace.  I just wanted to run comfortably.  Pretty uneventful run until the 17 mile mark.  I forgot to drop hand warmers in my gloves and my hands were completely frozen.   It was pretty painful.  I stopped at a convenience store and bought a hot chocolate hoping the warm cup would jump start the blood flow to my fingers.  It seemed to work as my fingers didn't bother me the rest of the way.  Ran the last mile at marathon pace just for fun.  This was my highest mileage week (beating previous high by 1 mile).

Total Time: 2:39:36  (7:58/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Relaxed run.  Legs felt a little tired from Saturday's run.  Started to feel better after a couple of miles.  Air quality is still very bad.  I am starting to feel it in my lungs.  Hopefully a storm will move through in the next few days and clear out the inversion.

Avg HR: 147
Total Time: 47:20 (7:53/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran up to Bountiful Blvd., past the Bountiful temple, to 400 North then back home.  Going uphill was alright but I couldn't get into a groove on the way down.  I felt really clumsy while trying to hold my form on the steep downhills.  It was nice to get above the inversion and be able to breathe.  Lungs and throat are really burning because of all the garbage in the air.

Avg HR: 154
Total Time: 1:37:41 (8:08/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Woke up to a fresh layer of snow.  It was nice that the inversion was cleared out but had to pay for it with slippery roads.  Schedule called for a 5 mile recovery run but I didn't feel like running slow.  Ran the first 3 miles at GA pace then dropped down to marathon pace for the last 3 miles.  Felt good and in control.

Avg HR: 161
Total Time: 43:58 (7:20/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I've had better days running.  My left heel has been bothering me for a few days.  Most likely due to the big downhills that I have been running.  Started off with a 3 mile warm up run.  My heart rate was a little high for the pace which I attribute to a head cold that I've had for a couple of days.  Ran 5 miles at lactate threshold (hoping to hold the pace below 6:40/mile).  First 2 miles felt really good (6:32, 6:31).  I felt like I was running very smooth and in control.  I had to work a little harder on the 3rd mile but was still able to hold pace (6:32).  I really started to work during the 4th mile.  I was starting to tense up and my stride did not feel as smooth.  I wasn't overly tired but I was working more and my HR started to climb (6:38).  I think that I mentally gave up at this point as I felt as though I was just going through the motions on the last mile (6:44).  My HR was 167-168 for the first 2 miles then climbed to 175-180 the last 2 miles.  Finished with 2 miles at a very slow pace.  Not sure what my problem was today.  My heel did not hurt at all during the tempo miles but was sore during the cool down miles.

Avg HR: 158
Total Time: 1:15:23 (7:32/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Relaxed pace run.  Still have the head cold but it felt better while I was running.  My left heel hurts more today than it did yesterday.  After doing a little reading, I have diagnosed myself with a touch of PF caused by the 2 big downhill runs in the last 2 weeks.  If I pay attention to my form, I have less of a heel strike and it aggravates the heel less.

Avg HR: 151
Total Time: 47:49 (7:58/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Early morning run today.  Was out the door at 4:00 a.m. so I could get in 20 miles before Amy had to leave for work.  Was a little concerned about putting in this many miles with my left heel acting up.  It was pretty sore the first 2 miles but loosened up and was just a dull ache for the rest of the run.  It is only a little sore right now so I don't think I did any additional damage.  I will wait until tomorrow morning to decide if I need to make any adjustments to my training schedule.  I felt pretty good for the majority of the run.  I was a little low on energy during miles 15 and 16.  Ran the last 2 miles at marathon pace and it felt comfortable.

Avg HR: 147
Total Time: 2:38:48 (7:56/mile)

From Chad on Sat, Feb 03, 2007 at 14:52:18

Good work on your run. No harm in putting a little ice on the ankle just to keep any inflammation down.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I had a real hard time convincing my legs to move at the beginning of the run.  My lower legs were pretty tight for the first mile.  Started to loosen up and was able to run a little quicker.  Felt better each mile and was able to finish strong.  My left heel feels quite a bit better.  It is still sore but I can tell that it is healing.

Avg HR: 162
Total Time: 53:16 (7:18/mile)

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 14:32:55

Did it feel like a marathon pace tempo, or do you feel your true marathon pace has improved significantly?

From Andy on Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 15:32:31

It actually felt a little more work than marathon pace for most of the run. The last 2.3 miles were at 7:00/mile which felt good but when I was running 7:15-7:30 it felt like I was working too hard.

I will be running 15 miles with 12 at marathon pace on Saturday so I should get an idea of where I am. These runs have never gone well for me so I don't read too much into them.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

What an awful run.  Never could get in a groove.  Form felt sloppy and forced.  Both calves and achilles tendons were tight and sore.  Tried to run faster but just couldn't do it.  Have no idea what  the problem was. 

Avg HR: 154
Total Time: 1:36:00 (8:00/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My left heel seems to be getting better but now both of my calves are killing me.  I think that this is due to favoring my heel (both while running and walking during the day) for the past week.  I got a new pair of shoes (New Balance 767) hoping that it helps with some of the foot pain.  I had no foot pain during the run but I'm not sure that I like the shoes.  They didn't feel very smooth.

Avg HR: 149
Total Time: 49:42 (8:17/mile)

From Chad on Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 12:39:13

Massage is the answer.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My left calf hurts too bad to run.  This is incredibly frustrating.  It seems that whenever I run a few 60 mile weeks I end up getting injured.  I've been trying to find my running niche the last couple of months and now believe that it is in shorter races.  I am going to run Boston this year then probably not run another marathon for the rest of the year.  This may change, but since I can not put in the mileage required to perform at the level that I want I would rather enjoy running and avoid these injuries.

From Paul Petersen on Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 09:24:36

Bummer...stay patient! Following up Chad's comment, TP Massage Ball will really work over the calves! I've noticed a huge difference.

From Chad on Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 11:16:57

Paul makes a good suggestion, Andy. The TP Massage products are very good. The Stick also works well on the calves, but it all depends on the nature of the injury. It is also well worth it (both physically and psychologically) to get some help from a PT or a good sports massage therapist. The important thing is to know what you're dealing with and what you can do to improve it without doing more harm.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 13:08:39


Get your spine checked out. I suspect it is probably in much worse condition that it was when you were in high school. You have a lot more endurance, but your 5 K time right now is much worse.

After that, you hold your speed very well but you cannot run a marathon faster than you do a 5 K.

What happened to you happens to a lot of people. My theory is that the root cause is spinal deterioration. This contributes to a number of problems - lower top speed, reduced ability to maintain it, getting beat in distance races by people who do not train nearly half as hard, and being more prone to injuries. My theory predicts that your spine is in pretty bad shape (not pathological to the point of needing a surgery, but bad enough to rob you of the performance level your training would earn you).

As to the solution, assuming the problem is indeed the spine, I think you could probably at least mitigate it with some exercises to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles and stretch the spine. Also, maintaining a proper posture while sitting during the day is very important.

From James on Sat, Feb 10, 2007 at 12:31:06


Speaking from my own experience, many of the injuries that I have experienced have been due to issues either with my back or pelvis - I actually have a pelvic torsion, which causes my right hip to be higher than the left, causing me to compensate in everything I do. Back and abdominal exercises have helped me somewhat with this, but I have also had to include regular visits to the chiropractor to get straightened out. BTW, if you go far enough back in my posts, in addition to some hip flexor and IT band issues, I have also had issues with both of my calves, as well as having had plantar fascitis. After having taken a break for several months, and having worked on exercises to strengthen and stretch my back and abs, I have found that not only is my form better, but I am running much faster than before.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Had to get out to test the left calf and heel.  Heel feels pretty good but calf is still sore.  I had a real hard time maintaining a decent pace.  My pace was slow but my HR was high (recovery pace and anaerobic HR).  I haven't really increased my training that much so I can't imagine that I am over trained but recent events indicate that may be the case.  I'm going to just keep plugging along and hopefully snap out of this.  I found a pair of Asics 2110 at Salt Lake Running Co for 40% off so I bought them in an attempt to find the perfect shoe.  They were very comfortable and I think that these may be the right shoe.

Avg HR: 161
Total Time: 57:10 (7:56/mile)

From Cody on Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:30:25

I currently wear the Asics 2110 and it gave me a weird arch issue, but since has been great. It probably wasn't the shoe, but I like to blame it on that. I like Asics and I am a Nike guy.

From Sasha Pachev on Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:39:26

A negative biomechanical change could make regular training into overtraining. As I suggested earlier, spend some time working on core strength and spinal flexibility.

From Andy on Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:48:13

Thanks for the comments, Sasha. My core strength is a big weakness and always has been. I guess that it is time to start addressing the issue.

From RivertonPaul on Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 21:18:38

Sorry to hear about your problems. I've been following you in the background and have been impressed with your dedication. Hope things improve.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Great morning for a run.  It was 40 degrees and was the first time this year that I could run in shorts and a long sleeve shirt.  Started out with 3 easy miles then bumped the pace up to marathon pace (7:15/mile).  Considering how I've been feeling lately, I wasn't sure how long I could hold this pace.  I had a hard time dialing in the pace.  First mile was right on, second mile was too slow and miles 3 and 4 were too fast.  Finally settled in at marathon pace and felt good for the next few miles.  My form was starting to break down after 7 miles and mile 8 came in a little slow.  My calf and foot started to yell at me so I decided to back off the pace and not force things.  After running a slow mile, I thought I would test marathon pace again.  Actually felt really good and was able to run the last 3 miles at MP without too much effort.

Foot is 95% healed and calf is getting there.  It still hurts quite a bit but I can tell that it is getting better.

Avg HR: 162 (166 during MP)
Total Time: 1:52:49 (7:31/mile)
MP Miles: 1:19:45 (7:15/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It was just cold enough for the water on the roads from yesterday's rain to freeze.  There were quite a few very slippery ice patches.  Left calf a little more sore than Saturday but the pain is manageable.  I'm starting to feel a little better but still not as fast as I would like to be.

Total Time: 1:17:30 (7:40/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles.  Ran 6 X 1/2 mile repeats at 5K pace with 1/4 mile jog in between each.  I haven't run faster than LT pace for quite a while so I was concerned about being able to find the right pace.  Target pace was 6:00/mile (3:00 per repeat).  My splits were:

2:51 (a little downslope)

Other than the last one, I felt really good about this workout.  I came very close to throwing up at the end of the last one.  I shouldn't have been that worn out at the end.  Heel and calf feel better.  I did tweak my left calf again when I was making a left turn during one of the repeats.

Finished with 1.75 miles very slow cool down.

Total Time: 1:09:07 (7:41/mile)

From Paul Petersen on Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 10:59:03

Sweet chart.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run.  Decided to give my New Balance shoes another try.  These are definitely not the shoes for me.  My foot feels very comfortable inside of them but my feet slap the ground too much while running.  I'm going to keep rotating the Asics and Brooks to see which I like the best.

Total Time: 47:48 (7:58/mile)

From RivertonPaul on Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 15:03:43

I've enjoyed running in my Mizunos, just another option to consider.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Absolutely no energy this morning.  Legs are a little sore and I had a hard time pushing myself.  Probably from getting home late from the Jazz game last night.  Calf and heel are improving and are now just sore.  Got caught in a snow storm the last half of the run. 

Total Time: 1:25:52 (7:48/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I was sleepy the first half of the run and my achilles tendons felt dead (7:45/mile).  Picked up the pace for miles 4 and 5 (7:15/mile) then settled into 7:30/mile for miles 6 and 7.  Ran the last mile in 6:42 to catch and pass the 7:30 guy.  I feel as though I am getting slower.  I know that this it is because I am in the middle of a training cycle but it is still frustrating.  The speed (relative) is there when I need it.  I just need to work on pushing myself a little more and not just go through the motions.  Pushing the pace at the end of the run felt good and the injuries are improving each day.

Total Time: 59:43 (7:28/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

This was a cut back week so I planned on taking it extra easy today.  Lower legs felt dead for the first few miles.  Once I warmed up I felt a lot better and was able to run a little faster.  Kept the pace around 7:30-7:40 for much of the run.  Ended up bumping the pace up to marathon pace for the last 4 miles (7:15/mile).  Felt surprisingly good.

Total Time: 1:54:07 (7:36/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The roads were a snowy, slush mess.  I spent most of the run on the snow covered sidewalks so it was difficult to maintain a steady pace.  I got sprayed by a snow plow and a couple of cars so I was completely drenched.  Despite all of this, I felt really good during this run.  I'm mostly pain free and I was able to run comfortably most of the time.

Total Time: 1:36:48 (7:45/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Amy's out of town for a few days so the only time to run is before the kids got out of school.  Running in the afternoon was great.  It was warm, the sun was out and my body was awake.  I was able to run in shorts and a short sleeve shirt which was great.  It was supposed to be a nice and easy recovery run today but I felt too good so I pushed the pace.

Total Time: 42:46 (7:08/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Another afternoon run.  I could get used to this.  It was 49 degrees which is perfect.  The only problem was that it was a little windy (10 mph).  The plan was to warm up with a couple of easy miles then run a 7 mile tempo run.  I have dreaded this run since I put it on the schedule in December.  After reading Daniels' Running Formula, I realized that my problem was that I ran these too fast.  Daniels suggests running this long of a tempo run at tempo pace + 15 seconds.  I've always run this right at tempo pace and struggled to finish them.  Warmed up with 2.25 easy miles then I was on my way.  Based on the flags, the first 3 miles should have been with the wind.  I never really felt like the wind was helping me.  It felt more like a cross wind than a tail wind. My target pace was 6:45/mile.
 Mile Split Note
1 6:20 Too fast.  Maybe wind aided.
2 6:27 Still fast but feel comfortable
3 6:31 Still fast but don't feel like I'm pushing too hard.
4 6:38 Better split but I have turned into the wind
5 6:43 Good split but the entire mile was into the wind.
6 6:38 Still running into the wind
7 6:31 Head wind but feel good
Average 6:33  

Overall, I felt really good about this run.  After a couple of weeks of being in the dumps, it feels good to have a good hard workout.  The splits look a little wild but the slower times were due to the head wind and the faster times due to the tail wind.  I feel as though it was a pretty even effort.

Total Time: 1:09:14 (6:55/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run in the afternoon.  Pretty windy but otherwise a nice day.

Total Time: 37:20 (7:28/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The short sleeve running weather didn't last long.  Woke up to a few inches of fresh snow and it was still coming down hard.  It wasn't too cold but the roads were a slushy mess.  Ran 6 relatively easy miles.  At the end, I felt like it wasn't enough of a run but tomorrow is a big run so I decided to end it at 6.

Total Time: 47:14 (7:52/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The temps dropped last night and it was 20 when I headed out the door.  Planned on running the first 8 miles at a very easy pace (around 8:30/mile) then run the next 12 at marathon pace (7:15/mile) then run the last 2 miles easy.   Felt very comfortable and ended up averaging a little faster than 8:00/mile for the first 8.  Stopped to figure out why I was getting a shot of pain in my heal every time I jumped off a curb.  After inspecting my shoe, I realized that I had a giant tack stuck in the bottom of my shoe.  I have no idea how I didn't notice this before.  Started the MP run and the first couple miles felt very easy at 7:00/mile.  Consciously backed off the pace because I didn't want to crash.  The first few miles are downhill to flat then there are a series of uphills.  I figured that this course mimics Boston very well and would be a good test.  Hit the uphill section and the pace only dropped to 7:10-7:15/mile.  I expected a much bigger drop.  The big hilly mile was 7:30 and my HR jumped to 165 but that was expected.   A couple more small climbs then some downhill then finished with 3 flat miles.  All came in between 7:05-7:15/mile.  I felt very good about the effort.  Overall pace for the MP miles was 7:11/mile which I was excited about considering how much climbing that I had to do.  I have always struggled with longer MP runs so it was really nice to have a good one.

I should have mapped out this run before I went out.  I thought that I knew how far it was and thought that I would have to add on a couple of miles at the end.  The planned 22 miler ended up being 24.5.  Knowing that I still had 4 miles until I got home instead of 2, I called home letting Amy know that I would be late.  She offered to pick me up but I figured that the extra 2 miles would be good for me.  Ran the last 4 at 8:00/mile and finished the last 0.5 at MP.  Considered running 1.7 miles more just to make it a full marathon (would have been around 3:16-3:17 and not an all out effort) but decided that I had enough.

Total Time: 3:05:10 (7:33/mile)
Avg HR: 150

From RivertonPaul on Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 17:58:52


Seems to me you are in better shape than you give yourself credit for being in. Good workout. I always enjoy your posts, especially since I'm a slacker compared to you.


From AndyB on Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 18:34:17

Thanks, Paul. My biggest problem is wanting to do more but not being able to either because of physical limitations or life limitations. Do you think that your "strong" classes have improved your overall fitness?

From RivertonPaul on Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 10:34:03


I empathize with your having physical and life limitations. With regard to my consistent participation in strong classes, an attorney with whom I work and who is a decent but not fantastic runner with a PR around 3 hours, enlightened me to view running with the perspective that for me it should remain a major component to lifetime overall fitness, but that I would benefit from incorporating other activities. I qualify this on my observation that given my station in life, I will not realistically be competing for any age division titles so I I am shifting to a longer-term outlook. Although I agree that specificity in training will yield the best results (i.e. running will have the greatest impact on running performance), I am currently trying to consistently expand my general fitness by doing some other things I have not done for years. Perhaps I don't push myself hard enough, but in the past when I have tried to relive my youth I've pushed to hard only to get injured, so lately I tend to err on the cautious side. In this regard, I think my strong classes have had a positive effect on general fitness and will help in injury avoidance.

On another note, of course, although generally I eat better than most of the population, I'm not as dedicated in that area as many others on here, and admire them for their tenacity.

Keep up your good work.

From Andy on Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 12:48:20

Looks like we are in the same boat. I've always felt like I was in no man's land. Not fast enough to compete for AG awards but too fast to just enjoy being out there. I also am not as dedicated to nutrition as I could be. Glad to see somebody else out there with the same issues.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My schedule had 6X600 today but it is too hard to map out 600 meters on the road so I turned it into 6X1/2 mile (did the same thing a couple of weeks ago).  I checked my 1st mile warm up split and noticed that my Garmin was dead.  Ran back home, got my watch and ran to an area where I have the quarter mile markers memorized.  Ended up with a 3 mile warm up.  Didn't expect to have a whole lot of energy after Saturday's long run.  Here are the splits:
 Repeat Time Note
 12:47 Gravity assisted (first 1/4 1:15)
 2 2:54 
 3 2:58Considered stopping at this point 
 4 2:53 
 5 2:51Felt the most comfortable on this one 
 6 2:58 
 Average2:54 (5:47/mile)

I started too fast during the first 3.  Once I got a better feel for the pace, I was able to run the last 3 much more comfortably.  I guess I rely on my Garmin too much for pacing information.  It was probably good to go Garminless.  I jogged for 2:30 between each which I figure is close to 1/4 mile.  Finished with an easy 2.25 mile cool down

Total Time: 1:12:54 (7:40/mile)

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 09:32:08

Good work. Now I'd be curious if you can do 3x1 mile in 5:50 each with 400 meter jog recovery. Once you are there, try cutting down the recovery to 200 meters. Then make it 2x1.5 at the same pace, 400 recovery, then 200 recovery. Then get into a good 5 K race and see if you can do 18:20. The reason to focus on the 5 K - I believe your 5 K is holding back your marathon to a great extent. Your 5 K performance also does not match your top 100/200 meter speed - according to McMillan calculator you should be running it in 18:10.

All of those things point to an underdeveloped threshold.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Cold and windy.  Somehow, I managed to have a tail wind on the way out and the way back.  Looks like I just beat the snow storm.  Glad I got the run in before the weather got bad.  Right tibia ached a little at the end of the run.

Total Time: 1:32:11 (7:41/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The temperatures are going in the wrong direction.  It was 16 degrees as I headed out the door.  Just took it very easy this morning.

Total Time: 47:33 (7:55/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Just a plain old run.  Nothing exciting.

Total Time: 38:00 (7:36/mile)
Avg HR: 144

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Was planning on doing a 6 mile tempo run this morning but woke up to a blizzard.  Very hard to see and footing was unstable.  Decided to just get in a good GA run.  Other than the white out conditions, the run was pretty enjoyable.  Had to climb over a train that was parked at a rail road crossing for some reason.

Total Time: 1:06:22 (7:22/mile)
Avg HR: 153

From RivertonPaul on Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 18:37:28

Looking good Andy. I'm such a pansy, I run inside.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I was going to complain about how cold it was this morning (13 degrees) until I saw that it was -10 degrees in Logan.  It's got to start warming up sometime.  Looks like Puxatony Phil was wrong this year.  I had very low energy this morning so I ran very slowly just to get the mileage in.  I kind of struggled throughout the run mentally.  Right tibia sore after the run. 

Total Time: 2:30:32 (8:08/mile)
Avg HR: 138

From RivertonPaul on Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 14:07:25

Instead of admitting that I'm a wimp, have a new mental justification for running inside: I'll be better prepared for the heat.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very low motivation to run this morning.  I knew that I was going to struggle through this workout.  Warmed up with 2.25 easy miles.  Ran 5 X 0.63 miles (as close to 1,000 meters as I could get on my Garmin) at 5K pace with 1/4 mile jog in between each.  Plan was to run at 6:00/mile pace (3:47/repeat).

Just about right
Way too tired.  This isn't going to be fun
Felt alright
Gravity assisted
Happy to be done

I am a little disappointed with the effort and results today.  It was an odd feeling of fatigue.  I didn't feel completely wiped out but I had a hard time holding my pace.  My heart rate was higher than I expected.  It was around 170 for the first couple of repeats but then was in the 180's on the last couple (peaking at 184).  My calculated max HR is 186 but I suspect my actual max is a little higher.  Finished the run with 2.6 easy miles.

Total Time: 1:08:13 (7:35/mile)
Avg HR: 156

From Clay Simmons on Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 11:43:19

Your mile splits were good from where I am looking from, but then my best mile is around 7:00. It still is a good job, sometimes Monday's are hard.

Keep working hard.

From Maria on Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 12:02:37

Andy, you can set your Garmin to display metric units when needed (I assume you have Forerunner 305). Go to Settings->General->Units and select Metric. It's a bit of a hassle, but useful if you want to do 1-2-3K repeats.

From Andy on Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 14:29:31


I actually thought about switching to metric but not until I was in the middle of the run so it was too late to do anything. I only have a 201 but I assume that I can do the same thing.

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 14:31:49

The second one could have been long, or uphill. As much as I love my Garmin 305, it is not reliable for speed work.

From RivertonPaul on Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 18:34:30

Keep at it Andy. You're putting in some good work.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I feel like my legs have healed enough to start incorporating hills back into my training.  I didn't want to do too much so I just ran up to Davis Blvd.  Pretty good climb for the first few miles then rolling for a few miles then down hill to flat for the last few.  I wanted to push the pace a little and keep my HR above 160.  Felt really good.  Felt very smooth and in control on the downhill.

Total Time: 1:18:16 (7:27/mile)
Avg HR: 161

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very easy recovery run.  Legs felt a little heavy.

Total Time: 49:14 (8:12/mile)
Avg HR: 138

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Was very sleepy this morning.  Had a hard time getting myself to get out the door.  Once I got out and got a few miles in I started feeling quite a bit better.  Picked up the pace a little and ran that last few miles a little faster than marathon pace.  It was raining pretty hard for the last 3 miles.  I guess it is better than snow.

Total Time: 1:14:00 (7:24/mile)
Avg HR: 157

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy run.  Instead of running on my usual flat recovery course, I decided to run easy on a hilly course.  Felt pretty good for the most part.

Total Time: 50:50 (7:49/mile)
Avg HR: 148

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran 14 at marathon pace.  Still trying to get a feel for my marathon pace.  Wasn't expecting to run much faster than 7:15-7:20/mile.  After starting off with a 7:04 mile, the second mile came in at 7:50 and it took more work to get it.  Normally I would panic at this point but since I plugged the route into Sasha's Course Tool last night I knew this mile would be slow because of the elevation gain (it actually came in very close to the predicted time on the tool).  Settled back into a decent pace and all the remaining mile splits came in between 6:55 and 7:10.  Ran the last mile in 6:30.  I intentionally ran without my fuel belt so I could be lighter and get used to running on less fuel.  I actually felt really good during this run.  Heart rate was around 155 most of the run then crept up to 160-164 the last 3 miles (peaked at 174 during the last mile).  It is getting warmer and other than the rain the weather was perfect.  I had to ditch my jacket at my sister's house half way into the run.

Total Time: 2:04:12 (7:18/mile)
Avg HR: 153

MP Miles Time: 1:39:11 (7:05/mile)
MP Miles Avg HR: 157

From wheakory on Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 22:39:59

Thanks for the comments on my blog. Your running looks strong and dedicated. What is your goal for Boston. I think really the key to Boston is not really the hills it's the last few miles after heartbreak hill from what everyone is saying.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The schedule called for 5X600 but I decided to bump this up to 5X800 again with 1/4 mile jog in between each.  Warmed up with 2.25 miles of easy running and my legs felt heavy.  I was targeting 6:00/mile pace and plugged the course into Sasha's Course Tool to get an idea of what the real pace would be.  According to the tool, the first repeat should come in around 3:05 and the remaining repeats should be around 2:55.  These time are consistent with times that I have run in the past.

