| Location: west jordan,ut,usa Member Since: Nov 26, 2007 Gender: Female Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: 2009 Hobblecreek Half Marathon 2:04 PR; 2009 Deseret News 10K 57:32 PR; 2007 Murray Fun Days 5K 27:14 PR. Lots of other 5 and 10K's.
Short-Term Running Goals: Run consistently; Finish another half marathon Long-Term Running Goals: Stay active and healthy; Personal: Stay at home mom of 3 boys. Favorite Blogs: |
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Miles: | This week: | 0.00 |
Month: | 0.00 |
Year: | 0.00 |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 83.00 | 5.10 | 88.10 |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.50 | 0.00 | 3.50 |
| Went out with the ladies in my neighborhood - they're great motivation to get out the door on a cold morning. Went a little slower than I like, but enjoyed the company. Happy to be home and putting up Christmas with my boys | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Well, I was lazy and took today off. It is freezing cold, so I'm way impressed with all of you who went out this morning! Thank you for the welcome messages, I'm excited to be a part of the fastrunningblog. | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.50 | 0.00 | 3.50 |
It was fun to get out and run in the snow this morning. I met the ladies at 6:00 and we were off. The second mile was hard because it was up will and into the wind, but we pushed through it. I'm still freezing so I'm off to get some hot chocolate and feed my kids some breakfast! | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 2.30 | 1.00 | 3.30 |
| Decided to just run on the treadmill today. It was good to really be able to control my speed. I had to jump off a couple of times to break up fights with the twins! | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.75 | 0.00 | 3.75 |
Met the ladies at 6 and did the regular loop. The second uphill mile was really hard today, and I had to talk myself through every stride. I was proud of myself for pushing and not walking. I'm taking my boys to the Festival of Trees today, I hope they like it! | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 4.25 | 0.00 | 4.25 |
Well, I got up at 5:45 so that I could meet the ladies at 6. I headed out my door with a light snow falling and made it to the corner and waited....no one came, so I turned around and traced my footprints back my house. I decided that I was already up and I could hear my boys talking in their room, so I headed downstairs and hit the treadmill. I was dressed for and outside run, so I was hot from the start, but it was nice to just be by myself and think about life.
I've really enjoyed being a part of the blog. It has been a great motivator for me this week. | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.25 | 1.00 | 4.25 |
| I decided to stay warm instead of go out and fight the wind and icy roads. So, I took the kids and hit the treadmill. I went 4 miles in 41:15 and I was happy with that and the fact that the kids actually played the entire time. | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Well today is a ZERO for me! I have a YW meeting at 9:00 and that is really the only excuse I have and it's not even a good one. I'll hopefully be a little more motivated tomorrow to get a good run in. | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.40 | 0.10 | 3.50 |
I was excited to run outside with the ladies. I'm grateful for my treadmill, but I really love running outside and with people. It was a great morning, the weather wasn't too cold and we had great discussions, which made the time go so much quicker. We decided to sprint at the end and that felt great. We should probably try it more often!
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 4.25 | 1.00 | 5.25 |
My husband had to go to work early this morning, so my only option was the treadmill with the kids. My boys didn't cooperate as nicely today and I had to jump off 3 times to break up fights - the joys of motherhood! I was happy to be able to get my 5 miles done in 52:47. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I get to meet the ladies, have adult conversation and even be outside in the cold!
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.50 | 0.00 | 3.50 |
| Well I went out to the corner at 6am and.... I was stood up!!! I walked back home in the light drizzle and climbed back in bed. Not that I was able to go back to sleep, but it was nice to just lay there in my "happy place" for a few minutes. My boys were eager to ride their scooters, so that was my chance to run on the treadmill while they played. It was a good run...I put it on an incline (which is a big deal for me because I try to avoid hills at all costs) and the whole thing was over rather quickly. I'm really hoping that somehow I can get outside tomorrow! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.25 | 1.00 | 4.25 |
I didn't even try to venture outside for an early run this morning. My boys were so excited to play in the snow so that took priority. That being the case I wasn't able to jump on the treadmill until noon. Not so sure I like running in the middle of the day, but at least it's done. I'm excited to have reached 20 miles this week. I haven't had a 20 week since August when I was getting ready for the Hobble Creek half-marathon. It feels good, we'll see if I can try for 2 weeks in row next week. Happy Holidays! | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 6.00 | 0.00 | 6.00 |
| It felt great to get outside and run with the ladies this morning. We went our normal 3.5 loop and it felt really good. I got home and my boys were just getting up, so we all went downstairs and I ran 2.5 more on the treadmill. I'm happy to have a great start on the week! Now I get to look forward to a day of mopping floors and doing laundry - you gotta love Mondays! | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 4.25 | 0.00 | 4.25 |
Well, once again it is Tuesday, which means I have a YW meeting at 9:00 and I didn't/won't get my run in this morning. My goal was to get over 20 miles for the week, and I know that I won't be able to run at all on Saturday so I really need to get a run in at some point today. We'll see if it happens!
