I'm getting nervous. I went on a walk today because the office makes me dizzy. I miss walking every day. I used to like to go out with my camera, but alabama is not very walker-friendly. Alas. I am having some kind of allergic reaction to something I touched on my trip, so my forearms and hands are covered in itchy little bumps, like bug bites. The doctor had nothing of consequence to say and told me to take an antihistamine and use topical steroids. But they hardly help, so I'm not sleeping well at all, and I'm getting increasingly nervous. I think I will go eat some oatmeal; I tend to like that when I feel nervous, which is most of the time. Everyone thinks it's odd that I'm going to this race alone, which is making me uncomfortable. It is my experience that waiting around for traveling companions is the quickest way to never go anyplace. In any event, I'll leave tomorrow.