I felt surprisingly good during the repeats.  I was able to run relatively smooth and felt comfortable.  I pushed the pace a little during the last repeat but I wasn't killing myself.  I probably should have added a couple of repeats at the end.  Finished by running 3.25 miles to cool down.  Counted my stride rate during the cool down and it was 172.  I felt as though I was turning over a little quicker than normal since I was counting.  I think that my stride rate is actually a little slower than that.  This is something that I am going to keep an eye on.  I need to focus on a quicker turnover.

Total Time: 1:07:47 (7:32/mile)
Avg HR: 154 (peaked at 177 during repeats)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran up to the Bountiful Temple and back home.  Pretty decent hills on this run.  I tried to maintain a steady effort on the way up.  Pace dropped to 10:00/mile during mile 4 but heart rate stayed around 160.  Tried pushing the pace coming down.  Felt good at the beginning of the downhill but then form started to get sloppy so I backed off a bit.  Overall, I feel good about today's effort.  Right tibia flaring up a little.

Total Time: 1:26:22 (7:51/mile) (46:40 on the way up/39:42 on the way down)
Avg HR: 150

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Super easy run.  My legs are a little sore from yesterday's hilly run.  Ran the usual recovery run route out to the golf course and back.

Total Time: 49:27 (8:15/mile)
Avg HR: 137

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 2.25 easy miles.  Ran 4 miles at 10K pace.  I've never actually run a 10K race so I just estimated what my pace would be.  I wanted to keep the pace below 6:27/mile (40:00 10K).  I felt very good during the run.  Mile splits were: 6:24, 6:22, 6:12 (gravity assisted), 6:25.  I started to wear down a little towards the end but I felt as though I could have held the pace for another 2.2 miles.  Average HR was 168 for the 10K pace miles.  Finished with 3.75 miles averaging 7:28/mile.

Total Time: 1:12:06 (7:13/mile)
Avg HR: 156

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy effort run on a hilly course.  Right calf is a little sore.  I have noticed for past few weeks that my right tibia is sore immediately after a hard run then my calf is sore the next day.  Haven't used the stick for a while.  It seemed that everything felt better when I was using it regularly.

Total Time: 49:48 (8:02/mile)
Avg HR: 148

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Woke up feeling nauseous and light headed.  Not sure what the problem was.  It took a while for me to feel comfortable enough to head out the door.  Was planning on tunning an easy pace today anyway so I just started off at a comfortable pace.  Felt horrible for the first 7 miles.  Couldn't really get in a groove.  Shoulders were tight and legs felt "clunky".  Started to feel a little better and was able to pick up the pace for the last half of the run.

Total Time: 2:22:38 (7:50/mile)
Avg HR: 144

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Woke up with heart burn. I've felt a little "yucky" for a few days but nothing serious. Ran the Orchard Drive loop which has a little climbing. Ran at a medium paced effort and felt alright while I was running. Lower legs hurt a little while coming down hill. Didn't feel as smooth as I would have liked.

Checked out the indoor track at the new South Davis Recreation Center yesterday. I was excited to have an indoor track nearby so that I could do speed work during the winter. I am very disappointed with the track. It is not much more than 200 meters around with two hairpin turns. The turns are so tight that you have to slow down significantly. This was definitely designed by an architect, not a runner.

Total Time: 48:13 (7:39/mile)
Avg HR: 147

PM - Mother-in-law took the kids and Amy went to exercise so I decided to get in a few quick miles. Ran out to the golf course and back and intended to take it easy. Felt very good and had a hard time slowing down. Was 15 seconds behind the 7:30 guy with 1 mile to go so I picked up the pace. Ran the last mile in 6:45. Hopefully, this won't affect my run tomorrow morning.

Total Time: 29:32 (7:23/mile)
Avg HR: 144

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 2.25 easy miles.  Plan was to run 6X3/4 miles at 5K pace with 1/4 mile jog in between.  I wasn't sure that I would be able to complete this workout.  Right tibia was really sore during the warm up but loosened up and felt fine during the repeats.  Here are the splits:

The repeats were not as uneven as they appear.  The odd numbered repeats had a slight gain in elevation and were run into a slight headwind.  Even numbered were run slightly downhill.  The effort was much more consistent today than it has been in the past.  I felt good and in control on all of them except the 5th.  I almost threw up at the end of the fifth but recovered well and felt the best during the last one.  Finished with 2 miles of easy running.

Total Time: 1:13:16 (7:23/mile)
Avg HR: 156 (peaked at 180 during last repeat)

From wheakory on Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 15:48:50

Nice running Andy your speed is really showing in this training run. I hope you accomplish what you are going for in Boston.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Right tibia really hurt at the start.  It did feel better once I warmed up so I think that it is nothing more than shin splints.  Because of soreness I decided to only run moderate hills.  Had some gentle climbing for the first half and a gentle downhill for the last half.  I was kind of tired and unmotivated so I didn't push too hard.  I was about 10 seconds behind the 8:00 guy at 12 miles so I picked it up for the last 0.2 to just slip by him.

Total Time: 1:37:21 (7:59/mile)
Avg HR: 149

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt pretty good today.  Started out a little slow but picked up the pace for the last 5 miles.  I have a tendency to get a little lazy during general aerobic runs.  If I focus on pushing myself I always feel better at the end.

Total Time: 58:43 (7:20/mile)
Avg HR: 152

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very easy recovery run.  This is the first real easy run I had this week.  I usually have 2 easy days per week.  Right tibia still bothering me.

Total Time: 41:00 (8:12/mile)
Avg HR: 140

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Last real long run before Boston.  Started out pretty slow.  For some reason, I was incredibly hungry.  Not sure why but I had a craving for a cheeseburger during these first few miles.  Stopped at a convenience store and bought some Gatorade and a Nutrigrain bar.  This seemed to hit the spot.  Held the same slow pace for the first 12 miles without much desire to push harder.  Ran mile 13 faster because I had to get to the nearest grocery store quickly for an emergency pit stop.  Felt much better and picked up the pace a little.  Ran the last 2 miles at 7:00/mile pace.  Right tibia was sore at the start again and my left achilles ached a little.  The reduction in miles in the next few weeks should allow these nagging injuries to heal.

Total Time: 2:37:02 (7:49/mile)
Avg HR: 136

From steve aka ashman on Sat, Mar 24, 2007 at 10:30:53

Thats normal, I hate to admit this but I put in 20 miles yesterday and afterwards I snarffed down a bag of hotdogs and cheesebugers from Wienerschnitzel! Bill Rodgers is rumored to have woke up at midnight and had pizza with mayo on top!

From RivertonPaul on Sat, Mar 24, 2007 at 12:21:53

Good training.

Maybe you could have avoided the emergency pit stop at the grocery store if you had opted for the cheeseburger. (Just kidding.)

Keep it up.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Decided to test marathon pace today.  First 3 miles felt forced (7:08/mile).  Started to feel a little more comfortable but still didn't feel as smooth as I would like.  Averaged 6:48/mile for the last 4.1 miles.  Even though the form felt sloppy, the pace felt comfortable and I wasn't too fatigued.  Ended up being quite a bit faster than marathon pace.  Still trying to settle on a goal.  Maybe I can be a little more aggressive than I planned.

Total Time: 49:20 (6:57/mile)
Avg HR: 155

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Apr 09, 2007 at 12:25:21

I would err towards the aggressive side. You do not have a history of crashing, and you always finish strong. Perhaps too strong. An experiment in pushing it early might bring some good results.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Absolutely perfect running weather (55 degrees).  It's going to snow tomorrow so I had to enjoy the weather while I could.  Ran the Orchard Drive loop which is slightly uphill for the first few miles.  My form still feels a little sloppy.  My shoulders were tight and I didn't feel as though I had a very clean push off.  Tried to maintain a decent effort through the first few uphill miles.  Started to loosen up and pushed the pace a little on the downhill return.  Last 3 miles were 6:50, 6:49 and 6:34.  I wasn't monitoring my pace during the run and I was surprised that these splits were as fast (relative, I know)  as they were.

Total Time: 1:13:09 (7:19/mile)
Avg HR: 155

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run past the golf course and back.  Started out in a cold and wet rain storm.  Once I was soaked, it started snowing heavily.  I couldn't believe the size of the snow flakes.  I've been lucky this year in that every time that there is a big storm, I only have a recovery run on the schedule.  There has been very little shuffling workouts around this year.

Total Time: 47:54 (7:59/mile)
Avg HR: 138

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 miles then ran a 4 mile tempo run.  Wanted to hit 6:30/mile and didn't think that it would be too tough because I have been feeling pretty good lately.  I just couldn't get into it today.  Wasn't hurting physically but I just couldn't get my body to move.  Averaged 6:27/mile but it should have been faster because there was more downhill than up.  It was more work than it should have been (heart rate maxed at 175).  Cooled down with 1.2 miles (had to cut the run short because Amy had to get to work early).  Not the best run but I can think of a few things that caused the poor performance: ran earlier than normal, poor night sleep, cooler temps, too much sugar yesterday.

Total Time: 59:11 (7:13/mile)
Avg HR: 157

From Dustin Ence on Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 11:08:40

I bet you are really getting excited for Boston. In response to your question about balancing the race with the rest of your time. I probably errored on the side of walking around too much the days before the race. One tour we did take which I really enjoyed was the Boston Duck Tours www.bostonduckstours.com, it was a nice tour that drove you through the city and out onto the water. I wish I would have spent more time at the running expo, but I was with my wife and parents who aren't runners and I could tell they weren't as interested in the expo as I was. We also walked around the finish line area on Saturday and found where the family meeting place was and made a game plan for after the race. You have probably already heard driving in downtown is pretty difficult, we rented a car, but ended up taking the T-line to almost everywhere we wanted to go.

The race- I had my father drive me out to the start, but that was just because we were staying closer to the start than driving into Boston and taking the bus.

One mistake I made was drinking too much, I had to stop two different times to go the bathroom.

Also, be careful not to push the pace to fast in the beginning. After my pit stop after mile two I took off and tried to get back on pace, pushing hard in the beginning wiped me out for the latter part of the race.

One thing I wish I would have enjoyed more was the last 3 miles coming into Boston. I was struggling and didn't really appreciate or feel the excitement that I thought I would coming into Boston.

I would really like to go back and run Boston again. It was only my second marathon and I ran a PR, but I really didn't feel like I had that good of a race or experience. I think running it a second time would be a better experience for me.

You have probably read some of the other bloggers that have ran Boston. I know Clyde Behunin (Ran Boston last year with me) and Dave Holt two guys I train with will be going out this year and should have some good advice.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Recovery run.  Not as easy as it should have been.  Felt kind of "blah" the whole time.  Had a strange knee pain half way into the run.  Most likely just a phantom taper pain.

Total Time: 47:38 (7:56/mile)
Avg HR: 150 (too high for that pace)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Woke up at 2 a.m. and couldn't fall back asleep.  Tossed and turned for a while then decided I may as well go out and get me long run in early.  I have some non-running related issues weighing on me and I really couldn't focus on my running for the first few miles.  My mind was elsewhere and I was just going through the motions.  About half way into the run, I was able to relax and my mind turned toward my running.  I felt a lot better and was able to quicken the pace a little.  Altered my route and threw in some rolling hills just to spice things up.  One taper week down and two weeks to go.  Glad I got out because I was able to solve all the world's problems during the run (or at least my problems).

Total Time: 2:04:00 (7:45/mile)
Avg HR: 148

From Brent on Sat, Mar 31, 2007 at 18:45:11

Good luck at Boston, you have likely heard this advice, say 100 times, Boston is an easy course to go out too fast. Many a runner have paid the price going out too early with a death march up the Newton hills and on to the finish. I ran the 100th Boston. Have fun and enjoy the race. Its the best.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Started out running at marathon pace and felt awful.  It was way too much work and I didn't feel comfortable at all.  Held the pace for 5 miles then backed off and ran the last 3 miles at a slightly slower pace.  Hoping that it is just one of those days.

Total Time: 59:47 (7:28/mile)

Avg HR: 155 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run to the golf course and back.  I don't feel like my legs are moving as well as they should be.  There is not a specific problem but I just don't feel quite right.

Total Time: 39:33 (7:55/mile)

Avg HR: 145 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Today was the last hard workout before Boston.  3 X 1 miles @ 5K pace with 1/4 mile jog in between each.  Warmed up with 2.25 miles of easy running then started the workout.  I wasn't expecting great things as I feel as though I am in a rut running wise.  I feel so bio-mechanically out of synch that my running can't improve any more.  According to Sasha's course tool, running 6:03 for the 1st and 3rd mile and 5:56 for the 2nd mile is equivalent to a 6:00/mile pace (20 foot elevation change on each mile).  Ran the first in 5:55 and felt alright.  Second was 5:55 and I was pretty tired.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to run the third but decided that mentally it was important to finish the workout.  Started the third repeat at what felt like a slow pace but was right on target after the first quarter mile.  Lost a couple of seconds on the second quarter and a few more on the third quarter.  Lost 2 more seconds on the last quarter which surprised me because I thought that I picked up the pace. Last mile was 6:10.  Averaged exactly 6:00/mile for the entire workout but was disappointed with the effort on the last one.  I feel that one of my weaknesses is my mental toughness.  I have a hard time pushing through the pain.  Finished with 1.25 easy miles. 

Last year when I ran this workout before the Ogden marathon, I averaged 6:06/mile on a slightly downhill course with 1/2 mile rest in between each. I guess that I shouldn't be too disappointed as there is a slight improvement over last year.

Total Time: 51:34 (7:22/mile)

Avg HR: 151 (peaked at 177 during last repeat)

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Apr 09, 2007 at 12:20:39

The improvement of 10 seconds per mile in a 5 K pace workout is very significant.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very easy recovery run.  Right calf and left achilles are acting up.

Total Time: 41:30 (8:18/mile)

Avg HR: 142 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I've been having a real hard time getting going lately.  It takes about 3 miles before I feel good during a run.  At that point, I can start to pick up the pace but still don't feel great.  I'm sure that this is all mental.  I have a lot of negative thoughts running through my mind.  I only think about how bad my form is, how unnatural my running feels.  My legs don't feel like they push off or land correctly.  My shoulders feel tight.  I need to start focusing on the positive and just let my running be more natural. 

Ran the first 3 miles at a comfortable pace (7:40/mile) then picked it up to 7:05-7:10.  Felt good at some points and not so good at others.  Ran the last 1/4 mile hard just to try and break out of this funk. 

Total Time: 51:46 (7:24/mile)

Avg HR: 156

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt better today.  Legs felt good but upper body is still a little tight.  Thought it would be nice to run on the dirt road around Farmington Bay.  Got to the entrance and the gate was locked.  Was able to sneak around it but the gate to the second entrance was locked with a sign saying that it was closed to allow for "nesting and brooding".  Decided to head back and just run through the city.  Held the pace at an easy 7:50 for the first few miles then gradually increased the pace.  Ran the last 3 miles at 7:00/mile pace with a few pick-ups thrown in just for fun.  Other than a little ache in my achilles and calf, I think that I am ready for Boston.

Total Time: 1:32:42 (7:36/mile)

Avg HR: 148 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Planned to take it very easy this morning but I felt too good. I felt a lot more comfortable and smooth than I have in quite awhile. Felt like I was holding back and running comfortably.  One week from right now I will be making my way to the starting line of the Boston marathon.  Starting to get a little excited.

Total Time: 44:05 (7:21/mile)

Avg HR: 150 

From Brent on Mon, Apr 09, 2007 at 21:40:53

Good luck at Boston.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Pfitzinger's "dress rehearsal" was on the schedule today.  It was a little cool and windy which is the weather that I expect on Monday.  After 3 miles at a relaxed pace, started into the MP miles. I ran Garminless and I was a little uncertain how well I would hit the pace.  Mile 1 was 6:56 and mile 2 was 6:57 and I felt very comfortable.  It was slightly downhill but was into the wind so I think that the two offset each other.  I am very happy with how well this run went and how well I felt.  I will probably throw in a few more MP miles on Thursday since the race is on Monday.

Total Time: 53:46 (7:41/mile)

From Clay Simmons on Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 09:54:53

Great job of training, good luck and run hard.

From Maria on Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 15:48:06

Good luck in Boston, Andy! You've put in some good training, which should pay off if you stay patient.

From RivertonPaul on Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 18:04:30

Best of luck Andy. Good training.

From Andy on Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 18:30:15

Thanks for all the well wishes. It should be a great race and a fun vacation.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy run.  It is getting cold again.  I really didn't want to break out my winter running clothes again.  Tried out a pair of technical socks in hopes that it would help a few hot spots.  I always thought that running socks were a scam but they felt good and I had no hot spots at all. 

Total Time: 39:21 (7:52/mile)

Avg HR: 149 (a little high for the pace) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Woke up with a really bad cramp in my right calf.  It has been sore for a few weeks but it suddenly turned into a terrible pain.  I decided that the best way to find out if it is something serious is to go running (not sure if that is smart or not).  Ran the first mile at a comfortable pace then the next 3 miles at marathon pace.  The calf felt fine but it was a lot more work than it should have been.  The past couple have days have been very stressful as I try to get things tied up at work since I will be taking a week off.  I think that the extra effort that todays run took was due to the added stress.  

The predicted weather for Boston on Monday looks awful.  It is going to be cold, rainy and windy (20 mph headwind with gusts to 40 mph).  I guess it will be adventure.

Total Time: 37:37 (7:31/mile)

Avg HR: 162 (way too high) 

From Cody on Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 18:40:10

Good Luck at Boston. If it is windy, find the biggest guy you can and hide behind him. If he starts looking at you funny, its probably time to move on.

You will do great!

From Andy on Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 23:03:22

Thanks,Cody. The only problem is that I am 6'2" so I'm guessing that people will be trying to duck behind me.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

No running today.  My calf is still sore so I am giving it a break.  Just got into Boston and the weather looks good so far.  Hopefully the predicted storm will hold off until after Monday.  Heading to Legal Seafood for dinner.  I hate seafood but Amy loves it and can't wait.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Couldn't sleep at all last night. Woke up at 2 a.m. (eastern) and was too anxious to go back to sleep. It was finally light enough at 6 a.m. to go out running. I couldn't find my Garmin (must have forgot to pack it) so I decided to just head out the door and wander around the city. Ended up running along the Charles river bike trail which was pretty cool. The only other people out were the rowing crews in the river and a few groups of East African runners running along the river. Weather was perfect and I was actually over dressed. I wanted to run by Fenway park on the way back but got a little lost so I headed back to the bike trail. Because of the misdirection, I ran a little more than I planned. Mileage is an estimate based on gmap-pedometer. Took a 3 hour nap when I got back to the hotel.

Total Time: 55:00 (7:38/mile)

Avg HR:

From Sasha Pachev on Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 12:41:17

It may be good that you forgot your Garmin. I noticed you pay too much attention to your splits and speed up or slow down based on the split feedback. While it is a good idea to take your splits, you should run by how you feel, and use a watch only for recording data. I would recommend not even looking at any timing device until you get to mile 15, then set a time goal and go for it.

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 13:32:47

Almost a PR, but effort-wise, a true PR, especially given the conditions. Boston is a slower course than St. George even in ideal conditions. Looking forward to the full report.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Two easy miles to shake things out.  Weather was nice but started to rain towards the end of the run. Sox game was canceled due to the storm.  Ended up hanging out in the hotel most of the day.  This is probably a blessing in disguise.

 Total Time: 16:01


Race: Boston Marathon (26.2 Miles) 03:06:06, Place overall: 1439, Place in age division: 1001
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

111th Boston Marathon

I never really got into a groove during training. The winter was colder than usual and at times running felt too much like a chore. I did get in all of my scheduled runs despite the lack of desire some days. About 6 weeks before the race, I started to feel a lot better and started to enjoy running again. My speed picked up and I was feeling good about the possibilities. Once the weather reports started showing the likelihood of high winds and rain, I decided that I wasn’t going to focus on a specific time. Just focus on a good effort and only judge my performance on my placement.

The rain was steady while waiting to board the buses. Once we got to Hopkinton, the fields were completely soaked and there were a few tents that were jam packed with people. Fortunately, I only had about 30 minutes between the time that we got to the athlete’s village and when I had to start making my way to the starting line. I was able to squeeze into a tent and had just enough time change out of my outer layers and put on a dry pair of socks and shoes. Decided to run in shorts, long sleeve shirt, gloves and beanie. There were a couple of Canadian girls in the tent that suggested coating my legs with Vaseline to keep them dry and warm. It wasn’t too cold but I knew that if the wind kicked up, I would need the long sleeve shirt. While standing in the corrals, the wind and rain really started to pick up. I was worried that the weather was going to be as advertised: cold, windy and rainy.

Mile 1: 7:22
Once the gun went off, it only took about 1 minute to cross the starting line. Even though it was very crowded, everybody was moving at about the same pace so the first mile was slow but not as slow as it could have been. We were packed in tight enough that the wind didn’t seem to be an issue at all.

Mile 2: 7:01
Started to get in a groove and was running comfortably. Every once in a while the wind would pick up and I would find somebody to tuck behind. I followed this strategy for the first 17 miles.

Mile 3: 6:59

Mile 4: 6:52
As I approached the 4 mile marker, I could tell that I was working a little harder than I wanted and knew that the split would be a little fast.

Mile 5: 7:09
A little uphill through here but the effort was steady.

Mile 6: 7:00

Mile 7: 7:06

Mile 8: 7:10

Mile 9: 7:08

Mile 10: 7:13

Mile 11: 7:17
Can’t remember why miles 10 and 11 were a little slow. I think that this is where I was questioning the quicker than planned pace on the earlier miles.

Mile 12: 7:01

Mile 13: 7:03 (first half in 1:33:08)
After passing the 12 mile marker I could hear a noise up ahead that I thought was the wind howling through trees but quickly realized what it was. It was the Wellsely screams. When you hear people tell you that you can hear the screaming from a half mile away, you don’t believe them. I can now confirm that it is true. I probably wasted too much energy through this section high fiving everybody who had there hands out. I figured the adrenaline rush would make up for the extra energy expended. Besides, this will probably be the only time that I get to experience this.

Mile 14: 7:02

Mile 15: 7:08

Mile 16: 6:54
The last push before the Newton hills. There is a pretty good downhill leading up to the hills but I held back a little trying to conserve energy for the ensuing climbs.

Mile 17: 7:29
This was one of my low points mentally. The wind started to pick up once we got into Newton. My quads were starting to burn and I was getting a little worried. I convinced myself that my legs are supposed to hurt since I am going uphill and once I clear the hills, everything will be alright. I pretty much maintained my position in the pack.

Mile 18: 7:24

Mile 19: 7:23
Started to feel better so I increased the effort and started making my way past people.

Mile 20: 7:26

Mile 21: 7:21
Crested what I think was Heartbreak Hill (I guess that I expected trumpets, a choir singing Hallelujah or at least a sign) and was feeling really good. At this point I decided to open it up and see what I had left.

Mile 22: 6:31
I was really moving through the crowd now. I was passing a ton of people and felt really good. My only concern was that the wind was picking up and I didn’t have anybody to draft off. The crowds kept cheering “Go Pat!”. Who was Pat and why are they yelling his name? I peeked over my shoulder and noticed a guy following my lead and drafting off of me (making me do all the work).

Mile 23: 6:52
Still moving well and pulling Pat along.

Mile 24: 6:51
Moved over to grab some water and Pat finally passed me. He was going strong and I couldn’t keep up with him. He ended up finishing 1:30 ahead of me so he ran very strong to the end (I should have stuck with him)..

Mile 25: 7:07
I felt like I was still running well but my split doesn’t show it. I seem to have an issue with mile 25 in all my marathons. I think that subconsciously I back off a little so that I have enough energy to run strong the last 1.2. My hands started to get numb during this mile which is an indication that glycogen depletion is approaching. Glad there is only a little over a mile left.

Mile 26.2: 8:17 (6:54/mile)
At the 25 mile marker, I figure that a PR is within reach but it is going to take some work. I really start to push. The crowds are great and help tap into whatever energy that you have left. As I am approaching the final turn, I spot somebody wearing a singlet from Locomotion (a local running club). Knowing it is another Utah runner, I push a little harder to improve my placement among the Utah runners. Move by him and cruise across the finish line.

Fnal Time: 3:06:06 (6 seconds short of a PR) (1:33:08/1:32:58)

Overall Placement: 1,439
Gender Placement: 1,365
Division Placement: 1,001
Utah Placement: 9

I am a little disappointed that I didn’t set a PR, although it is a PR equivalent run since my PR is on a faster course run in better conditions. I wish that I had the guts to push myself a little harder. I’m so afraid of crashing that I tend to be too conservative. There is a spreadsheet created by Greg Maclin that gives mile by mile splits based on an even effort. My splits are very close to these splits so I feel as though I ran a very steady pace throughout the race. Overall I am happy with the race. Having a good run really helps ignite the fire within. Not sure what the plans are for the rest of the year as this race has been my focal point for the quite a while.

From Clay Simmons on Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 09:59:59

Nice job Andy it sounds like the conditions where tough and that is still a great time considering the conditions.

From Maria on Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 16:20:27

Good run, Andy! To come so close to your PR in those conditions clearly indicate increased level of fitness.

I echo your sentiment about having the guts to test yourself, as I feel similar about my effort in Rotterdam...