Thank you for the support and encouragement to get out there and get a run in today. I was able to head out at 4:00 this afternoon. I had mapped out a run on "mapmyrun.com" and was excited to try something new. Towards the end of my first mile I was really feeling bad and looked at my watch and realized I had done a 9:04 mile - no wonder I felt terrible. I slowed it down and it felt great all the way to the end. I got home and my husband had the boys out playing in the snow - does it really get better than that?!
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.50 | 0.00 | 5.50 |
| Well today was FREEZING! As we ran I was thinking that we are absolutuly crazy to be out running when it's this cold, but we perservered! I went the 3.5 loop with the ladies and then came home and did 2 more miles on the treadmill. I'm going to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch, so I'm glad I burned a few extra calories, it will help with the guilt later on. | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 4.25 | 0.00 | 4.25 |
| It was a slow start this morning. I got myself all ready to go down and hit the treadmill and then I started finded all sorts of excuses not to go down. After an hour I finally forced myself to do it. My plan was to go 3.5, but fortunately the kids were doing pretty well and the run itself was feeling good, so I kept going. Glad to be done! | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.50 | 0.00 | 3.50 |
| Finally it's Friday! I woke up this morning and every part of me was saying don't do it. I did not want to run at all. Then as I sat reading with my boys I realized that I will be sitting for 18-20 hours over the next 2 days and then I thought a run might do me some good. I'm judging a high school dance competition this weekend and therefore my 3.5 miles today was a necessity. I'm glad I reached my goal of at least 20 miles this week. It's amazing how much the blog helps with the added motivation to run even when I don't want to. So, thank you to all of you that take the time to read, comment & encourage me to keep going. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.50 | 0.00 | 3.50 |
Saturday morning I was up and on my way across town at 6:30am. On 90th South I saw two people out running in the FREEZING cold and I thought to myself "they are totally crazy". This morning I was lucky enough to be the "CRAZY" one out running! It felt great to get out on the streets and run with good friends. The best part was that we were so busy chatting that the hill didn't seem so hard or long today.
On a personal note: I spent the weekend sitting on uncomfortable gym benches and my rear end is extremely sore. I didn't realize it was possible to bruise your behind (especially when one has as much padding as mine does) but I think all the pressure for so long has caused some serious damage. At this moment I am standing to type because sitting causes way too much pain. My boys think it's quite funny that mommy has an hurt bottom, but that's the truth! The next time I go judging I'm taking a pillow along as a preventative measure!!!!!
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| NO RUN TODAY! However I did get some great Christmas shopping in and spent a few hours working on YW stuff. I'll make up for the ZERO tomorrow. |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.50 | 0.00 | 5.50 |
| I woke up this morning with my alarm at 5:45. I heard the wind and looked out the window. Once I saw the rain my decision was made and I climbed back in bed. I run with some wonderful ladies, but the last 2 times there was rain/snow they stood me up and I was not going to go for number 3. To make my day even better, my boys slept in to 7:30. I can't remember sleep past 6:30 since they were born. I finally got myself on the treadmill and it felt great. I'm glad to be done for today and now I'm on my way to wait in line at the post office - wish me luck!! | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.00 | 1.00 | 6.00 |
I woke up this morning, not to an alarm clock but to my little boy throwing up! It has been a hard morning at our house. A little later he said he was hungry so I fed him some toast and wouldn't you know it, I saw it all again and again! I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get a run in today until my husband gets home from work. So, here I sit with one little boy who wants to play and another who has a towel and bowl by his side.
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Well, my legs are feeling a little tired from last night's run. I'm thinking I would like to get in at least 3 at some point today, but we'll see. Update: no more throw up!!!! It all ended around noon yesterday and he was back to normal - who knows? I will consider myself lucky!! | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.30 | 0.00 | 5.30 |
| Well todays run was somewhat eventful considering it was on the treadmill. I knew I had to get at least 5 miles in today to reach my goal of 20 for the week. I started out doing great with 2 -10 minute miles and then pain hit. I had to jump off for a few minutes to take care of things. When I started again I took it a little slower and enjoyed watching my boys taking all my food storage off the shelves and reorganizing everything in their own special way. With just about 25 seconds to go in my last lap Briggs threw up! I was glad we were downstairs in the unfinished basement and that my husband was home to clean up - he's so good. We quickly got him in a bath and started thinking and I think it's the egg nog the neighbor gave us last night. She watched him Tuesday and gave him some and Wednesday morning is when we had problems and now today, so... no more egg nog at our house! Tomorrow we head south for the holidays. I'm hoping to enjoy some warmer weather and have some nice runs with my mom. | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
No running or anything else fun for me for the last 2 days. The awful illness that my boys had last week has now made its way to me and my husband. Needless to say it hasn't been the best Christmas ever. I'm crossing my fingers that we are feeling a little more normal tomorrow and that we don't pass it along to any family members. | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.25 | 0.00 | 5.25 |
| FINALLY! It has taken days and days, but I finally felt good enough to go out and run. My mom and I had a wonderful visit while we ran through the streets of Ivins and into Santa Clara. I loved having a change of scenery and am jealous that she gets to run in this setting every day. It's good to be back! | |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 83.00 | 5.10 | 88.10 |
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