From Dustin Ence on Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 16:31:33

Great Job Andy! Are you going to be able to run St. George this fall? I ran 3:06:45 last year at Boston then 2:46:11 in St. George. Good luck with your recovery and future races.

From RivertonPaul on Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 17:33:46

Good job Andy! Nice running.

Looks like you continue to improve, given all the attendant distractions that took place at Boston. I'm glad your fitness level left you feeling like you could have done more, rather than crashing.

From Bill on Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 10:29:05

Wow Andy,

that is a great time. I liked how you started passing all those people around mile 22.

From evan on Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 13:11:45

Good job !! I think I saw you on the plane last eve. Did you connect through Baltimore yesterday? I was absolutely freezing/wet pretty much the whole race, never really got comfortable, and stopped quite a few times. Wasn't really my moment in the sun (pun intended), but I had fun and wasn't sore at all the next day.

From Andy on Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 13:24:05


Yes, we connected through Baltimore. Wished I knew it was you. It would have been nice to meet you. Did your luggage make the connection in Baltimore? We're still waiting for ours.

From Brent on Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 11:31:46

Andy, great job, Boston is never easy, crash and burn is always out there. The experience of Boston is what counts and you ran a great race given the conditions.

From Dave Holt on Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 14:04:03

Great work. The crowds were great. The weather was beastly. And I loved/hated every minute of it. Good job on a great time.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

No running today.  It was a recovery and travel day.  Legs are a little sore but it is typical post marathon soreness.  Will probably hit the road for a few easy miles tomorrow.

From Superfly on Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 12:39:38


Good race! It was fun to read someone elses perspective from what happened on Monday. Glad to hear you didn't have any issues. I was lucky with that as well. It's always one of my biggest concerns. I don't think there is ever a full proof plan- but some planning can help.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Was hoping for some good weather to run in but it was rainy, windy and cold (exactly like Boston).  The first half was into the wind and it was hailing.  It was a little painful.  On the way back home, it was raining pretty hard.  Physically, I felt good.  My right calf hurts a little but I don't think that it is anything serious.  I started to get really hungry in the middle of the run because I didn't eat very well yesterday while traveling.  Our luggage didn't make the connection in Baltimore so I had to find some old won out shoes to wear.

Total Time: 38:45 (7:45/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I am so tired of running in cold weather.  It snowed yesterday and there was a winter chill in the air.  It is bound to warm up sometime.  Other than the cold temperatures, I felt really good during the run.  My legs are still burning a little but it didn't really affect how I ran.  Recovery is going very well.

Total Time: 52:21 (7:22/mile)

Avg HR: 152

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Feeling kind of wiped out.  Today was just about putting in the miles.  Went out at a nice comfortable pace.  Muscle soreness is almost gone but now I am starting to notice soreness in my joints and bones.  Temperatures are still cool but hopefully will be improving.

Total Time: 50:27 (8:00/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Did feel ready for a double digit run yet so I only ran 9 miles this morning.  Felt pretty good the first half then started to wear down towards the end.  I was sweating much more than I normally do and was soaked when I got home.  Weather was cool but perfect for running.  Times at the Salt Lake marathon should be fast.  

Total Time: 1:08:59 (7:40/mile)

Avg HR: 150 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Not quite fully recovered from the marathon.  Still a little worn out.  My left ankle really hurts.  I think that my ankle bone hits the top of my shoe.  I did some impromptu speed work yesterday while teaching my girls to ride a bike and taking my in-laws dog for a quick run.  Running fast just does not feel natural to me.  I guess marathon training is all about training your body to run slow for a long time.  I'm not sure if I just don't have the ability to run fast or if it is something that I need to work on.  My plan is to do 1 tempo run per week and 1 speed session (400-800 meters) per week. 

Total Time: 51:58 (7:25/mile)

Avg HR: 155

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Left ankle hurts pretty bad.  I cut a section out of my shoe because it is bumping against my ankle.  This seems to help and should allow it to heal.  Ran the first 3 miles at an easy pace then ran a 3 mile tempo run.  Splits were: 6:25, 6:20, 6:20.  It was slightly downhill so it was probably equivalent to 6:30/mile.  Felt alright but started to fatigue towards the end.  Finished with one easy mile.

Total Time: 51:05 

From Maria on Tue, Apr 24, 2007 at 16:31:10

Be careful Andy, don't rush into workouts too soon. It takes up to 3 weeks for your body to fully recover after a marathon. You may feel fine on the surface, but there is still healing taking place on a cellular level and injury risk is exceptionally high now. What's the rush? Give yourself a chance to rebuild. I'm on a 3 week recovery schedule, although I feel okay. By the end of next week I should be back to my pre-marathon mileage, but no workouts yet, all easy miles.

From Andy on Tue, Apr 24, 2007 at 17:01:57

I didn't feel as though 3 miles at LT was overdoing it. I just needed some quicker miles (more mentally than anything else). I'm still holding my weekly mileage low (probably won't get over 50 this week). I have a 1/2 marathon in 4 weeks and I want to get some faster mileage in to allow my body to acclimate to a quicker pace.

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, Apr 24, 2007 at 18:20:50

I've had good results hitting it hard after a marathon. But I've also overdone it a few times. I think it is OK to train hard after a marathon as long as you feel good and are not forcing it.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Took it easy today.  Wasn't really feeling like doing anything other than put in a few miles.  Was a little faster than I planned but it felt easy and relaxed.  Ankle still hurts and I had to cut another pair of shoes to alleviate the pain.  I'm pretty sure that it is getting better and don't feel like taking time off will allow it to heal any faster.

Total Time: 47:50 (7:36/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Finally got to run in shorts and a short sleeve shirt.  I really didn't feel very fluid today.  Form was forced and sloppy.  Ran a moderately hilly course (Davis Boulevard loop) and pushed the pace.  I may have pushed a little too hard because I ran out of gas the last couple of miles.  Not a great run but I'm glad I got it in.

Total Time: 1:18:13 (7:23/mile)

Avg HR: 158 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Nothing exciting, just 6 easy miles.  Ran the usual easy run route past the golf course then back home (very little elevation change).  Left ankle feels a lot better.  The Asics seem to aggravate it less than the Brooks.  I'm about ready for another pair of shoes but will wait until the ankle pain is gone so I don't have to cut a brand new pair of shoes.

Total Time: 46:40 (7:47/mile)

Avg HR: 139 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Weather this morning was absolutely perfect.  I was able to leave a little later because Amy works late tonight.  The B on the side of the mountain was calling me so I headed up to it.  I knew that this was going to be a punishing run but I figured I better take advantage of my  mind willing to do it.  The first 3 miles are a mostly flat with a slight climb then the next 3.5 are brutal - 1,500 foot  elevation gain.  There was one small section where walking would have been faster.  Got to the B and followed the dirt road for about 1 mile then turned around and headed back home along the same route.  On the way up, I kept my heart rate in the mid to upper 160's.  It peaked at 176 during the steepest climbs.  Heart rate stayed in the low 150's on the way down.  I figured out what caused my left ankle to hurt.  When I run downhill, I tend to keep my foot on the road a little too long.  When doing this, my ankle hits the top of the shoe during the heel to toe transition.  My ankle took a lot of pounding on Boston downhills.  While this run hurt, it felt good to push myself a little.  Mileage and time are estimates as I have been running Garminless for a while and I kept forgetting to restart my stopwatch after traffic lights.

Total Time: 1:42:00 (7:51/mile)

Avg HR: 157 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles.  Ran 4 miles at tempo pace.  Wanted to run around 6:22/mile which is a 6:30/mile effort on the course that I was running.  Splits were: 6:21, 6:22, 6:19, 6:25.  Felt pretty good throughout the run.  Heart rate gradually increased starting at 166 during the first mile, 169 during the second, 172 in the third and finished at 175.  I was hoping that I could keep a more steady heart rate.  I think that this means that I was running at closer to 10K pace than at LT.  I've discovered bone spurs in both my feet and they were bothering me more than usual during the 2 mile cool down.

Total Time:  1:04:41 (7:11/mile)

Avg HR: 157

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, May 10, 2007 at 22:49:08

I experience an upward heart rate drift for the first 4 miles even at marathon pace. On an easy run it drifts for about 8 miles before stabilizing. When I am in good neural shape, on a threshold run it drifts for about 4 miles . When my nervous system does not work right, it drifts up for the first 2 miles, then stagnates or drops a bit, and I am not able to maintain the pace. All of the above happen even when I am properly hydrated and the weather is cool.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran up to and along Orchard drive.  The first few miles are a very gradual incline followed by a gradual decline.  Just wanted to maintain a comfortable effort.  Ran the last mile in 6:28 just for fun.  Form felt a little "clunky" for much of the run but the last mile felt better.

Total Time: 1:05:39 (7:23/mile)

Avg HR: 152 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run.  Wind started to kick up on the way home.  Looks like the temps are going to plummet for the next few days.  Other than a little soreness in the left calf, everything felt pretty good.

Total Time: 47:22 (7:54/mile)

Avg HR: 143 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It was cold and rainy this morning.  I want to start doing a little speed work each week so I ran up to the Viewmont High track (3.4 miles).  I'm easing into the speed work so I only did 6X400 with 200 jog in between each.  Wanted to keep each below 80 seconds.  Splits were: 75, 78, 79, 78, 79, 80.  Rested for a minute then ran 200 in 35 just to get to the other side of the track.  The last 400 started to hurt and I'm not sure how many more I could have done.  The rain really started coming down halfway through the workout which squashed any desire to put in extra repeats.  Cooled down with the run back home.  Even though it was starting to hurt, I think that it would have really helped to put in a few extra repeats.  I need to work on the mental aspect more than anything else.

Total Time 1:10:30 (7:45/mile)

Avg HR: 146 

From Chris Rogers on Fri, May 04, 2007 at 12:34:37


Good work getting the workout in despite the rain! Even though I'm sure it wasn't very fun, getting the speed sessions in between now and the Ogden 1/2 will pay off. You've already got a solid aerobic base from Boston so speed should only help you!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I woke up feeling very groggy this morning. I'm not sure what the problem was but it was probably my body trying to get a little extra sleep.  It was colder than I expected this morning and I wished I had worn gloves.  My hands were freezing most of the run.  Felt like I was sleep running for the first half then picked it up and felt better the second half.  Last few miles were in the low 7's and finished with a 6:50 mile.

Total Time: 1:06:58 (7:26/mile)

Avg HR: 151 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Started out with very little energy.  My legs felt heavy and I just couldn't get them to move.  Things improved at the turn around point but my legs never really felt very springy.  Ran the 11th mile in 6:34 just to get used to 1/2 marathon pace on tired legs.  

Total Time: 1:32:33 (7:43/mile)

Avg HR: 147 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It was still a little cold this morning.  I was in shorts and a short sleeve shirt but wore gloves to keep my hand warm.  Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran a 4 mile tempo run.  It felt like it took a little more work than the previous 2 weeks.  My heart rate jumped up to the mid to high 160's right from the start.  I had a hard time maintaining a decent pace.  The splits were: 6:33, 6:30, 6:27, 6:17.  Ran the last 1/4 mile in 1:30 just to get used to shifting gears at a faster pace. Heart rate peaked at 179 during the last 1/4 mile.  Cooled down with 2 easy miles.  A little disappointed but think that a lot of the problem is due to a bad diet the last few days.  

Total  Time: 1:04:10 (7:08/mile)

Avg HR: 158 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Moderately hilly run today.  Ran from home up to and along Davis Boulevard to 400 North then back home again.  I guess I forgot to take my hill running legs because my legs were dead going up and down the hills.  I picked up the pace after 6 miles as I loosened up a little.  My shoulders felt really tight during and after the run.  Looking forward to the SGM lottery results today.  I wasn't on the initial list which had less than half the entrants.  Hopefully I will be on the revised list.

 Total Time: 1:17:45 (7:33/mile)

Avg HR: 156

From Cody on Tue, May 08, 2007 at 12:02:25

I don't know if you want me to spoil it for you, but you made it in!!!

It took a good half hour to download a meg and a half because of all the activity on their site.


Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very easy recovery run.  Felt like a recovery run should. 

Total Time: 47:08 (7:51/mile)

Avg HR: 140

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Did a mini speed workout today.  Didn't want to wear myself out too much before the Ogden 1/2 next week.  Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran 4 X 1/2 mile repeats at 5K pace with 1/4 mile jog in between each repeat.  Felt good throughout the workout and was able to hold the pace without feeling like I was killing my self.  Splits were: 2:54, 2:55, 2:50, 2:53.  Cooled down with 3.25 moderately paced miles.  Maybe should have pushed a little harder but feel good about today's run.

Total Time: 1:06:59 (7:27/mile)

Avg HR: 150 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Other than a little soreness in my achilles tendons, I felt pretty good this morning.  The shoes that I have been wearing during the day are the cause of my achilles soreness.  I just realized that these are the shoes that I wore most of last year when I had chronic achilles issues.  Maintained a decent effort throughout the run. Picked up the pace towards the end and ran the last 2.7 at 6:53/mile.

Total Time: 56:17 (7:19/mile)

Avg HR: 152 

From Brent on Fri, May 11, 2007 at 20:53:05

Andy, I had planter faciitis one year. I finally realized it was my work shoes causing the problem. I spent $100 on a pair of dress shoes from New Balance and never had another problem. Good luck, dress shoes in general offer no support.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I saw pair of black Asics 2120's yesterday while doing some Mother's day shopping and I couldn't resist.  I had to buy them.  It was time for new shoes and I am starting to get tired of Brooks.  They felt really good during the run but new shoes always feel good on the first run. 

Thought it would be a good idea to head out to Farmington Bay so that I could run on the dirt road and give my legs a break from pounding the asphalt.  It turns out that running in a mosquito breeding ground in the spring is not a great idea.  I could not believe the amount of bugs that I had to run through.  I was glad that I was wearing my glasses this morning because of the extra protection they provided.  Now I know what a car windshield feels like.  I must have looked like a crazy person running along the road flailing my arms while trying to shoo the bugs away.  At the turnaround point, the wind picked up and it seemed to blow the bugs away from the road.  Never thought that I would be happy to run into the wind.  Picked up the pace the last 4 miles and finished the last 2 miles in 6:55 and 6:42.

Total Time: 1:29:01 (7:25/mile)

Avg HR: 147

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles.  Ran 3 miles at 1/2 marathon pace to get ready for Ogden.  Couldn't get into a groove from the first step.  I had a lot of little aches and pains and my form didn't feel very smooth.  Half marathon paced miles were right about where I wanted them: 6:36, 6:36, 6:28.  Heart rate stayed at 160 until the end of the last mile when I climbed up an overpass and it got to 165.  Finished with 2 moderately paced miles to cool down.  

Total Time: 57:55 (7:14/mile)

Avg HR: 149 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Plantar fasciitis in my left foot has reared it's ugly head once again.  It just started hurting in the afternoon yesterday.  I hope it's not the new shoes.  Almost turned back home after 1/2 mile but decided to keep going in hopes that it would loosen up.  Started to feel better as I got a little further into the run and was able to get in 6 miles at a moderate pace. Pretty good headwind on the way home but still finished the last mile at marathon pace.  Will probably take it easy for the rest of the week so that I will be ready for Ogden.

Total Time: 44:32 (7:25)

Avg HR: 147 


Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Talked myself into taking today off to let my left foot heel.  I just couldn't do it.  I had to get out and run.  Decided to take it very easy and not put in too many miles.  My foot feels a lot better than it did yesterday.  I used a golf ball to roll it out last night and it really seemed to help.  After about a mile, it really didn't hurt at all.  My left achilles and right calf were a little sore, though.  Was only going to go 5 but felt good enough to stretch it to 7.  Kept it at a pretty comfortable pace.

 Total Time: 55:18 (7:54/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran a few comfortably paced miles with 1 downhill mile at half marathon pace.  The slower miles didn't feel great.  Ran the downhill mile a little faster than planned (6:26) but it felt good and was in control.  Foot is almost 100% healed but a couple of other areas are achy now (right calf, left achilles and ankle).  

 For some reason, my weight jumped up a few pounds the past couple of days.  It is starting to come back down but I was hoping to be a few pounds lighter for the race on Saturday.

Total Time: 37:41 (7:32/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy run to shake things out before tomorrow's race.  Foot is 100% but lower legs still feel a little achy.  Just couldn't get into a groove.  I have to convince myself to push hard tomorrow and allow the race to hurt.  I struggle with running too conservatively and avoiding the pain threshold.  According to Paul's course profile, the half marathon should be pretty fast.  Other than the first 1.5 miles, there is potential to run a lot of fast miles coming down the canyon.  Last year when I ran the full, my legs were too trashed to take advantage of the downhill but do remember being able to get in a couple of pretty fast miles.

Total Time: 31:32 (7:53/mile) 

From Chris Rogers on Fri, May 18, 2007 at 17:33:55


You can definitely fly down Ogden Canyon in the half. Obviously when you come out of the canyon the course flattens a little bit and your legs can feel a bit "dead," but I love the course.

From RivertonPaul on Fri, May 18, 2007 at 18:36:08

Good luck Andy.

Race: Ogden Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:25:51, Place overall: 18, Place in age division: 3
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

2007 Ogden Half Marathon

I toyed with the idea of bumping up to the full marathon but decided that I need to get a feel for the shorter, faster races before making an attempt at dropping my marathon PR. I just have a hard time “only” running a half when a full is offered. As the weather forecasts started coming out, I was glad that I stuck with the half. It is unseasonably warm and highs were expected to be in the upper 80’s.

It seems that I can’t write a race report without a POP story. At the starting line the POP’s were lined up along a small creek. Three of them were tipped over backwards into a small creek. I sure hope that nobody was in them when they went over.

After warming up with an easy mile, I headed to the starting line. The half marathon course starts at the halfway point of the marathon course. It comes down Ogden canyon and is a beautiful run. Other than a decent climb during the second mile, the course is mostly downhill with the last 2 miles flat. My goal for the race was to start out at 6:40/mile and try to hold on. Based on last year’s results, I knew that I had a chance at an AG award. Of course, it all depends on who shows up but the thought was there.

Mile 1: 6:30
Gun, horn or something went off (I honestly can’t remember) and the race was under way. I started out running and a pretty good pace and it felt very comfortable. I knew that it was a little faster than my goal pace but it felt good and I wasn’t going to back off. I made the commitment to myself to push harder in this race than I normally do. If I crash, I can still back off and finish in a decent time. It is not like a marathon where going out too fast can completely ruin a race.

Mile 2: 6:48
This is the uphill mile and it was faster than I planned. I expected this to be around 7:00 but I just plugged along and was still feeling good.

Mile 3: 6:32
Just running by effort and maintaining a steady pace.

Mile 4: 6:35
Much of the same.

Mile 5: 6:11
There is a big downhill through this section and I opened it up a little. My legs felt alright but I was starting to get a little winded. My legs are usually the first to go so this was an odd feeling.

Mile 6: 6:39
Still plugging along. Up to this point, I have been running with another guy and there were 2 younger guys about 20 seconds ahead. We were all pretty much running the same pace.

Mile 7: 6:49
I have no idea why this mile was so slow. I think that I was too focused on hanging with the group of runners that I was with and they all slowed a little.

Mile 8: 6:33
Picked up the pace a bit and was back to where I wanted to be.

Mile 9: 6:16
Running downhill with the wind at my back. What more could a runner ask for? I moved past the small group of runners that I was with and started looking for the next person ahead of me.

Mile 10: 6:15
More downhill with a tailwind. This is great and figure that it is pay back for the miserable weather in Boston. I notice that I am starting to heat up and the sweat rate is increasing.

Mile 11: 6:30
I am starting to get tired and the “just back off and cruise in for a pr” thoughts start creeping into my head. A female runner cruised by me and I tried staying with her so that I could make a move on the male runner ahead of me. She was cruising and I had a hard time keeping up.

Mile 12: 6:50
I am really starting to fade. I slowed down for a cup of water which was a huge mistake. It made me realize how tired I was and I had a hard time shifting back into gear. It was getting difficult to stave off the negative thoughts. The girl that passed me earlier was gapping me but I was still making up ground on the runner ahead. I noticed that he had a very low arm swing which meant that he was tiring.

Mile 13.1: 6:19 pace
I promised myself before this race that I was going to make it hurt. Despite the fatigue, I only had 1 mile to go and I started to push the pace. I moved past the male runner and could see the female that passed me and another guy. I could hear the finish line ahead but it didn’t seem like it was getting any closer. I started getting nauseous and decided to push through it instead of backing off. Despite the extra effort, I couldn’t make up any ground on the two runners ahead. Saw my wife and son near the finish line and pushed on through to the end.

Time: 1:25:51 (6:33/mile)
Overall Place: 18
Gender Place: 14
AG Place: 3

This was almost a 4 minute PR. It is also the first time that I have ever placed in my age group. We waited around for the awards ceremony and got a pretty cool plaque. The half marathon is so much more fun than the full. It is certainly not as rewarding but it is a great distance to race. I have been debating whether or not I should make a sub-3 attempt this fall and this helps convince me that it is possible.

From Maria on Sat, May 19, 2007 at 17:43:47

Congratulations on a big PR and placing in your age group! Really good effort. I would guess this time is roughly equivalent to 3:00-3:02 marathon, but by fall you should have no trouble breaking 3:00.

From Sasha Pachev on Sat, May 19, 2007 at 17:54:38

Congratulations on a PR. You have run 1:25 now on a less than perfect course. I believe this is a sign for you to aim for a sub-3:00.

From rdrunner on Sat, May 19, 2007 at 22:34:16

Congratulations Andy! Nice run and great PR. You will have that 3 hour marathon goal licked in St. George. Keep up the good work!

From Cody on Sun, May 20, 2007 at 23:59:10

Nice Job Andy! You have a sub 3 in you for sure! I like 1/2's better than full's too, but running both gives the best of both worlds. I look forward to some great training and results from you this summer. Look out this fall, the 3-hour guy has got nothing on you.

From Terry on Mon, May 21, 2007 at 10:04:59

Great job. You ran a faster last mile than I did even though I finished before you. Good luck on the sub-3:00!

From Chris Rogers on Mon, May 21, 2007 at 19:58:52

Congrats on a great race Andy! Way to do South Davis proud--you can never argue with a PR!

From Dustin Ence on Mon, May 21, 2007 at 20:49:21

Good work Andy and it was nice meeting you in person. Like you said I to was going back and forth between doing the full and the half. At this point glad I did the half and will look forward to a full this fall at St. George. Did you sign up for St. George? If so it should be a great place for you to break 3 hours.

From Paul Petersen on Mon, May 21, 2007 at 21:21:19

Nice job out there with the big PR, Andy. You surely have a sub-3 coming for you. I agree that the half marathon is a great racing distance; none of the glycogen issues of the marathon, yet still a fulfilling distance to race.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Perfect weather for running - cool, slight breeze and an occasional sprinkle.  Started out easy just to see how well I have recovered from Saturday.  Felt a little sore but nothing significant.  Picked up the pace after 3 miles and ran at a decent pace for the last few miles.  I'm running in a local 5k next Monday so I am not sure if I should take it easy this week to recover or put in some quick miles to get acclimated to 5k pace.

Total Time: 58:59 (7:22/mile)

Avg HR: 154 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It was cold this morning (40 degrees).  Wanting to get a feel for 5K pace, I decided to run mile repeats this morning on the local course that I will be racing on next Monday.  Warmed up with 2 easy miles then started the repeats.  The first mile was exactly 6:00 and felt alright.  I usually jog during the rest between repeats but decided to just walk around for 3 minutes this time.  It was hard getting going during the second.  It felt slow and I was surprised to see that I ran it in 5:48.  Walked around for a few minutes then started the third.  This one felt much better and I ran the last 1.1 miles in 6:37 (6:01/mile).  Cooled down with 2 more easy miles.  I'm not sure if I can hold this pace without the breaks but I was surprised that I could do it 3 days after Saturday's race.

Total Time: 50:44 (7:09/mile)

 Avg HR: 159 - HR was consistently between 174-177 during the mile repeats.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Another cold morning.  Not much pop in my legs.  Just couldn't get in a groove.  I really haven't taken it as easy as I probably should have the past couple of days.  Stomach is a little unsettled which may be contributing to the low energy today.

Total Time: 1:04:46 (7:48/mile)

Avg HR: 150

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Feeling a little run down so I took it very easy today.  I think that I may have a little bug but nothing too serious.  Second half of the run felt a lot better than the first half.

Total Time: 48:26 (8:04/mile)

Avg HR: 141 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Couldn't find my glasses and I haven't picked up my contacts from the doctor yet so I was running blind.  Felt alright most of the run until the last mile.  The bone spur on my right foot started to flare up and it was really sore.  Still testing out the Asics 2120's and I don't think that they are working out.  My achilles tendons are more sore when I wear them and they are not as comfortable as the 2110's.  That is the third pair of shoes that I have bought that I don't like or can't wear.

Total Time: 53:31 (7:20/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Planned on taking it very easy today but Eagleridge Drive was calling my name as I approached it and I couldn't resist.  The run from the highway to the highest point is 2 miles of relentless climbing.  You go from 4,350 feet to 5,180 over the 2 miles and it is a constant uphill.  I vowed to not stop once during the climb and plugged along until I got to the top.  My pace got as slow as 11:00/mile and heart rate was in the 170's.  Once I got to Eaglewood G.C.  I continued along Eaagleridge Dr. until it turned into Bountiful Blvd and ran past Bountiful G.C.  When I got to 1800 S. I turned towards home and pushed the pace while coming downhill.  It felt good and I really focused on my form.  Probably should have taken it easy in preparation for the 5K on Monday but I think that having tomorrow off should allow me to recover enough.  Spent the rest of the day staining the deck which was more painful than the grueling run.

Total Time: 1:48:40 (7:56/mile)

Avg HR: 151 

Race: Woods Cross Memorial Day 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:18:54, Place overall: 4
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

This is more of a fun run than a race.  There is no real registration - you just show up and sign your name to a waiver.  The official timing is somebody at the finish line yelling out times.  In past years, I have made the mistake of lining up too far back and ended up getting boxed in for the first 1/4 mile.  This time I positioned myself at the front of the starting line (next to a couple of people pushing strollers).  My plan was to try to hold 6:00/mile as long as I could.  The gun went off and I somehow found myself in the lead.  I knew it wasn't going to last so I just enjoyed it while I could.  I really didn't feel like I was pushing that hard but nobody wanted to take the lead.  After about 1/3 mile, a couple of high school runners and another guy (late 20's/early 30's) moved by me.  The older guy and one of the young runners started to push the pace and I didn't want to try to keep up with them.  Hit the first mile in 6:01 which was perfect.  I peeked over my shoulder and there was a big pack of runners not too far behind.  I didn't expect this big of a pack of runners to be that close but knew that they would back off after the first mile.  I focused on maintaining my pace during the second mile and stay within striking distance of one of the younger runners ahead of me.  Second mile came in at 6:00 and I was feeling alright.  Third mile was tough.  I was really starting to fade and I could here a runner on my heels.  He moved along side of me and I thought I was done.  He commented on how easily I was breathing and I didn't want to tell him how bad my legs burned.  I started to push again and was able to put a little distance between us.  The waves of nausea started to hit me at about 2.5 miles but I was able to push through them.  I ran a little stronger the last quarter mile.  I wasn't going to catch the guy ahead of me and wasn't going to get caught from behind so I didn't move to an all out sprint (I didn't want to risk pulling anything).  I ran the last 1.1 at 6:15/mile pace.  Finish time was 18:54 which is a 30 second current running life PR.  I left some room for improvement, though.  I should have pushed harder during the 3rd mile but am still happy with the results.  In 2004, I finished in 20:00 and ran it in 19:35 last year.  Finished the morning with 2 cool down miles.

From Maria on Mon, May 28, 2007 at 11:19:13

Congrats on a big PR, Andy! Looks like you ran a smart race, too, good pacing. All your consistent training is paying off in all distances.

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, May 28, 2007 at 17:45:39

Very good! 5 K progress is the most exciting. That is the distance that is the most difficult to improve in the 5 K - marathon range. I am firmly convinced that no serious marathon breakthrough is possible without a prior or concurrent 5 K breakthrough.

How much did you weigh a year ago, what is the lowest you've weighed after you've reached maturity, and how much do you weigh now?

From Brent on Mon, May 28, 2007 at 20:55:24

Congrads on the PR.

From Andy on Mon, May 28, 2007 at 23:26:29

Sasha - My current weight varies from 173-176. I have maintained this weight for a couple of years. I was around 130 in high school and ballooned to 220 at age 30. I'm 6'2" and would be considered very thin by most standards. I do carry a little extra weight in my butt and my gut.

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, May 29, 2007 at 17:33:14

At what age did you stop growing vertically? Are your muscles stronger now than they were when you weighed 130? Do you think your bones are any thicker?

What I am trying to find out is how much of your current inability to run a 10:20 2 miler is related to excessive weight. Fitness-wise you should already be there with all the mileage you've been doing. Your 100 meter sprint is also OK for the purpose of beating your high school PR in 2 miles.

If the bones got bigger, there is not much you could do about it, nor should you - the bones should stay they way they are. If the upper body is stronger at the cost of extra weight, that may be desired. But if you are packing fat in hidden corners, that does absolutely no good, and should be dropped.

From Jason on Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 18:25:54

I recently moved to Woods Cross (14oo W. 2400 S. -ish) I'm getting married in a few weeks and trying to get back in shape. I've been doing some biking/triathlons over the past year, but not much running. Are there any groups/people that meet up in the area?




Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Moderately paced run.  Felt really good.  Both achilles tendons and right calf are a little sore.  Last 5 miles were each run at 7:10 pace.  Pretty consistent, comfortable effort.

Total Time: 58:35 (7:19/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My body was asking for a recovery run and I gave in.  Ran 6 easy miles on the usual recovery run route (past Lakeside GC and back home).  I ran nearly naked - I had my watch but didn't look at it at all during the run.  My achilles tendons are still burning a little.  I'm sure it will eventually go away now that the Asics 2120's are out of the rotation.

Total Time: 48:20 (8:03/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very low motivation today.  Really wasn't in the mood to run so I cut the planned 10 miles with 4 at LT to 9 miles with 3 miles at LT.  Started with 3 easy miles then ran the 3 mile tempo run and finished with 3 easy miles.  The tempo run started slow then picked up and I felt better as I warmed up.  Splits were: 6:34, 6:18, 6:24.  Both achilles tendons are on fire.  They are not healing as fast as I expected them to.

 If I decide to follow an 18 week training schedule for St George then I need to get started on Monday.  I think that I am going to only follow a formal training schedule for 12 weeks this time.  Leading up to that, I will probably run 1 VO2 workout, 1 tempo run and 1 longer run (15-20 miles) per week with a couple of recovery runs and a general aerobic run thrown in.

Total Time: 1:06:21 (7:22/mile)

From RivertonPaul on Thu, May 31, 2007 at 12:55:15

Keep it up!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Didn't have as much time as I planned this morning.  Decided to run 7:00 miles and get in as many miles as time would allow.  The pace felt much harder than it should have.  My legs felt a little heavy and were tired for most of the run.  First 2 miles were a little slow but the others were right on pace.  I would like to get in a few easy miles tonight to make up for the missed miles this morning.

Total Time: 42:08 (7:01/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Woke up late so I didn't have enough time to put in a long run before Amy had to go to work.  I figured that I could get in about 9-10 miles so I decided to put in a good hill workout.  Ran up to the mouth of Mueller Park canyon then back home.  This was exactly 9 miles.  When I got home my two youngest kids were still asleep so I told my son to keep an eye on them while I ran around the block.  I ran a figure 8 loop which crossed by my house every mile.  I was never more than 1/2 mile away from home and told my son to come out and wait for me if he needed anything.  I checked in on them each time I passed the house.  Took my in-laws, dog which we are dog sitting, for the first two miles.  She is a miniature pincher puppy and is full of energy.  I was hoping that this would wipe her out and make her want to sleep the rest of the day.  Dropped her off then ran 3 more miles.  Miles were slow because of the hills and I could never get in a groove because of all the stopping and starting.  Not the greatest run but at least I was able to get the mileage in for the day.

 Total Time: 1:53:05 (8:05/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I want to start running my general aerobic runs a little faster so I pressed the pace a little today.   Ran a few miles at or below 7:00/mile.  I was a little more tired toward the end of the run than I usually am.  I guess that this is a good thing.  It was good to see so many people out exercising this morning.  Not sure if it is because it is warmer or because school is out.

Total Time: 1:05:42 (7:18/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It was hot and windy this morning.  Warmed up with 3 miles at an easy pace into the wind then ran a 4 mile tempo run.  Most of the tempo run was with the wind or with a cross wind.  The last mile was into the wind.  Splits were: 6:21, 6:13 (too fast), 6:28 (over compensated), 6:19.  I was dead tired at the end.  Tempo runs aren't supposed to be this much work so I obviously pushed harder than I should have.  Cooled down with 2 miles into the wind and it was a lot of work.  Not sure why it was so much work this morning.  During the cool down, I was attacked by two black birds.  I don't know what I did to them but they kept swooping down at me.  As I would turn towards them, would back off and perch themselves on a telephone pole.  As soon as I turned my back on them, they would swoop down at me again.  This continued for about 1/4 mile.

 Total Time: 1:06:55 (7:26/mile)

From Jon on Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 11:40:26

Makes you wish you had a broom to swing at them.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Six easy miles in a torrential downpour.  Weather has gone from hot and windy to cold and rainy.  I can't remember the last time that it rained this hard.  I was completely soaked.  Other than a little tightness in the usual areas, I felt pretty good today.  

Total Time: 48:09 (8:01/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Weather looked good as I headed out the door but the rain started falling shortly after leaving.  It really started to fall and I was quickly soaked.  I really wasn't in the mood to run this morning so I thought that running a good hilly run would get me motivated.  Ran up to the entrance of Mueller Park canyon and back home.  The further I went up, the harder it was raining.  I really didn't push hard and just tried to enjoy the run.  Felt pretty good on the way down.  Didn't force the pace but form felt relatively in control.

Total Time: 1:21:18 (8:08/mile - 45:40 going up, 35:38 coming down) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I'm starting to get in the mode where it takes a lot to get myself out the door but once I get going I feel good.  It's probably due to the colder temperatures the last few days.  My form felt really forced and didn't feel very natural.  I think that my biggest problem is that I have a lazy push off.  I've noticed this in the past but can't seem to fix it.  

There was a health fair at my work yesterday and I was a little disappointed in a couple of the results.  I have high blood pressure and my body fat measured at 17%.  There is no way that my body fat is that high.  Makes my wonder why I bother running this much.

Total Time: 1:06:21 (7:17/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt like my legs needed a little break from the pavement so I headed for the mountains.  Parked my car about 1/2 mile from the B and headed up the dirt road that climbs the mountain.  I wasn't sure how much climbing was going to be involved and I think I may have bit off more than I could chew.  It was a tough run.  I was expecting a few flat sections but it was non-stop climbing.  Reached the snow after about 6 miles and kept going for another 1.5 miles then turned around and headed back to the car.  Towards the top, the dirt road was just wet enough to make it spongy.  It was a great surface to run on.  On the way back down, I focused on a good leg turnover and driving my legs forward.  I think that the uphill running is the cause of my laziness in my push off.  It was a lot more fun coming down than going up.

Total Time: 2:02: 35 (8:10/mile)
Time Going Up: 1:12:28 (9:40/mile)
Time Coming Down: 50:07 (6:41/mile)

From Jeff on Sat, Jun 09, 2007 at 18:09:44

Nice run Andy. That sounds like a really tough run. Here you are talking about snow and I am dying of heat stroke down hear running on the flats.

From Chris Rogers on Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 11:31:06


I've done the road by the Bountiful "B" before also--it is a brutal climb. One of these days I'd like to get over the top to see whats on the other side--although then I suppose I'd have to climb on the way back after going over the top--that may not be very fun!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Still fighting the motivation issues.  I wanted to concentrate on my turnover today and see how close to 180 I could get.  I checked my stride rate a couple of times and was around 175.  The turnover felt fast.  I guess this means that it is something that I really need to focus on.  I want to get to the point were 175-180 feels normal.

Total Time: 1:05:26 (7:16/mile) 

From Sasha Pachev on Wed, Jun 13, 2007 at 15:03:15

One time I counted Dennis Simonaitis' turnover during a half-marathon. It was only 175. You are about his height. Dennis ran 2:18 in Twin Cities that year. I think 175 turnover for you is probably just right.

Overall I would not worry too much about what kind of turnover you've got. If you run a lot you will have the best for your body. If you have a turnover that is too low, rather than trying to force it, you should look for the underlying reasons and try to correct them.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran a 4 mile tempo run.  Last week, my splits were all over the place so I wanted to keep the splits more even this time.  My legs felt like a ton of bricks - especially my quads.  It felt like a lot of work to maintain my pace but was able to hold a consistent pace throughout the run: 6:29, 6:28, 6:28, 6:25.  Finished with a couple of easy mile to cool down.

Total Time: 1:06:24 (7:23/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy run.  Still have absolutely no energy.  Legs are completely wiped out.  Not sure what the problem is.

Total Time:  47:52 (7:59/mile)

From wheakory on Wed, Jun 13, 2007 at 13:40:58

Try maybe taking a day off from running. Or try an ice bath to freshen up those legs.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Got a late start this morning and was glad I did because the "scenery" was much better. Ran the Davis Blvd loop. I was a little tired at the start but started feeling a little better as the run progressed. Towards the end, I ran completely out of energy. The run was probably 2 more miles than I should have gone this morning.

Edit: Just stepped off the scale and I am 6 pounds lighter this morning than yesterday.  I'm obviously a little dehydrated.  I think that I have a little bug that is affecting my energy level and caused the dehydration. 

Total Time: 1:20:14 (7:47/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance


Total Time: 39:07 (7:49/mile)


PM: My wife wanted me to go to the rec center with her so I hopped on the treadmill for a few minutes.  Ran 3.1 miles in 20:31 including the second mile in 6:00.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I felt about as bad during this run as I ever have during any run. There was just nothing there. Form felt horrible, my feet were hitting the ground funny and I had no energy. This seems to happen every time I get around 60 mpw. It may be time to step back and reassess things. If I can't maintain the mileage and intensity required to reach my goals then maybe the goals are too lofty for me.

Total Time: 2:18:41 (8:07/mile)

From Maria on Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 12:21:31

It looks like this is your second ~60mpw week, before that there were 2 50 mile weeks. It doesn't seem like a big jump in mileage, but maybe for you it's the threshold of what you can currently handle. I had similar situation more than a year ago, when I first went from 40-45 to ~55 mpw. No energy and no motivation. I was able to adjust after couple of weeks although still didn't feel great. After 4 weeks of 55mpw, however, I ran a PR in 20K, so higher mileage does pay off. Don't get discouraged just yet. Try slowing down the pace to whatever feels manageable, even if it's 9:00 pace, but keep up the volume. The training effect will still take place. Don't do any speedwork, hills or tempos, just strides 2-3 times a week to maintain leg turnover. You should be able to adjust. Oh, and of course, try to get enough sleep and good food.

From Andy on Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 12:35:13

Thanks for the comments Maria. I was running in the 60's earlier this year leading up to Boston. Since then, I have kept the mileage at 50 mpw. Since I started ramping back up, I also increased the intensity a little. I think that this is what causing some of the problems. Sleeps always a problem for me (I get about 6 hours per night) and nutrition isn't my strong point. That's something that I always say I would like to improve but really never do anything about it.

From Sasha Pachev on Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 15:54:35

Running high mileage is like driving fast in a car. At a certain speed you cannot be talking on your cellphone any more. Little things begin to matter and you start paying a higher price for minor negligence.

I second Maria's advice - back off the pace, eliminate speed work at first to get used to the distance. And be determined to the point of doing it on the sleep and diet. You must treat yourself like a teenager. Set strict limits with consistent and unpleasant consequences for breaking them.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I'm following Maria and Sasha's advice and just putting in the miles without worrying about the pace until I can snap out of this funk.  My legs still feel dead.  The running motion just doesn't feel natural right now.  It was nice just running without being concerned about maintaining a certain pace.

Total Time: 1:13:57 (7:42/mile) 

From Wildbull on Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 16:47:58

Hey Andy,

I have had the same problem lately. I have been battling PF for over a month now. I am finally winning the battle, but my running feels weird. I feel like i lost my natural form. I have been really trying to look at my shadow when I run and hope to see my old self back soon. It is difficult to be patient when you have good goals. You had a pretty good race at the Ogden half. You passed me like I was walking!!!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Still taking it easy.  Feel a little better today.  I'm going to finish out the week with just base mileage which should make everything right again.

Total Time: 1:01:08 (7:39/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran an abbreviated version of the Davis Blvd loop due to time constraints.  Feeling a little better but achilles tendons are on fire.  It's time for new shoes which may be causing the achilles problems.

Total Time: 1:04:53 (7:49/mile) 

From rdrunner on Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 11:02:23

I hear you on the shoes thing. I was going to try and make my shoes last through the end of June but the aches and pains and the 398 miles on the shoes are telling me it's time for new ones. Hope the new shoes help.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Total Time: 1:10:12 (7:48/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Legs are pretty sore today for some unknown reason.  Still taking it easy and just putting in the miles.

Total Time: 1:07:00 (7:47/mile) - Time estimated because Garmin died with 2 miles to go. 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Cut the run a little short today because I am sick.  Got some bug in my nose and throat.  I didn't want to push too hard since I figured that it would take my body a little longer to recover with the illness.  Finally got a new pair of shoes and they seemed to help.  My bone spurs were a little more sore as it takes a while for new shoes to form to my feet.

Total Time: 1:36:51 (7:45/mile) 

From rdrunner on Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 12:37:48

Sounds like the cause of your tired legs is finally making itself known in the form of a cold. Get well soon, we still have 15 weeks of training until SGM.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Feeling a lot better today.  Was able to maintain a decent pace throughout the run and felt relatively well.  Still don't feel 100% but am getting close.  

Total Time: 1:04:07 (7:07/mile)

Avg HR: 156 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I wanted to get in some faster running to get my legs ready for a 5k on Saturday.  Ran up to the Viewmont High track to do some 400 meter repeats (3.5 miles).  When I got to the track I found that they are putting in a new football field and a small section of the track was covered with dirt for the tractors to drive over.  I considered doing the repeats anyway but decided that getting over the dirt track would be too much of a hassle.  Ended up running a 4 mile tempo run instead.  

Slightly downhill but still too fast.
Right where I wanted to be.
Got mentally lazy.  Disappointed with the consistent drop in pace.
Pushed the last half mile (HR up to 177).

 I am overall happy with the run but am a little disappointed with the 3rd mile.  Mentally, I just went into cruise control and wasn't pushing like I should have been.  Cooled down with 1.5 easy miles.

Total Time: 1:04:39 (7:11/mile)

Avg HR: 153 (165 during tempo miles)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run.  Decided to add a couple of miles to the usual 6 mile recovery run.  Ran out by Farmington bay.  It's the gates are closed to keep the hunters out until the fall but I ducked under the gate anyway.  I was amazed by the number of birds flying around.

Legs felt a little heavy and chest is starting to feel congested.  Hope that it doesn't turn into anything before Saturday's race.  My ankles were really sore during the first half of the run.  I noticed that my left ankle was popping a lot yesterday which is probably the cause of the soreness.

Total Time: 1:05:42 (8:13/mile)

Avg HR: 141 

From Wildbull on Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 10:36:08

Good job Andy.

What time are you shooting for at the 5k.

From Andy on Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 10:50:59

Thanks, Bill. I don't know anything about the 5k course that I'll be running so I haven't decided on a goal time. If the course were flat, I would shoot for 6:00/mile (18:36).

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The cold is definitely moving to my chest.  On top of that, my legs feel completely wiped out.  I'm hoping that it will clear out in the next couple of days.  First half of the run is slightly uphill and I wasn't feeling very comfortable running.  The last half is slightly downhill and I was able to pick up the pace a little and felt better.

Total Time: 1:10:05 (7:37/mile)

Avg HR: 149 (This is just about right for the effort so I was happy to see that the cold isn't causing my body to work harder.) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Still not as energetic as I would like to be.  My legs felt like they were sleeping for most of the run.  Threw in a few strides to try to wake them up.  It took a while to get up to speed but felt alright once there.

Total Time: 1:00:02 (7:30/mile)

Avg HR: 151 

Race: North Salt Lake 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:18:48, Place overall: 3, Place in age division: 1
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up by running from home to the starting line (2.8 miles).  Threw in a few strides and didn't feel great.  I wasn't expecting a lot from today's race but know that once you lace up the shoes, there are no excuses and you have to give it everything that you have for that day.  At the start of the race, the usual young rabbits darted out and I hung back with the guy who won the last 5K that I ran (he runs a 17:00 5K but seems to start out slow).  After ½ mile the rabbits backed off and everyone settled into their positions (I was in fifth place).  I felt really comfortable and didn’t feel like I was really pushing too hard.  Ran the first mile, which was slightly downhill, in 5:49.  At the 1 mile marker, I moved along side the fourth place runner.  We ran side by side for a while.  I kept trying to break away from him but he kept with me.  I was finally able to shake him at the turn around point.  I then had my sights on the third place runner.  I would move closer then he would move up a little.  We played this game for a few minutes then I was finally able to catch him at about the 2 mile marker.  Second mile split was 6:13 – mostly flat with a short section with a slight incline.  I was now in 3rd place and the 2nd place runner was about 1 minute ahead.  I knew that I wasn’t going to catch him so I just concentrated on holding on to third place.  I still felt alright but I really didn’t have the desire to push the pace.  I’m not sure why I didn’t want to push harder.  I started having the usual waves of nausea with ½ mile to go.  Ran the third mile (which was slightly uphill) in 6:11.  Cruised through the finish line for a final time of 18:48.  I got an unexpected PR by 6 seconds and kept the PR streak alive (6 straight races with a PR).  Feel good about the race considering how I felt prior to the race.  There is still room for improvement, though.  I think that the biggest thing that I have to overcome is allowing others to set my pace.  There were a few times where I was maintaining my position with the other runners when I should have been passing them.  I also have to overcome the marathoners mentality of trying to conserve energy for the end of the race.  Cooled down with 2.8 miles of easy running back home.

From Lybi on Sat, Jun 30, 2007 at 15:56:42

What a great race! I'm amazed that you have had 6 PRs in a row. Whatever you are doing, it is working! Great job.

From Clay on Sun, Jul 01, 2007 at 12:38:52

Nice race, and nice job on the PR's.. I'm with Lybi, that is amazing!

From Maria on Sun, Jul 01, 2007 at 17:09:01

Congratulations on a PR, and the 3rd place! You had a strong last mile, despite it being a little uphill. As for not pushing the pace earlier, it's a fine line - had you push the pace in mile 2, would you still be able to run last mile in 6:11?? We often think after the fact we could've run faster, but this is never proven. Try pushing harder in earlier miles in your next race and compare the results (provided the courses and conditions are comparable). I recently had 2 3000m races on the track: in the first one, I ran very even pace, felt great and had a lot left for the last quarter. I thought, I should've pushed the pace more. In the second one, I started 5 sec faster on the first quarter, and already on the second one I started hurting and had to slow down. Felt terrible the whole race, and in the end, ran 7 sec. slower than in the first race. The only problem was, I also ran 200m sprint race immediately before my second race, so it probably contributed to early fatigue.

From KevinR on Mon, Jul 02, 2007 at 17:46:34

Congratulations on the 5K PR and 3rd overall; Cool!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Decided to take it nice and easy today.  Ran to the county building in Farmington then back home.  Felt pretty good for most of the run.  The miles went by quickly and it was a really nice run.  Right medial tibia is aching and it has me a little concerned.  It is the site of a previous stress fracture.  Hoping that it is nothing too serious.  

Total Time: 2:23:51 (7:57/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I usually take the day after a long run off but since I had to shift my schedule around last week I ended up running an easy recovery run today.  My legs were pretty tired so I decided to just enjoy the run and not concern myself with how slow I was going.  With about 2 miles to go, my path crossed with another runner who was running very comfortably at a pretty decent pace.  I had to fight the urge to stay with him and kept telling myself that the purpose of today's run was recovery.  Right tibia is still pretty sore and I may cut back on the mileage a bit this week to allow it to heal.

Total Time: 49:39 (8:16/mile)

Avg HR: 134

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Tibia was pretty sore throughout the day yesterday and I was a bit concerned.  It feels a lot better this morning and is only a little sore.  Pretty sure that it is just your run of the mill shin splints.  Ran a good paced GA run this morning and felt good for most of the run.  Got a little lazy during mile 6 which included a small climb up an overpass.  Other than than, was able to hold a consistent pace throughout the run.

Total Time: 57:29 (7:11/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Nothing exciting, just got out and tried to enjoy the run.  Wanted to run to the entrance of Mueller Park but thought that the downhill on the return home would be too much on my tibia.  Ran the Orchard Drive loop instead.  It got a little warm towards the end of the run and I was completely soaked.  As I made my last turn about 1/2 mile away from home I saw the garbage truck.  I didn't think that they would be making pick ups today due to the holiday so I had to push hard the last 1/2 mile to get ahead of him.  Ran the last half mile at a little faster than 5k pace and it felt good.

Total Time: 1:18:20 (7:42/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I woke up with no energy today.  Just wanted to do a long recovery run.  Legs were pretty dead for most of the run.  I'm not quite sure what the problem is.  I think that the heat is taking it's toll on me.

Total Time: 1:11:55 (7:59/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

For some reason, my legs are still completely wiped out.  I think that it is because I didn't take a day off last week.  I have a long run tomorrow then next week will be a cut back week.  After that, my 12 week training program for St. George begins.  I'm hoping that the cut back week will put me at a good starting point for a good training cycle.

Total Time: 57:30 (7:53/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

A super slow long run today.  My legs are still pretty worn out but I think that if I cut back a little next week I will be fully charged again.  The first couple of miles kind of dragged on but then I got into a zone and ran the rest in cruise control.  There were a lot of cyclists on the road today.  I'm not sure if it was a organized ride or just lots of people getting out to enjoy the heat.  Stopped back at the house to pick up my in-laws dog to run the last mile (dog sitting again).  This was a bad idea because the kids were all awake and wanted to go with me.  They rode their bikes while I ran with the dog.  It was a bit of a pain trying to keep on eye on them and the dog while maintaining a decent pace.  I would complain about the heat but I know that the So. Utah runners have it much worse.  I lost 7 pounds during the run despite drinking a large bottle of Gatorade and a big bottle of water during the run.  I was still sweating when I finished so I think that I was able to maintain a decent hydration level.

Total Time: 2:42:57 (8:09/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I have no plan for this week other than run whatever feels right for each day.  My biggest priority is to get my right tibia healed before starting SGM training next week.  Started out slow and progressively picked up the pace throughout the run.  Felt pretty good once I got going.  The haze from the fires is starting to get pretty bad.

Total Time: 54:12 (7:25/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Planned to run to Farmington Bay but couldn't get across the construction of the Legacy highway.  Headed out through West Bountiful instead.  Other than a little ache in right tibia, I felt pretty good today.  I'm heading out to Pineview to do a little cross training on the wakeboard.

Total Time: 53:51 (7:23/mile) 

From rdrunner on Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 11:04:10

Cross training on the wake board? Sounds like fun!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Decided to change things up today and do a little trail running.  Drove up to the Mueller Park canyon entrance and ran up to Elephant Rock.  It was a nice change from the usual pounding of the pavement.  It was cool and relatively quiet.  I'm not positive on the distance but have heard from others that it is 7 miles round trip.  My arms and neck are a little sore from wake boarding yesterday but it is worth it because it was an absolutely perfect day on the lake.

Total Time: 59:16 (8:28/mile) (33:15 going up, 26:01 coming down)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I wanted to get in a little faster running today in preparation for the Des News 10K in a couple of weeks.  Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran a 4 mile tempo run.  Started out with what felt like a comfortable pace and ran the first mile in 6:20.  I started to get a little lazy during the second mile and I had to focus on my pace a little more.  I was behind schedule halfway through the second mile but picked it up and ended up running 6:19.  I was only going to run 3 miles at tempo pace so I pushed a little harder and finished in 6:13.  Felt well enough to run another mile and ran the 4th mile in 6:16.  Averaged 6:17 for the 4 tempo miles and felt pretty good.  The route was slightly downhill but not as much as the Des News course.  Cooled down with 2 easy miles.  It was warmer this morning and the humidity was a little higher so I was soaking wet after the warm up.  The little rain during the cool down felt good.

Total Time: 1:05:36 (7:17/mile)

From Brent on Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 21:27:18

Great workout, it seems from you miles times that you are getting ready to set a PR at St. George. Good luck at Des News 10K.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Amy had to go to work very early this morning so I had no time to run today.  I'm going to fall a little short of my mileage goal for the week but I guess it's the week to do it since it is the week before the start of formal training for SGM.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

After taking an un-planned rest day yesterday, I decided to run a little faster on my long run this morning.  I wanted to get a feel for sub-3 marathon pace and see if it is a reasonable goal going into training.  Ran the first 6 miles at a relatively easy pace (7:45/mile, HR=140).  Wanted to run the next 5 miles at 6:52/mile and maintain as consistent of a pace as I could.  First mile was 6:42 (oops) followed by 6:51, 6:44, 6:47, 6:53.  Averaged 6:48/mile and my average HR was 165 and peaked at 175.  Heart rate was way too high for MP effort and the last mile felt more like 1/2 marathon pace.  I am a little discouraged to say the least.  I know that it is only 1 run but I expected the pace to feel a little easier.  Since this has been a pretty easy week of running I thought that I would have more energy for today's run.  Finished the run with an easy mile (HR still stayed in the 160's despite the near 8:00/mile pace).  

Finished a low mileage week with a low mileage long run.  I would have liked to put in a few more miles today but I'm heading up to Midway to celebrate my wedding anniversay (lucky 13).

Total Time: 1:29:25 (7:27/mile)

Avg HR: 151

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 18:59:07

Happy anniversary!

Running fast after a day of rest probably was a significant factor in the right tibia pain.

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 19:03:57

Earlier on, the 18 mile run the day after a race was probably punch one.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Legs were a little heavy at the start of the run.  I actually had 2 nights in a row with decent sleep so I thought I would feel more energetic.  Threw in  a few strides just to help wake my legs up.  The pace felt faster than the 7:30/mile that I averaged for the run.  My right tibia was extremely sore all day Saturday and most of yesterday but didn't bother me at all during the run.  

Total Time: 59:29 (7:26/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Temperature was a little cooler this morning and it felt good.  I, on the other hand, did not feel all that great.  I just did not have a whole lot of energy.  My right tibia is taking a little longer to loosen up and it is becoming more than a nuisance.  I'm a little concerned about what it could be turning in to.

Total Time: 1:25:56 (7:49/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Six very easy miles.  First mile was just under 9:00.  I can't remember the last time that I ran that slow.  Legs still feel a little heavy but there was very little pain in the tibia.  Pretty sure that it is not as bad as I feared and is probably just shin splints.

Total Time: 50:46 (8:28/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Got an earlier start but it was warmer than it has been the past couple of days.  Felt pretty good at the beginning of the run but started to wear out towards the end.  My pace was pretty slow so I'm not sure why I was so worn out.  The fact that I had little pain in my legs was a good sign.

I noticed that Paul mapped the Des News 10K course on the course tool.  I plugged in my estimated 10K pace and was a little surprised at the results.  The pace that it suggests is faster than my 5K pace.  Can anybody who has run this confirm that it is that much faster?  I know that it is a fast course but I have never raced a 10K before so I am not sure of how fast I should run.

Total Time: 1:25:55 (7:49/mile) 

From rdrunner on Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 11:16:14

Don't have answer to your 10K question but good luck in the race.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 12:05:13

That 10 K is very fast. High quality downhill with 500 feet of elevation drop can really get you going. 2% grade gives you the best bang for the buck, so to speak. If they charged me money for every foot of elevation drop, and paid me for every second per mile faster than flat pace, I would pick about 2% for maximum profit. I think it is reasonable for you to expect about 36:45 on that course if you do not panic seeing fast splits early on or beat up your legs on the downhill too much.

From Paul Petersen on Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 12:24:34

In 2003 I ran 15:35 at Draper Days, and then turned around and ran 31:10 at Des News -- exactly the same pace for the two races. So in others words, you can expect to hold a fast 5K pace over the Des News 10K course. Just be ready for a tough last mile when the downhill turns into gradual uphill!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy run.  Had an unexpected running partner for most of the run.  At about the 1.5 mile mark, a dog started running along side of me.  It stayed with me until I made the final turn on my street.  It was wearing a collar but had no tags.  Hope it can find it's way home.  I felt good but the pace felt faster than it actually was.   I was running 8:15's and it felt more like 7:45's.

Total Time: 49:29 (8:15/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Had to get out early this morning because I had to take my son to Webelo's camp today.  Was out the door at 5:00 a.m. and it felt very hot.  I am still having a hard time running at a decent pace.  First few miles were at 8:00 pace but it felt more like 7:30.  I'm not sure what the deal is.  Second half felt much better after I got warmed up.  Ran the last slightly uphill mile in 6:46 just to make sure that I had a little bit of speed.

Total Time: 1:56:07 (7:44/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Feeling a little better but legs still aren't as snappy as I would like them to be.  The battery on my Garmin died less than a mile into the run so I have no idea how long it took  I'm guessing that I averaged 7:30 - 7:45 pace but since my sense of pace has been out of whack lately I could be wrong.  I threw in a few stride just for fun.  I ran at the same time as the race will be tomorrow and it was definitely warmer than I like.  Hopefully it will be a little cooler tomorrow.

Race: Deseret News 10K (6.2 Miles) 00:38:20, Place overall: 100, Place in age division: 7
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Deseret News 10K

I really needed to run a race.  I have been feeling really slow lately and needed a decent race to put things back in perspective.  The Des News 10K is a very fast course.  The first 5 miles are mostly downhill (700 ft elevation loss) with the last 1.2 flat to slightly uphill.  Since I’ve never run a 10K before, I really had no idea what my pace should be on this course.  McMillan’s predictor estimates 39:00-39:30 for a flat 10K for me based on my 5K, 1/2M and marathon times.  Since this course is fast, I was hoping to come in around 37:30.

The morning didn’t start out great.  First, I forgot my timing chip and had to go back home to get it (fortunately I was only a few miles away when I realized I didn't have it with me).  Next, I was attacked by a vicious colony of ants while I was sitting on the grass waiting for the start of the race.  I had little bites all over me.  Once I got all the ants shaken off, I lined up for the start and was ready to go.  For some reason, I didn’t feel race ready.  I started having a lot of doubts and wasn’t sure that I would be able to run well.  

The gun went off and we were on our way.  Bobbed and weaved through the crowds for a little while (I really need to start lining up closer to the front).  The course drops 350 feet over the first 2 miles and it really carries you forward.  Hit the 1 mile marker in 5:46 which is exactly what I was shooting for.  The second mile has some flat sections in it but is still predominantly downhill and I ran it in 5:54.  There were a couple of people ahead of me that I beat by a few seconds in a 5K last month.  I figured that as long as I kept them in sight, I was right on track.  Third mile was 6:16 which was about 10 seconds slower than my target pace for this mile.  Hit the 5K in 18:35 (faster than my current PR).  From here, I sort of just went into cruise control mode for some reason.  Ran the fourth mile in 6:22 (20 seconds slow considering another 100 feet drop in elevation).  With only two miles to go, I started to pick it up again.  Ran the 5th mile in 6:07 which is pretty close to my target.  The course flattens out at this point but I was feeling pretty fresh.   Sixth mile was 6:25 (right on target) and I was able to pick off a few runners (including one of the runners that I had my sights on for the first 5 miles).  The last 0.2 was at 6:30 pace for a final time of 38:20.  

Overall: 100/2,034 (my goal was top 100 so I just eeked that out)
Male: 82/1,011
Division: 7/95

It was 1 minute slower than I anticipated and most of the time was lost in miles 3 and 4.  I wasn’t really tired at the end and am a little frustrated that I didn’t push harder.  I have a real hard time pushing myself to the limit.  I lack the killer instinct necessary to push yourself to the limit.  I’m not sure if it is something that you are born with or something that you can develop.  With these results, I doubt that I will go for the sub-3 at St George.  

Was able to meet Chad, Paul and James at the finish which was nice.  Finished the day by running back to my car which was 3 miles away.  Having to go back up the 700 ft over 3 miles wasn’t as fun as coming the other way.  I was able to see the 2 marathon leaders near the 20 mile mark and was amazed at how easy they make running look.  They looked like they were out for a leisurely run but were probably cranking out 5:20’s.  Couldn’t see anybody close to them to cheer on so I headed to my car.

From Chad on Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 16:52:54

It was good to meet you, Andy. Nice work today. I can't believe you haven't run a 10k before. I guess it isn't really the most popular distance these days, though. Anyway, good job and keep up the strong training.

From Brent on Wed, Jul 25, 2007 at 13:18:33

Andy, it sounds like you were in a little bit of a funk that day. It was still a very good race time. I have always found this race tough to get in a groove for some reason, crowd size? Who knows. Thanks for the spinnerSteve info. I posted to his blog, congrads, he doesn't seem to update it very often. Good luck training for St. George.

From Cody on Wed, Jul 25, 2007 at 13:25:03

Andy - First time at a distance = PR. Too bad I didn't get to talk to you after the race. I must have wandered off while you guys were talking.

Your splits were very reasonable to the grade. I think that you ran well and should be happy with the results. I also think that a sub 3 is still within your grasp. Sasha's predictor shows a 2:57ish estimate for you. I think with the right training this summer, you could do it with a few mins to spare. Don't give up on that goal.

From Sasha Pachev on Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 14:29:16

Andy - hook up with Chris Rogers, ask him to pace you on some of your workouts to develop the killer instinct.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Legs feel heavy from yesterday's race.  Lower right leg (calf and tibia) is a little sore.  Ran at a very easy pace.

Total Time: 1:13:10 (8:02/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very easy run.  My legs are more sore today than they were yesterday.  Right tibia hurts more than usual but am sure that it is due to the downhill race.  Second half of the run felt much better than the first half but I still kept the pace slow.

Total Time: 51:09 (8:31/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt as bad during this run as I have for any run in a very long time.  I feel completely wiped out.  I had no energy and my legs just didn't want to move.  One of my daughters has been sick so I may be picking up what she has.  Hopefully it will work its way through my system and things will be back to normal shortly.

Total Time: 1:26:51 (7:54/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Started early this morning and the temperature felt really good.  First half of the run was absolutely awful.  Nothing felt right.  My legs felt heavy, my feet were hitting the ground funny and I was running very slow.  The last 9 miles felt a lot better.  I was able to pick up the pace a little and my legs felt a lot better.  I was a little out of it mentally.  At one point, I started to cross the street and there was a truck right in front of me that I didn't even see.  I really need to pay more attention to these things.  My throat is getting scratchy so I think that I have a little bug.  Got home and took a 2 hour nap and am feeling better.

Total Time: 2:21:37 (8:11/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I'm sick so I took it very easy today.  My throat is really sore and it is impossible to swallow.  I will shift a few of my planned workouts around this week so that I should be able to get in all scheduled runs.

Total Time: 39:12 (7:50/mile) 

From wheakory on Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 11:47:34

I'm sorry your sick, your training has been excellent. Get some rest and you'll recover fast.

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 13:28:28

Do not be in a hurry to do the scheduled workouts. Getting sick has a lot of implications. I recommend taking this week completely by feel without any pressure to put in the miles or do speed/tempos. Towards the end of the week, you can press a bit harder and go a bit longer if you feel good, but remember that it takes a while to be back in full swing even after you start feeling good.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I'm starting to feel better but my throat is still sore.  I took my fuel belt along just to keep my throat wet which seemed to help.  The first half of the run felt pretty good but I really started to fatigue towards the end.  I probably ran 3 or 4 miles more than I should have today.  As much as it hurt, it was nice to feel as though I am getting better.

 Total Time: 1:52:46 (8:03/mile)

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 13:51:00

I noticed that pattern when recovering from sickness myself. The first few miles feel normal, then after about 6 or 8 it is unusually hard. Even a tiny cold can take away a lot from your fitness.

From rdrunner on Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 15:40:27

Nice run Andy! That mid-week semi-long run is a killer. Hopefully next year I will have the fitness to try one of Pfitzinger's tougher plans. I hope you feel better soon.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Feeling a little better each day.  I have lost my voice but I feel pretty good physically.  Took it relatively easy today but picked up the pace the last mile.  I actually felt like I had a little spring in my step the last 1.3 miles.

Total Time: 57:08 (7:50/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It would have been a nice run if I would have waited an hour to go out.  The clouds started rolling in as I was getting home and it was cooling off a little.  Didn't feel particularly great this morning but was able to get the miles in.  My right tibia was a little more sore today than it has been. 

Total Time: 1:36:24 (8:02/mile)

From Clay on Thu, Aug 02, 2007 at 16:37:22

Ya, But after about a mile it feels alright. After the mile I don't really notice it and it seems to get stonger towards the end of each run... I didn't notice it anymore going downhill or uphill its really wierd. Like right now it is sore but it feels like it gets more agrivated when I walk around on it than anything I do running.

Except for that first half mile to a mile at the start of each run..

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The cloud cover was nice but the humidity is really bad.  Took it super easy today.  All of my runs lately have been really slow so it didn't seem like I needed a recovery run.  Ran out to Farmington bay and back home at a comfortable pace.  Had a hard time figuring out how to get across the Legacy highway construction.  It's a real mess right now.

Total Time: 58:16 (8:19/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Worst run ever!  Didn't feel well from the start of the run.  My chest felt heavy and my legs were a little heavy.  I thought that once I got going, I would start to feel better but never did.  At 10.5 I actually had to sit down for a few minutes.  My right tibia started to hurt and I figured that I was doing more harm than good so I called my wife to come pick me up.  I was very dehydrated (lost 7 pounds) despite drinking a lot of Gatorade and water during the run.  The only other time that I had to have somebody pick me up was last year on Aug 5.  Very strange that it was almost exactly 1 year ago.  I guess next year I will take the day off.  I was pretty disappointed in myself that I quit.  I'm sure that I could have toughed out the last 2+ miles.  My rationale was that I wasn't really running fast enough for a good workout and felt as though I was risking injury if I continued.

Total  Time: Doesn't really matter.

From Clay on Sat, Aug 04, 2007 at 15:18:28

Don't be to hard on your self Andy, I have had this happen to me before and I had to run walk home for about the last 3 miles of the run. I know that Sasha has said he had the same thing happen to him so it happens to all levels of runners.

Sometimes it happens from over training or pushing to hard for several weeks in a row or a host of other things, so hang in there and Monday is the start of another week...

From Brent on Sat, Aug 04, 2007 at 19:12:43

Andy, have not commented on your blog for a while. We have all had bad days, I walked in the last 8 miles of the Ogden marathon one year with knee issues. Maybe your body is telling you to back off a few days. Good thing about running and racing, always another day. Do something positive, ice from the inside out with ice cream.

B of BS Rools out.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran a 3 mile tempo run.  Wasn't sure what to expect after Saturday's fiasco.  First quarter was way too fast but settled into a decent pace.  Splits were: 6:23, 6:32, 6:30 (6:28/mile).  Ran 1 easy mile then felt guilty for running such a short tempo run so I ran 1 more mile in 6:30.  It was more work than I would have liked.  Finished with 1 more easy mile.  Hopefully, I will start to feel better as the week goes on.

Total Time: 1:07:45 (7:32/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

To change things up, I ran a route that I usually run backwards (in reverse - I wasn't actually running backwards).  It's funny how I never noticed how much downhill I usually have until I had to run it the other way.  To top things off, most of the uphill was into the wind.  I am starting to feel better and was able to pick up the pace towards the end of the run.  I saw the WXHS cross country team out this morning and it got me to pick the pace up a little.

Total Time: 1:50:11 (7:52/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Recovery run.  Felt good and relaxed.  Temperatures felt a lot cooler which makes running a lot easier.

Total Time: 49:06 (8:11/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I haven't run a lot of hills lately because my tibia has been bothering me.  I worry that excessive downhill running will aggravate it.  I have been feeling better lately so I decided that it would be a good day to run up to Mueller Park canyon.  I'm still running a little slow right now but the run felt good.  The hills weren't as bad as I thought they would be.  Looking back, I really think that the heat and humidity really got to me that last couple of weeks.  It has been a few degrees cooler for a couple of days and I can really feel the difference in my energy level.

Total Time: 1:25:04 (8:06/mile) (46:34 going up/38:30 coming down)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run.  Tibia is burning a little but feel pretty good otherwise.  Form felt in control for the first time in a long time.

Total Time: 49:39 (8:16/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

What a difference a week makes.  After last weeks horrible long run I was curious to see how today's run would go.  First mile was a little slow but felt alright.  Once I got warmed up, everything felt pretty good and I was able to run comfortably at a decent pace.  After 3 miles I reached back for my Gatorade and realized that I forgot to put my bottle in my fuel belt.  I really didn't want to go back to get it so I figured that I would just stop at the next convenience store and buy a Gatorade.  Only problem with that was that I was running along Farmington Bay and I knew it would be a few miles until I got back to civilization.  Since the temps were cooler I figured that I would be alright until the 9 mile mark where I thought a store would be.  Once I got out of Farmington Bay and into Farmington there was nothing in site.  I thought I remembered seeing  a park around here last year when I ran this route but I was mistaken.  There was a table set up with water on it for a 5K race that was going on but I didn't feel right about taking anything since I didn't pay for the race.  There was a park about 1 mile away and I decided to hold off until I got there.  In the mean time, I was running really well.  My pace was around 7:30/mile and it felt very easy.  Got to the park and the drinking fountains were turned off (of course).  Finally got to a convenience store at the 13 mile mark and bought a water and Gatorade.  My legs were starting to wear out at that point but they were far from dead.  Next few miles were a little slower because of the leg fatigue but was able to pick the pace back up on the last mile.  I can't believe how much better I feel this week than I did last week.

Total Time: 2:12:08 (7:46/mile)

From Clay on Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 21:38:54

Great job today Andy, you are right on track and your fitness is right where you want it, keep it up...

From Chris Rogers on Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 23:22:00


Where do you go for your Farmington Bay loop? I have a loop that includes Main Street in Farmington, over the freeway and by the Davis County Fairgrounds. I haven't done anything out by the lake though... Do you have any good trails or gravel roads that you usually take?

From Andy on Mon, Aug 13, 2007 at 13:37:43


When I run along Farmington Bay I enter on the South side that is by Bountiful Lake. There is a dirt road that goes around the bay but I have only gone from the South entrance to the North entrance which is on Glovers Lane in Farmington. I think that it is between 4 and 5 miles. The only drawbacks are that the bugs can be bad at times and once the hunters are allowed access you run the risk of being shot. I'm not familiar with any other good trails or gravel roads. I heard that they were going to make a rail trail from W. Bountiful to Roy but you have to wait until 2010 for that.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Tired this morning and had a hard time getting started.  Saw another runner at the top of my street and that gave me motivation to pick up the pace.  Only followed him for 1/4 mile before we parted ways.  I was able to hold a decent pace for the entire run despite warmer temperatures and a little wind.

Total Time: 58:55 (7:22/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I caught a stomach bug that has been making it's way through the family.  As soon as my running started to improve I get wiped out with this.  I almost turned back home after 1/10th of a mile but just plugged along for a few miles.  Probably could have run a little further but I was feeling wiped out.  My Garmin died during the first mile so I have no idea what my time was but I was probably running around 8:30/mile.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Too sick to run.  I feel a lot better than yesterday but I didn't eat or drink anything yesterday so I figured that running on empty was not a good idea.  This was supposed to be one of my biggest training weeks and it is going to end up being a cut back week.  I was planning on taking it easy next week in preparation for Hobblecreek.  That only leaves a couple of weeks for some serious training before the taper.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Thought I was ready to run again but I was wrong.  I felt alright when I woke up but I had absolutely no energy while running.  I guess not eating in 2 days and losing 8 pounds will do that to you.  I will start refueling and hopefully will be ready for a good long run on Saturday.

Total Time: 17:37 (8:48/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I started this blog by writing that I was still too sick to run and was going to take another day off.  It just didn't feel right so I laced up my shoes and headed out the door.  First half I felt alright but a little more tired than expected.  The second half was awful.  After 3.5 miles I had to fight of the waves of nausea.  My puke pace is usually under 6:00/miles and I was experiencing it at 8:30/mile.  I took a break for a few minutes then continued to plod my way home.  I feel pretty awful but am glad that I got a few miles in.

 Total Time: 43:00 (8:36/mile)

From Wildbull on Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 13:38:20

your diet plan to lose weight is awful! sorry to hear it. No fun to run sick. Are you signed up to run Hobble?

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

All the women in my life (wife, mom) are telling me that I need to take a break from running.  I guess I'm looking more gaunt than usual because of the flu that I have had this week.  My main goal right now is to be healthy for next week's half marathon so I am going to take their advice and take today off.  I still haven't shaken this bug but I can tell that it is almost cleared up.  This is the fewest amount of miles that I have run in a week since Mar 2005.   A little disappointing but I know that it is the best thing in the long run.


From Brent on Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 10:49:33

Andy, take a few days off. Even if you run slower than you want and Hobble Creek, it seems your body is telling you to take a few days off, the women may be right for once.

Hope you get better for Hobble Creek, me and Sylvia are running the race also.

From Curtis-Running turtl on Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 14:23:21

Hey Andy,

It's awesome that you have people who care about you. Hope you start feeling better.

From Clay on Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 15:33:25

Hang in there kid, this to shall pass... You will be ready for Hobble Creek next week and that is the most important thing... Keep up the good work, your awesome!

From Chris Rogers on Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 00:52:54

Andy--just tell your mom and wife that you've decided to listen to your body! :) Even though it may stink in the short term, in the big picture a few days off is not going to shoot down your overall training!

From Andy on Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 17:39:35

Thanks for the support, guys. The more I have been thinking about it, I think that I may have gotten the cryptosporidiosis that's been making it's way through the state. We have been going to the lake and rec center a lot lately and the fact that I lost so much weight and can't seem to shake this makes me think that it is more than the flu.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Temperatures were absolutely perfect for running.  I'm feeling better but I'm still being a little cautious.  My energy level isn't completely back to normal and my stomach is still a little unsettled.  I was a little more fatigued than I should have been for the pace that I was running but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I ran the last 3 slightly downhill miles below 7:00/mile.  Hoping for some big improvements throughout the week so that I can have a decent race on Saturday.

Total Time: 53:56 (7:23/mile) 

From Clay-Rambojr on Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 18:07:11

Good job today Andy, but remember to take it easy and don't push to hard until you get your legs and your stomach back...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Feeling better every day.  It took a couple miles to get going but once I warmed up, I was able to comfortably run at 7:30/mile.  Legs still aren't as strong as I would like but feel pretty good for the most part.  The one good thing about last week's reduced mileage is that all of the nagging injuries in my legs seem to have gone away.

Total Time: 1:16:28 (7:39/mile) 

From Paul Ivory on Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 10:14:14

Andy, thanks for the note on my Pikes Peak run. Yes, it is an adventure. You seem to be able to see all the way to Kansas when you are at the top of the summit. Later, Paul

From Wildbull on Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 10:30:08

good job Andy getting 10 in today.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I was desperately in need of some hills.  I haven't run near as many hills this training cycle as I usually do.  Didn't want to over do it with the race coming up this weekend and still trying to recover from last week's illness.  Decided to run up to Mueller Park canyon but not push the pace too much.  Felt really good during the run.  On the way down, I wanted to get 1 mile in at 1/2M pace.  I pushed the pace for one mile and was very disappointed to see that I barely broke 7:00.  I did have to stop for traffic a few times which threw off my pace but it was still slow.  I wasn't tired but the pace felt faster than 7:00.  My internal speedometer seems to be off.

Total Time: 1:25:03 (8:30/mile - 48:00 going up/37:03 coming down) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Nice, easy recovery run.  Calves and hamstrings are a little sore from yesterday's hill run.  Legs area little heavy.

Total Time: 42:30 (8:30/mile)

Avg HR: 138 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The weather was really nice this morning.  It almost felt a little cold.  I feel like I am almost back to full strength.  I backed off the pace for the last couple of miles because I want to be fresh for Hobblecreek tomorrow.  I'm not sure what the race plan is going to be.  I will probably go out at 6:30/mile and try to hold on as long as possible.

Total Time: 1:01:23 (7:40/mile)

Avg HR: 149 

From Clay on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 at 15:34:14

Goodluck on your race tomorrow Andy. I am from Springville and My Dad and I have our office there, "go Red Devils". Where does the race finish?

From Andy on Sat, Aug 25, 2007 at 21:04:28

Thanks for the well wishes. The finish line is at the Mapleton city park.

Race: Hobblecreek Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:23:59, Place overall: 32, Place in age division: 6
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I wasn’t mentally ready to race today. I’ve been fighting the stomach flu for 2 weeks and I just haven’t felt speedy in quite a while. I started feeling better on Thursday so I figured I didn’t need to hold back during the race. Warmed up with an easy mile and discovered a top secret out house. After a 40 minute delay and an unapologetic race director making the final announcements we were on our way down the canyon. I tried lining up close to the starting line but ended up a few rows further back than I would have liked. It was very congested but I was able to get a clear path after a few minutes. My plan was to start out at 6:30 pace and try to hold it as long as possible. The first half of the race I felt pretty good and was able to hold a good pace. My average pace for the first 6 miles was 6:24 which was exactly where I wanted to be. Starting at mile 7, the course became more volatile (some uphill then some downhill then some flat) so my splits were all over the place. I also felt like I was asleep during the second half of the race. I just couldn’t convince my body to move faster. My legs were tired but not so much that I couldn’t have pushed harder. I was able to pass a few runners between miles 7 and 10, though. Somewhere around the 10 mile marker, I got behind another runner and followed him for the rest of the race. I kept thinking to myself that I need to make a move and pass him but the desire to move to the next level of pain just wasn’t there. I hung behind him until the 12.5 mile mark and then decided to pick it up and finally pass him. He ran just off my shoulder for a while then passed me. I mentally gave in at that point. As we passed the 13 mile marker, I decided to kick it in to high gear and pass him and one other runner once and for all. I was moving pretty well down the final stretch and saw 1:23:50 on the finish clock. I knew that I was going to come in under 1:24 and was pretty happy. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize that my running partner for the last 3 miles decided to turn this into a real race. I tried to keep up but he just nipped me at the finish line. His finish time was 1:23:58.9 and mine was 1:23:59.2. What made it worse was that he was also in my age group.

I have mixed emotions about the race. It is a PR by almost 2 minutes and about what I expected to run which is good. I am a little disappointed in my lack of concentration. I really feel like I could have run at least 1 minute faster had I been more focused.

Here are my splits according to my Garmin which came consistently 0.15 after the mile markers starting at the 3rd mile.

6:22 A little fast but not too bad considering the amount of downhill
2 6:27
3 6:16
4 6:26
5 6:30I started to worry a little that my pace was consistently slowing
6 6:21
7 6:42Included a water/GU stop and a little bit of uphill
8 6:34Another Gatorade stop
9 6:16
10 6:48 I have no idea why it was so slow
11 6:38 Falling asleep
12 6:39 Can't wake up
13.1 6:00/mile

From Paul Petersen on Sat, Aug 25, 2007 at 20:55:41

Great job on a nice PR.

From Dee on Sat, Aug 25, 2007 at 21:31:03

Good race and congrats on a PR. My Garmin also showed that the course was off by about .20 most of the way. What did your Garmin show as the total distance?

From Superfly on Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 17:27:34

Good job on the PR Andy. I ran the same kind of race from 7 in. I just could not get the leg to turnover. Next time we'll have to say "hi" in person.

Keep up the good work.

From KevinR on Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 12:33:18

Congratulations on the PR.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My wife is going out of town this week so it is going to be a challenge to get in as much running as I would like.  Because of this, I decided to get in a few easy miles today.  My training volume has also been down lately due to illness so I wanted to make up for some of the missed miles.  It was warmer this morning than it has been lately so that made things a little less enjoyable.  Also, yesterday's race took a little more out of me than I thought.  I wasn't concerned about the pace at all.  Just took it nice and easy.  Now I have to try to figure out when I can get my running in for the next few days.  I have an 11 year old and two five year olds.  Is it safe to leave them home alone while I go running in the morning?  I would be home before they wake up but I'm not sure if I feel good about them being home alone.  Maybe I will just do a bunch of 2 mile loops so I am never too far from home.

Total Time: 1:23:51 (8:23/mile) 

From ArmyRunner on Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 17:07:58

Based on my kids I would not venture too far from home but mostly because I would not feel comfortable. I would find a 1 or 2 mile loop that way you are near by. Especially if you tell the 11yr old what your plans are so that they know what to do if something happens or one of the younger ones wakes up and has any issues. It is not very fun running a short loop but it is better than not running. I have had to run a 1/2 mile loop 30 times once to get a 15 miler in.

From Wildbull on Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 16:02:00

Good race Saturday Andy. I wish i could of stayed with you until the end! Maybe next time we can help push each other. SG marathon. Looking to beat 3:00 hours.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

With my wife out of town, I got out the door a little earlier than usual and just did loops around the neighborhood.  There is about 1/10th mile climb and the same amount of drop and mostly flat otherwise.  It wasn't nearly as boring as I though it would be.  I'm still a little worn out so the pace was slow but I was happy to be able to get out and get the miles in.  

Total Time: 1:18:57 (7:54/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Much needed recovery run.  Legs are still a little dead and my right tibia is sore.  

Total Time: 44:14 (8:51/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran the neighborhood loop again.  The loop is 1.4 miles and I did 9 loops plus a little more to make it an even 13 miles for the day.  To mix things up a little, I alternated the pace each loop.  I ran the easy loops at 7:45-8:00 pace and the quicker loops at 6:45-7:00 pace.  Everything felt really good today which is encouraging.

Total Time: 1:36:04 (7:23/mile)

Avg HR: 156 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 2 easy miles.  I wanted to get in some tempo miles today but wasn't sure how many.  Started with 3 miles (2+ loops around the neighborhood) with the intent to run around 6:40/mile.  Averaged 6:27/mile which was a little faster than I wanted.  Heart rate started to get into the 170's so I decided to run 1 loop at an easy pace to reset my pace.  After the easy lap, checked on the kids then ran 3 more tempo miles.  These were more in control and I averaged 6:36/mile for the 3 miles.  Cooled down with 1 more loop around the neighborhood.   Feel really good about today's run.  My wife comes home this afternoon so I can start venturing out again.

Total Time: 1:17:16 (7:17/mile)

Avg HR: 155

From Clay on Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 11:49:24

Great workout Andy, you are really gaining your speed back along with your fitness, keep it up!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run.  Right tibia aches a little and both achilles are sore.

Total Time: 58:50 (8:24/mile)

Avg HR: 146 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My wife went on a getaway with her friends so I had to do the neighborhood loop again.  Only problem was that today called for a 20 miler.  I wasn't really looking forward to doing 14+ loop around the neighborhood.  It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Usually when I run my long runs I end up so far away from home the return trip is sometimes daunting.  I just concentrated on the number of laps and trying to keep each lap under 11:00 minutes (7:45/mile) and it went by pretty quickly.  The other nice thing was that I didn't have to carry my fuel belt with me.  Felt good for most of the run and maybe should have gone a little further.  Will probably try to get a few miles in tomorrow.

Total Time: 2:32:19 (7:37/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Needed to get away for a head clearing run so I headed up to Mueller Park canyon and ran up to Elephant rock.  Didn't push terribly hard on the way up with the intent of pushing hard on the downhill.  It took awhile to get into a groove on the downhill.  Once I got going, I felt really good pushing the pace.  The trail is starting to wear out and a lot of rocks are exposed.  The footing isn't as good as it was the last time I ran it.  Towards the end of the run, I was trying to get around a couple with a dog and wasn't paying attention to my footing and I fell.  It didn't hurt too bad and only skinned up my knees and hands a little.  

Total Time: 58:36 (33:02 going up/25:34 coming down) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Legs felt really tired after last night's run.  I'm not used to running at night and don't think that I refueled properly after the run.  Pace felt a lot faster than it actually was.  I'm really starting to question my running ability.  It just doesn't feel natural anymore.  

Total Time: 1:17:41 (7:46/mile) 

From Clay on Mon, Sep 03, 2007 at 11:15:44

Andy, I have found that running is alot like golf, some days are good and then some days you just can't put it all together. When I was competing in golf I could shoot a 68 one day and not miss a shot and then come back the next day and I can't do anything and felt like I was swinging the same as the day before, and usually the score was 75 or 76 or higher. It took me along time to figure out that even a bad day golfing was still better than a day not golfing at all, and once I was able to get that through my head I was alot more relaxed out there and then I seemed to get more consistant...

So try on each run each day to be relaxed, and focus on the fact that a bad day running is better than a good day and not running at all, I promise this will help you relax and that is when your form will get more consistant and then running will become more effortless... They say golf is 90% mental and 10% physical and I truely believe that running is the same, so keep up the good work, and good luck.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Feel much the same as yesterday.  Felt like I was hitting a decent pace only to have mile splits much slower than anticipated.  My mileage is up a little and I haven't had a day off in a couple of weeks which is probably what is causing the slow down.  I figure that this is a good thing and this is the time when I should be the most fatigued.  Only 2 more hard weeks of running then I can start to back off.

Total Time: 1:50:24 (7:53/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy, recovery run.  My run included the 5K course that I will be running in a couple of weeks just to get a feel for it.  I'm starting to notice the effects of the last couple of weeks of training - very hungry and tired.  My Garmin was dead and I couldn't find my watch so I have no idea how long it took.  I'm guessing it was between 8:15/mile and 8:30/mile.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran a 6 mile tempo run.  I had a hard time convincing myself to start the tempo run.  After a couple minutes of procrastinating, I finally convinced myself to get going.  Once I started the run, I felt really good.  The pace felt smooth and in control.  I was able hold a consistent pace for the entire run (6:28/mile-6:31/mile).  The last 2 miles took more concentration but as long as I paid attention to my pace it wasn't too difficult to hold.  HR started at 158-159 for the first 3 miles.  Crept up to 162-165 during miles 4 and 5 and was 172 at the end of the run.  Finished with 1 easy cool down mile.

Total Time: 1:11:44 (7:10/mile)

Avg HR: 152 

From Clay on Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 10:20:21

Great work this morning Andy, Keep it up you are really getting fit and ready for SGM...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran out to Farmington Bay and ran along the dirt road for a few miles.  It took 3 miles to warm up and start feeling good.  Once I got going I felt pretty good until the last 2 miles when my legs started for feel a little worn out.

Total Time: 1:15:50 (7:35/mile) 

From Andy on Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 13:40:29

Test comment to see if new email address works.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

This is the best time of the year to run.  Temperatures are perfect.  My plan was to run a few easy miles then start to gradually pick up the pace.  First 8 miles were pretty slow. Next 2.4 miles were a pretty good downhill and are pretty similar to SGM.  Decided to test goal marathon pace.  Pace felt surprisingly easy (6:40/mile).  Made a pit stop at home to get some Gatorade and wake up my wife.  Started out again and eased into the remainder of the run.  First 3 miles were at 7:30/mile pace.  Next 4.8 miles were at 7:00/mile pace with 2 of the miles at GMP (6:50).  Once again, the pace felt surprisingly easy.  Things are finally feeling like they are coming together.  Hopefully I will feel this good in 1 month.

 Total Time: 2:18:11 (7:36/mile)

Avg HR: 145


From Lybi on Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 10:29:32

Great job! It sounds like you really have something to look forward to at St. George.

From Clay on Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 10:46:13

Awesome workout AB... You are on your way to a great SGM, and beyond. Keep on truckin.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run.  Felt really good and the body was moving well.  Ran the 5k course that I will be running next week just so that I can familiarize myself with the course as much as possible.

Total Time: 49:09 (8:11/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ideal running temperatures.  This cool down has been nice.  Hope that it holds up.  Started off with 3 comfortable miles then immediately transitioned into a tempo run.  Only ran a 4 mile tempo run because of the 5K this Saturday.  Splits were: 6:33, 6:27, 6:20, 6:22.  Felt good about the effort but my feet were a little slap happy.  Finished with 3 more miles at a comfortable pace.

Total Time: 1:12:51 (7:17/mile) 

From Clay on Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 10:14:04

Good job Andy...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Was planning on doing a basic 13-14 mile run but decided to run up Eagleridge Drive at the last minute.  It's a good, punishing run that I haven't done in quite a while.  Felt pretty good going up even though it was slow (10:00 min/mile).  Ran the middle miles, which are rolling, at a comfortable pace.  On the downhill miles, I realized that I really had to start moving so I could get home in time to take my son to school.  It was going to be close and I had to run about 6:15-6:30/mile on the downhills to make it.  I just let go and let gravity do it's thing.  I made it home with 2 minutes to spare, although it was more work than I was planning on today.  I ran 4 minutes faster than the last time I ran this route.

Total Time: 1:45:00 (7:37/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Super slow recovery run.  Yesterday's hilly run and impromptu tempo run took more out of me than I thought.  My left achilles and right tibia are pretty sore.  

Total Time: 1:01:01 (8:22/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It took a few miles to warm up.  Really never got going even after I was warmed up.  Ran out to Farmington Bay and back.  It was very dark this morning and I had a real hard time seeing.  I'm hoping that I start to feel better before Saturday's 5K.

Total Time: 1:18:11 (7:49/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Just a plain old general aerobic run.  Threw in a few strides to sharpen the legs.  The form felt good and abnormally smooth.  

Total Time: 1:01:52 (7:44/mile) 

Race: Trudi Thomas Memorial 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:18:52, Place overall: 2, Place in age division: 1
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

This race was run in the memory of the girl who was hit and killed by a car while running in West Bountiful in January. I really wanted to run this race even though it didn't fit very well into my schedule. The money goes toward a scholarship fund set up in Trudi's name and I think that they raised $15,000. Even though I didn't know Trudi, I think about the accident a lot while I am running. The day it happened, I was only a couple of blocks away and could hear all of the emergency vehicles.

Since this was a fun run in a small town I knew that there was a chance that I could finish towards the top. The course is along roads that I run almost everyday so I consider this my home course. My plan was to attack the first mile because it is slightly downhill, expect a slight slow down during the second mile because of a slight incline then hold on during mile 3. At the starting line, there were only a couple of people that I was worried about. One was pushing a stroller but looked real fast.

The gun went off and I was immediately in the lead. No one really went with me so I just focused on the lead car and plugged along. It was kind of fun following the lead vehicle because I was able to pretend, just for a little while, that I was a decent runner. I could tell that I was pushing harder on the first mile than I normally do because my breathing was a little more labored. Hit the first mile marker in 5:38. This was 10 seconds faster than I wanted but felt alright. At the half way point, another runner came along side of me and easily put a little distance between us. He was moving really well and I could tell that he was just running fast enough to hold the lead but could run faster if he needed to. Second mile split was 6:08 which was exactly what I was expecting. My legs started to burn and I really didn't have the desire to push hard. The aggressive start came back to bite me hard. Third mile is mostly flat and I ended up running that in 6:17. Very disappointing to say the least. Finished the last 0.15 (the course was long) at a 5:46 pace to finish in 18:52 -- 4 seconds slower than my PR which means that my PR streak ends at 8. First place was less than 10 seconds ahead of me and 3rd place (the guy pushing the stroller) came in probably 30 seconds after me.

There are two ways I can look at this race. I can either be very disappointed in my inability to tough it out at the end or I can be happy that I tried an aggressive pace and was able to hold on for a decent time. I'm somewhere in the middle right now which is an improvement since I typically have a negative view on my race results. I haven't done a lot of speed work lately other than tempo runs which I think is why I was unable to hold the pace at the end. Also, as I was getting ready for the race, I discovered that somebody stole my check book and has written $2,000 worth of checks. Being on the phone with the bank for an hour before the race certainly didn't do a lot to get me race ready.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Today was about time on my feet.  I really wasn't concerned about my pace.  Ran out to Lagoon and back home.  Added a few miles at the end to get close to 3 hours of running.  Got a late start so it was a little warm towards the end of the run.  Legs were a little dead from yesterday's race.  I spent a lot of time during this run thinking about that race.  I really believe that my downfall was the lack of V02 max runs.  I haven't really done anything faster than tempo pace in a couple of months. Because of this, I was unable to move into the level of discomfort that comes with VO2.  My mind would only accept the lactate threshold level of discomfort.

Total Time: 2:58:38 (7:56/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very easy recovery run.  My legs are pretty beat up from the last 2 days.  Ran without a watch and just took it nice and easy.  

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It took about 3 miles to warm up this morning.  Both achilles tendons where really bothering me.  I think that it is due to the cooler temperatures.  Once I got warmed up, I was able to run between 7:00 and 7:15/mile pretty comfortably.  The shoes that I wore today feel like they are about done but I should have about 100 miles left in them.

Total Time: 1:21:44 (7:26/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 2.25 miles then ran 5 X 1/2 miles at 5K pace with 1/4 mile jog between each repeat.  Hard a real hard time getting started after the warm up.  Walked around the for a few minutes before starting the work out.  Splits were: 2:52, 2:55, 2:56, 2:54, 2:59, 2:56.  Really had to push at the end of the 5th one to get under 3:00.  Would liked to have been a little faster but overall I am pleased with the effort and splits.  Cooled down with 2 miles of easy running.

Total Time: 1:04:56 (7:38/mile) 

From Clay on Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 10:12:32

Great job this morning Andy, You are ready for SG, you are going to kick some tail down there...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run.  Didn't wear a watch but pace was probably around 8:00/mile.  The shoes that I was planning on wearing in the marathon are causing a little pain on my right ankle.  It seems that my ankle is hitting the top of the shoe.  The pain goes away after a couple of mile so I am not sure if I should wear them anyway, trim the top of the shoe or buy a new pair.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Started with 3 comfortable miles then ran 3 miles at LT.  First mile was slow because I was just being lazy.  Second mile was right on pace and I ran the last mile faster to beat the 6:30 guy.  Ran another easy mile then ran 1 mile at marathon pace just to get a feel for it on tired legs.  Ended up running 10 seconds faster than marathon pace and felt pretty comfortable doing so.  Ran another mile to cool down.  My ankles and knees have been aching since last night.  This is most likely from the storm coming in.  I think that this is why my first LT mile was so slow.

Total Time: 1:07:16 (7:28/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Didn't feel all that great this morning.  My legs were really burning - especially my ankles and knees.  I turned 36 years old today so I guess that it is old age setting in.  About half way into the run, it felt like somebody flipped a switch and sucked all the life out of me.  I have no idea what happened but it wasn't very fun.

Total Time: 2:11:49 (7:45/mile) 

From Cody on Sat, Sep 22, 2007 at 15:29:58

Happy Birthday Andy!

I hope the rest of the day is better...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Had to break out my winter running gear this morning.  It was rainy and cold but I seem to run better when it's cold so it felt really good.  Threw in a few strides and they felt very comfortable and the form felt good.

Total Time: 57:55 (7:14/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran at a comfortable pace today but on a hilly course.  Felt pretty good.  My weight is starting to creep up a little so I need to try to keep that in check.

Total Time: 47:56 (7:59/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Today was the last hard workout before the marathon.  Warmed up with 2.25 miles then ran 3 X 1 mile at 5K pace with 1/2 mile jog in between each repeat.  The plan was to try to keep the pace below 6:00/mile.  Started out a little fast on the first one but settled into a decent pace and ran 5:50.  Started quick again on the second one but I didn't back off quite as much and ended up running 5:45.  For the last one, I decided to be a little more conservative at the beginning and run at more of an even pace and ran it in 5:55.  The last one didn't hurt as much as it should have but was still a good effort.  I averaged 10 seconds/mile faster than when I ran this the week before Boston.  During the warm up I was thinking that my fitness hasn't improved much since this spring but maybe this indicates that it has improved a little.

Total Time: 59:29 (7:26/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Nice and easy run.  Only mild fatigue from yesterday's run.  During yesterday's mile repeats I noticed that my right leg is noticeably weaker than my left leg.  I could tell the difference today as well.  I'm trying to figure out what would cause the discrepancy.  One thing that I came up with is that I occasionally run on a cambered road and my left leg is on the low side of the camber.  I think that this may have caused a leg length discrepancy which could explain the problem.

Total Time: 49:03 (8:11/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It was warmer than I expected so I was a little over dressed.  First 2 miles didn't feel great but then I settled into a decent pace and felt alright for the remainder of the run.

Total Time: 54:28 (7:28/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Weather started out perfect but turned cold and rainy.  Took it easy for the first 11 miles then ran the last 2 downhill miles at goal marathon pace.  Just went by feel and averaged 6:25 for the 2 miles.  The pace felt really comfortable.

Ended the month with 285.3 miles on 28 days of running.  This is was a record month for me.  Hopefully this will translate into a good race next week.

Total Time: 1:42:59 (7:34/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I didn't feel particularly great this morning.  My stomach seems to be a little unsettled.    I will assume that it is just typical taper madness.

Total Time: 54:55 (7:38/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 miles then ran 2 miles at goal marathon pace.  Went by feel and ended up running a little fast.  Both miles were 6:34 (how's that for consistency).  I could tell it was a little fast but it felt very good.  Finished up with 2 more easy miles.

Total Time: 53:00 (7:34/mile) 

From Clay on Tue, Oct 02, 2007 at 11:38:30

Andy, goodluck this weekend. I think this will be your best Marathon ever!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very easy run.  I'm starting to get paranoid with every little thing that doesn't feel perfect.  I'm concerned about my stomach, my throat, my legs all at different times.  The paranoia probably stems from all of the other bloggers that have gotten sick this week.  My biggest concern right now is that my I put on 2 pounds in the past week.  I expected to gain a little during carb loading but this was too soon. 

 Total Time: Went with out a watch so I have no idea but it was probably around 8:00/mile.

From Clay on Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 10:22:42

Andy these feelings are normal, stay on the v-C and focus on what the end goal is, you are going to be just fine, I know it!!! Goodluck.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Got a couple of extra hours sleep last night so I got a late start.  My legs had a hard time waking up.  Threw in a few strides during the run just to get my legs going.  My throat feels like it is on the verge of being an issue but I think (hope) that it is allergies.

Total Time: Ran without my watch again but it was a little faster than yesterday. 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Just a quick shake out run.  Planned on 4 miles but had to get back to take my son to school.  Felt really good and am anxious for tomorrow.

Total Time: 22:35 (7:32/mile)

From Maria on Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 20:01:11

Andy, congratulations on a huge PR!! More than 12 min. in one year - really big. All your consistent training paid off today. Enjoy and I'm sure you'll keep getting better!

Race: St. George Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:53:46, Place overall: 129, Place in age division: 31
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

After I ran the St George marathon in 2005 I came up with a 2 year plan: run the Utah Grand Slam in 2006 to gain a lot of marathon racing experience; run the 2007 Boston marathon; take a shot at a sub-3 hour marathon at the 2007 St George marathon. I knocked out the first 2 goals without too much of a problem and only had 1 left. After Boston, I decided to take a break from focused training for a while and only use a 12 week training program for St. George. I maintained decent mileage during the summer and set PR’s in a couple of 5K’s, a 10K and a ½ marathon. Once my 12 week program started, I never really got into a groove. After missing one of the biggest planned training weeks due to illness, I started having my doubts about sub-3. I ran another ½ marathon and got another PR but it was not as fast as I wanted it to be to give me the confidence to go for it. I decided to take training up another notch and ran 4 weeks without a day off. I averaged 75 miles per week and started feeling good Ran one more 5k heading into the taper which wasn’t as fast as I expected and took a blow to the confidence. All my shorter race times predicted close to a sub-3 hour marathon. Some predictors were just over 3 hours and others were just under. Finally decided that since there was not a secondary goal I was going to go for the sub-3 and accept the crash if it occurred. I even painted “Sub-3 or Bust” on the back of my car window before the drive to St George just to put a little more pressure on myself.

I slept well the night before the race and I felt better physically and mentally than I have before any other marathon. Took one of the later buses to the start line so that I didn’t have to sit around in the cold. About 10 minutes before the start of the race, I stripped down, vaselined up and headed to the elite starting corral. Only stood around for a couple of minutes until the bullhorn went off indicating the start of the race. Everything seemed to be perfect.

Because of the nature of the course, my plan was to run a little faster than goal marathon pace for the first 6 miles, give some time back on the climb up Veyo and the smaller climb through Dammeron Valley. Wanted to hit the half in 1:31 and run a 2 minute negative split.

For the first 7 miles I went completely by feel and ignored the mile splits. I averaged 6:35/mile which was 10 seconds per mile faster than I planned. I felt good and well in control of my pace so I wasn‘t concerned about going out too fast. The eighth mile includes the climb up Veyo. Ran this in 7:28 which is exactly what I planned. The next 4 miles include the climb through the Dammeron Valley. I averaged 7:04/mile through this section which, in hindsight, was a little slow. It felt like it was getting colder and I was worried that I was starting to dehydrate. Heard the same comment from another runner so I figured that I was alright. Started to pick the pace up again and ran miles 13 and 14 in 6:39 and 6:40. Hit the half in 1:29:20 which was 1:30 faster than I planned. The strangest part of the race to this point was that the miles seemed to be clicking by faster than any race that I have ever run. In fact, when my Garmin beeped and I went to check my mile 8 split I was actually on mile 9.

Miles 15 and 16 are my favorite miles on the course because they have big downhills and fast splits are exactly what you need mentally at this point in the race. My splits were 6:15 and 6:08. I really struggled through miles 17 through 20 last year so I was kind of expecting the same. I felt a lot better this time although I started to experience the first bouts of extreme leg fatigue at mile 19. Despite the tired legs, I averaged 6:38/mile for the 4 miles. At this point I started doing a million calculations. If I slow down to 8:00/mile, can I still finish under 3 hours? If I continue the same pace, how fast will I finish? Of course at this stage in the race, I’m sure that none of my calculations were right. Hit mile 21 in 6:14 and I started to feel it. My pace no longer felt smooth and my legs were burning. I start to feel a head wind and a few people pass me. I really think that the wheels may be falling off because my hands are starting to tingle and this is the first sign of the wall for me. As the wind picked up, I realized that I was in no man’s land. I see a small group of runners ahead so I surge to catch up to them. It seems that the surge shook loose whatever was holding me back because I suddenly felt a lot better. Mile 22 split was 6:38 and I was ready to open it up for the rest of the race.

Hit the next miles in (surprisingly) 6:21, 6:25 and 6:20. With the 1.2 miles to go I start to lengthen the stride a little and let go. Ran mile 26 in 6:17 and the last 0.2 at a 5:45/mile pace.

Finish Time: 2:53:46

First Half: 1:29:20

Second Half: 1:24:26

Overall Place: 129/5,154

Gender Place: 106/2,926

AG Place: 31/465

I am completely shocked with my finish time. I honestly thought that I would be lucky to sneak under 3 hours. The only regret that I have about the race is the almost 5 minute negative split. The second half of the race was only 30 seconds slower than my half marathon PR which was on a notoriously fast course. I would have never predicted that I could run the second half that fast. Looking back, I really don’t think that there is anything that I could have done differently. Now I have to figure out my plan for the next 2 years.

From RivertonPaul on Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 09:43:15

Andy, Great job!

I've always enjoyed your blogs, and you inspire me to train better, blog better, and run better.

From Paul Petersen on Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 09:45:56

Awesome job Andy. I didn't see you at the finish, but looked for your name in the newspaper results the next morning and was really thrilled to see you got it. Your mileage has paid off. Savor it, then on to sub-2:50!

From Cody on Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 10:36:05

Great Job Andy! I was glad to meet you if only for a minute. I am impressed that you shattered your goal by over 6 minutes. HUGE! I knew you had it in you. You still have many more PR's left.

From Cal on Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 11:35:54

Congratulations Andy! You nailed it and then some!

From Maria on Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 14:54:28

Congratulations, Andy! Your splits show that you stayed strong to the end. Even with the downhill in St.George's course you're in sub-3 shape, so you can be confident. Remember all those blog entries where you said how you felt sluggish, slow, etc. Meanwhile, the miles were going into the bank regardless, and now you finally saw the result!

From Jon on Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 16:00:41

Nice job! Crushed your goal and your PR! As for feeling bad about the 5 minute negative split- Paul Peterson also had a 5 minute negative split, which means you did it just right (like an Olympian!)

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 16:12:44


Good work. What a breakthrough! I looked up your time in the results, and was ready to start dancing. You were the blogger that seemed to be doing everything right, but was not getting the results you deserved. Finally they came, I think some people have a nervous system that learns slower than others, but if they are patient, they eventually end up closing the gap with those who respond to the training right away. I think if you can live through 75 miles a week for a while without injuries, you might find a sub-2:50 in you, or maybe even sub-2:40 after a while.

From Superfly on Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 17:45:05

Good race Andy. Your hard work paid off with a great race. Way to PR big time! Keep it up and you'll be looking sub 2:40 in 2 years.

From Craig Green on Wed, Oct 10, 2007 at 17:15:28

Hey fellow 2:53 marathoner! Good job on the race. I thought it was interesting to see your splits. It looks like we both ran a smart race with negative splits. Watch- we'll break 2:40 next year.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Wanted to get out to see how I really feel.  Man, do I hurt.  I haven't been this sore since my first marathon.  I guess that it is a good thing.  Running uphill felt fine but coming back down hurt.  My right ITB seems to be the most sore.  Ran without a watch but imagine the pace was between 8:30 and 9:00/mile.

As I was looking through the SGM results, one thing that really stood out was how many times one blogger finished right after another blogger.  That really shows what a community that this has become.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Just another easy 5 miles.  Legs are still a little sore and I came down with a post marathon cold.  Nothing serious just a little annoying.  One area of my right leg is bothering more than I would like it to but I can't pin point where it is until the residual soreness subsides.  Ran watchless again but I suspect the pace was around 8:30/mile.

From wheakory on Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 11:53:45

Andy, way to crush your PR and get under 3 hours. You need to change your Current running goals and put that proud time down. Awesome job, I've read your blog everyday where you ran when you were sick and were you were struggling in runs, but look what dedication does, it leads to a PR. Nice job.

From RivertonPaul on Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 18:21:17


Great pic!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Woke up, worked for a couple of hours then got dressed to go running.  I got to the front door and just didn't have it in me to go running.  I have no idea what my problem was and it has never happened before but I figured that this is the one week that I can slack off a little.

From Brent on Wed, Oct 10, 2007 at 17:27:26

Andy, great picture of the sub 3 or bust. Congrads again, quite an accomplishment.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Soreness is gone but legs still feel heavy.  I wanted a quiet and peaceful run so I ran out to Farmington Bay.  It was very dark and I had a real hard time figuring out how to get past the Legacy Highway construction.  It must be hunting season because I passed a few guys with rifles on the way back.  

Total Time: 1:03:45 (7:58/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Had to cut the run short again to get my son to school.  I really need to get out the door earlier on Friday mornings.  When I started running I was experiencing a strange pain in my right knee.  It felt better once I warmed up but was rather annoying during the first half of the run.  Soreness is completely gone from my muscles.  Just waiting for the soft tissues to get back to normal.

Total Time: 57:53 (7:56/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Started out with 2 easy miles with the in-law's dog.  That thing has more energy than any creature that I have ever seen.  I was hoping that taking it for a little run would calm it down a little.  Probably should have taken it for the whole 12 because it didn't seem to mellow her out at all.  The rest of the run felt alright except for my right knee.  It was tender all day yesterday and is still sore today.  I think that it is just residual swelling from the marathon.  It doesn't feel like there is any structural damage.

Total Time: 1:37:14 (7:54/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt really good during this run. Was able to run at a decent pace and felt very comfortable. Knee soreness is gone and everything seems to have recovered well. The only bad thing was that every time that I started to get in a good groove I would get interrupted by a car, a traffic light or something else.

I've been thinking about my plans for 2008 and am considering the San Diego Rock and Roll marathon.  Has anybody run this or any of the other RNR marathons? 

Total Time: 59:08 (7:23/mile)

From Chris Rogers on Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 11:37:05


I ran RNR in 2004, prior to them changing the course. It's a fun marathon, but deceptive in that its a more difficult than the course map might indicate. The reason I say that is because you have a pretty good downhill that comes early in the course, but then is pretty flat for the rest of the race with a few uphill blips here and there. It was my first marathon so I made the mistake of pushing on the downhill and then falling apart around 20 miles. There are a lot of people and you can't beat San Diego. Competition-wise, if I remember correctly it was the elites, pretty thin between 2:35-2:45 (at least compared to some marathons), then there were quite a few finishers after that point. If you're looking to improve on your SGM time, you'd definitely have some company to run with!

From Clay on Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 15:11:32

Good job today Andy, its nice to see that you are healing up From SG... Keep up the good work...

From Wildbull on Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 15:58:35

Good job on the SG Marathon!

Yea a got a restraining order that ordered me to refrain from running fast! I am impressed that your back to running again. I will start again this week. maybe go for 40 this week.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Didn't feel all that great today.  I think this is typical with my marathon recovery.  One day I feel great and the next I'm wiped out.  Will probably continue with general aerobic runs for a couple of weeks then start throwing in some workouts.

I am now officially old.  I just happened to be running by Viewmont High while the kids were driving to school.  I couldn't believe the way these kids drive.  I never thought that I would say something like that.  Next thing you know I will be yelling at kids to stay off my lawn.

Total Time: 1:10:40 (7:51/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Started out as a prefect day for a run.  Temperatures were cool and the air was clean from the evening's storms.  I decided to run up to Davis Blvd. because I love the smell of the canyon after it rains.  Things quickly turned ugly about 6 miles into the run.  The wind picked up, it started to rain then turned to hail.  Once the lightening started I was getting worried.  I couldn't decide if I should head for cover or get home as quickly as possible.  The wind propelled hail hitting my face was painful and my feet were soaking wet from sloshing through the puddles. Finally made it home soaking wet, freezing and I loved every minute of it.

Total Time: 1:13:06 ( 7:57/mile)

From Clay on Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 11:36:39

These are the days to savor, good job of hanging on and following through...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt alright.  I'm a little worn out because work is a little hectic right now but nothing major.  Waited to go out until the heavy rain stopped.  I had enough of that yesterday.  Temperatures felt good and it was a nice fall run.

Total Time: 1:14:03 (7:48/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

What a lousy run.  My knee was bothering me this morning and I was short on time so I didn't plan on running very many miles this morning.  I thought that I would be able to run at a decent pace.  I just couldn't get going this morning.  It could have been the wind or the fact that I was overdressed because it was warmer than expected.  For whatever reason, I had no energy.

Total Time: 47:04 (7:51/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I actually slept in this morning.  I can't remember the last time that I slept past 7:00 a.m.  It would have been much better if I would have gotten out the door early because it started raining very hard as I was heading out the door.  Ran in a steady cold rain for the entire run.  I felt alright physically once I warmed up but my pace was slower than the perceived effort.  Didn't run as many miles this week as I had planned so I will probably go for a short run tomorrow.

Total Time: 1:27:00 (7:46/mile) - Guessed on the time because my Garmin died towards the end of the run.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Just wanted to get out and get in a few quick miles.  Nothing exciting.

Total Time: 34:15 (6:51/mile) 

From Lyman on Sun, Oct 21, 2007 at 21:44:52

Did you run on Davis Blvd today? I noticed from your blog that you are a regular on Davis Blvd. and on today's run I saw a runner with a Garmin 305 that could have been you. He also had a couple of very large poodles.

From Andy on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 07:04:15

Nope, that wasn't me. I only run on Davis Blvd once every couple of weeks. Most of my runs are Orchard Dr or below.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The cold weather is really starting to move in.  Since my shoes are still wet from last week, I decided to test out the Asics a bought a few months ago that I gave up on after 50 miles.  I now remember why I stopped wearing them.  They felt clunky and I started to develop a hot spot on one of my heels.  Other than that, I felt alright.

Total Time: 59:54 (7:29/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Thought of running up to Eaglewood golf course.  As I approached the train tracks, there was an Amtrack train stopped, blocking the intersection.  I waited for a couple of minutes and there was not signs that it was going to move.  I thought that I would run along the tracks past the front of the train to get around it.  I tripped over some barbed wire so gave up on that and backtracked along the road.  Only made it 1 mile up Eagleridge Drive before having to head back home.  It was kind of an odd run and never really got in a groove.  Started to run out of energy at the end which I attribute to being low on fuel because I didn't eat much yesterday.

Total Time: 1:11:38 (7:58/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran 3 miles at a little slower than tempo pace.  Energy was low so I really couldn't get going as quickly as I wanted to.  Averaged 6:38/mile but it was more work than it should have been.  Cooled down with 3 easy miles.

Total Time: 1:06:57 (7:26/mile) 

From wheakory on Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 12:19:28

Somedays are like that where you don't feel like pushing, but if I feel like that usually on that first tempo mile, I just think and focus and push passed the first tempo mile than my body/legs seem to freshen up. Sometimes you have to push passed the first mile and not give in and just want to relax on the run. I've found that this works for me.

From Andy on Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 13:21:19

I was only planning on 3 LT miles so I didn't cut the faster miles short. Each mile was progressively faster but I just didn't have the energy that I wanted. I still don't think that I am 100% recovered from the marathon and this was my first attempt at anything other than regular running.

From wheakory on Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 13:24:28

True. St. George has not been that long ago and its really good not to push the wheels to much to soon. Very good run. My legs are not quite at peak performance either after St. George.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Took it easy today.  Had a hard time getting out the door but felt good once I got going.  

Total Time: 46:19 (7:43/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My wife is out of town so I had to do the loops around the neighborhood again.  My knees were very sore when I woke up and it took a while for them to loosen up.  For the first couple of laps around the neighborhood, my head felt very fuzzy.  I'm not sure what the deal was but it was a very strange feeling.  Eventually, I was able to shake the fuzzy feeling and the last few laps felt better.

Total Time: 1:8:59 (7:40/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It took everything I had to fight off all of the excuses not to run today and get myself out the door.  It's kind of hard to explain but it feels like there is a void that running isn't filling anymore.  Once I got out the door and was warmed up, I felt better.  Had to stick to the neighborhood loop again because my wife is still out of town.  It's a 1.4 mile loop and isn't as boring as I expected it to be.  Maintained a little quicker pace than I normally run.  Physically, I felt pretty good except my kness are still a little achy.

Total Time: 1:12:28 (7:15/mile) 

From Clay on Sun, Oct 28, 2007 at 00:18:37

Nice job of following through Andy, some days are like that and just getting out the door is the good thing, give yourself a pat on the back because you deserve it...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran up to the mouth of Mueller Park canyon.  Knees have been really sore lately.  I think that it is from the change in the weather.  On the way back down, I got a really bad stomach cramp and had to stop for a couple of minutes to let the pain subside.  It was a lot warmer than I expected so I was a little overdressed.  Thought of ditching my outer layers but decided to keep them on just in case.  

Total Time: 1:14:21 (8:16/mile) (41:29 going up, 32:52 coming down) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Since it's Halloween, I thought it was appropriate to run the cemetery loop.  Felt a little better than I have the past few days.  I got a new pair of shoes and decided to get 1/2 size smaller.  I've been running in a 1/2 size too big to save my toes but I want to experiment with the appropriate size to see if it will smooth things out.

Total Time: 1:06:38 (7:25/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Very blah run.  Almost turned back home after the first few steps.  My knees are really aching and it takes a couple of miles for them to warm up.  Felt much better after 3 miles.  

The SL Trib is showing no love to the FRB.   There is an article about Josh Rohatinsky running the trials this weekend and it says there are 3 Utahns competing in the trials - no mention of Paul or Logan.  They probably pulled the information from the USATF site that is not updated.

Total Time: 55:05 (7:39/mile)

From Clay on Thu, Nov 01, 2007 at 10:59:11

That sound like the SL Tribune, thats a bunch of you know what!!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I've had every intention of running a tempo run this week but I kept putting it off.  Finally forced myself to put in the effort today.  Ran a 4 mile tempo run after warming up with 3 semi-easy miles.  The pace felt good after the first 1/4 mile.  Unfortunately my Garmin died halfway into the tempo miles.  I think that my first 2 miles were 6:35 and 6:25.  I tried to maintain the same effort for the last 2 miles but fear that I may not have pushed as hard as I should have without having the watch to keep me honest.  I'm guessing that I averaged no worse than 6:35/mile for the 4 miles.  Finished up with 2 cool down miles.  Got home and my son was pacing nervously on the driveway.  He has to be to school early on Friday's and I guess I cut it a little too close for his comfort. 

Total Time: 1:06:20 (7:22/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

There is a new running group starting in the South Davis area and I tried to meet up with them.  I left the house a little late and the meeting place was 1 mile further away than I thought so I missed them.  I headed out in a direction that I thought they would be but never found them.  On my way home, the organizer of the group was at the meeting point so I was able to fill out the paper work to join the club.  Something is missing from my running right now and I hope that joining a group will help.  I felt pretty good during the run.  Held a pretty consistent pace from start to finish and felt good physically.  

 I was a little surprised with the results of the Olympic trials.  I figured that Ryan Hall was the front runner but didn't think that Brian Sell and especially Dathan Ritzenhein were quite ready.  I'm still trying to find out how the local guys did

Total Time: 1:29:04 (7:25/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt really good today.  Pace felt smooth and comfortable.  It was nice to finally have a good run.

Total Time: 1:05:19 (7:15/mile) 

From Clay on Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 10:00:29

Good job Andy, days like you had today are fun to savor, keep it up...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Failed speed session.  Warmed up with 2.25 easy miles then ran 3X1 miles at 5K pace with 1/2 mile recovery jog in between each.  I expected these to be under 6:00/mile but had a hard time holding the pace.  First mile in exactly 6:00 but didn't feel great.  Second mile in 6:01 and almost called it quits.  Ran the third mile in 6:10 and had a real hard time getting my legs to move.  It is very disappointing because nothing really hurts, I just can't convince my legs to move fast.  My diet has been pretty bad lately which is probably why I could run as well as I expected.  I plan on running a 5k race on Saturday and hopefully I will run better then.

Total Time: 1:03:31 (7:28/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran the Val Verda/Davis Blvd. loop.  Not sure how smart it is to run a hilly route the day after speed work.  Legs were a little heavy but I felt pretty good for the most part.  Opened it up on the downhill section and it felt good.  

Total Time: 1:14:34 (7:51/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Nice and easy recovery run.  Legs felt a little heavy so I kept the pace slow.  I was going to run along Farmington Bay but I heard a lot of gun fire as I approached so I decided it wasn't a very good idea.  I thought that it was too dark for the hunters but I guess I was wrong.  Continued through W. Bountiful into Centerville than headed back home.  It was a nice, peaceful run.  My left kidney has been a little sore.  I'm not sure if it a return of a stone or just a sign of dehydration.

Total Time: 1:05:08 (8:09/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I feel really wiped out.  I have no idea what the problem is.  I almost feel a little over trained but that's not possible since my mileage and intensity has been down for the past month.  I haven't been sleeping very well so maybe it is from lack of sleep.  Felt alright after a few miles but not as peppy as I would like.  I'm not expecting anything spectacular from tomorrow's 5K.

Total Time: 54:30 (7:34/mile) 

From Cal on Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 13:06:26

Hey Andy,

I remember from one of your posts a while back that you ran thru some Tibial Stress fractures. Can you tell me what the symptoms were, how long the pain lasted, etc?


From Andy on Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 13:23:39

Typical symptoms are: localized pain, pain doesn't go away after warming up, can not hop on the leg that hurts.

I started experiencing discomfort in my left tibia in January 2004. I assumed that it was shin splints so I kept running. The pain worsened and I could start to feel it in my right tibia as well. Six weeks later I went to the doctor because I had a hard time walking and was diagnosed with stress fractures in both tibias. I ran a marathon 6 weeks after the doctor's appointment and was nearly pain free at that point.

Race: Davis Gobbler Gallop 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:18:27, Place overall: 5
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Went outside this morning and couldn't believe how nice the weather was.  The temperature was perfect for racing.  Although I didn't have a real great week running, I felt pretty good this morning.  Often times, when I am feeling poor leading up to a race I end up racing really well.  Warmed up by running 2 miles to the starting line.  There were a few really fast looking guys so I could tell that, despite this being a fun run, that there was good competition.  After looking at a map of the course, I didn't think that this would be a fast race.  The first mile has a slight elevation gain (38 feet), there is a good elevation gain during the second mile (83 feet) then the third mile really drops (125 feet).  My plan was to run 6:15, 6:30 then hope I have something left to take advantage of the downhill.  As it turned out, this is exactly what Sasha's course tool predicts.

The gun went off and the lead pack quickly formed.  There weren't the usual young rabbits sprinting for the first 100 meters for some reason.  I settled into 8th place and the pack slowly stretched out and nobody was running together.  After about 0.75 miles, I caught and passed another runner.  First mile came in at 5:57 and I was really surprised.  Turned onto 500 South which is where the majority of the elevation gain is.   I slowly moved up on another runner and was able to pass him during the uphill.  Turned onto Orchard Drive and the big climbing is done but now there is a slight incline for another half mile.  I was slowly closing in on the runner ahead of me.  I eventually caught up to him just past the 2 mile mark.  Second mile was 6:31 which was exactly what I wanted.  I started to get really nauseous at this point.  The feeling only lasted for a few seconds.  We eventually turned onto 1800 South which is where the fun begins.  It is a pretty good downhill.  I could see another runner ahead of me but wasn't sure if I could catch him.  I could feel somebody moving up from behind so I tried to focus on my best downhill running technique.  I relaxed and let gravity do it's thing and was able to put some distance between me and the other runner.  Unfortunately, I wasn't making up any ground on the runner ahead.  Made one of the last turns and took a peek over my shoulder.  I was surprised to see 3 runners only a couple of seconds behind me.  Since I don't have a very strong kick, I started to worry a little.  I put it into another gear and started to move.  At this point I really started getting nauseous.  This usually makes me slow down but I refused the urge this time.  I kept going and made it through the finish line in 18:27.  Last 1.1 ended up being 5:59 (5:26/mile).  I got an unexpected PR and was finally able to average less than 6:00/mile in a 5K.  Just after crossing the finish line, the nausea overwhelmed me and I started to dry heave.  Fortunately nothing came up. 

From Cody on Sat, Nov 10, 2007 at 17:02:51

Awesome effort - dry heaving??? Sweet!!

From James on Sat, Nov 10, 2007 at 17:11:11

Nice! I have never done the whole dry heaving thing before, but it shows that you pushed yourself and earned your PR. Good job!

From Lybi on Sat, Nov 10, 2007 at 18:19:34

GREAT PR! That's quite a milestone to ave. less than 6 min. for a 5K. You're getting faster and faster-at all distances. Congrats!

I admire your tenacity pushing through those heaves. Geesh!

From Tom on Sat, Nov 10, 2007 at 20:40:40

Great race report - congrats on the PR! Like James I haven't dry heaved yet but came pretty close in my last race. You've given me inspiration to push harder next time and lay it all on the line (and perhaps lose my bagels).

From KevinR on Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 14:12:34

Run 'til you puke ;)

Congratulations on the PR and the sub-6!

From Cal on Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 14:43:26

Nice job Andy!

From jtshad on Tue, Nov 13, 2007 at 16:39:41

Nice job on putting out maximum effort, getting the PR. Way to use the competition as motivation to push your limits.

From Mark on Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 11:24:32

That was awesome. Run as fast as you can without throwing up before the finish line (after is ok!)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Wife's at work and kids are at Grandmas so I decided to get a few miles in.  Felt really good this morning.  It's amazing how much better a good race can make you feel.  Yesterday's race seemed to snap me out of the funk that I was in last week.  

Total Time: 1:05:38 (7:30/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

There was a very thick fog this morning and my legs felt just as heavy.  I think that the soreness from the race on Saturday finally kicked in.  Turned the run into a recovery run because I just couldn't get my legs to move.  It was kind of nice and peaceful running in the fog.

Total Time: 57:30 (8:13/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My legs are still really sore.  I'm surprised that they are this sore.  First couple of miles were rough but felt a lot better once I warmed up.

Total Time: 1:09:49 (7:45/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My feet were extra slappy today for some reason.  As usual, the first half of the run felt awful but I felt good once I warmed up.  It's getting really cold and I need to find my winter gloves.  The $1 throw away gloves aren't keep my hands warm enough anymore.

Total Time: 1:07:45 (7:37/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I've had a little discomfort in my chest for the past few days.  Nothing major but enough for me to make sure that I have my Road ID on my shoe.  I'm going to take it easy for a few days until I can figure out what the cause is.  I had a stressful week at work last week which is what I think is the source of the problem.  The run itself felt good but very cold.  

Total Time: 1:01:27 (7:41/mile) 

From jtshad on Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 10:03:22

Hope it is just stress...work can do that, can't it. Take it is and hopefully the runs can help alleviate the stress.

From Cal on Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 16:30:17

Take care of yourself. With all of your good running this year, you've earned some easy days.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 17:36:12

Lack of sleep and stress can do all kinds of odd stuff. Make sure to get some sleep.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Still taking it easy.  My chest discomfort is about the same.  I think that I may hit the Instacare tonight just to make sure that nothing is wrong.  Actually, I made the mistake of mentioning the discomfort to my wife so she is insisting that I have it checked out.  I strapped on my HR monitor just to make sure that nothing is out of whack.  My resting heart rate was normal (43) and my heart rate during the run was pace appropriate (145-150).  

Total Time: 56:21 (7:38/mile) 

From Clay on Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 13:16:30

My resting heart rate is 55, so 43 is awesome... Does my age affect that? I am 45 years young. Good job today Andy.

From Sasha Pachev on Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 13:36:45

My resting HR is 48 and has been that way since the age of 16. There could be man reasons for chest discomfort, heart problems is only a part of them.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Went to the Instacare last night to get an EKG and make sure that my chest discomfort was not serious.  Instacares are limited as to what they can do and even more limited in what they will tell you (too much C.Y.A.) and even though the EKG looked alright, he couldn't tell me that there was nothing wrong.  I either had to go to the ER or wait until Monday to go to the Utah Heart Center.  The discomfort that I've been having isn't serious and I wouldn't even classify it as a pain.  My wife said that I couldn't run until I had it checked so I decided to go to the ER.  Working in the Actuarial department of a health insurance company, I know what a waste of money this is and really didn't want to do it but to put my wife's and my own mind to ease, I felt that it was the best thing to do.  Got to the ER and was strapped to a HR monitor, had some blood drawn and had another EKG.  They wanted to check the enzyme levels to make sure that there hasn't been any damage to the heart.  Blood test came back fine and I was sent home after a couple of hours.  I am going to the Utah Heart Center on Monday to have a stress echo.  One good thing that came out of the ER visit was that I was able to set a new HR PR.  While waiting for the blood test to come back, I was able to get my heart rate down to 37 b.p.m.  I think that the ER doctor was once an athlete (looked like a tri-athlete).  He told me that as a physician he couldn't give me the go ahead to run but if he were in my situation, he would probably still run (more C.Y.A.)

I wanted to hook up with the South Davis Road Runners this morning by running 2.9 miles to the rec center.  It is a new group and there aren't a lot of runners signed up yet.  There isn't anybody that runs at my pace so I ran alone.  It will be good once the group grows and hopefully I will be able to find somebody to run with.  I was able to find out what the 5k course for the Thanksgiving turkey trot is. 

I read somewhere about the Ryan Shay memorial 5.5 mile run.  It asked people to dedicate 5.5 miles of their run today to Ryan Shay and take time to think about life.  I decided to run the 5K course plus 2.4 miles at a little slower than tempo pace as my Ryan Shay run.  I ran the course in 20:44 then turned around and ran most of the course backwards at the same pace.  Felt good for the most part.  Chest discomfort is mostly gone.  After the 5.5 miles I stopped to reflect on some things for a few minutes.  Finished up by running another 2.5 miles home.

Total time:  1:19:48 (7:19/mile)

From Brent on Sun, Nov 18, 2007 at 15:49:16

Andy, thanks for your comments. I had a similar chest/heart thing a few years ago and went thru all the tests. They could not find a thing. It sounds like tests are going well from your explanation. It is hard as heck to back off from running. I think what happended to Ryan Shay has many of us watching ourselves closer. By the way, are you going to run any winter series races, we signed up for the stider series.

Take Care, B of BS Rools out.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance


Ran the Davis Blvd loop and felt really good. What a great morning for a run. I wore shorts and a long sleeve shirt. Not the normal attire for the middle of November.

Total Time: 1:15:08 (7:31/mile)


Not sure how to count the afternoon miles.  Went to the Utah Heart Clinic for a stress echo exam.  Showed up, had the ultrasound then hopped on the treadmill.  You start out walking on a slight incline then every 3 minutes it speeds up and the incline increases.  There are 7 stages to the test and they said that they have never had anybody finish all 7 stages.  I took it as a challenge.  You have to get your heart rate to 166 bpm and they wanted me to go a little longer because they knew my heart rate would recover quickly and they had to do another ultrasound while the heart rate was elevated.  The first few stages were really easy.  I think that it wasn't until the third or fourth stage when I actually started jogging.   Once I hit the 6th stage my heart rate hit 166 and they asked if I wanted to keep going.  I said that I wanted to finish the test if it was alright with them.  During the 7th stage, my legs started to get tired and I could start to feel the effort.  They were curious to see what the program would do after the 7th stage.  Hit 21 minutes and nothing exciting happened so they had me stop at 21:07.  My heart rate got up to 183 bpm.  I think that I could have gone for another 2 minutes if we had the time.  Considering that the people who usually take this test aren't in very good shape I guess that it isn't a great accomplishment but I will take whatever victories that I can.

The test revealed that everything is perfect with my heart so I have nothing to worry about.  The discomfort is most likely due to inflammation in the chest cavity.  At least I now know that my heart is in good shape.

From Kim on Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 18:55:04

I'm sure your wife is breathing easier knowing you went in to have this test done! Glad it said you have a healthy, happy heart!

From Cal on Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 19:03:21

That sounds like good news Andy. I thought about you last night, as I was having some strange chest pain of my own. It went away after a while, but I always worry that I'm stubborn enough that I wouldn't recognize something serious if it happened.

From Brent on Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 19:18:47

Andy, good to hear you are back pounding the pavement. I surprised you did not keep going and break the equipment, that would have been cool.

From Clay on Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 00:44:52

That is good news Andy, no you can train with a clear mind and be focused...

From jtshad on Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 10:35:29

Good to get that possible problem out of the way...running has probably kept your heart in good shape.

From rdrunner on Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 10:48:12

Glad to hear everything is good with your heart Andy. You should have kept going just to see what happened with the treadmill....KABOOM!!!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I was a little sleepy as I headed out the door today.  I also got started a few minutes late so I cut the run short so that my wife could get to work on time.  First few miles took a little more effort than it should have but I felt better as the run progressed.  My knees are a little achy which I think is due to the cold front moving in.

Total Time: 1:00:44 (7:35/mile)

From Dustin on Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 11:53:30

Oh Andy! I can't believe you are a Ute fan. Actually, right out of high school I took a tour of the U and had thoughts about going there, but ended up at Ricks College, then transfered to the Y. Hope you have a good Thanksgiving and keep up the good training.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Man, is it cold.  Two days ago I was wearing shorts and today I got frostbite on my fingers.  I ran the course for tomorrow's turkey trot just to get a feel for how the race is going to be.  Between the cold and the course elevation, it will probably be a little slow.  The first mile should be fast but then the next 2 miles are slightly uphill.  Felt decent today except for my frozen hands.

Total Time: 1:09:09 (7:41/mile) 

From jtshad on Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 11:10:38

Good luck and have fun tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Race: South Davis Rec Center Turkey Trot (3.1 Miles) 00:18:47, Place overall: 4, Place in age division: 1
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

“Warmed up” by running from home to the South Davis Rec Center (3 miles).  It was very cold.  Hung out inside the rec center until 15 minutes before the race.  Went outside and ran ¼ mile just to get warmed up again and decide how much clothing that I wanted to wear.  The sun had come out and it warmed up a little.  Decided to go with shorts, long sleeve under armour, my fastrunningblog t-shirt and one pair of gloves.  Lined up and noticed a few high school aged kids that looked like trouble.  My plan was to run 5:40, 6:15, 6:15 because miles 2 and 3 are slightly uphill.  The race started and once we hit the main road after a dangerous, winding start littered with loose gravel I settled into 6th place behind a bunch of younger runners.  Moved up to fifth place after ½ mile then into fourth place just before the 1 mile marker.  I really didn’t feel that great and knew that my split was going to be slower than I wanted.  First mile came in at 5:51 and I felt sluggish.  During the second mile, the first and second place runners were moving really well and third place felt just out of reach.  I continued to plug along and crossed the 2 mile marker in 6:15.  It was right on target but didn’t feel very fast.  At the 2.5 mile marker, I started getting the pukey feeling and could hear a runner closing in on me.  I started having the negative thoughts and did my best to fight them off.  Tried to push a little harder but just couldn’t hit the next gear.  I knew that if I could make it to 400 North in 4th place then I could probably hold off the runner behind me because it is just ¼ mile of downhill to the finish.  Ran the third mile 6:14 then cruised through the last 0.1 at 4:59/mile pace.  Finished in 18:47, which was good enough for 4th place overall and the first old dude.  I got beat by a kid from Box Elder High, a kid from Viewmont High and another young guy who said he is going to walk on to USU’s XC team.  While my finish time is almost exactly what I expected it to be, I am a little disappointed in my effort.  I struggled during the second mile mentally and still need to work on fighting the negative thoughts during races.  I won a bag, a t-shirt, a couple of Jamba Juice certificates and a Jamba Juice cup for winning my age division. 

From Lybi on Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 19:42:13

Great job Andy! Way to frighten all those youngsters. Holy smokes, you closed fast!

I struggle with those negative thoughts in races, too. I notice them a lot more when I am not getting enough sleep.

From Clay on Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 23:03:53

Nice job Andy B. way to show those youngsters who's the boss!!!

From wheakory on Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 02:26:11

Nice race. Don't be disappointed it was a great effort. Sometimes the body just doesn't want to do the mental strategy that you plan out. Also the cold weather does affect and make a difference too. Great effort!

From Michael on Sat, Nov 24, 2007 at 13:02:34

Looks like youre having a year like Cody - "A year of PRs" - that makes it a great race and great year - Congrats

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I think that I ran too hard after my last 5k so I decided to take it very easy today.  

Total Time: 1:03:49 (7:58/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran up to the rec center to meet up with the South Davis Road Runners.  I'm still on my own pace wise but I think that I will keep going just to be part of the group.  The planned run was either a 3+ or 5+ mile loop.  I ran the 5+ mile loop and a pretty easy pace.  As I was heading back I noticed a couple of runners from the group ahead of me so I tried to catch up with them.  They were holding a decent pace so I couldn't catch them until the very end of the run.  I want to start building my Saturday mileage back up so I took the long way home to get the run up to 14 for the day.  Felt really good during the run except my hands froze.

Total Time: 1:45:54 (7:34/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Got a late start and had to cut the run short because we are going to decorate a tree for the Festival of Trees.  I felt really good except my chest was a little heavy.  My daughters have been sick the past week and I fear that I am starting to get what they had. 

Total Time: 52:05 (7:14/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I was very tired when I woke up this morning.  I had a real hard time getting myself to get out the door.  It took 3 miles before I felt decent.  I'm waking up congested so I think that I am trying to fight off a little illness.

Total Time: 1:10:01 (7:47/mile) 

From wheakory on Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 11:46:49

The important thing is you got out the door. Good job. The motivation isn't there when you know your starting to get sick. It takes a true competitor like yourself to get out the door. Nice run.

From andee on Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 14:05:13

Great job getting out the door even though you aren't feeling great. It's fun to hear from someone else with twins!! Running has been a great distraction and I love it because it's just "ME" time and no one can be climbing on me or asking for something. Happy running!

From marciej on Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 21:10:03

Way to go on getting out! I think the blog helps with that. I am positve I would have slept in some mornings but coulnt handle that fact that I would have nothing to post. And I am curious to see what kind of runner you decide to become when you grow up:)

From marciej on Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 21:13:39

sorry my spelling of coulnt should have been "could not"

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Got a late start so I had to cut the run short.  This seems to be a common theme for this week.  I always like the run after the first snow storm because everything is so clean.  The roads and sidewalks were very slippery so it was hard to push the pace so I took it easy.

Total Time: 1:03:50 (7:31/mile) 

From Cal on Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 10:55:34

8.5 miles isn't too bad for a short run... Good job!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran 4 miles at tempo pace.  First mile was a few seconds slow but was able to pick up the pace for the remaining 3 miles.  Averaged 6:30/mile which was exactly what I was shooting for.  I felt good physically but struggled a little mentally.  It did feel good to get in a few quicker miles.  I finally found my good running mittens so my hands where actually warm during the run.

Total Time: 1:06:22 (7:22/mile) 

From jhorn on Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 18:54:54

My 5k/10k PRs are exactly like yours. I'll look with interest at your training. You give me hope that I should be able to break 3 in the marathon with the right training. Right now I've run 1:30 for the half but feel it was soft. I'm also similar in age--one year younger, but my only child is a black cat, lucky me. Press on, I guess at a race next year we'll be in the same age division. Looking forward to it.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance


Just to be consistent this week, I got a late start and had to cut the run short. I planned on getting at least 9 in today so I am a little disappointed with the mileage. Maybe I can get a couple of miles in later today but it is tough for me to find time for a second run in a day.

Total Distance: 6 miles 

Total Time: 44:08 (7:21/mile)


After picking the kids up from school, I decided that I would try to hurry and get in a few miles.  First I ran 0.5 miles with Gracie because she begged to go running with me.  Dropped her back home and headed out for a quick 4.  I'm not used to running in the afternoon and my body let me know that it was not happy.  I had a wicked side stitch for much of the run.  I pushed the pace during the last mile and was running well coming down my street (sub 6:00 pace) when I was attacked by a wild pack of dogs (a bassett, beagle and chihuahua) and had to stop so they wouldn't get too far from their home.

Total Distance: 4.5 miles

Total Time: 34:22 (7:07/mile for my miles and 12:00/mile with Gracie) 

From Jeff on Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 16:03:25

I hear you on getting a late start. Late starts (and bathroom breaks) have killed more than one of my runs in recent weeks...today in fact. Wanted 10...got 7...whatcha gonna do?

From Clay on Sun, Dec 02, 2007 at 11:08:33

I am with you on the late starts, it is nothing but trouble, it has killed me a few times too. A good job following through Andy, keep it up...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Got to run in 2 states today.  Started in Wendover, NV and ran into Utah then back to Wendover.  Probably one of the most visually boring run that I have ever been on.  Felt pretty good until the turn around point when I had to turn into a really nasty headwind.  On the way out the wind started to kick up at mile 6 so I had very little tail wind. I started to fatigue towards the end of the run because I didn't have my fuel belt and didn't fuel very well prior to the run.

Total Time: 1:46:22 (7:40/mile) 

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Today was a good general aerobic run.  At times I felt a little clunky but felt good for the most part.  I rolled my ankle on a chunk of ice and tweaked my ITB.  It wasn't bad but enough that I could feel a little pressure during the run.

Total Time: 1:06:53 (7:26/mile) 

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I have been in the mood to run up to Mueller Park canyon for a few days so I decided to do it today.  I picked the wrong day to do it.  My legs would not respond at all while trying to run uphill.  Coming back down was just as bad.  Not sure what the problem was - it's probably just one of those days.

Total Time: 1:14:50 (8:19/mile) - I will have to double check this because it didn't seem like it was this slow.  The history in my Garmin is all messed up so I can not check the mile splits. 

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Took it easy today to let the legs recharge.  They've been feeling a little tight for a few days.  Considered going a little further because I was feeling good but decided that it would be better to have an easy day.

Total Time: 1:03:37 (7:57/mile) 

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I felt very tired this morning.  I wanted to run a few miles at tempo pace but wasn't sure if I would be able to.  Warmed up with 3 easy miles and didn't feel very good.  Decided to start the tempo run and see how things would go.  First mile didn't feel very fast but came in at 6:26.  The next 3 miles felt pretty similar.  I really didn't feel like I was pushing hard but each of the miles came in just under 6:30 (the history in my Garmin is messed up so I'm do not have exact splits).  Fourth mile was a few seconds slower because I got lazy.  Finished up with 2 easy miles to cool down.  

Total Time: 1:06:59 (7:26/mile) 

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It was cold and rainy but the drops were small so it didn't seem too bad.  My legs felt a little dead so I took it very easy today.  

Total Time: 1:16:32 (8:13/mile) 

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My wife had to go to work early this morning so I wasn't sure that I would be able to get in a run at all.  Went out for a quick 5 before I had to get home and shovel the driveway.  I am planning on putting my weekend long run tomorrow.

Total Time:  I have no idea because my Garmin is dead.  I think that it was probably 7:30-7:40/mile pace. 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

This is my favorite weather to run in - a light snow falling but not cold enough for it to stick to the ground.  I really didn't feel like running this morning but knew that it would be alright once I got started.  My plan was to run up to Davis Blvd. via Eaglewood Dr.  As I was heading up the hill and a painful 11:00/mile pace, I realized that Eaglewood Dr. does not connect to Davis Blvd.  I meandered through the neighborhoods for a little while then headed in a direction that I thought would get me to Davis Blvd.  Finally found my way and ran comfortable along Davis as far as it would take me then headed back towards home.  My pace was quicker than it felt which is always a good thing.

Total Time: 1:46:03 (7:35/mile)

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My legs were asking for an easy day and I gave in.  I chose a really bad route to run.  The highway was too busy to run on and the sidewalks haven't been cleared yet.  It was really hard to maintain a decent pace and ended up being more work than it should have been.  We had a Christmas party last night and my BIL gave me some reflective bracelets to wear while running in the dark.  I feel like Wonder Woman when I wear them.

Total Time: 58:13 (8:19/mile) 

From Cal on Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 10:14:10

Hey, did you see your name under the 'Lone Faithfuls' category this morning?

I liked the Wonder Woman imagery...

From andee on Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 10:20:41

Well, at least as "wonder woman" you will be safe out there running in the dark! Who know's maybe they'll have some magic powers for you. Good job today.

From Andy on Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 13:21:57

Thanks for the comments and pulling me off the Lone Faithfuls list.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

This is the first time this winter where the temperature felt bitter cold and the wind certainly wasn't helping.  After a few miles I was able to warm up and felt pretty good.  The last 2 miles were into the wind so my pace slowed a bit but the effort was decent.  I have to do a hard reset on my Garmin but can't remember how.  Can anybody remind how to do this?

Total Time:  1:07:55 (7:33/mile)

From jtshad on Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 11:33:12

I had to do it recently, but don't remember off the top of my head. Go to Garmin's website and they have it on the FAQ's page.

From Cal on Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 11:34:56

Which model do you have?

From Andy on Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 11:47:42

I have a 201 - yeah I'm old school. When I look at the history, all the dates are Jan 17 and the number of laps are in the thousands or negative. I was hoping that a hard reset would correct the problem. I may need to reload the software.

From Cal on Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 12:08:22

If you hold the 'Mode' button when powering up it asks if you want to clear all data... Is that the reset you were thinking of?

Also, if you hold the 'start/stop' button when powering up, it will tell you which software version you are running. It looks like v3.70 is the latest available.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Unscheduled day off.  My wife and I are doing some Christmas shopping today so I took the day off work.  Decided that I may as well take the day off from running as well.  With the year winding down, I may cut back on the mileage a little before ramping it back up at the start of the year.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It is getting colder every day. . It didn't feel as bad as the other day because by body is starting to acclimate to the cold.  Felt pretty good during the run and was able to hold a decent pace except for the sections where the sidewalks were covered in ice.  The hard reset on my Garmin seemed to do the trick and fixed the history (thanks Cal).  Some personal issues presented themselves last night and I'm not sure how it is going to affect my opportunity to run.  Since running is the one thing that I can control, I am hoping that I can maintain a decent schedule.

Total Time: 59:12 (7:24/mile) 

From Clay on Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 09:50:21

Hang in there with the personal issues they always find away to work themselfs out, good job on the run today too...

I agree it is getting colder, I about froze this morning!!!

From Cal on Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 11:12:56

Good luck with the personal stuff. I hope things work out well for you. Keep up the good running as best you can!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My son has to be at school early on Friday's so my run ends up being cut short sometimes.  Ran a hillier route just to make the miles count.  Body feels alright and I think that the lower mileage this week has helped.

Total Time: 56:00 (7:47/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My wife had to work early again today so I couldn't get a full long run in.  Met the South Davis road runners at the rec center.  Ran a little with them then took off on my own.  Ran by the cemetery and cleared the snow off my dad's headstone.  Last 3 miles were at 6:49/mile pace and felt really easy.  I will try to get in a long run tomorrow but am not sure if it will happen.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran up to Mueller Park Canyon then back home. When I got up to the trail in the canyon, I hung out for a few minutes just thinking about things. It was nice and peaceful and felt good just to be up there. I wanted to make the run a little more punishing than it was but I just couldn't find the energy to do it.

Total Time: 1:17:40 (42:40 going up, 35:00 coming down)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I only got a couple of hours of sleep last night and I couldn't convince myself to run this morning.  I usually take Sunday off but ran yesterday so I guess that I will count this as my off day this week.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My girls have been sick and I feel like it may be hitting me.  I may just be tired from not getting a lot of sleep the past couple of days.  Only got 7 miles this morning but at least it was something.  Took a couple of miles to warm up then felt pretty good for the rest of the run.

Total Time: 54:53 (7:37/mile) 

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Still not getting the sleep that I need.  I also feel like the colds that my daughters had last week is trying to get me.  I usually only get a mild case of whatever they get so hopefully things will clear up quickly.  It was snowing just enough for a thin layer of slippery slush to accumulate on the sidewalks so I had to be very careful with my footing in some spots.  I'm just focusing on getting the miles in right now and will switch my focus to more intense running after the holidays.  Hopefully, things will be a little more clear at that point and I can get serious about running again.

Total Time: 1:09:54 (7:46/mile) 

From jtshad on Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 14:19:16

Nice run...hope you can stave off the crud. Merry Christmas.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I'm still doing my best to fend off this cold.  It feels slightly worse than yesterday but still nothing major.  Ran in a light rain - is it really supposed to rain in December? Was going a little slow for the first couple of miles then realized that I was just being lazy so picked the pace up towards the end.

Total Time: 52:58 (7:21/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I am a little more sick today than yesterday.  Because of this and the fact that it is snowing I opted to take it very easy today.  Ran 7 miles at a very comfortable pace.  Finished up the workout by clearing the snow from my driveway. 

 Total Time: 56:56 (8:08/mile)

From andee on Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 09:47:00

Good job getting out in the snow and especially when you're not feeling well. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran to the rec center to meet up with the South Davis Road Runners this morning.  Winter is definitely in the air.  It was 15 degrees this morning and that extra 10 degrees makes a big difference.  I usually end up running alone but today I actually got to run with somebody.  I ran the first half solo then Jim Borden caught up to me and we ran the second half together.  It is definitely easier to push a little harder when somebody else is running with you.  I have run 99.9% of my miles alone so it was nice to have somebody there pushing the pace.  After the group run, I finished up by running 3 more miles home.  The little bug I had is almost gone so I think that I am in the clear now.

 Total Time: 1:22:00 (7:27/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Other than a little lingering congestion, I feel good.  Ran the Davis Blvd loop with a good amount of climbing during the first 3 miles.  I was able to hold a little faster pace than I normally do on this route.  It was warmer than I expected so I was a little over dressed.  

Total Time: 1:18:33 (7:38/mile) 

From Clay on Mon, Dec 24, 2007 at 15:18:08

Nice job getting out today, it is always easy to slack off during this time of year. Keep up the good work, your doing really well...

Take care and Merry Christmas!

From krashman on Mon, Dec 24, 2007 at 15:26:31

I remember you too. Boston was a great race and I was wearing the green loco singlet. Didn't we run together for sometime?

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

From Cody on Wed, Dec 26, 2007 at 10:39:44

Guitar Hero should be cross-training anyway...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

After reading the blog this morning and realizing how many people ran yesterday, I really felt like a slacker. After the kids opened their presents yesterday, I looked out the window and it was really beautiful with all of the fresh snow. I was really itching to go running but couldn't pull myself away from Guitar Hero III.

Today, I felt really good after I got warmed up. I was lazy through the first 3 miles but then was able to push a little harder the last 6. Averaged 7:05/mile for the last six mile and the pace felt very comfortable. I guess the decreased mileage over the past couple of weeks has made running a quicker pace easier.

Total Time: 1:06:00 (7:20/mile)

From JeffC on Fri, Dec 28, 2007 at 11:01:23

I know what you mean about guitar hero III. Very Addicting.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I just realized that I put yesterday's run on the wrong day (oops).  My stress level was way too high today to get in a decent run.  Planned on 9 miles but knew very early on that it would only be 7.  Physically, I am experiencing a little knee pain which I think is due to a combination of old shoes and the cold weather.

Total Time: 52:30 (7:30/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

It was cold and I could never really get going.  My hamstrings were tight and my stride did not feel very smooth.  The good news is that I finally found a pair of gloves that keep my fingers warm.

Total Time: 1:09:37 (7:44/mile) 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Missed the club run this morning because I decided to sleep an extra hour since we went to a movie last night and stayed out until midnight.  I originally planned to go 14 or 15 miles this morning but I really wasn't feeling well.  I felt hypoglycemic from the start of the run.  I never could get into a groove and felt sloppy most of the run.  To top things off, my shoes are worn out and I can feel it in my knees and ITB.  During the run a dog that looked just like the dogs in I Am Legend (the movie I saw last night) started charging after me pretty aggressively.  I stopped and turned towards it and it backed off but it freaked me out at first.

Total Time:  1:24:30 (7:41/mile)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I read this morning that a guy that I used to work with who is my age passed away.  It gave me a lot to think about during my run.  I actually felt strong during the run this morning.  Most likely because my mind was focused on something other than how my body felt.  This is my last run of the year.  I finished the year with 2,888.2 miles and PR's in all distances.  The end of the year leaves me facing some new challenges but hopefully running will help me get through them.  Happy new year to everyone.

Total time: 1:08:22 (7:18/mile) 

From Clay on Mon, Dec 31, 2007 at 13:26:03

I wish you the best Andy, and I hope things workout for you. I am sorry to hear about your friend that passed away, it really puts things in perspective. My leg pain is coming back so I am alittle concerned for the New Year, but I hope you have a wonderful New Year and you are able to reach all your goals...

Take care...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
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